Tranxending Vision

C1386 Kill the Dauntless!

C1386 Kill the Dauntless!

Ka-cha! *    


The metal arrow hit the bulletproof glass wall of the cockpit, causing sparks to fly out. The arrow was deflected away by the recoil, and a dent was left on the bulletproof glass. The crack spread out like a spider web!    


If it was either the amorous cat or the Black Market Alliance's Fighter A, this arrow would have definitely pierced through the bulletproof glass and killed the driver in the cockpit. But this was the blue moon man's Fighter A, the quality of its bulletproof glass obviously far exceeded the technology humans had used to make bulletproof glass.    


One arrow was not enough to kill the enemy, and in the next moment, Xia Lei pounced from the side, disappearing from the wall.    


The Fighter A of the blue moon man suddenly turned around, and without any hesitation, it pointed the heavy machine gun in its hands at the arrow and started firing.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


The energy machine gun roared, the Fighter A trembled, and the energy ammunition flew over one after another. The dilapidated building trembled from the explosion, and after 30 seconds, a three-storey building collapsed!    


If Xia Lei was even a little bit late, he would have been struck by the blue moon man's Heavy Energy Machine Gun and shattered into pieces. He could have also been buried alive by the collapsed building!    


But these two situations did not occur, Xia Lei had absolute experience in the battlefield.    


When the building collapsed, blue moon man's Fighter A stopped shooting.    


At this moment, a person suddenly stood up from a crater by the roadside. When the blue moon man who was controlling the Fighter A saw him, he was obviously shocked. He could not believe that the other party could actually survive under his fierce bombardment. But what surprised him the most was that the other party was not holding a gun, but an ugly looking metal bow!    




Just as blue moon man who was in the cockpit adjusted her gun and was about to shoot and turn the "tribe warrior" into meat pieces, a metal arrow suddenly flew over. He saw the arrow, but by the time he saw it, it had broken through the indentation in the bulletproof glass and was stuck in his head.    


What he saw was actually only the afterimage of the furious shooting arrows, but he would never know.    


BOOM! The Fighter A that was out of control fell to the ground, the energy machine gun also fell to the ground.    


Xia Lei then reached out and touched his forehead. It was a subconscious action to wipe away his cold sweat, but what he touched was the helmet of the ice cold light armor. If he missed the attack just now, once the opponent had the chance to shoot him, he wouldn't be able to dodge at all.    


But even if he had to do it all over again, he would take the risk because he had no other choice.    


Xia Lei crawled through the ruins of the building and came to the side of the Fighter A. The Fighter A that was lying on the ground was around 1.5 metres thick, and the blue moon man that was shot down was like a bed for corpses, you could see it with a single glance through the broken cockpit.    


blue moon man in the cockpit died with grievance.    


Xia Lei did not even glance at the dead blue moon man, his gaze shifted towards the operating system in the cockpit. What surprised him was that the advanced Fighter A did not have a lot of tools in the cockpit. There was only a simple operating table, and there was no supporting equipment that could link to the body.    


This surprised Xia Lei. He had killed eight amorous cat s before, and the cockpit of those Fighter A s all had supporting equipment to link their bodies and gather information on their body movements. The auxiliary equipment filled the cockpit and was inconvenient to operate. Compared to it, the Fighter A of the blue moon man was much simpler, but simplicity did not mean that it was simple. This was a reflection of the fact that the scientific and technological content was much higher.    


"Is this the Fearless Heavy Fighter A that Kangtu Nana spoke of? Did it work through that simple operating table? I wonder if I can operate it? "    


A soft sound suddenly came from the side. Just as Xia Lei heard the sound, he turned and pounced towards the back of the Fearless Heavy Fighter A, the metal bow in his hands also opened its mouth, and the metal arrow had always been aimed towards the direction of the sound.    


"It's me!" Kangtu Nana's voice came out from the rubble of the collapsed building.    


Xia Lei put down the metal bow. He was actually shocked by Kangtu Nana as well as he asked in a deep voice, "What are you doing here? "Go back quickly!"    


However, Kangtu Nana walked over and said, "I'm not your soldier, I'll go wherever you want me to go." Although she said rude words on the surface, the gaze she looked at Xia Lei with was completely different from before. Her eyes were filled with reverence.    


He really used his bow and arrow to kill a blue moon man's Fearless Heavy Fighter A! It had to be known that with the same battle achievements, if the Rebel Army was the one to achieve it, it was likely they would have to die by dozens, or even hundreds of people! And it was only possible, and not certain! However, the man in front of him had done it. He did not even use any explosive device. He only used the most primitive archery weapon!    


She wanted to experience Xia Lei's true strength. Now that she saw him, she felt only shock.    


Xia Lei no longer had the mind to capture her thoughts, he said: "You better leave quickly, this Fearless Heavy Fighter A is their ground fire support, it has been taken care of by me, blue moon man will come over to check on the situation soon, it's dangerous for you to stay."    


