Tranxending Vision

C1389 Drink up this bowl of milk to see you off

C1389 Drink up this bowl of milk to see you off

Xia Lei's answer made Liang Tao feel somewhat disappointed. In his heart, Xia Lei had always been the kind of man who would create miracles everywhere. There were no difficulties that would trouble him, but this time was an exception. But he did not reveal it, after all, Xia Lei was not an almighty god.    


However, Xia Lei did not care about their reactions. After leaving the cockpit and returning to the ground, he started to walk around the Fearless Fighter A. This time when he walked around, he had awakened the power of Insight. Through the Fearless Fighter A, he observed its internal structure.    


The Fearless Fighter A's cockpit looked very simple, but its internal structure was very complicated. Precision instruments and clever structures could be seen everywhere inside. He had designed and created Kunpeng Bomber before, and that was the work of the peak of its kind. However, compared to the Fearless Fighter A in front of him, it was like a child's toy.    


With this scan, he was immediately attracted. Occasionally, his eyes would light up. The feeling of having his eyes shine was especially evident. From time to time, he would let out a sigh, and the feeling that came from the bottom of his heart was extremely distinct.    


"What is he doing?" Kangtu Nana could not help but say, her eyes staring straight at Xia Lei, she was curious about every single movement he made.    


Liang Tao replied: "I don't know either, I can't see through him. He's a guy covered in mystery."    


"I think we should ?" Kangtu Nana thought for a moment before replying, "Perhaps we should get someone to investigate him."    


"Are you talking about that guy?" Liang Tao said.    


Kangtu Nana nodded.    


Liang Tao smiled bitterly and nodded: "You are the boss, you can make the decision. However, I have to remind you that the person you want to investigate is not an ordinary person. "He's not our enemy, but once you get that person to investigate him, he might become our enemy. Have you thought about the consequences of doing that?"    


Kangtu Nana remained silent for a while, before saying: "What you say makes sense. Before I make my decision, contact him and get him ready. "    


Liang Tao nodded his head, and agreed.    


Kangtu Nana's line of sight once again landed on Xia Lei's body. At this time, Xia Lei had already moved to the side of the energy machine gun used by Fighter A. Just like before, Xia Lei was circling around the energy machine gun, his eyes occasionally lighting up and occasionally releasing a sigh, as if he had understood something.    


"Not only is he a freak, he's also a madman. What exactly is the story on his body?" Right at this moment, she suddenly thought of something. She said: "Oh yes, adviser Liang, he has eight girls by his side, Lei Mona said that the eight girls will feed him, I can see the eight girls. They are only seventeen or eighteen years old, they are all very young, how can they have milk? Have they all given birth to children for him? "    


Liang Tao laughed bitterly, "Those eight girls were all saved by him from Song Ji's hands. He sold those eight girls as goods.    


"Then how did they get milk?" Kangtu Nana looked very surprised.    


"Perhaps this is just a rumor, or perhaps he has some ancient secret recipe. You should ask him about this kind of thing, I can't give you the answer." Liang Tao said.    


After a moment of silence, Kang Tu suddenly said, "Let's contact that person. I've decided that I must investigate him properly."    


Liang Tao smiled bitterly and nodded his head, "I knew you would be so anxious. Alright, I will send someone to contact him."    


At this time, Xia Lei left the energy machine gun and walked over. He had finished scanning the Fearless Battle Mecha and the energy machine gun. He recorded everything he scanned and scanned in his brain, the structure of the Fearless Fighter A, the energy machine gun, the operating system, the energy conversion system, etc.    


Of course, he only remembered those things, not understanding them. In reality, he did not understand most of the things. This was normal, because he came from Earth, where the level of technology was far greater than that of blue moon man. Furthermore, all the knowledge that he had came from Earth was not suitable for the blue moon man's high-tech weapons of war.    


However, this was not a big problem. With his extraordinary learning ability, as long as he had the relevant learning materials and more time, he would be able to grasp the knowledge of the blue moon man. At that time, not to mention controlling the blue moon man's high-tech equipment, even if the technology of the blue moon man was converted, it would not be a problem to develop a new weapon that would belong to the human race!    


"Mr. Xia, what were you doing just now?" Kangtu Nana stared straight at Xia Lei. Just a moment ago, she felt that Xia Lei was like a lunatic who suddenly became insane, but now, no matter how she looked at him, he didn't look like a lunatic.    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "Nothing, I was just casually looking around."    


"Did you find anything?" Liang Tao asked.    


Xia Lei shook his head, "I don't have any special discoveries, I just feel that blue moon man's weapons are very advanced."    


He should be able to tell Kangtu Nana and Liang Tao this secret, but he was unable to explain how he got the branding power on him, so he decided to temporarily hide it and find a chance to tell them about it later.    


