Tranxending Vision

C1432 Ahimis Empire erasure

C1432 Ahimis Empire erasure

With Xia Lei's kick, the square box immediately flew out.    


"Ahh!" The square box screamed miserably, "Killing intent! Help! "    




The square box fell to the ground and slid a meter before stopping. It was fine, but there were a few scratches on the ground.    


Xia Lei walked over to the square box.    


"Don't, don't kill me!" The box crawled up on the ground, begging with a voice as pitiful as it could get, "I'm old and I'm young, and I'm also an eighty year old mother. What if you kill me?"    


This time, it spoke in Ahimis language and seemed to treat Xia Lei as a real Ahimis. This was because Xia Lei was wearing a blue Blutan armor and his body was covered in some black marks from last night's battle. However, his face was a flaw. How could a box that had just woken up notice such details?    


It was only then that Xia Lei spoke out. "I am not a Ahimis, I am a human. Do you know what humans are?"    


The square box shook its head, "What is a person? "Your father ?"    


As it was about to curse, the square box seemed to realize something and it raised a pair of short hands to cover its mouth. It was as if he was a child who had said the wrong things and was afraid of being punished. It was very funny.    


Xia Lei could not help but laugh, it was extremely difficult for him to hold back his laughter, "I won't kill you, in fact, I was the one who saved you. But you have to tell me, what are you? "Where are you from?"    


The square box let go of a pair of short hands, and his big round eyes blinked. "I'm called Daddy."    


Xia Lei turned around and picked up a rock from the ground, then walked towards the square box with large strides.    


"No, no, no, no, no ?" The square box slapped its own mouth and said, "My stinky mouth won't get rid of my habit of taking advantage of people. You're the father, no, you're the grandfather!"    


Xia Lei threw the stone on the ground, "The reason why you can still speak right now is because I used my power to activate you. But that was just a tiny bit, you can't maintain that for long. Answer my question honestly. If I find you useful, I will support you with energy. If you are useless to me, do you think I would raise a trash that would only take advantage of you? "    


The square box stayed silent for a while, before saying, "I come from the Star of Ice. I am the great general of the Ahimis Empire's Saint Ruler Randall. Well, it was actually a pet, the pet of his little prince. My code name is Blazing White Dragon... Please don't look at me like that, I'm scared... Alright, my code name is actually ? Good plan. I'm a robot, a very good robot. I can sweep the floor, cook, massage. I can even make jokes. "    


On the contrary, he was shocked, "I never thought that it was a robot from the era of the Ahimis, the power of the Ahimis Empire is beyond my imagination, how can such a powerful civilization be destroyed?"    


"I'm so pitiful right now. Take me in, I can call you daddy." He looked miserable.    


"Is that true?" As he spoke, Xia Lei quietly released energy field of branding power, and the entire cave became under his control.    


However, he didn't catch anything.    


Yi Fang was an ancient robot. It did not emit any brain waves at all.    


"I swear, what I said was true." He stood up from the ground and stared at the beast skin bag that was placed behind Xia Lei with his big eyes. Its eyes immediately lit up.    


Inside the Beast Skin Bag, there was the spritual ore that Ri Hua had given to him, including the top quality first grade spritual ore.    


"You want the spritual ore?" Xia Lei saw all of their reactions.    


"Dad, can you give me one?" "I want the brightest piece at the top. It's so beautiful."    


"Then give me something useful. I'm interested in your story." Xia Lei said.    


"Then give me a piece first, I haven't eaten anything in a few thousand years, I'll f * cking eat ?" He was starving to death. I feel that if I don't eat more, I'll die right away. "    


Xia Lei walked over, picked up the beast skin pouch, and then took out a piece of the worst quality spritual ore to throw to Xie Fang. Actually, he was also very curious how You Fang would eat the spritual ore, which was why he gave it a piece.    


Then, he stretched out his short hand to pick up the piece of spritual ore and fed it to its mouth.    


Every surface of it was flat, with no gaps. Its eyes and mouth were both virtual in nature, not real eyes and mouth. But just as its little hand was about to feed the spritual ore to its mouth, its mouth suddenly opened, and with one bite, it stuffed the infant fist-sized spritual ore into its mouth!    


Xia Lei was immediately stunned. He could clearly see that the ancient alloy was like human flesh and blood. In that instant, it became extremely soft, as if it was really opened!    


Gurgle, gurgle ?    


A peculiar sound came from He Fang's body.    


Xia Lei's line of sight followed closely behind. He saw that Fang's mouth had fed the spritual ore into the pillar-shaped container. The column shaped container also changed shape at that instant, and perfectly wrapped that piece of spritual ore up. Then, the spritual ore started to release spiritual energy, its color slowly changing.    


Xia Lei came to an astonishing conclusion. The alloy that made up the square was a type of "Life Alloy"! Scientists on Earth have hypothesized this, but not even the relevant research. This "Life Alloy" had only been seen in movies before, for example, the robot killers in Terminator who could change their forms at will! No wonder he didn't see any screws or rivets, even though its stomach could hold so many parts!    


