Tranxending Vision

C1402 plagiarism

C1402 plagiarism

Porisi did not have the same immunity towards branding power. The entire process of Xia Lei controlling her brain was very relaxed, he did not encounter any obstacles.    


Porisi no longer spoke, and she became quiet. When it was quiet, she touched her chin. This wasn't an action that she wanted to do herself, but a command that Xia Lei planted in her brain, used to determine how much control he had over her. The result was obvious. He could now make her do anything, sing and dance, even give him milk.    


The idea of giving birth to milk was an involuntary one at the sight of her astounding size. Eating the milk of the Ahimis women, was it even better for the branding power? This was a great temptation to him who had mastered a special path of evolution. However, this thought only flashed through his mind for a moment before disappearing. The information that she had obtained from the information in Porisi's mind also surfaced.    


His brain quickly organized the content, and he obtained some useful things.    


Father Lan Mu and Lan Ji'er had moved here fifteen years ago, and before that, Porisi had never seen Father Lan Mu. She didn't know where Lan Mu and her father had come from, but from her impression of him, she knew that his culinary skills were very good but also very greedy for money. Lan Ji'er, on the other hand, was a clever and cunning woman who had inherited the ability of Lan Mu's father to earn money, and was even more talented than him.    


It was normal for Porisi to not know the secret between Lan Ji'er and his father. Even if they were neighbors who were on good terms with each other, Lan Mu and his father would guard against her and protect their own secret.    


In Porisi's deep memory, this tribe of the Ahimis was the only remaining tribe of the Ahimis. It had already existed for more than three thousand years. The first Ahimis lived in the Star of Ice, which gave birth to a unique civilization within the Ahimis. Three thousand years ago, there was a country established by the Ahimis, the Ahimis Empire.    


Three thousand years ago, that period was also the period when the Ahimis's culture was at its most flourishing. A portion of the nobles of the Ahimis knew the secrets of the spiritual ore. Then, using the techniques of the spiritual ore, he sent a portion of the prisoners to the Star of Hope and began the Ahimis's colonization plan. That plan was called the "Stone Seeking Plan" and Porisi's ancestors were amongst the first batch of immigrants.    


The immigrants came to this planet, and in the end, they established this tribe. However, there was no news of them coming from the Star of Ice anymore. However, they did not yearn for that place. The Ahimis here were just the descendants of exiled prisoners.    


Part of the information was what Porisi had heard from the old man's mouth, while the other part was what she had read from the Sky Temple's books. She liked ancient stories and reading books. This could be considered a special story in the Ahimis Tribe.    


Xia Lei was also the most interested in the Ahimis's "Stone Seeking Plan", and just this name caused him to be filled with endless imagination. "The Ahimis created a powerful empire in the Star of Ice, formulated a stone searching plan, and allowed the prisoners to come to the Star of Hope. In Porisi's deep memory, the Ahimis had grasped the secrets of the spiritual ore, and the Ahimis definitely had spiritual ore in his possession as well. But why did he come to the Star of Hope to look for the stone? Could it be that what they were looking for wasn't an ordinary spiritual ore, but a spiritual ore that held extraordinary significance to them? Furthermore, from what I can see, the technology of the Ahimis is practically zero. What level is the technology of the Ahimis Empire three thousand years ago? And how did the nobles of Ahimis send the prisoners to this planet? the ship, or something? "    


What else?    


Xia Lei suddenly thought of the Stone Town that brought him to this world, the City of the Sky that Carcia Ruiz had mentioned before.    


The Ahimis believed in the God of the sky, and the name of the Stone Town was the City of the Sky.    


Endless imagination, endless questions.    


Porisi stood there quietly, she did not know anything.    


A sound suddenly came from behind him. It was the sound of footsteps coming from inside the tree trunk. Xia Lei's train of thoughts was interrupted, and he turned around to take a look. His gaze penetrated the trunk almost undamped, and he saw what was inside. Lan Ji'er had already dealt with the money, she was climbing up the stairs inside the tree trunk.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze, and at the same time, stopped controlling his brain.    


He controlled Porisi's brain for as long as a few minutes, but to Porisi, this was merely an instant of absent-mindedness.    


"I... "What did you just say?" Porisi was a little confused.    


Xia Lei's expression was solemn, he looked very angry, "You said Ah Magang, that damned fellow, drugged your husband, causing your husband's death. Using despicable means, he took away the honor that belonged to your husband. I also hate that guy. I think we can be good friends. "    


Porisi slightly nodded her head. She was obviously cautious towards Xia Lei's "We will become good friends" suggestion. After all, she had only just met this human brat, so she didn't understand him at all.    


"Alright, I won't disturb you any longer. I'm going back." Xia Lei said his goodbyes and left, his footsteps fast.    


"Be careful, don't fall down the tree. You are not Ahimis, you can climb trees as you wish." Porisi warned.    


Xia Lei did not turn back, he only raised his right hand and waved, indicating that he heard.    


Xia Lei returned to his room and crawled into the animal skin bed. Just as he laid down, Lan Ji'er opened the door and walked in.    


"You went to bed so early?"    


"What else can I do if not sleep?" Xia Lei said.    


