Tranxending Vision

C1410 Brave Warriors Catch the Scoundrels

C1410 Brave Warriors Catch the Scoundrels

Pain and sadness mixed together, in the end, Porisi was still unable to hold back her tears. When two tears fell from her blue eyes, she started crying uncontrollably.    


Her wails magnified the anger in Xia Lei's heart. "Tell me, who hit you?"    


"What are you doing? "Ying, ying ?" Before he could finish speaking, Porisi started sobbing again.    


"No no no, I'm fine, this is the punishment I deserve ?" "Ying, ying ?"    


Xia Lei sighed. She was so kind, so weak, and so young and beautiful. The men in this tribe who wanted to take his but didn't have the chance to do so didn't bully her?    


"Mr. Xia, you ? you go back first. If Lan Ji'er finds out that you are with me and I'm like this, she ? she'll be angry."    


"Ignore her, I'm going with her ?" Xia Lei wanted to say the true relationship between him and Lan Ji'er, but the moment the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them back down.    


"Did you have a fight with her?"    


"Yes, we have." A bitter smile surfaced on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth. He and Lan Ji'er were more than quarreling, they had almost started a fight.    


"Women should be coaxed. You should coax her and not quarrel with her."    


"Do you like her?"    


"Do you want to hear the truth?"    


"Of course." Xia Lei washed the towel and continued to clean her wound.    


Porisi hesitated for a moment before saying: "I don't like her, she is very greedy for money. Once, I got sick and asked her to help me carry a bucket of water, she even took my money."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Old man Lan Mu is also very greedy for money. No matter what he does, he needs money. It must be difficult for you in that family right?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "Yes, it was indeed not easy."    


As they continued to chat, the atmosphere between the two of them no longer became awkward. The nervousness and grievances in Porisi's heart also increased, and the distance between the two of them gradually shortened.    


The wound on his back was quickly cleaned up, Xia Lei hesitated for a bit, but still brought it out, "You still have another wound on your buttocks, do you need me to help you treat it?"    


"About that, about that, I'll do it myself. Help me mix the ointment with water and apply the ointment afterwards." Porisi said.    


Porisi treated her own wounds.    


After a while, a rustling sound came from behind him, followed by Porisi's shy voice, "I'm fine, Mr Xia, help me apply the medicinal paste."    


Xia Lei took a deep breath, then walked over with the bowl of medicinal paste.    


"Aiyo ?" The moment Xia Lei's finger, which was covered in medicinal paste, landed on the first wound, he could not help but let out a pained cry.    


"Does it hurt? Endure it, just endure it. " Xia Lei comforted her.    


Porisi bit her lips and nodded, "You do it."    


Xia Lei continued to apply the medicine for her. His movements were extremely gentle and careful to the extreme. While trying his best to reduce the pain for Porisi, he secretly thought in his heart, "Lan Ji'er's body has the ability to heal itself quickly, but Porisi obviously does not, otherwise why would she prepare the medicinal paste of the herbs? Lan Ji'er's fast self-recovery ability must have come from her ancient bloodline. That ancient bloodline even bestowed her with immunity to the energy of the branding power. The Ahimis Empire had the ability to colonize an alien planet over 3000 years ago, but over 3000 years ago, Earth was still a slave society and its most advanced production tools were bronze artifacts. Such a powerful civilization, how could it be destroyed? What happened? "    


The endless imagination couldn't help but sigh.    


"Mr. Xia, why don't we... You should also take care of that wound. " Porisi's voice was as quiet as a mosquito.    


Xia Lei didn't even think about it, and agreed, "Alright."    


"You like me, don't you?" At this moment of life and death, Porisi suddenly said these words.    


"Huh?" Xia Lei was immediately stunned, and the hand that he used to apply the medicine on the pill also stopped.    


Porisi suddenly turned around and looked at Xia Lei with misty eyes. "You like me, otherwise you wouldn't be so good to me, right? "After my man died, they avoided me as if I was a plague. Those who respected me in the past began to insult and bully me. However, you treated me very well. I've never met such a gentle man like you ?"    


Xia Lei's head was buzzing, his mind was in a mess.    


