Tranxending Vision

C99 Mysterious Father

C99 Mysterious Father

The autumn night was cool, but Xia Lei was sweating profusely. He started cooking and cooking at 5 PM and only stopped when it was close to 7 PM. He was exhausted, but he also managed to reap a large table of delicious food. There were Italian style steaks with sauce, Sichuan style spicy chicken cubes, Australian style roast lamb chops, and French style roast goose. These dishes with different flavors were cooked using a recipe that he had found online. Although it was his first time doing this, he had managed to do it well with his left eye's microscopic abilities in cooking.    


This was also the first time Xia Lei spent so much time and earnestly cooked such a sumptuous dinner for a certain person. All of this was because the person who came to visit him was Long Bing, a person he truly wanted to thank. What happened at the construction site, if it wasn't for Long Bing's thunderous methods, how would the situation develop?    


After placing all of Zhang Yu's Red Cloud Pearls on the table, Xia Lei subconsciously looked at the old-fashioned hanging clock on the wall.    


"It's seven o'clock, why isn't she here yet? Could it be that she couldn't complete another quest? If that's the case, who did I cook for? " Xia Lei's heart was a little anxious as he walked towards the balcony.    


The sky had already darkened. In the district, the grandma and grandpa were dancing in the greenery. It looked very lively. Looking over, Xia Lei did not see Long Bing, but he saw Jiang Ruyi.    


Jiang Ruyi was sitting on her balcony nibbling on a watermelon. She was wearing a loose housecoat with soft fabric sticking to her skin. Her breasts were very high, and her hips were full and perky. She was very pleasing to the eyes. From her vantage point, he could see the soft snow-white color that was exposed from her collar. That ditch was so deep that the bottom couldn't be seen. This kind of girl would always easily arouse some kind of thoughts from others, making them wish that they could take her or something like that.    


Jiang Ruyi's head seemed to have a pair of eyes. When Xia Lei looked at her, she did not even raise her head and asked: "What are you looking at? "Shameless."    


Xia Lei felt strange, "How did you know I was looking at you?"    


Jiang Ruyi put down the watermelon skin in her hand, raised her head and looked at Xia Lei, "Once you appeared, your figure immediately appeared at my feet. Your figure is as wretched as your person, don't you know?" Then, she extended a finger and pointed at the ground between her feet.    


Sure enough, a round head was reflected on the ground between her legs. It was as if he was peeping at the scenery between her legs.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "Ru Yi, I didn't offend you. Did you eat gunpowder today? You won't like anything I do. "    


"When have I taken a liking to you?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Is she not here yet?" Jiang Ruyi asked.    


"Not yet." Xia Lei said.    


Jiang Ruyi laughed: "I can smell the fragrance of your cooking at my house, if she doesn't come, you can treat me to a meal, I haven't even cooked yet."    


Just as Xia Lei was about to agree, a slender figure suddenly entered his line of sight. Long Bing had come. Dressed in a black long skirt and black high heels, with a black handbag and a black princess hat, she looked noble and elegant with a mysterious and ice-cold temperament. She was still so different, so easily distinguished from everyone in the neighborhood.    


Xia Lei laughed: "She's here. If we have anything left over to eat, I'll treat you to it."    


"Go to hell!" Jiang Ruyi grabbed a piece of watermelon peel and was about to hit Xia Lei, but when she raised her hand, Xia Lei had already disappeared from the balcony.    


Long Bing walked towards the stairs.    


"Greetings, Miss Long." Jiang Ruyi greeted.    


Long Bing nodded indifferently, then walked into the corridor.    


Jiang Ruyi shrugged her shoulders and said to herself: "Tomorrow, I will also buy a set of dresses like this. Sis will even buy black underwear, let's see who looks more like a Black Widow!"    


Long Bing did not hear this as she went up to the second floor and knocked on the door.    


Xia Lei opened the door and smiled: "You're here, please come in."    


Long Bing said indifferently: "I could have come earlier, but there was something I had to delay for a while. Un, I didn't even have the time to buy a present."    


Xia Lei laughed and said: Why are you being so polite with me? You haven't eaten yet, right? I've already cooked a few dishes, so let's eat together. "    


Long Bing took off the princess' hat that was adorned with a black veil and placed it on the sofa. Then, she followed Xia Lei to the dining table. She was surprised to see that there was a large table full of delicacies with a variety of flavors. "Did you make all of these?"    


Xia Lei said: "I'm the only one in this room, I didn't make it, could it be that someone else did it? "Try it, I don't know how it's going."    


Long Bing said, "I can tell that it's not bad based on its appearance and smell. I'm getting more and more curious about you, not only can you process extremely sophisticated parts, and speak several languages, you can also cook so many delicious dishes. But you, I can only find out that you're a high school student. What stories do you have? "    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "Is this considered my investigation?"    


Long Bing sat down, "Let's eat and talk."    


Xia Lei sat at Long Bing's back. He poured a cup of red wine for Long Bing and then poured a cup for himself.    