Kangtu Nana replied: "If you're not afraid, then would I be afraid?"    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "You are really stubborn. Right now is not the time for us to have more courage than anyone else, right now is ?"    


Before he could finish his sentence, Xia Lei suddenly flew into the air and threw Kangtu Nana, who was standing in front of him, onto the ground. Seemingly at the same time, a shuttle of energy ammunition flew over the two's heads, and then struck the ruins of the building, causing a violent explosion.    


Amidst the violent explosions, the broken pieces of the building flew all over the place like shrapnel from a cannon, and dust and cement fragments were all over the two of them.    


Xia Lei was still worried that the blue moon man would come over to check, but in the blink of an eye.    


He didn't know why, but even though he was suppressed by Xia Lei and even though he clearly knew that the blue moon man was nearby, there was no nervousness or fear that should have existed in Kangtu Nana's heart. She only felt Xia Lei's body, his strong body, that kind of male presence made her panic a little.    


Xia Lei rolled away from Kangtu Nana's body and grabbed the Heavy Energy Machine Gun that was lying on the ground. However, he could not even grab onto the huge butt of the gun with one hand, because it was a heavy machine gun that was specially given to the Fighter A.    


At least five blue moon man infantry wearing light armor rushed over.    


"Are you crazy?" Kangtu Nana roared: "That's a machine gun used by the Fearless, you can't use it! It's 500 jin in weight!"    


Just as she finished speaking, Xia Lei had already picked up the energy machine gun used by the Fearless, and pulled the trigger on the five blue moon man Infantry soldiers.    




The energy ammunition flew out.    


Xia Lei's body was also flung out, flying backwards and plopped down on Kangtu Nana's chest.    


"Ah ?" "Yo!" The two mountains were squashed flat, while Kangtu Nana's mouth formed a "0" shape.    




The energy ammunition s exploded in the middle of the five blue moon man Infantry soldiers, causing several of them to be blown away. Two of them were directly torn to shreds while the other three fell to the ground, no one knew whether they were dead or alive.    


Xia Lei got up from Kangtu Nana's tall mountain and grabbed her up, pulling her along to run.    


The blue moon man's predator fighter jet suddenly appeared, it's energy cannon roared, and one energy shell exploded behind the two of them. However, even if it had a bird like speed, it would still not be able to outrun the predator's Fighter, let alone an ordinary energy shell that was flying over!    


Rumble, rumble, rumble ?    


The buildings on both sides of the street were torn apart. Some collapsed with a loud bang, while some were blown away. The street shook violently as huge craters after craters appeared one after another. Fiery light, dense dust, fragments of buildings, everything was chasing after Xia Lei and Kangtu Nana. In just a second, they would engulf the two of them and tear them to shreds!    


But in this one second of time, when a energy shell flew out of the cannon and flew towards Xia Lei and Kangtu Nana's backs, Xia Lei grabbed Kangtu Nana by the waist and dove into a sewer without a well lid.    




The energy shell exploded on the ground near the sewer's entrance, sending up mud and cement fragments that immediately sealed the sewer's entrance.    




Kangtu Nana's back heavily smashed against the pipe wall of the sewer, and at the same time, Xia Lei's body heavily smashed onto her body. The two tall mountains were struck by Xia Lei's chest, and became flat in an instant.    


Crash! *    


A few pieces of broken rocks from the sewer smashed onto Xia Lei's back. And the moment before that, Xia Lei had already propped up both his arms, and used his back to bear the heavy weight.    


"You ?" Kangtu Nana wanted to say something, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Her heart was filled with indescribable emotions.    


If not for Xia Lei, she really wouldn't have been able to survive. Furthermore, even after escaping from the battlefield, Xia Lei was still protecting her, using his back to support a wall of flesh and blood!    


Xia Lei crawled up from Kangtu Nana's body, he took off his helmet, and suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. This injury was not caused by the energy shell's shock wave, but rather was caused by the concrete and stone fragments that had been used to protect Kangtu Nana just now.    


The sewer wasn't completely black, it was reflected from both sides. When Kangtu Nana saw Xia Lei spitting out blood, she immediately tensed up and went over to him, "Are you alright? Where was the injury? "Let me take a look!"    


Xia Lei actually raised his hand and rejected it, but with that raise of his hand, his hand immediately touched a soft and elastic thing. He knew exactly what it was and hurriedly retracted his hand. "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose."    


Surprisingly, Kangtu Nana did not say anything, and asked with concern: "Are you alright?"    


"It's fine, it's fine. Let's leave this place. That guy might bomb this place again." Xia Lei got up.    


Rumble rumble rumble! Indeed, there was a loud explosion from above and the entire ground was shaking.    


"Follow me!" Xia Lei bent down as he ran towards the other end of the sewer.    


Kangtu Nana followed closely behind, as intense explosions continuously resounded from above her head. However, she was thinking about something else in her heart, "He ? Even Branded Warrior I have seen aren't as strong as him, right? Who the hell is he? "    


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