Tranxending Vision

C1548 Communication with Wife

C1548 Communication with Wife

A witty idea received a poop of effect, this was the true feeling that Xia Lei was feeling at the moment. Watching his own women fleeing the restaurant with their children in their arms, he wanted to cry. Long Bing, Tang Yuyan and Liang Siyao were all such women, but after giving birth to their children, they seemed to have lost all of their courage. Carrying their own children, they ran faster than anyone else and took over one, two, and three women while the other three women, Mortal Realm, Jiang Ruyi and Shentu Tianyin, were unable to catch up to them even if they wanted to.    


The one who escaped the most was Shentu Tianyin, because she had two children.    


"Ai, what should we do?" Xia Lei sighed, this was already the best he could think of, if even this method did not work, he did not know what to do.    


After escaping from the restaurant, the women finally calmed down a bit, and some people started discussing about it.    


"What happened?" Jiang Ruyi who was the least courageous said this.    


"I don't know. Could he have met a ghost?" Tang Yuyan said.    


"Fan Fan, you are a scientist. Can you explain the situation?" Long Bing asked Fan.    


Fan Fan Fan shook his head. "I don't know either. I've never encountered such a thing ?"    


This was Xia Fan's sudden interruption of her mother's words. "You bunch of cowards. It's a 'Xia' word. My father's surname is also 'Xia'. We should see what kind of character will appear at the end."    


The women immediately came to their senses. Yes, it was the word 'Xia'!    


When these words reached Xia Lei's ears, Xia Lei really wanted to kiss Xia Fan. His women were not as daring as her daughter, and that left him speechless. He dipped his finger in the wine and wrote the word "Thunder" on the table.    


The weather here was extremely cold. The wine stains on the table did not evaporate at all, and there were even signs of a slight freeze. His name was very eye-catching on the white table.    


Some of the women had returned from the outside of the restaurant, but the ones that came in were three female agents, Long Bing, Tang Yuyan and Liang Siyao. Fan Fan, Jiang Ruyi and Shentu Tianyin stayed outside to look after the child.    


Looking at the cautious, nervous, and anxious Long Bing, Xia Lei wanted to laugh. He said, "It's good that you three have returned." Then he continued to write in red wine.    


When the three female agents came in, they happened to see the word "Thunder" that Xia Lei had written down. After connecting it with the first word, it instantly became the name that they wanted to see the most ? ? Xia Lei.    


The three female agents were stunned.    


"To think that you guys are special forces. Is this all you have?" Xia Lei continued to write as he counted his women. He dipped his finger more and more quickly into the red wine, and more and more words appeared on the table. A complete sentence appeared on the dining table: I am your husband, Xia Lei. Don't be afraid, and don't worry, I'm right in front of you, but you can't see me.    


After he finished writing, Xia Lei quietly watched the reactions of the three female agents.    


After two seconds, Tang Yuyan suddenly let out a sorrowful howl, and then began to cry out loud, "Hubby, you, you ? Are you dead? "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Didn't he clearly state that there was no need to worry? What kind of comprehension ability is this? He really wanted to have a good talk with her language teacher.    


Tang Yuyan's words instantly influenced the other two women.    


Liang Siyao also cried, "Wuu ?. Husband... "Sob, sob ?"    


This was akin to a sob.    


Long Bing was the strongest amongst all of his women, but at this time, her tears also started flowing. She choked with sobs as she said, "Hubby, you ? you liar, didn't you say you would come back? You, you're dead! What should we do, us and our children... "Ying, ying, ying ?"    


Xia Lei's head was spinning.    


Hearing the crying in the dining room, the other three women also ran in. Before they could even see the words on the table, they only heard the cries and words of the three female secret service agents. Fan Fan Fan, Jiang Ruyi and Shentu Tianyin seemed as if the sky had fallen.    


Jiang Ruyi ignored everything and started crying, "Ah Lei Zi, my Lei Zi ? I don't want to live anymore even if you're dead ? "AHH ?."    


This was like crying to the heavens and the earth. What was even weirder was that she did not even read the words on the table.    


Fan Fan Fan wasn't much better off, his tears streaming down his face, "What's going on?" "Ying, ying, ying ?" Why do you say that my husband is dead? "Ying, ying, ying ?"    


Shentu Tianyin also cried, but her crying wasn't exaggerated. Her tears fell one after another, but she bit her lips, not letting the crying sound out. After all, she was the Queen of the Universal Group, and her ability to withstand pressure was the most outstanding amongst all women.    


There were at least three women who did not read the words, and Xia Lei felt that he was about to collapse. He dipped his finger in the red wine again and then, as quickly as he could, wrote something new on the table: "I'm not dead yet. What are you crying for?"    


When Long Bing saw the new content on the table, she rubbed her eyes. After confirming that she had not seen wrongly, her tears stopped. She elbowed Liang Siyao, who was standing beside her, "Look, look at the table!"    


