Tranxending Vision

C2538 Superman is stronger than papa

C2538 Superman is stronger than papa

As it was an early stage and it was not the premiere, there were only a few spectators in the screening hall. Xia Lei did not specifically choose to sit, but he was sitting right next to Long Bing and Tang Yuyan. This was probably the best seat that the Chief Sovereign had picked for him after all, which was the seat that Long Bing and Tang Yuyan had reserved for their client. But there was another possibility, and that was the will of Heaven.    


Xia Lei, who had already sat down, watched Long Bing and carry the child and walk towards him, and his heart actually started to slightly tense up. He looked at Long Bing, who was walking at the very front, and actually could not shift his gaze away.    


Long Bing's face was frosted over, her beautiful eyes filled with a terrifying, vicious light. She carried the child and sat down, then suddenly turned her head, "What are you looking at? "Then look at my swollen eyes."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Tang Yuyan also turned her head, staring at Xia Lei, her tone was not friendly, "Heh! Kid, are you following us? "    


Xia Lei hurriedly said, "N-no, I ?" I'm here to see a movie. "    


Even a male beginning of the universe would dare to charge in head on, yet at this time, they were actually so afraid and frightened when faced with the questioning of two women. This sort of thing would only happen to him. It wasn't for any other reason, it was all because of love. She had said that love should be the most powerful energy in the universe. If he didn't have the love for her wife and children and for the two worlds, how could he have the courage to dive into the beginning of the universe and explore the ultimate mysteries of the universe to find a way to survive in such desperate straits?    


His cowardice and cowardice attracted and Tang Yuyan's scornful gazes. He avoided their gazes, put on her 3D glasses and stared at the screen.    


On the screen, Zhen Zidan was saying, "Man Guan Man Dao is truly like iron, but now he is going to start all over again."    


Xia Lei secretly sighed with emotion, wasn't he also a portrayal of this poem? What lay in front of him was not the difficulties of the revolution, but the difficulties of his return home. If he did not marry Lan Ji'er and the other wives on the Star of Hope, and did not take seven and a half wives in Dark Death World, he would be able to have a blissful reunion this time. However, if he were to marry her, then the wives on Earth would not have been able to accept so many "sisters", and moreover, the majority of these sisters were not "normal sisters". Even now, he still could not bear to imagine the scene of his nineteen and a half wives meeting. Just thinking about it caused him to tremble with fear.    


Because of love, he was afraid.    


If you are a woman, if there is a man who is afraid of you and allows you to bully him, it is because he loves you very much.    


Long Bing and Tang Yuyan obviously did not think that much. After confirming that Xia Lei was alright, they also put on their glasses and prepared to watch a movie.    


The movie started. Batman against the bad guys, wearing cool equipment, her little fan Xia Wangda was dancing with joy. His mother, Tang Yuyan, had repeatedly told him to be quiet, but to no avail. Fortunately, the audience in the cinema were few, and they all knew of her and Long Bing's identities. Let alone protesting, they didn't even feel a little dissatisfied. They were all Xia Lei's wives, Xia Lei had done so many things for this country, paid so much, and this town had only flourished because of Xia Lei's Rayma Group. They were all direct beneficiaries, so what was there to be dissatisfied about Xia Lei's children being a little noisy?    


The film continued.    


The content about Superman appeared on the screen. Although it was just a memoir, his little fan, Xia Long, cried out in excitement, "Superman! Superman! "    


Long Bing slapped Xia Long's little butt, but was simply unable to stop him. Long Bing was also infuriated.    


However, this also gave Xia Lei, who was not in the mood to watch movies, a chance. His gaze once again moved to the two children, Xia Long and Xia Wangda. He wanted to tell his two sons that their father was the true hero, the true hero who had saved the world. However, as the words reached his mouth, they were completely silent.    


Just at this time, the two of them sat behind Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei didn't even need to turn his head to know that they were the god of slaughter, Qian Jun and Kyoko Tsukino.    


A second later, Thousand Army came close to Xia Lei's ear and whispered: "Kid, sit elsewhere."    


Xia Lei did not move, but asked softly, "Why?"    


A blade was pressed against his neck, and the one holding the blade was Kyoko Tsukino's hand. She said nothing, but her knife was persuasive enough.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, although he was extremely unwilling, he still stood up and left the seat closest to Long Bing, moving two seats to the side.    


Qian Jun glared at Xia Lei fiercely.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, moved two more seats before he sat down.    


Long Bing turned her head and said: "Qian Jun, you guys didn't do well."    


