Tranxending Vision

C1401 The Tyrant of the Ahimis

C1401 The Tyrant of the Ahimis

The news of a human brat violently beating the most powerful warrior of the tribe, Ah Magang, with his fist was like a gust of wind blowing across all of Ahimis's tribes.    


The strongest boy in the human race fell in love with the most beautiful girl in the Ahimis Tribe.    


The most greedy girl in the entire Ahimis Tribe had fallen into a pit of fire. The strongest boy in the human race had slaughtered his way into a violent group to save her, causing him to fall in love at first sight. He did not hesitate to abandon the human race and come here to continue his love with the greedy girl in the Ahimis Tribe.    


The young genius girl of the Ahimis Tribe had good eyesight. He fancied the strongest youth of the human race, seduced him, and then brought him to the Ahimis Tribe. Her plan was to have a mixed blood baby with the strongest youth of the human race ?    


Ahimis was also very gossipy.    


Just as all sorts of hilarious stories were being spread in the Ahimis tribe, the "genius girl" of the Ahimis was counting the money.    


"Ninety-eight thousand. Ninety-nine thousand ?" After counting to ninety-nine thousand, Lan Ji'er raised her head and looked at Xia Lei, "That's it, you should at least give me a thousand, quickly make it up."    


Xia Lei speechlessly looked at Lan Ji'er who was sitting on the bedside counting the money, "You purposely missed one, right?"    


"Where?" What's wrong with you? I've helped you so much and you're actually giving me a thousand less. I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person. " Lan Ji'er seemed very angry.    


"Let me count." Xia Lei reached out for the money.    


Lan Ji'er actually held that large pile of blue moon coins in her arms, "No, after you count it, I have to count it twice myself, I'm very sure that you've given me one less."    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, and then took out a large amount of blue moon coins from his equipment bag and placed it on the bedside.    


Lan Ji'er immediately grabbed the large amount of blue moon coins, as if she was afraid that Xia Lei would take it back.    


If it wasn't for the information he had stolen from her brain, and knowing that she and her father, Father Lan Mu, was trying their best to earn money, Xia Lei would have definitely looked down on her. But after knowing the reason why she and Father Lan Mu were so greedy, his heart was filled with sympathy.    


However, he still hadn't found out the true identities of Lan Mu's father and her. If Father and Lan Ji'er were just ordinary Ahimis, why would the father and daughter pair be so passionate about redeeming Ahimis's homeland? Therefore, just from this point, he was able to deduce that Lan Mu and his father were not ordinary Ahimis.    


But still, it was because of that reason that Lan Ji'er had the mysterious immunity to branding power. He didn't dare to rashly control her brain to dig deeper into her memories. He didn't care how long she had to wait to find the opportunity to steal Lan Ji'er's thoughts and find the answer.    


Lan Ji'er placed the money Xia Lei gave her into a crate, then locked the crate up.    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "Aren't you afraid that I'll steal your money?"    


Lan Ji'er took the case and walked out, "I won't give you the chance to do so."    


"Where will I sleep tonight?" Xia Lei asked.    


"Now that everyone knows that you are my lover, of course you have to sleep in my room. But you can't sleep in my bed. You can only sleep on the floor. There are blankets in the closet, go get them yourself. " Lan Ji'er went out.    


Xia Lei didn't actually want to live in the same room as Lan Ji'er, but he felt that Lan Ji'er's words were reasonable. He defeated Ah Magang, and became his lover in an extremely high profile. If he still slept apart with Lan Ji'er, he would definitely arouse all sorts of suspicions. After Lan Ji'er left, he took out a scout and an animal skin blanket from the closet, and laid his "bed" on the floor close to the window.    


Through the window, Xia Lei saw the Ahimis Tribe that had merged with the forest. Everything here made him feel as if he was in an unreal dream. He didn't know when he would wake up, but everything before his eyes would disappear.    


Xia Lei's line of sight moved towards the direction of the Ahimis's summit. There was a building on top of the snow-covered mountain peak. Unlike the buildings here, they were made of stone and were extremely majestic. They looked like a very large temple.    


Xia Lei secretly thought: "Behind the square where Ah Magang and I are fighting, there is a Sky Temple, and its scale is also very large, the one at the top of the mountain looks even bigger, what kind of temple is that? ~ Ahimis doesn't need to build two identical temples on the same mountain, right? If it is not a temple, then what is it? "    


Just as Xia Lei was guessing about this, a clear singing voice came from outside the window.    


