Tranxending Vision

C36 Queen of the Shen Tu Empire

C36 Queen of the Shen Tu Empire

Five days later.    


In the workshop, Xia Lei was working hard. In a box next to the handheld lathe, there were several pieces of processed precision processing equipment. In a little while, he would have completed his task. This was because the last piece of precision processing equipment was already in his hand. If he was done, he would have earned a million gold coins.    


"With this 1 million, Rema Studio will have the funds to level up." Buy the equipment and ask a skilled worker. I don't need to stay in Rema Studio to do those low-profit jobs. With my current technology, I should become a signboard for Rema Studio. This way, not only will I be able to earn more money, I will also have the time to do something else. " As he worked, Xia Lei planned his future.    


This one million gave him an inspiration. With his abilities, he really didn't need to do those crude, low-profit jobs anymore. With his abilities, if he wanted to make a move, he had to do it the same way he did this time. He had to be able to afford it!    


Indeed, if Xia Lei squatted on the street now and filled up the wok with his weld tool, would he still have the demeanor of a master? If a customer came to talk to him about a business that required precision processing in the tens of millions, they would see him mending the wok, and they would even want to talk to him!    


A string of footsteps came from behind, interrupting Xia Lei's train of thoughts. He let go of the work in his hands, and turned around to look, just in time to see Ning Yuanshan and Chi Jingqiu bringing a group of people into the workshop.    


Ning Yuanshan was currently accompanying a young woman and talking. Chi Jingqiu, who was beside her, seemed very nervous. Behind the woman followed another four young men in suits. The four men had cold expressions and had very robust figures. They were constantly observing their surroundings as they walked. Only professional bodyguards had these characteristics.    


Xia Lei's gaze stopped at the woman, and in that instant, it was as if his soul had been hooked away.    


The woman who was being clustered around had a pair of black, bright, and beautiful eyes. Her eyes seemed to be filled with clear spring water, giving off a limpid feeling. She was intelligent, clear, and bright. Her lips were small and tender, and the natural color of pale red was like the most delicate rose petals. Her figure was also extremely good. She had a perfect eight-headed body, and her figure was supple and graceful. Every part of her body had an impeccable line. Especially her pair of long and slender legs, which did not lose any of its fullness. They were white, tender, and slightly transparent, as if they were meticulously crafted using the most beautiful materials of nature. They were flawless and could be said to be perfect. Her temperament was very special as well. It was like a jade lotus blooming in an ancient palace. It was clean and pure, and the entire palace was like a foil to her.    


Chi Jingqiu was also considered a beauty who raised her eyes, but when she was by her side, she immediately became vulgar and lost all traces of light.    


In this world, there was no such thing as the most beautiful woman, but Xia Lei felt that this woman whose name he did not even know was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life. He was immediately attracted, and his heart skipped a beat.    


"Miss Shen-tu, this way please." Ning Yuanshan was obviously very polite, as he spoke and led the way.    


"What is the identity of this woman? "Did you come to see me work on the parts?" Xia Lei was very curious.    


Ning Yuanshan brought that woman and walked past Xia Lei, then continued to walk deeper into the workshop. As for the woman who was surrounded by the crowd, she did not even glance at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei thought that the other party was here to see him work on the parts, but the other party walked past him without even giving him a glance. His presence seemed to her to be a street stall.    


Looking at the woman's fading back, a bitter smile surfaced on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "She's too beautiful, but also too arrogant. I wonder what kind of man can catch up to a woman like her."    


Chi Jingqiu stopped and waited until Ning Yuanshan had walked a distance away from that woman before walking over to Xia Lei's side, "Stop looking, even if it's your entire life, it's useless."    


Only then did Xia Lei withdraw his gaze from the woman's back. He looked at Chi Jingqiu and laughed: "If you were so good-looking at her, I would look at you the same way."    


However, Chi Jingqiu did not look the least bit angry, "Don't make me angry with you for your words. Do you know who she is? "    


"Who is she?"    


"Shen-tu's Sect Leader, Shentu Tianyin."    


"The Shen-tu's house?" Xia Lei shook his head, "I don't know."    


"You still don't know enough." A trace of a disdainful smile emerged from the corner of Chi Jingqiu's mouth, "Let me teach you a lesson, and it can also be considered to give you a little bit of insight. The Shen-tu family was the largest family in the Eastern Region. The Wanxiang Group family that controlled the family involved real estate, energy, household appliances, science and technology, and had tens of billions of dollars in assets. Such a woman, what's the use of looking at a man like you? "If you don't have a chance, then you'd better be more realistic. Stop daydreaming."    


Xia Lei laughed, "Don't piss me off with your words, no matter how bad a man I am, I think I am still a little stronger than your man."    


"You ?" Chi Jingqiu immediately became angry on the spot.    


"Alright, let's stop fighting spirit. No matter what, we are still classmates." Xia Lei eased the atmosphere, "Oh right, what is Shentu Tianyin doing here?"    


Chi Jingqiu was still angry at Xia Lei, but her tone became a little softer, "She is representing Wanxiang Group to inspect our company. Wanxiang Group is going to build a wind power station, it requires a large amount of wind power equipment. "She's the God of Fortune. Didn't you see Ning Dong accompanying her like he was serving the queen?"    


"So that's how it is, Chairman Ning must be thinking of taking down Wanxiang Group's order." Xia Lei said.    