All eyes were once again focused on the table. They saw the contents of the table and stopped crying.    


Xia Lei was finally relieved as he continued to write on the dining table: I am actually right in front of you, it's just that you can't see me. Let me prove to you that I will touch your faces, and you will not be afraid.    


The women looked at each other. Their brain cells were obviously not enough.    


Xia Lei walked towards them and then kissed Long Bing on the cheek. Long Bing was stunned for a moment, he was so shocked that her mouth was wide open, and she couldn't say a word. She was sure that just now, someone had kissed her face. In her entire life, she had only been kissed by one man, and that man was Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei walked to Tang Yuyan's side and slapped Tang Yuyan's perky butt.    


"Ya!" Tang Yuyan cried out in alarm, covering her perky body with her hands, at the same time she turned her head to look, but she did not see anything, it was only a reflex action.    


Xia Lei walked towards Liang Siyao again, and then Shentu Tianyin, Fan Fan, Jiang Ruyi again. He would either spank or kiss his on the cheek.    


Different women felt the same way, because Xia Lei was simply too familiar with them. Xia Lei was like a part of their bodies. Although it was just an invisible kiss or caress, they knew that the one who kissed them and the one who caressed them was their man, Xia Lei.    


The handwriting on the table, in addition to the familiar feeling, made the women certain that Xia Lei was in the dining room. In that instant, they were completely stupefied, and their minds went blank. No matter how one looked at it, they could not understand such a strange thing.    


Xia Lei then wrote on the dining table: I can see you and hear your voices, but you cannot see me nor can you hear my voice. But don't worry, I'm really fine. It's just that the situation is a bit complicated, and I'll explain it to you, at the right time.    


The women saw this passage, and their mood shifted from sadness and fear to excitement and joy.    


"Is husband really you?" Jiang Ruyi tried to test the waters.    


Xia Lei wiped away the words he wrote before and then wrote on the dining table: It's me, Ru Yi.    


Shentu Tianyin's voice trembled, "Hubby, how did you end up like this? What happened?"    


Xia Lei wrote on the dining table: "I am only a soul right now."    


"You ? "What about your body?" Tang Yuyan asked anxiously.    


Xia Lei wrote on the dining table: Other places are very safe.    


"Other places? "Where?" Liang Siyao asked.    


This question stumped Xia Lei. Could he be writing "Star of Hope" or "Peace Forest"? If his women knew he was in another world, they wouldn't know how sad they would be or how much they would cry.    


This world had an independent time system with another world. He did not know what was going on, but he knew that even if he left again and came back, the time in this world would not change much. If that was the case, why tell them the truth that they were afraid and worried about? He could definitely return after completing that mission and then settle the two opponents, Ixtab and Carcia Ruiz, to resolve the crisis in this world. Hadn't he been able to be with the women and children he loved?    


Thinking about this, Xia Lei wrote these words on the dining table: You know that I am a person who had evolved before, I can now let my soul leave my body. I'm in a secret laboratory right now, researching on how to crack the helldog virus's vaccine. At the same time, I have to deal with two super powerful enemies. For safety's sake, I can't tell you too much, but please believe me, I'm fine, I'll be fine. I will soon be able to resolve this crisis, and then we will come and live happily together.    


These words finally made the women feel relieved.    


Jiang Ruyi said joyfully: "Xia Jianghe, come in and see your father! Your father is back! "    


"Xia Long, quickly come in and call for father!" Long Bing's voice.    


The other four women also called in their children. In the situation just now, the women's instinctive reaction was to protect their children. How could they leave their children in a restaurant that they thought was full of ghosts?    


The seven children quickly ran in.    


The one running in front was Xia Jianghe. She looked around, then pouted her lips, "Hmph! Mommy, you're lying to me. Where is Daddy? "    


"Your father is ?" Jiang Ruyi's mind stirred, he raised his hand and pointed towards where Xia Lei was writing, "Darling daughter, your father is over there, quickly call him daddy."    


"You liar, you'll have a long nose." Xia Jianghe said.    


"Forget it, let's ignore them and continue with the snowstorm." Xia Long said.    


The children ran out again.    


Faced with the children's reactions, Xia Lei was at his wit's end. He could communicate with his women in this way, but he could not communicate with her children in this way because they were, after all, babies under a year old. At least his women knew he was back and wouldn't worry about him any more, and that was enough.    


"Hubby, can I touch you?" Fan Fan Fan said eagerly.    


Xia Lei wrote on the dining table: Let's go back to the room, you can touch whatever you want.    


The women looked at each other, their faces flushed red. However, they were even more sure in their hearts that Xia Lei had returned, because their husband was just that vulgar.    


But facing Xia Lei's vulgar suggestion, even the most orthodox and conservative Shentu Tianyin did not reject it.    


Xia Lei then wrote another sentence on the dining table: The feeling of returning home is really good, I want to stay here for a few days, we are together everyday, even sleeping together, okay?    


The women, "..."    


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