Tranxending Vision

C1428 Huge force to press down the dragons

C1428 Huge force to press down the dragons

The Blutan surrounded them from the foot of the mountain, roaring non-stop.    


Lan Ji'er only understood after hearing the roars from all directions. Her blue face had actually turned light blue, and completely lost its color.    


"We are dead meat! We're dead this time! What should he do? What should he do? "I don't want to die yet ?" Lan Ji'er's entire body crumbled.    


How could Xia Lei still have the mood to comfort her? However, he did not despair like Lan Ji'er, nor did he give up fighting. His brain worked quickly to calculate how he could survive the crisis.    


He thought of Ri Hua, but even if Ri Hua was in this group of Lan Long, how could it control hundreds of Lan Long?    


He also thought of a way to escape quickly, but the chances of success were close to zero. His two legs could not run against four legged Lan Long, not to mention that many of them, he had even brought Lan Ji'er with him.    


Right at this moment between life and death, the Cosmic Brand hidden deep within the soul suddenly trembled, and then appeared with a loud bang. His branding power gushed out like quicksilver, instantly forming a energy field of branding power with a radius of two hundred meters on top of the mountain.    


In this area, there were countless insects chirping, grass swaying in the night wind, and even the wind moving at a speed of about three meters per second. Everything was under his control. This radius of two hundred meters was equivalent to his absolute domain. He controlled everything in this region, and he also controlled everything in this domain!    


This was the first time a Cosmic Brand had joined the energy field of branding power, so even though the scope of control hadn't expanded, the strength of the user's control had increased by several fold. With this increase in strength, he suddenly felt as if he had become the god controlling this domain!    


What else was there to fear?    


There was no fear!    


His confidence was so strong that hundreds of Lan Long were unable to move!    


Suddenly, the energy field of branding power detected a vibration.    


Xia Lei's gaze instantly moved to the equipment bag beside the bonfire.    


The vibration energy field of branding power caught was from the crystal bone in his equipment bag. Its vibrations were related to the appearance of the Cosmic Brand, and in the short period of time after the vibrations, it actually established some sort of connection with his Cosmic Brand!    


That sort of connection was like the connection between the brain and organs, such as the eyes, nose, and arms!    


Xia Lei was shocked, "What is going on? Why do I have such a strange feeling? In the past, crystal skull and I did not even have such a feeling, let alone a connection. Could it be that my branding power and Cosmic Brand have become stronger? Or could it be that her life has been severely threatened, and her potential has been awakened? "    


Was it for this reason?    


Maybe, maybe not.    


But no matter what the reason was, Xia Lei still quickly opened his equipment bag and took out the crystal palm.    


The moment the crystal hand was in his hand, the feeling of being connected to him suddenly became stronger. Before he took out the crystal hand, his connection with it was limited to the spiritual level. He felt that the crystal hand had become a part of his body, but when he held the crystal hand in his hand, he felt that the crystal hand had become a part of his body!    


There was no time for him to think why, but the crystal bone suddenly produced a huge suction force, pulling the branding power out of his body!    


"Connecting" became unstable in the blink of an eye, and it was intermittent. However, his body had already become weak due to losing a large amount of branding power's energy!    


He was really taking his life!    


Initially, he thought it was an opportunity to overcome the crisis, but before he could even figure it out, the crystal skull's energy had weakened him. It was a battle with no chance of victory, how could he continue fighting?    


The beasts below the hill roared again and again, and over a hundred Lan Long began their charge.    


Rumbling sounds of running shook the entire mountain, the ground was trembling, and the trees were all knocked down by the running Lan Long!    


"Quickly think of a way!" I don't want to die... I don't want to die! " Lan Ji'er had already collapsed, she ran towards Xia Lei. She seemed to want to hide behind Xia Lei, but didn't expect to knock over Xia Lei's equipment bag with a kick.    


Two bottles filled with blue liquid tumbled out of the bag.    


That was the blue milk Porisi had squeezed out for him. He had always kept it, and was not willing to drink it even when she was fighting Blutan. At this moment, two bottles of blue milk suddenly entered his line of sight, and a trace of inspiration flashed through his mind. He grabbed a bottle of blue milk, unscrewed the lid, and gulped it down.    


After drinking one, he unscrewed the second bottle and poured the second into his stomach.    


The time that Porisi had squeezed out the two bottles of blue milk was already half a month ago, but the weird thing was that the smell of the two bottles of blue milk still hadn't changed, and were still as sweet and tasty as before.    


The moment the two bottles of blue milk entered his stomach, the feeling of soaking in the hot spring spread throughout his body.    


The best quality Blue Milk in Ahimis could not help but have an extremely rich amount of power that could raise the evolution of branding power, and it also had a mysterious attribute that could suddenly increase. And this point did not change because these two bottles of milk were squeezed by Porisi half a month ago. Right now, he could feel the feeling of suddenly becoming stronger, and that feeling made him feel that he was an omnipotent god!    


The unstable connection between the Cosmic Brand and the crystal arm bone immediately stabilized. The crystal arm bone seemed to have absorbed enough energy from the branding power and started to feed back to Xia Lei, absorbing all the energy into Xia Lei's body.    