"F * ck, so cool!" Level three spritual ore, Psionic Ability 15 ? I actually managed to eat such a trashy spritual ore and get such a great feeling. He was so hungry! "Dad, give me another piece!" A fawning smile appeared on his square face.    


"I'm not your father. I already gave you a piece of spritual ore, it's time you tell me your story. " Xia Lei said.    


"Then how about I call you Master?"    


"Do whatever you want!" Xia Lei was getting impatient.    


Yi Fang trembled, then quickly said, "I have to start from Saint Lord Randall. "He is the last ruler of the Ahimis Empire, he is actually a very good ruler. He sympathizes with the people, develops education and technology, but in the end, he was still unable to change the fate of the entire empire ?"    


"Corruption is the most important reason for the downfall of the empire. During the reign of Saint Ruler Randall, the imperial bureaucrats were like suckers who destroyed the foundations of the empire. blue moon man appeared at that time, and they first approached us in a friendly manner. The Empire and the blue moon man had established a trading relationship, and the beginning of the cooperation was very happy. The Empire had also gained a lot of benefits from the blue moon man. However, good times were rare, as the blue moon man took advantage of his trade with the Empire to invade its political and military systems. Many officials and soldiers were bribed by the blue moon man to secretly provide information for them. They even resold the advanced weapons and military skills of the ? "    


"The battle has still happened. The strong and weak empires on the outside collapsed, and the Star of Ice fell. On the night before the imperial city was captured, the Saint Ruler had entrusted a general from the center with his youngest son, my master, to escape from the imperial city on a flying ship. Our aim is to find the immigrants who are carrying out the Stone Seeking Project and then rebuild our civilization... "    


"That ship carries important materials, including the spiritual energy technology mastered by the Ahimis, as well as military science, technology, seeds and educational materials. It could be said that the flying ship was a seed of the Ahimis Empire. Me, I was a very important member of that ship. I represent the highest artificial intelligence technology of the Ahimis Empire at that time, and I also have the materials and technology. The material that makes me is biological alloy. I can change my shape at will. However, that's only if my energy storage reaches 80%. "In addition, as a backup, my brain stores the most important science and technology of the Ahimis Empire, including civilian science and technology, military science and materials technology ?"    


Hearing up to this point, Xia Lei's heart was already palpitating with excitement. He couldn't help but want to get his hands on those things right away, but in the end, he endured it.    


He was anxious and could not eat hot tofu, the person in front of him looked funny, but it represented the highest technology in the entire Ahimis Empire. It would be strange if it were as gullible as a child.    


"After sacrificing many frigates, we successfully escaped the Star of Ice and arrived at the Star of Hope. Holy King Landai had planned everything, but he missed one point, and that was that the Peace Forest had energy field s that were interfering with the control system of the spaceship. We ran into a few Blutan from the sky ? "    


"The general protecting the prince is dead in battle, and so are the Imperial soldiers on the ship. My poor little mistress, the future emperor of the Ahimis Empire was also swallowed whole by a Lan Long. Those few repulsive Blutan did not even let me go, they took turns to stomp on me, stomping on me until I was flat. It took all my energy to repair the damage they did to me, to make it square. "Now that I think about it, those Lan Long must be because I used the ship's audio amplifying system to curse them during the battle ?"    


"I can't bear to look back. The moment I run out of energy, I feel like I won't be able to wake up again in this lifetime, because even if I have spiritual energy, other people wouldn't be able to channel it into my energy transformation system. Forcefully dissecting my body is equivalent to destroying me. But I never thought that you, Master, would actually have the ability to wake me up. I never understood this point, my beautiful master, how did you do it? "    


This was a good story.    


After hearing it, Xia Lei sighed, no matter how strong the empire was, it could not defend against this enemy, corruption. It was like a towering tree. The wind and rain could not shake it, but once the root was broken, its destruction would be inevitable.    


"My beautiful master, can you answer this question?" Good Fang held his small hands together with a cute expression on his face.    


Not knowing why, a cartoon character suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's mind ? ? SpongeBob.    


"I am ?" Xia Lei's brain started to make up a story, "I'm the person selected by the Queen Peace, and it gave me an extraordinary ability. I have 96% purity, so I can freely use it. Therefore, you will never find another master like me. "Follow me. As long as you work for me, the spiritual energy you ask for will be a piece of cake for me."    


The eyes of He Fang lit up as he started jumping up and down, "F * ck me!" Wow! "Ninety-six percent ?"    


Suddenly, a woman's voice came from the entrance of the cave. "Are you following me?"    


Without waiting for Xia Lei to speak, An Fen blurted out: "F * * k! Which idiot woman interrupted me? Have you ever eaten shit in your mouth? Is your chest fake? Do you dare to reveal it? "    


A large amount of black perspiration had already appeared on Xia Lei's forehead.    


Wasn't that the fellow who ate sh * t with his mouth talking about it?    


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