"Let me go down, my father wants to see you. Bring your equipment bag along, I finally managed to get him to help you make the Taishag armor. " Lan Ji'er said.    


Xia Lei crawled out from under the blanket, picked up his equipment bag and followed Lan Ji'er, while saying: "I'll say this first, I won't make it if the price is too high."    


Lan Ji'er rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "Why are you so stingy? Men should be magnanimous. My father is the best craftsman in the Ahimis Tribe. Spending more money would guarantee his quality. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


However, Xia Lei did not see his father at all when he arrived at his father's grocery store. Lan Ji'er pushed open the door and walked out. Xia Lei did not ask and followed Lan Ji'er out of the grocery store. Lan Ji'er climbed along the stone street and passed by the Sky Plaza without stopping.    


Xia Lei lifted his head to look in the direction of the mountain peak, and muttered in his heart: "Could it be that she wants to bring me there?"    


Lan Ji'er still did not say where she was going, and continued to climb with her.    


The higher they went, the rarer the trees became, and the Ahimis's residence started to slowly disappear. However, the stone road beneath her feet continued to extend towards the peak of the mountain.    


Half an hour later, all the trees had disappeared, leaving only bare rocks and bluish mud. This strange soil aroused Xia Lei's curiosity, "Why is the soil here blue?"    


"My skin is still blue. Why don't you ask me why my skin is blue?" Lan Ji'er said.    


Xia Lei really wanted to release the branding power's energy to steal her thoughts during this period of time, but after thinking for a bit, he gave up in the end. He could steal the answers to the same question from the ordinary Ahimis s, so there was no need to steal the answers from Lan Ji'er's brain. That mysterious immunity of hers was always a hidden danger to him. Before he knew the truth, he had to reduce the amount of activity of stealing Lan Ji'er's brain information, the less the better.    


"I never thought that you would end your battle with Ah Magang in such a short amount of time. In my imagination, he would beat you half to death and you would win by a fluke." Lan Ji'er asked as they walked, "Where did you get your strength from? I have never seen a human brat like you who can fight, where did you actually come from? "    


Xia Lei said lightly: "I was born with such strength, of course I came from my place. Also, why don't you ask me how my eyes can see, and how my mouth can speak?"    


"You ?" Lan Ji'er instantly gasped for breath on the spot.    


The ancient stone road made a turn on the mountain slope, when they were walking past the bend, a stone tablet entered Xia Lei's line of sight. The stone tablet had the words "Forbidden Area" written in Ahimis. Anyone who enters will face a judgement by the Council.    


"Forbidden area?" Xia Lei's heart was filled with curiosity, "What is on the summit of this mountain? Why did they list it as a forbidden area? "What kind of trial will people face if they enter without permission?"    


"A death sentence. Those who enter without permission will be burned to death by those fellows in the council or crushed to death with stones." Lan Ji'er stopped in her tracks.    


"Are we going in?" Xia Lei tried to test the waters.    


Lan Ji'er looked at Xia Lei, her eyes filled with provocation. "Are you afraid? Where did your guts go? "    


Xia Lei walked towards the stone path behind the stone monument.    


Lan Ji'er held onto Xia Lei's arm, "You bastard, I was just joking with you, are you really going in? Do you want to kill us? "    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Not going in? "Then what did you bring me here for? A date?"    


"Fuck you, come with me." Lan Ji'er left the ancient stone road and walked towards the other side of the hill.    


Xia Lei followed Lan Ji'er over the hillside, and finally arrived in front of a cave. There was a wooden door at the mouth of the cave. It looked sturdy and airtight. On the wooden door, there was some unknown pigment. It said: "In Father Lan Mu's workshop, those who enter will be fined five hundred yuan."    


This warning sign was really Father Lan Mu's style.    


Lan Ji'er pushed open the wooden door and walked in.    


After entering the cave, he found himself in a very large space. Inside the cave, there was a metallurgical stove, a sawmill for sawing wood, raw materials and tools for handling animal skins, wood and bone for bows and arrows, and so on. These items were carefully categorized. Although there were a lot of things, the feeling they gave people was that they were arranged in a neat and orderly manner.    


Father Lan Mu was not in his cave workshop.    


Xia Lei's eyes quickly swept across the cave, and he quickly discovered that there was an even smaller cave at the bottom of the cave, and it was completely dark inside. All he could see were rocks. Some of them were blue, some were light blue, some were dark blue, some were black.    


"My father might be in the lounge. Wait here, I'll call him out." Lan Ji'er walked towards the fork in the path at the bottom of the cave.    


Xia Lei looked at Lan Ji'er's bountiful and tight butt, and thought to himself, "What kind of tricks is this greedy pair of father and daughter trying to play?" Then he laughed at himself, "You're not trying to lure me here to rob me, are you?"    


Lan Ji'er entered the forked cave at the bottom of the cave.    


Xia Lei walked in front of the table where Lan Mu's father made leather armour and casually picked up a piece of processed animal skin to look at. Suddenly, a sizzling sound could be heard as a large amount of white smoke engulfed the entire cave.    


The white smoke had a pungent smell, and Xia Lei, who accidentally inhaled the smoke, suddenly felt dizzy. After a few seconds, he plopped to the ground, never getting up again.    


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