Tranxending Vision

C1370 Dirty Market

C1370 Dirty Market

Ramona brought Xia Lei to the Oval Office, then she brought Gu Ke Xin along.    


Liang Tao and Han Yifei had already chatted for a while, the atmosphere between the two of them was very harmonious, giving people the feeling that they hated each other for not meeting each other late. However, Xia Lei knew that Liang Tao was naturally familiar with him, no matter who it was that was with him, they would all feel that it was too late to meet each other, especially women.    


"Bro, you really did a great deed." The moment Xia Lei entered, Liang Tao went straight to the point, "I heard about your achievements from Mr. Han, but you didn't know that you didn't only save Mr. Han, but all of us."    


"Big Brother Liang is too polite. There are some things that just happen to happen to me. It's nothing more than a simple matter." Xia Lei said.    


Liang Tao said, "You don't have to be so polite. I know about the AE program's existence, and I know how important it is to us humans. If you save Mr. Han, this project will not be broken. We still have hope. "    


Xia Lei looked at Liang Tao, "You also know about the AE Project? What do you know? "    


Liang Tao said: "Although our Rebel Army and the Tianzhu College are different organizations, our goal is the same, and that is to fight for the survival of humanity and the future. We, the Rebel Army, and the Tianzhu College have exchanges in many areas. Sometimes, when they need us to do something, they would ask for us to do it. Similarly, when we need them to do something for us, we will bring it up directly. This is actually a kind of integration of resources. Only by integrating all of our forces together can we have the hope to survive and develop. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "This is not my problem."    


Liang Tao shrugged his shoulders, "Alright, I am actually not very clear about it, but our commander is very clear. You should stay here for a while longer. When she comes over, you can talk to her in person and she'll tell you everything. " Then, his face revealed a trace of an evil smile, "Also, I have to tell you, she is the most beautiful woman in our Rebel Army. She is the military flower of our Rebel Army. I can assure you that if you see her, you will be fascinated by her. "    


Xia Lei replied: "No need, I'll be leaving soon."    


"I heard you're going to the Dark Forest. Is that true?" Liang Tao obviously heard it from Han Yifei.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Yes, I have a very important matter to take care of."    


"I know that Lan Long. I heard that this is an agreement between you and it?"    


"No, I have my own reasons." Xia Lei did not want to explain. However, he understood Liang Tao's concern for him, because everyone agreed that those who went to the Dark Forest would not come back alive.    


Liang Tao's eyes were filled with worry, "I know you are someone who keeps his word, but this matter concerns your life and death, you should reconsider."    


Xia Lei said: "I have already decided, I will not consider it any further. "Also, leave this in your custody and Mr. Han's." Xia Lei opened his backpack and took out the black briefcase he got from the safe in the black beard's tent, then he placed it on Liang Tao's desk.    


"What is this?" Liang Tao asked curiously.    


Xia Lei said, "Professor Pang Ke's scientific research materials and records of the experiment. It's useless for me to keep it, so I'll leave it for you and Mr. Han to handle. "    


Han Yifei excitedly grabbed the briefcase in his hands, and said with a trembling voice, "This, this is Professor Pang Ke's briefcase, he always carries it with him to the laboratory to work."    


Liang Tao was also very excited, "With the information from Professor Pang Ke and the records of our experiments, the possibility of us successfully researching AE will be higher!"    


"Take a look, I'm going out for a walk." Xia Lei walked towards the door.    


"Do you want money?" Liang Tao asked.    


Xia Lei said: "No need, I found some blue moon coins in the black beard's safe, can I use it here?"    


"Yes, blue moon currency can be used in any market on this planet, especially the black market. They only recognize blue moon currency and rare ores." Liang Tao said.    


"Alright then. Don't worry about me. Take a look at the data and experimental records. I'll go out and take a look." Xia Lei left Liang Tao's office.    


"Come back as soon as possible, I'll give you a welcoming reception!" Liang Tao's voice came from behind.    


Xia Lei only laughed, and did not reply. He had actually seen the scientific research materials in the briefcase before, but he did not think that Han Yifei could research the AE based on that information. On Earth, he had studied AE for many years, but in the end, he could not find any reliable results. He had studied it before, so he was very clear on the mystery and complexity of AE. How could he rely on some scientific research data and experimental records to easily research it?    


But the things in the briefcase were irresistibly enticing to Liang Tao, who was a good person. If not for the things in the briefcase, Liang Tao would probably have caught up with him long ago. In this Underground City, he would have accompanied Xia Lei wherever he wanted to go.    