"Then let's go." Kangtu Nana said: "Today we won the battle, so we have to celebrate. Mr. Xia, why don't we set it at your house for a meal?"    


Xia Lei was startled, "You want to have a celebratory feast at my house?"    


Kangtu Nana said: "You won't be so stingy as to not even treat us to a meal, right?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


He helped the Rebel Army win the battle, then he treated them to dinner.    


No matter what, Xia Lei still made the girls of Mu Family Village go to the market to buy ingredients and cook a sumptuous dinner.    


Before the people who wanted to come and eat for free were here, Xia Lei called the eight girls from the Mu Family Village into his room.    


After the door was closed, the eight girls glanced at each other. Within a short period of time, they had an eye contact with each other. They seemed to have discussed something beforehand and it was going to happen soon.    


Xia Lei did not use the energy of the branding power to capture their brain waves, he only asked curiously: "What happened to you two? Is there anything you guys are hiding from me? "    


The girls hesitated, but before they could say what was on their minds, their faces turned red.    


Xia Lei laughed, "So you really were hiding something from me, hurry up and tell me, otherwise I will spank you."    


It was just a joke, but Xia Lei regretted it the moment he said it. He found it difficult to change his habit of wanting to spank women, and these eight girls were not his women. How could he casually spank them?    


Indeed, Xia Lei's joke seemed to have given the girls of the Mu Family Village courage. Just as he finished speaking, Mu Caiyun suddenly walked in front of him. Without saying a word, he opened his arms and hugged his waist.    


Perhaps it was because her body had entered the nurturing period, but Mu Caiyun's body had already clearly developed. That place was already quite ample. Her two hands tightly hugged onto Xia Lei's waist, and that soft and ample place was pressed right onto Xia Lei's chest.    


Xia Lei immediately became nervous, "Caiyun, what are you trying to do? "Let me go."    


Mu Caiyun did not release Xia Lei. Her voice trembled as she said, "Master, you have done so much for us. Let us repay you.    


"You have already paid me back. You gave me milk to drink, and I am already very grateful to you. You don't need to do this." Xia Lei became even more nervous. Being tightly embraced by Mu Caiyun, he could not help but have an impulse. That impulse made him feel like he was committing a crime.    


Mu Xiang mustered her courage and said, "How can I give you some milk? "We ?"    


After all, he was still a big child, so he could not say much about repaying a favor like that.    


Xia Lei had a headache, "Listen to me, I am not the kind of man you think I am. I saved you, that's what I should do, you don't have to pay me back on purpose. You gave me milk to drink, and I'm already very satisfied and very grateful, thank you very much. " After pausing for a moment, he continued, "I didn't call you all to my room to talk to you all. I just wanted to tell you all that tomorrow morning, I'm going to Peace Forest with Lan Ji'er."    


"Huh?" The girls tensed up.    


Mu Xi pitifully said, "Master, you don't want us anymore?"    


Mu Xiao Hong said, "Master, we... If we did something wrong, you can punish us. Please don't abandon us, you can bring us along. "    


"Master, bring us along with you. We won't become your burden." Mu Yu said.    


The girls talked a lot of things at once, but they only had one meaning, and that was to follow Xia Lei to the Peace Forest.    


Xia Lei glared at them long enough to speak, "No, that place is very dangerous, I can't bring you guys with me. Also, I bought a house here. If you leave, who will look after my house? I left you enough money to live here. You guys just stay here and do some business. "    


The girls were silent, unable to hide the sadness in their hearts.    


Xia Lei gently pushed Mu Caiyun away, "While I'm gone, I will restore your bodies from their lactation period. You guys stop giving birth."    


"You don't even want our milk?" Mu Caiyun's voice already sounded like she was about to cry.    


Xia Lei laughed, "How could I reject it, I just don't want to waste it, wait till I get back, I will let you all squeeze out some milk to drink, okay?"    


Only then did the girls heave a sigh of relief. They knew how much Xia Lei was infatuated with their milk, when he said he would come back and drink their milk, they believed that he would come back.    


"Then drink it again." Mu Mu suddenly lifted her clothes.    


The girls lifted up their clothes one by one, and the room was suddenly filled with a snow-white scenery.    


They really had grown up. The beautiful scenery of the snow-capped mountains dazzled everyone's eyes.    


"I'll get the bowl." Xia Lei said, he looked left and right, but he did not see his bowl.    


"The bowl was lost." Mu Caiyun said and then added, "We searched for a long time, but still couldn't find it."    


Mu Xiang said, "He was probably sneaked away."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Which family's thief steals another family's breast bowl?    


The girls exchanged glances, then suddenly surrounded him. "Master, drink."    


Drinking directly is the most troublesome thing...    


But he had to drink this milk even if he didn't want to, because there was no point in drinking it after entering the Peace Forest.    


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