Xia Lei was no longer Xia Lei, he felt that he was Thunder God. If he was given a hammer, he might try to slash Xia Lei like lightning!    


He didn't have a hammer, but he had crystal bones.    


For some reason, he felt that it was a usable weapon, and an extremely powerful one at that!    


Lan Ji'er was in a completely different situation. She looked at the bottle that Xia Lei threw on the ground, and suddenly thought of something. She cried out, "You bastard, we're going to die, and you're still drinking Porisi that bitch's milk! "You bastard!"    


"Roar ~ ~ ~"    


A Lan Long suddenly jumped out and pounced towards Xia Lei.    


Its body was in the air and its speed was as fast as an arrow!    


Its wide open mouth was filled with sharp and sharp teeth. One bite was enough to crush a person!    


Its claws were gleaming with a cold light and were sharper than a spear!    


If it was in the past, Xia Lei would only be able to dodge, but this time, he didn't. He suddenly jumped up, his right hand holding onto the crystal hand bone as he sent a slap over.    




A muffled sound could be heard from the forest as the several tons of Lan Long flew back. A large amount of trees behind it fell to the ground.    


The Lan Long fell to the ground, raising a cloud of dust.    


Lan Ji'er's chin also fell to the ground.    


Another Lan Long pounced forward from the side, its pair of sharp claws thrusting towards Xia Lei's back like spears.    


"Be careful ? behind you!" Lan Ji'er was not completely scared, she warned Xia Lei in fear.    


Xia Lei's back seemed to have grown a pair of eyes for a moment.    




The crystal arm bone swept past the Lan Long's claws, and with a cracking sound, the claws of the Lan Long that had ambushed him were broken! The huge impact caused its body to roll over a dozen times before coming to a stop!    


A few Lan Long pounced toward Xia Lei from all four directions.    


Lan Ji'er screamed in fear, "No!"    


However, Xia Lei's petite body was buried by the Lan Long in the blink of an eye.    




With a huge tremor, a few Lan Long flew back.    


Compared to them, Xia Lei's body was so skinny that it was out of proportion. But it was this "skinny" human who possessed the power of a god that they could charge at, but could not harm! Because no Lan Long could resist such a powerful force!    


The top of the mountain was already completely surrounded by Lan Long, but they did not dare to rashly advance. This was the first time they looked at Xia Lei with eyes filled with fear.    


"Roar ? ?" Xia Lei furiously roared, and then, another series of roars with obvious changes in syllables.    


This voice came from the energy field of branding power, he was sending a message to the Lan Long, "I did not mean to offend you, I am not your enemy. I know the Lan Long, Ri Hua, I'm its friend! It said that I was selected by the Queen Peace, and that's why I came here! "    


This information was transmitted out through shouting. Adding the effects of the energy field of branding power, all the Lan Long within a radius of two hundred meters heard Xia Lei's voice and understood what he meant.    


At this time, an especially sturdy looking Lan Long walked out. Its two faint blue eyes stared straight at Xia Lei, and then, a string of sounds came out of its throat.    


The energy field of branding power caught sight of its thoughts, and Xia Lei's brain also translated its meaning, "I am the king here, human, do you speak the truth?"    


Xia Lei responded with a roar unique to Lan Long, "What I said was true. Ri Hua can explain to you, where is it?"    


The Lan Long King replied, "He came back and told me to go to the An Xi Corridor and save a human. I was very angry, I hurt him, he's in our tribe."    


Now, Xia Lei was sure that the Lan Long that appeared in the An Xi Valley was Ri Hua. It did not enter the An Xi Corridor to fight with him, but instead returned to its tribe to ask for help. This was a smart move, because it was impossible for it to win against the Blutan, not to mention that the Blutan had a strong army of wild beasts. In addition, the Ahimis's armed forces were an unbeatable threat to it. For both reasons, it left. However, it should not have thought that not only did its king not believe it, he even injured it.    


Xia Lei was secretly glad that he did not place his hope of being saved onto Ri Hua, if he placed his hope on Ri Hua, he and Lan Ji'er would probably be digesting the blood inside the stomach of the Lan Long.    


No matter what, don't count on anyone. You're the most reliable!    


Xia Lei glared at the Lan Long King as she took a step forward.    


The Lan Long King unconsciously took a step back.    


"I am the chosen one from the Queen Peace, you dare to besiege me!" Xia Lei used the unique voice of a Lan Long to transmit a new message, which also carried anger and an intense killing intent.    


"I believe you." The Lan Long King's message came, "Don't fight, we can help you go see the Queen Peace."    


"Why should I believe you? You don't even believe Lan Long s. " Information from Xia Lei.    


Information from the Lan Long King, "It left the Peace Forest and entered the human world, then came back to ask us to start a war with a Blutan to save a human. I am naturally very angry. But now, I believe everything it said. You are wearing the skin of a Blutan, and it is you who killed that Blutan. You are very strong, and we will no longer be your enemies. I can promise you this in the name of the Queen Peace! "    


"Alright, I believe you." Xia Lei was finally relieved.    


He turned around and glanced at Lan Ji'er, and then was stunned for a moment.    


Lan Ji'er stood behind him, her face pale blue, her legs trembling non-stop, and a large area of wetness beneath her feet.    


She was actually scared to the point of peeing her pants.    


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