Tranxending Vision

C1358 Lanyue

C1358 Lanyue

Ri Hua moved his four legs and rushed forward. It weighed a few tons, yet it had a speed that was even faster than a steed's. Riding on its back, Xia Lei felt as if he was riding a terrain armored car.    


A place entered Xia Lei's line of sight. That was the place where he had just come to. It was a place with nothing but rocks and gravel and withered weeds. Until now, he still could not figure out how he came to this place, and where the Stone Town had flown to.    


"Roar!" Ri Hua roared, and increased his speed once again. Amidst the rumbling sounds of his footsteps, a thick layer of dust started to swirl behind him.    


Buzz buzz ?    


A strange rumble suddenly came from the sky.    


Xia Lei looked up and saw a large transport airship slowly descending from the sky.    


Lan Yue then opened the energy field that sealed the world away.    


The moment the energy field opened, the branding power returned to him and all of his power returned to Xia Lei's body. The feeling of a "mortal" suddenly transforming into "god" was extremely intense, to the point that Xia Lei himself was not used to it.    


And just as the transport airship descended, Xia Lei's energy field of branding power caught hold of Ri Hua's thoughts, and instantly entered a "shared" state with it.    


"Why do I feel like you're right in my head? What's going on?" Ri Hua was very surprised, but it did not slow down.    


Xia Lei answered its question in his mind, "I have this kind of ability, but it can only be used when I use it on Lan Yue."    


"How could this be?" Ri Hua's way of thinking.    


Xia Lei thought, "I don't know either, I'm looking for the answer."    


"I'm surprised at your ability." Ri Hua's way of thinking.    




Ri Hua thought, "Because our Queen also possesses such an ability, she knows everything."    


The sacred and mysterious blue energy tree suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's mind. That blue energy tree possessed the ability to link everything together. It could use its energyetic root to construct an energy network that was similar to a "neural network", where everything within the energy network could form a "connection". From this angle, that energy tree indeed knew everything.    


"May your queen give me an answer." Xia Lei's way of thinking.    


"After we pass through the desert, we will pass by an abandoned city. We will call it Eastern City, just like you guys called it." Ri Hua's way of thinking.    


"City? What's in that city? "    


"Food and chaos." Ri Hua's way of thinking.    


Xia Mu was slightly surprised for a moment, but he quickly understood what was going on. "Food" appeared in Ri Hua's mind, indicating that he was talking about humans. As for chaos, this world had never lacked such things.    


Buzz buzz ?    


Lan Yue closed the energy field and the energy of the branding power entered a state of hibernation once again. The mental connection between Xia Lei and Xia Lei was also broken.    


"Roar?" Ri Hua's voice.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "That's the situation. Fuck, there will be a day when I will blow the blue moon in the sky away!"    


Ri Hua did not make a sound, his head buried in the ground as he ran.    


Xia Lei turned his head to look at the transport airship in the sky. He saw a small flying machine flying out of the transport airship and heading in his direction.    


It looked like a thin plate with a thick middle. It fit perfectly with the "flying saucer" depicted on Earth. This kind of flying machine had many similar characteristics with the flying machine in's memories that he stole from Ixtab's brain, but it was obviously not the same.    


The flying machine's speed was extremely fast, in the blink of an eye, it had already arrived above Xia Lei and.    


"Roar!" Ri Hua, who was running wildly, also noticed something above his head.    


Ri Hua suddenly sped up, making it look a little nervous.    


This kind of nervousness was contagious, even Xia Lei became nervous. This was because he had never seen the blue moon man ever since he came to this world, and he and Ri Hua had obviously been discovered by the blue moon man already.    


The saucer plummeted, came to a halt at the point where it was about to hit the ground, and then flew on again. It was less than ten meters from the ground, and instantly flew over Xia Lei and his head. The dust it brought up immediately drowned both Xia Lei and Ri Hua.    


"Roar!" Ri Hua bellowed at the flying machine, and then stopped his flying figure.    


The disc shaped drone flew forward for about two to three hundred meters before suddenly stopping.    


A man and a beast, a saucer-shaped airship were standing still, facing each other at a distance of two or three hundred meters.    


Xia Lei removed the metal bow on his back and used his right hand to pull out a silver metal arrow from the metal quiver. Against blue moon man, human weapons were obviously not enough, so he did not plan to use his own transformed Avenger's 1,000 sniper rifle and an Assassin's Assault Rifle.    


However, even if he had the metal bow, Xia Lei was not the least bit confident. After all, the other party was piloting a flying ship, and he only had one bow in his hand. With such a disparity in strength, even an idiot would be able to deduce the outcome of the exchange of blows.    


Suddenly, a silver metal tube appeared from beneath the disc shaped aircraft. At the other end of the metal tube, there was a silver metal base. Although it was his first time seeing it, Xia Lei, who came from an armor-making background, immediately became alert, because he felt that this thing looked like a defensive cannon on a warship.    


"Run!" Xia Lei roared, he was worried that Ri Hua would not understand his language, so he even subconsciously patted on Ri Hua's neck.    


Pow! It was like hitting a steel plate.    


It was unknown if it was because she understood Xia Lei's voice or because she could read his body language. Ri Hua suddenly activated it, his four legs stepped on the ground heavily and his entire body suddenly rushed towards the right.    


