Tranxending Vision

C1330 medicated person

C1330 medicated person

Lin Qing thought that she had met a pervert, and thought that this whatever Teacher Xia was staring at her chest passionately. Not only that, she might even stretch her mouth over to look. This made her feel nervous, and she subconsciously took two steps back.    


"Ugh ?" Xia Lei seemed to have understood something. He finally moved his gaze away from this person's puffy chest and said apologetically: "Did I make you uncomfortable? Sorry, I... I'm sick. "    


Is seeing a woman's chest a disease? If so, it must be perverted. Lin Qing thought this in her heart, but on the surface, she did not care about Xia Lei. She was waiting for Li Ni to return and then took her tomato and left this pervert from here.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "It seems that I am really making you uncomfortable. Sorry. "I didn't mean to. I was really sick, and when I saw you, my illness flared up."    


"You, what kind of illness do you have?" After all, he was a doctor, and Xia Lei was a little interested in Xia Lei's words. Another reason why she was willing to speak with Xia Lei was because Xia Lei had apologized to her time and time again. Looking at his sincere appearance, she was no longer as nervous and uncomfortable in her heart.    


"Milk thirst." Xia Lei said in all seriousness, "I want some milk."    


"Rascal ?" Lin Qing scolded softly. In her opinion, there was no such thing as "milk thirst" in this world. The man in front of her was just trying to lie to her and take advantage of her.    


"Dr. Lin, can you give me some food?" Xia Lei looked at Lin Qing with eyes filled with desire.    


"If you keep spouting nonsense, I'll call for help!" Lin Qing looked at Xia Lei nervously, and took another step back.    


Xia Lei secretly cursed himself for being too anxious, but he really couldn't resist his desire for milk. The intensity of that desire had reached an uncontrollable degree. At this moment, every cell in his body seemed to be crying out ? I want to drink milk! I want to drink milk!    


"Dr. Lin, I know you are misunderstanding me. I am not the lustful man you think I am. I really have a disease. If I don't drink milk, my condition will become very serious... Forget it, let's not talk about me anymore. " Xia Lei laughed bitterly and changed the topic, "Doctor Lin, where is your husband? It's so late and you're a woman carrying a child and walking around outside. Does he feel at ease? "    


"He's dead." Lin Qing said.    


"I'm sorry." Xia Lei said apologetically: "I didn't know that your husband had already ?"    


"You don't have to apologize to him." A hint of hatred surfaced in Lin Qing's eyes, "He wasn't my husband at all, he raped me and made me pregnant. However, when I needed help the most, he intended to sell me to a middleman. "After knowing his intentions, I took advantage of the time when he was drunk to escape and fled here."    


"So he's not dead, is he?"    


"In my heart, he is already dead." Lin Qing said.    


Xia Lei said: "If you really want him dead, I can help you get rid of him."    


"Are you a killer?"    


"No, I'm a teacher." Xia Lei smiled, "You heard it too. Li Ni also called me Teacher Xia."    


Lin Qing said in a low voice: "How can I have a teacher like you, who wants to drink milk all of a sudden, and kill people all of the sudden."    


Xia Lei said: "Please believe me, I am not a bad person. You can't get food with a woman and a child. If you can't keep up with your nutrition, how will you support your children? I'll take care of you and your child. You just need to give me some milk. "    


Lin Qing looked at Xia Lei strangely, and there was hesitation and suspicion in her eyes.    


Xia Lei continued to persuade his, "You can't come to Li Ni's place every day to get a tomato, right? Besides, you can't eat tomatoes every day, you have to eat meat, your body needs protein, so your milk can feed your child, and every kilogram of tomato contains 0.9 grams of protein, which is not enough at all. You also want your child to grow healthy and healthy. I can help you, and you can help me. "    


Lin Qing was still hesitant.    


Xia Lei said: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you and your child. I will give you food, and other things you need help with.    


Lin Qing bit her lips, "I won't sleep with you."    


Seeing her loosen up, Xia Lei heaved a sigh of relief, and laughed: "Doctor Lin, how many times do you need me to tell you that I'm not that kind of person?"    


"You can't use your mouth to eat it either. I-I'll squeeze it for you." Lin Qing's apple face was red from embarrassment.    


"Then we've made a deal." Xia Lei extended a hand towards Lin Qing, "Let's have a happy cooperation."    


"I won't shake your hand. We don't want any physical contact." Lin Qing said.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Since when did the Rayma Group's Manager Xia be so guarded against by a woman?    


"What are you guys talking about?" Li Ni walked over with a smile. In her hand was a basket filled with tomatoes.    


"We ?" Lin Qing was about to say something when she saw Xia Lei wink at her, causing her to change his words, "I was just casually chatting."    


"Here's the tomato for you, Sister Lin. If you need any help in the future, feel free to come find me. Don't be polite with me." Li Ni said.    


Lin Qing took the basket from Li Ni's hands, "Thank you, this is already very embarrassing, I can't trouble you often, it isn't easy for you either."    


"Doctor Lin, let me help you with this. It is inconvenient for you to carry your child by yourself." Without waiting for Lin Qing's reply, Xia Lei took the basket from her hands.    


"Alright, then I'll trouble you to send Sister Lin off, Teacher Xia." Li Ni said.    


Lin Qing originally wanted to reject them, but Xia Lei had already started walking towards the door with the basket in his hands.    


"Let's go, Dr. Lin." Xia Lei turned his head and smiled at Lin Qing.    