Walking out of the white house, Xia Lei walked along a street in the canyon. He had no purpose, he just walked around as he pleased. The buildings on both sides of the street were quite dense, but they weren't tall. The tallest one was only three stories tall, and the materials used to build the buildings were mainly made of stone. And building a house out of stone was definitely not going to be able to build a house that was very, very tall like using reinforced concrete.    


All he could see were houses built using rocks, reminding Xia Lei of that Stone Town. The city that possessed a miraculous power that could traverse space and time and space. Where was it now?    


After walking around for a bit and thinking about things that couldn't be covered, Xia Lei unknowingly arrived at a market.    


The market was not big, but it sold everything. Guns, ammunition, protective equipment, daily necessities, ores, wild animals, and so on. It was very lively.    


"Friend, if you're passing by, don't be wrong. How about the latest assault rifle?" A man selling guns walked out from behind his stall and offered his wares to Xia Lei. "Take my guns and you can do whatever you want outside.    


Xia Lei only glanced at the weapons on the arms dealer's stall, then shook his head and left. Those weapons were all rusted trash weapons, it was hard to say if they could even fire a shot, much less any sort of accuracy.    


"Pui!" "Pauper!" The weapon dealer spat on the ground, "Fuck, you must be a poor kid who sneaked in from the outside. Don't let me see you again or I'll kill you!"    


Xia Lei could clearly hear the weapon dealer's curses and threats, but he didn't care about it. In this chaotic world, life was as cheap as grass, let alone dignity. If he were to fight with people over who would win and who lose, a large number of people here would probably die. Bad living conditions make people irritable, vicious, and selfish, but these are human nature, and humans are just animals. Eating what you can eat to maintain your survival is a common denominator of all animals. This was no exception.    


"Friend, how about we go in and take a look at the good stuff?" A trader blocked Xia Lei's way.    


The merchant's clothes could still be considered bright, with a energy pistol of the blue moon man on her belt. It was the same model as the one he got from the black beard's safe. However, this trader's energy pistol's handle was inlaid with a thumb-sized red gemstone. As a weapon, the quality was far from obvious.    


Xia Lei's line of sight moved to the building behind the trader, which was a three story tall stone building. The store on the ground floor was closed. On the door hung a billboard that said: Treasure Shop in Chinese characters.    


Treasure Shop?    


Perhaps the name had aroused Xia Lei's curiosity, but with a slight movement of his eyes, the metal door was instantly "melted" within his field of vision. The space behind the door entered his line of sight, and he saw a considerably large hall. In the middle of the hall, there was a booth with a dozen girls standing on it. Their bodies were covered only by a pitiful amount of cloth, while their exposed skin was riddled with wounds, marks of being beaten and whipped.    


Selling weapons and wild animals was acceptable, but selling women as if they were goods and furthermore, it was sold in the market, which was very hard to accept. This sort of thing, even on Earth, was only possible in a slave society and feudal society, right?    


"Friend, let's go in and take a look. We only need to pay five blue moon coins." The merchant smiled seductively, "Even if you can't afford it, it would be good if you go in and take a look, because they will soon take off their clothes for display."    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze, "You guys are conducting a slave trade here, is no one in charge?"    


"Who cares?" Do you want to talk about Rebel Army? " The merchant said with a disdainful tone, "This Underground City was not built by the Rebel Army, they are not the owner of this Underground City either."    


Xia Lei probed: "Then who is the owner of this Underground City?"    


The merchant frowned, "My answer is not free, do you want to go in or not?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "Go in, of course I want to go in and see." He took out a roll of blue moon coins from his pocket and took out the smallest one. However, it was only 20 RMB.    


Without waiting for Xia Lei to pass the blue moon coin to the merchant, the merchant immediately grabbed the blue moon coin from Xia Lei's hands, "My eyes have never been bad, I can tell that you are a rich person with a single glance. "Thank you for your tip, please come in."    


Xia Lei did not let him find zeros. He walked towards the door that led to the hall, and then pushed open the door as he walked in. There were already many people in the hall, most of them men. They looked at the young ladies on the stage with eyes filled with desire. They were not very old, and the oldest was probably not even eighteen years old. They stood timidly on the stage, nervously waiting for an unknown fate.    


Just as Xia Lei entered the hall, the merchant waved his hand and a youth walked over to his side.    


The merchant whispered into the young man's ear. The young man nodded and walked towards the elevator that was leaving the Underground City.    


The well-dressed merchant looked at the closed metal door and a strange smile appeared on his face.    


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