Long Bing and Xia Lei clinked their cups, after drinking a mouthful of wine, she said: "Do you know why I investigated you?"    


Xia Lei shook his head, "I don't know, but I'm sure it's not out of curiosity?"    


"Tell me about your father." Long Bing looked at Xia Lei with a strange gaze.    


Xia Lei was startled, "Why do you suddenly want to talk about my father?"    


"I'm suddenly very curious about him. What, is it inconvenient to talk about it?"    


"Not really." Xia Lei said, "I actually don't know much about my father. He never told me what occupation he worked in, and even when he disappeared, I didn't know what he did. In my mind, he was always busy, often on business, and had about half a year to walk around. That's all, I don't know anything else. "    


Long Bing ate the grilled goose that Xia Lei cooked, and then revealed a smile on her face, "Not bad, this is the only taste of the grilled goose that I ate in France, it's very authentic."    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly and gave Long Bing a pair of chopsticks, "Then, you eat more."    


Long Bing ate some food and drank two cups of wine, but just when Xia Lei thought that she would not have any other strange questions, she said: "Your father is called Xia Changhe, and his household register shows that he was born in 1965. He is currently fifty years old. High school education, graduated from Hai Zhu's first high school. After graduation, I joined the army. Because of hard work and excellent performance, I joined the special forces for the third year. "After serving in the special forces for three years and then retiring, there has been no record of that ever since."    


"My dad ?" My dad was a soldier? " Xia Lei was surprised: "How is that possible? My sister and I never knew he was a soldier. "    


"You really don't know?" Long Bing looked straight at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said: "I really don't know, I have no reason to lie to you." After a pause, he said again, "What happened to you today? Didn't you investigate me? Why are you telling me about my dad? "    


Long Bing said: "Don't you think it's strange that your father never told you that he was a soldier? Also, he never told you what he did for a living, don't you think? Don't you wonder why he disappeared? "    


Xia Lei was immediately stunned. In the past, he had never felt that anything was wrong with his father Xia Changhe, but now that he was facing Long Bing and facing these questions from her, he suddenly felt that his father was no longer normal at all.    


Long Bing continued, "And what makes me feel weird is that I can only find out the file of him after he retired from the army. After that, he married your mother and I have no way to find out about everything that happened."    


"What are you trying to say?"    


Long Bing was silent for a while, and then, he raised her wine cup, "Forget it, it's nothing. Forget it, let's not talk about your father. Let's drink. The food you make is really delicious. "    


She must have wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly and clinked his cup with Long Bing, and then drank most of the red wine in it.    


"Ray, let me give you a piece of advice." Long Bing said.    


Xia Lei looked at her, "What?"    


Long Bing said: "Because of Shenzhou Industrial Group, you have already attracted the attention of a few people. In the future, keep a low profile and be careful."    


Xia Lei said: "I did not do anything illegal, so what if I get noticed? I'm not worried about that. "    


Long Bing said: "Not everyone is a kind person, some people are staring at you, and their eyes are not full of goodwill, do you understand what I mean?"    


Xia Lei nodded, "Alright, I will listen to you."    


Long Bing said: "Huang Yihu's matter ends here, don't touch the Gu family, you are not his opponent."    


Xia Lei said: "The Gu family is not clean at all, you guys are not investigating the Gu family, and instead came to investigate me. What kind of logic is this?"    


"Many people know that the Gu family is not clean. The higher ups also know that it's not that they don't want to touch it, it's just that the time is not right yet. As for when I move, that's not up to someone like me. As for investigating you, don't take this matter too seriously. I've come to your place to eat with you actually also come to bid you farewell. I'm going back to the capital. "    


"You're not investigating me?"    


The corner of Long Bing's mouth revealed a trace of a smile, "Based on your experience, I didn't even need a day to investigate it from the time you were in the kindergarten. "I've already written my report and will submit it in a moment. The investigation against you is also over."    


"What did you find out?" Xia Lei tried to test the waters.    


Long Bing said: "You're very normal, I don't have any special discoveries."    


Xia Lei secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He did not want anyone to know the secret of his left eye, and Long Bing was no exception.    


At this moment, Jiang Ruyi's voice came from downstairs, "Lei, quickly come down. Huang Yihu is dead!"    


Xia Lei was startled, he quickly got up and ran to the balcony.    


Jiang Ruyi stood downstairs and anxiously said: "Quickly come with me to the jail. Huang Yihu hanged himself!"    


"Alright, wait for me. I'll be right down!" Xia Lei said.    


Just then, Long Bing walked over from behind him, and pulled his arm, "Did you forget what I told you about so quickly? This matter shall come to an end here, so don't meddle in it anymore. "    


Xia Lei was stunned on the spot.    


Long Bing looked at Jiang Ruyi from the railing, "Bureau Chief Jiang, go and handle the case. Lei wants to accompany me to have dinner, I won't accompany you to the jail."    


Then, without waiting for Jiang Ruyi's reply, she pulled Xia Lei away from the balcony.    


Jiang Ruyi was stunned for a while, but then one word came out of her mouth, "I'll kill you."    


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