Its speed, and its strength, were like the arrows Xia Lei had shot out.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


The metal pipe beneath the disc-shaped aircraft suddenly spewed out a series of light, that burning light chain instantly flew to the place where Ri Hua had just landed.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


A violent explosion rang out and the earth trembled, sending clumps of mud and rock fragments flying into the air. The place where the explosion had taken place was now riddled with craters. The deepest part could even be used as a grave!    


After Ri Hua ran for a distance, he suddenly changed his direction.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


The saucer gave off another series of blinding lights.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


Another row of craters appeared on the ground.    


The dazzling light emitted by the disc shaped flying object was obviously the blue moon man's energy arms.    


"Roar!" Ri Hua roared in anger, he rushed forward and changed his direction again. In front of it was a mountain range that rose and fell continuously. There was no dense vegetation on those mountain peaks, but there were a lot of rocks. The grotesquely shaped boulders formed a special terrain. Some formed criss-crossing mountain trenches, while others formed caves. It was a very complicated scene.    


Xia Lei already knew what Ri Hua was thinking and he couldn't help but sigh at the intelligence of this species called Lan Long.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


A violent explosion sounded out behind him, and the disc shaped spaceship began to move once more, catching up to him. It moved, and caught up to Ri Hua and Xia Lei in an instant. However, it was still unable to use its cannon's energy to blast away at Ri Hua and Xia Lei.    


Just like that, Ri Hua chased and ran. A few minutes later, Ri Hua arrived at the foot of a stone mountain. Once they had reached the foot of the mountain, Xia Lei somersaulted and jumped off Ri Hua's back, then fell into a large crevice in the stone.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


A energy shell exploded right behind Ri Hua, causing his body to fly up and crash heavily onto the ground.    


"Roar!" Just as it fell to the ground, Ri Hua got up. It shook its head and body, and threw the dirt and stone fragments on its body.    


Although it did not sustain any serious injuries, some parts of its scales had traces of blue blood seeping out.    


Just one cannonball had caused the Lan Long to bleed. One could imagine how powerful the blue moon man's energy shell were.    


Ri Hua also jumped to the gigantic crevice that Xia Lei was hiding in. The crevice was curved and curved, it's depth was a few meters and its width was at least a few meters, it was like an underground tunnel to the subway.    


"Let's go!" Xia Lei rushed forward. He was very clear that with the scientific and technological level of the blue moon man, wanting to find out the exact location of him and Ri Hua wasn't difficult at all. He and Ri Hua were hiding in the crevice, so they couldn't see the disc shaped flying beast in the sky, but the disc shaped flying beast in the sky could accurately bombard them at any time. Therefore, even if they were hiding in the ravine, he had to bring Ri Hua along to maintain high speed, until they found a place to hide that they couldn't bomb!    


Ri Hua followed closely behind as Xia Lei ran through the crevices of the rocks.    


BOOM! BOOM! Rumble ?    


A violent explosion sounded out behind him as the entire mountain trembled. It was as if the dangerous mountain in the middle of an earthquake would collapse at any moment!    


After some distance, a cave appeared at the end of the stone trench.    


Xia Lei did not hesitate, and quickly rushed in with Ri Hua.    


The cave was not very deep, it was at most a hundred meters deep. The interior space was not very big, about a thousand square meters. However, the interior structure was very complicated. There were strange, rugged rocks everywhere, tall and wide in all sorts of ways, causing the entire space to seem very crowded and strange.    


The complicated environment of this place made Xia Lei heave a sigh of relief, because the disc-shaped flying beast could not attack this place. If the blue moon man on the flying machine wanted to attack him and Ri Hua, they would have to enter this cave. Once they entered, he was confident that this cave would become their burial ground!    


The disc shaped drone caught up to the sky above the cave. It first lowered its altitude and stopped only two meters above the ground. blue moon man did not fire any cannons, and no one alighted from the disc shaped flying ship.    


"Roar!" Ri Hua roared angrily in the direction of the cave entrance. His voice contained an immense power and anger, causing the cave to buzz.    


The saucer, hovering low in the air, suddenly rose to a higher altitude and headed off in the other direction.    


Xia Lei walked out of the cave and looked at the disc-shaped flying ship that flew away in the blink of an eye. He knew very well in his heart what was going on. The blue moon man on the disc shaped plane was definitely not worried about his "food", it was actually worried about the terrifying power of Lan Long Ri Hua. He did not know whether or not the Lan Long species existed in the blue moon man's recipes, but she was sure that if one wanted to eat the Lan Long, they must first have the awareness of being eaten by the Lan Long.    


The saucer flew away and never came back.    


"Is the blue moon man on that plane a coward? You're giving up just like that? " Xia Lei was stifled by his anger. He had originally wanted to kill one or two blue moon man s in this cave, but he did not expect the other party would not come down.    


It was normal for blue moon man to give up, as fighting Lan Long for a piece of food was definitely not a worthwhile thing.    


"Roar!" Ri Hua roared at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei understood tacitly and jumped onto Ri Hua's back.    


Ri Hua kicked all four of his legs, and rushed out of the cave like the wind.    


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