Chi Jingqiu sighed, "Sigh, different people have different lives. They're both women, but their fates are so different. Lei Zi, tell me, does the heavens lack fairness? "    


"Don't think too much into it. Be content with what you have."    


However, Chi Jingqiu shook her head, "If I could live like Shentu Tianyin, even if I had to live less than twenty years, I would still be willing. I am going to go crazy facing that good-for-nothing every day. "    


"Hurry up and follow, or else you'll get scolded." Xia Lei didn't want to talk about this with her.    


Chi Jingqiu said in disdain, "I don't care. I actually want to talk business with you. Do you want to make money? "    


Xia Lei said: "Who doesn't want to earn money? "Tell me about it."    


Chi Jingqiu said: "You have the skills, but you also have a studio, I have connections, I have connections, if we work together, we can definitely earn money."    


"What do you mean?"    


"I'll give you the order. Give me the commission."    


Xia Lei was slightly moved. Chi Jingqiu worked for a large scale state-owned enterprise like the Eastern Heavy Industry, and was also working as the secretary of the chairman. His husband and father-in-law were also important figures in the company, her connections were definitely not bad, and the orders she got were definitely not just small orders. However, although his heart was moved, he still remained unmoved as he said: "How much commission do you want?"    


Chi Jingqiu immediately said, "Fifteen percent."    


Xia Lei laughed: "You really have a big mouth, you don't need to do anything, you need to grind your mouth to get 15%, I have to buy equipment and materials, I'm afraid I don't earn as much as you do?"    


"Then how much will you pay?" Chi Jingqiu stared straight at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei extended a hand, "Five percent."    


"Too little, 10%."    


"8%, if you don't want to do it, then do it."    


"Deal." Chi Jingqiu gave Xia Lei a hand.    


Xia Lei slightly hesitated for a moment, before reaching out his hand to shake hers. Her small hand was soft and tender, giving him a sense of excitement.    


"Wait for my news." Chi Jingqiu withdrew his hands and quickly chased after the group.    


Looking at her perky bottom, Xia Lei thought: "8% is 8%. When you introduce him, I will recognize him. When I establish my own human network, I will not need to give you any commission."    


What first love, what old classmate, they were all gone, in Xia Lei's eyes, there was only business.    


Ning Yuanshan brought Shentu Tianyin and the group to walk far away, where Xia Lei also started to gather his energy and work. However, standing in front of the lathe and holding onto the control stick, Shentu Tianyin's image kept popping up in his mind. He also had a strange feeling in her heart. It was as if one of her three souls and one of her seven souls had perished.    


"The Shen-tu's women have tens of billions, what kind of idiot am I doing? Chi Jingqiu that bitch is right, I thought it was for nothing, I better work honestly. First take down this one million, then use this one million to buy new equipment, recruit people, and then work with Chi Jingqiu. " Xia Lei quickly thought through it and his mood calmed down. His gaze locked onto the last piece of processing equipment before he slowly put down the lathe knife and began to work.    


Ten minutes later, the final processing piece was completed. Xia Lei placed it inside the chest, packed it up a bit, and called Ning Yuanshan.    


"Uncle Ning, I'm sorry. I know you have an important guest, but I still want to give you a call." When the call connected, Xia Lei went straight to the point: "I've already finished, the last few items are beside the lathe, send someone to get them."    


"En, not bad, not bad. I will immediately send someone to fetch it." You've helped me a lot this time. " Ning Yuanshan laughed and said: "I have already prepared the cheque, I will have the finance department send it to you."    


"Thank you, Uncle Ning. Are you busy? Goodbye." Xia Lei hung up the phone.    


After ending the call with Ning Yuanshan, only a few minutes later, someone came to retrieve the last batch of precision processing tools. Xia Lei watched as they finished their tests, and only after making sure that there were no problems did he leave the workshop. Not long after, someone from the Eastern Heavy Industry's Finance Department delivered a cheque for one million.    


Ning Yuanshan was truly a person who would do things with lightning speed.    


The cheque was so light that it was practically weightless, but Xia Lei felt that it was at least several dozens of kilograms heavy. His face was also full of smiles. This was the biggest amount of money he had ever made in his life.    


With the work done and the money in his hands, Xia Lei no longer needed to go to the villa. He directly walked towards the main entrance of the Eastern Heavy Industry.    


When he passed by the car park, Xia Lei saw a limited edition Rolls-Royce. It was solemn and imposing, like a king in a car.    


"This car must be Shentu Tianyin's carriage, and only a woman of her level can afford to own such a carriage." Xia Lei also wanted to buy a car, this desire became even stronger after Long Bing gave him a driver's license, but he didn't even dare to think about this Rolls Royce in front of him.    


Just then, a female worker in Eastern Heavy Industry uniform pushed a cart into the parking lot from the side. She pushed a clean cart. As she walked, she used a pair of pliers to pick up the rubbish from the ground and put it into a plastic bucket on the cleaning cart.    


Maybe it was because of the Rolls-Royce's Phantom Shadow, but it made the female employee look very lowly. Xia Lei couldn't help but take another look at the female employee. The woman looked very young, with her buttocks raised and her breasts puffed out. She was very sexy.    


Xia Lei was a little curious, "The ones cleaning are mostly some aunties. She's so sexy at such a young age, why would she do such menial work?"    


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