It was a young woman's voice, and it was using the Ahimis language. The words of the song were as follows: "My love, I heard the laughter that came from the Sacred Grounds." Your voice is so charming, I can't hear enough. The person who killed you was beaten half to death, and the honor of a warrior was shattered on the ground. I know you like it, so I'm going to sing it to you. You are the brave warrior in my heart. I love you, I love you ?    


The singing was intermittent, and when Xia Lei looked towards the direction of the singing voice, he very quickly saw the singing lady. Right at the crown of a huge tree next to "Lan Mu's father's general store", in a tree house, a young Ahimis woman was singing by the tree house's window.    


Beside the woman was a plant oil lamp, its flickering flame shining on her face.    


She was quiet and beautiful, like a exotic rose blooming in the candlelight.    


"Aren't these lyrics about me and Ah Magang's battle? Listening to her singing, could it be that her lover died in Ah Magang's hands? " Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart.    


The young Ahimis woman was still singing. Perhaps it was because he was singing to the depths of love, two teardrops rolled down from the corner of her eyes. In the light of the oil lamp, the two tears were like glistening pearls.    


Sad love songs, sad women, these are all factors that can easily touch a man's heartstrings.    


Xia Lei got up from his bed and went out. He stepped on a huge branch that was at least a meter in diameter and headed for the woman's tree house. Although they were two different trees, it was impossible for the treetops of such huge trees to not be crowded together. Therefore, the branches of the two giant trees also became natural "Little Mo", easily walking from those huge branches to another tree.    


When Xia Lei went to the "door scuttling", it wasn't because the words of the sad woman had touched his heartstrings, making him explode with testosterone, and made him want to comfort her. It was this sad woman who gave him an idea. This idea was related to the thought he had just had, which was the identity and secret of Lan Ji'er and his father, as well as the secret of their abilities.    


The first time Lan Ji'er saw him, she told him that she knew his secret, and he was afraid that the mysterious immunity to the branding power's energy that she possessed would not control her brain to steal her deep memories. However, this sad woman was different. She looked like an ordinary Ahimis woman, but she was very grateful to him and wouldn't be on her guard. So why not look for the answer on this woman? As a neighbor of Lan Ji'er and his dad, she definitely knew a lot about them. Furthermore, she was also a Ahimis. If she also had the mysterious immunity to Lan Ji'er, then it would be normal for Lan Ji'er. If she did not have that kind of immunity, then Lan Ji'er was the "most special one" in Ahimis's tribe!    


Xia Lei quickly threw the branch across the sky behind him as he arrived in front of the woman's window. The woman did not notice him and continued to sing. Her lyrics were all done at will, but it was not messy at all. From beginning to end, it was surrounded by a theme of love and longing, and was very touching.    


Xia Lei stopped in front of the woman's window and coughed.    


The lady was shocked by Xia Lei, she immediately stood up and covered her chest with her hands. It was a gesture of self-preservation. However, when she saw that the person outside the window was that mysterious human brat, her nervousness immediately disappeared. However, she still remained alert, "You ?" Why are you here? "    


Xia Lei had a smile on his face as he pointed to Lan Ji'er's tree house for the woman, "I'll stay there for the time being. Our family is not far away, we can be considered neighbors. I heard you singing, and I was drawn to your singing. If you don't want to say that, I'll go back now. "    


"No, no." The woman's hand came off her chest.    


Xia Lei's face was full of sincerity. "I'm Xia Lei, nice to meet you."    


"I know you, you defeated Ah Magang." The woman smiled at Xia Lei, "My name is Porisi, I ?" Nodding her head, she continued, "Thank you for defeating Ah Magang, that despicable person."    


Xia Lei quietly released the branding power, allowing his energy field of branding power to silently move closer to Porisi. His goal was clear, so he wouldn't hesitate, but he still had to be careful.    


The woman did not stop. She told her story, "Everyone thinks he is a warrior of the tribe, but I know he is a despicable man. My husband, Gaia, is the one who deserves glory and respect. Just last year, Ah Magang and my husband fought over the title of warrior. Both my husband and Ah Magang passed the previous tests, and in the end, we needed to fight to decide who would get the title of warrior. The night before the fight, Ah Magang invited my husband to drink, and he drugged him. "The next day, in the battle, my husband lost all his strength. His spear pierced through my heart ?"    


This was a sad and infuriating story, and she was definitely a pitiful woman. But Xia Lei resisted the guilt in her heart, and it suddenly invaded her brain. Just at that moment, the information stored in Porisi's brain flooded into his brain.    


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