She was good-looking and had a beautiful smile, but Lin Qing felt that she was troubled. But in the end, she still nodded her head and followed Xia Lei out. She and Xia Lei had reached a deal to exchange milk for food, but she didn't want to milk them everyday and send them back to Xia Lei, so it was necessary to let him know where she lived.    


Darkness shrouded the Peace Village, and the night was silent. No one moved from the village. There was a breeze blowing in the forest on the other side of the river. The treetops gently swayed, emitting a rustling sound. The sound was like a hypnotic song.    


Xia Lei followed Lin Qing to the other side of the village, but Lin Qing did not stop, and continued to walk forward, until they were at least a few hundred meters away from the village, in front of a forest.    


Xia Lei said: "Why are you living so far away as a woman? It's not safe. "    


Lin Qing said: "I don't want to either, but when I came here, there was only one room. The previous owner of the house died, so Li Ni gave it to me. I don't have the ability to build my own house, so having a house of my own is enough. "    


As they spoke, Xia Lei followed Lin Qing into the forest, and a dilapidated house made of tree bark entered his line of sight. The frame of the bark house was made of wood, but it wasn't solid. It was already showing signs of tilting. There was also a hole in the roof. Its diameter could have dropped a pumpkin. A house like this, whenever a strong wind blows, it might collapse.    


Looking at this scene, Xia Lei's heart felt a little sour.    


"I'm here, go back." Lin Qing said.    


"No rush, let me help you carry it into the house." Xia Lei said, then opened the door and walked in.    


Lin Qing originally wanted to stop him, but Xia Lei had already walked in. She followed him in nervously.    


The room was small but clean. There were many herbs on a wooden shelf, giving off a strong herbal smell. There was also a small bed, a box, and some cooking utensils, such as pots and bowls. However, those pots and bowls were cleaner than if licked. It was obvious that they hadn't been touched for a long time.    


"You really are a doctor, what do you study is traditional Chinese medicine?" Xia Lei casually asked.    


"Chinese medicine? What Chinese medicine? My medical skills were taught to me by my father. " Lin Qing said: "He is a good person and has saved many people. But one day, blue moon man appeared, and he... It was eaten. "    


"Don't be sad, everything will be fine." Xia Lei comforted her and secretly said in his heart: "Chinese medicine is something that only the Grand China has on Earth. Even if one emigrated to this planet, after such a long period of time, its development would definitely not be the same as the Chinese medicine on Earth, right? So it is normal for Lin Qing to not know of the existence of Chinese medicine. However, no matter how it develops, as far as these herbs are concerned, the root of such a medical technique is definitely based on the foundation of Chinese medicine. "    


"Go back." Lin Qing urged, she felt very nervous while Xia Lei was in her room.    


However, Xia Lei did not move. He looked at Lin Qing and said, "Give me some milk, I'll go back after I drink some."    


"You, you still haven't given us our meat." Lin Qing's face immediately flushed red because of the word "squeeze" coming out of Xia Lei's mouth.    


Xia Lei said: "Push on me, I'll teach you some medical skills, just treat it as your milk."    


"You even know medicine?" Lin Qing was very surprised.    


Xia Lei didn't only know medical skills, he had also learned medical skills on Earth. He had also used a few silver needles to prick the Shen-tu's heart that was gradually freezing. In fact, not only did he know Chinese medicine, he also knew western medicine. The knowledge about medicine that he had seen back then was stored in his brain. He could easily find a way to teach Lin Qing and make her medical skills even better.    


"I don't believe that you have medical skills. Tell me, how are you going to treat someone who has a cold?" When the subject of medical skills was brought up, Lin Qing was immediately interested and did not chase Xia Lei away.    


Xia Lei's gaze landed on the herbs on the wooden shelf. He felt a headache, because he had never seen those herbs before and did not know their names. Should he tell her that he remembered the recipe of TCM for treating colds?    


"It can't be? I don't like bragging people, so you should leave. " Lin Qing said.    


Xia Lei braced himself and said: "10 grams of ephedra, osmanthus, white peony, dried ginger, roasted licorice 15 grams, 5 grams of Asarum, 12 grams of Pinellia ternata, 5 grams of Schisandra, this prescription can cure a cold."    


Lin Qing was slightly taken aback, "What medicine is this? I've never even heard of the names of those herbs. "    


The world was different, how could the names of herbs be the same?    


Xia Lei recalled for a moment, and then said: "Actually you don't need any herbs. You can put the patient in a sealed space, burn a few rocks until they become red and hot, and then water them with a ladle. This can also help the patient alleviate the symptoms."    


"This is ?" "What kind of medical skills?" Lin Qing looked at Xia Lei strangely.    


Xia Lei laughed, "This is called the Steam Therapy. Through the steam, the patient's blood vessels will open up and sweat down. The patient's symptoms of a cold will naturally lessen. After that, I'll take some soup medicine, so there shouldn't be a problem. "    


"You really know medicine." Lin Qing revealed a smile on her face, "Tell me everything else you know. Even my father doesn't know about this method of yours. You are a special person. "    


However, Xia Lei said, "I'll tell you tomorrow. Give me a little milk now, I'm almost going to ?" He pursed his lips, and the worm in his stomach began to crawl out of his throat.    


"You really are ?" "Go out for a while, I'll squeeze for you." Lin Qing's face flushed red again.    


"Yes, thank you." Xia Lei followed him out the door.    


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