Did he like her? He didn't know at all. He didn't even think about it. The first time he approached her, he heard her singing and tried to get some useful information from her. The second time he came in contact with her was during his encounter at the Temple of the Sky. Now, for the third time, he pitied her and helped her apply the medicine. His body was indeed impetuous from sensory stimuli, but that didn't mean he had the 'liking' for her that men and women had once had. However, he had to admit that she was very attractive and attractive, and he had a good impression of her.    


"If you like me, take me away from here!" Porisi suddenly grabbed onto Xia Lei's hand, "This place makes me sad. If I stay here, I will die.    


Asking Xia Lei to apply the medicine for her was actually a clear declaration of his intentions. When he had made this decision, she had prepared these words in his heart.    


"I ?" Xia Lei's feelings were too sudden, he did not know how to reply.    


Porisi's expression immediately darkened, "So you actually ? You only want to take advantage of me, man. I don't need your help. We won't meet again in the future. "    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "I just..."    


Porisi interrupted him, "Your choice is correct. I am a widow, a woman who is like a plague. My husband, Gaia, was a respectable man. They blamed his death on me, so they excluded me and tortured me, but was that my fault? I told them that Ah Magang killed Gaia, but no one was willing to believe me. "I don't have any other hopes for this place anymore. If I want to escape, even if I fail and get burned to death by those fellows from the council, I'm not afraid!"    


Her body was covered with wounds, but her eyes were still firm.    


Xia Lei held her hand, "Believe me, I'm not the kind of man who wants to take advantage of you. You will leave this place, and I will help you. In a few days, they will send me to kill a Blutan, and I will ask them to help me, so I will bring you out of here. "    


"To kill the Blutan? No! If you don't want to go, they want you dead! " She said that they should never meet again, but when she heard that Xia Lei was going to kill Blutan, she immediately tensed up and was worried for him.    


Xia Lei laughed, "I am not a man who would casually die."    


"You ? "Why are you helping me like this?" She looked straight at Xia Lei, his eyes filled with anticipation, as if he was waiting for Xia Lei to say the words that she wanted to hear.    


Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart: "Give this pitiful woman some hope. If I don't even have a reason, she probably won't accept my help. If she acts on her own, it's too dangerous." Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face, "The question you asked just now, I'll answer you now, I ?" "I like you."    


I like you. I've said a lot of things, and I'm not going to die. To him, this was a simple sentence, but it was extremely important to this pitiful woman who had suffered so much because it would make her feel that he wasn't trying to take advantage of her and help her. Instead, he was truly fond of her!    


Her heart had already become a desert, but Xia Lei's appearance meant that his words were like a clear river.    


"I knew it!" Porisi moaned as she turned around and threw herself into Xia Lei's embrace.    


Xia Lei sighed in his heart. Having come to this new world, he had vowed to manage his personal emotions well and not be as merciful and flamboyant as he had been on Earth, but he was the shining lamp, and how could he avoid the moths pouncing on him?    


"Just wait for me." Porisi whispered into Xia Lei's ear.    


Xia Lei was startled, "What?"    


Porisi's eyes were alluring and alluring, she gently bit on Xia Lei's shoulder, "What do you think?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"We have to be careful, we cannot be discovered by Lan Ji'er. You can only come over when she's not home. When she's here, we don't even need to say hello. Porisi said.    


Xia Lei didn't know whether to laugh or cry. How did a pure friendship develop into an unrequited love?    


At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from below the tree base.    


Xia Lei looked down and suddenly said: "It's Ah Magang and the hunting team.    


Porisi tensed up immediately. She did not think about how Xia Lei knew that Ah Magang was here, but she crawled up in a fluster and went to the closet to get some clothes to put on. The clothes she had worn before had all been broken by the whip. He could no longer wear them.    


Just as Porisi finished putting on her clothes, Ah Magang's voice came from outside the door, "Sister Porisi, open the door."    


Porisi said with a trembling voice: "What are you opening the door for? It's not convenient for me right now, so ? you should leave.    


Ah Magang said sinisterly: "Hmph! What's the matter? I am here for the honor of my brother Gaia! My people have already seen him enter your house and have yet to come out. What do you think I'm doing here? It can't be that you two are still linked together, and are unwilling to part, right? "    


He was here to kidnap the traitor!    


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