Qian Jun replied, "For your safety, we are willing to do anything. That guy is wearing the uniform of the Rayma Group employees, I have sent people to check the employees' information, if there is no such person, then there is a problem with him. "    


He spoke softly, but who could still keep their voice from Xia Lei? As long as he was willing, he could even know what everyone in the Grand China was thinking. No one would be able to hide a dirty secret from him. But he did not do so. He had the ability to only be the God of All Living Things, but he only wanted to be an ordinary person.    


But even knowing what the thousand man army was doing, Xia Lei did not want to interfere. Although he was separated by four seats, he still looked out of the corner of his eye at his two wives and his two sons. Long Bing's face, Tang Yuyan's face, and also the small faces of Xia Wangda and Xia Long made his heart soften and soften.    


The movie continued.    


Superman was resurrected, but he lost his memory and fought Batman and Thunderbolt. The Wonder Woman and the Sea Goddess and the Steel Bone wouldn't be able to beat him even if they joined in.    


Xia Long became excited again, "Little friend from Wangda! Do you see, talents are the best! "    


Xia Wangda originally wanted to retort that Batman was the strongest, but when Batman was sent flying towards the wall with a single slap from Superman, he couldn't even deduct a single part of it. However, how could he be willing to admit defeat? He said, "What's so great about Superman? My father is the strongest!"    


Xia Long was stunned. "No!" Superman is the best! Daddy can't beat Superman! "    


Xia Lei couldn't help but scold him jokingly in his heart, "You brat, you really are a loyal fan of the superman. If there really is a superman in this world, then your father will slap you to the wall and let you see your father's power."    


Unfortunately, there was no superhuman being in this world, nor was there any Sea God. If not, Xia Lei really wanted to find those so-called heroes to fight with him and prove to his son that he was the strongest one.    


However, the conversation between Xia Long and Xia Wangda's two sons suddenly gave Xia Lei an inspiration, and it popped out after he scolded Xia Long while laughing in his heart.    


After he had a cold, Xia Lei could not hold back and laughed, "That's right, why didn't I do that? "Not only will my children be proud of me, but my wives will also be proud of me. More importantly, I will also be able to solve the problem of reuniting wives from three different worlds!"    


Perhaps too happy, he laughed out loud.    


Long Bing and Tang Yuyan, Qian Jun and Kyoko Tsukino all looked at Xia Lei at the same time.    


Xia Lei quickly shut his mouth.    


Just then, Qian Jun took out his mobile phone, looked at the screen, and shifted his gaze back onto Xia Lei. This time, his eyes were icy cold to the extreme.    


"Rayma Group's HR Department has already sent their reply. There is no such person in Rayma Group." Qian Jun's voice was also very cold.    


Kyoko Tsukino got up and moved towards Xia Lei.    


The thousand man army already had a viper pistol in their hands, and a silencer on the muzzle of the spear.    


Long Bing obviously knew what the two killing gods wanted to do. She said: "Maybe it's because I'm borrowing my friend's clothes, or maybe it's because of some other reason, don't act rashly. He didn't do anything out of line, we should first stabilize him and investigate thoroughly."    


Qian Jun nodded his head, "I know my limits. In a while, you all will first bring the child home."    


Long Bing and Tang Yuyan both nodded their heads. The two women were also elites, and their fighting capabilities were not bad. However, with their children in tow, they would never consider participating in a battle, even if it was a potential battle.    


Kyoko Tsukino sat down on the seat behind Xia Lei, raised her hand, and a sharp blade once again pressed onto Xia Lei's neck. However, the way she held the knife was very ingenious. Her arm and sleeve were blocking the blade, making it impossible for others to see.    


"Just who are you?" Kyoko Tsukino's voice was ice-cold and filled with threat.    


Xia Lei said lightly: "I just want to watch a movie. What are you doing?"    


Qian Jun also walked over and sat down beside Kyoko Tsukino, and threatened: "Brat, don't move recklessly, after the movie is over, come with us."    


Xia Lei said: "What if I don't?"    


Qian Jun snorted coldly, "You can try. Let's see if I dare to shoot you twice."    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "Alright, let's watch the movie now. I will go with you guys after I watch the movie."    


In the movie, Superman carries a building across the sky.    


Xia Long cried out in excitement, "Superman! Superman is the best! "    


Xia Lei shifted his gaze to Xia Long, and thought to himself: "Brat, you will be proud of your father."    


Kyoko Tsukino slapped Xia Lei's head, "What are you looking at? "Be more honest!"    


This slap was not light at all. If it were any ordinary person, they would have been knocked out dizzy, yet Xia Lei did not even manage to feel it. He didn't feel the slightest bit of discomfort because he knew that if Kyoko Tsukino knew that the one being threatened was him, she would definitely stick her bottom out and accept his punishment.    


After the movie ended, Long Bing and Tang Yuyan left with the child in their arms. They did not linger for even a second longer.    


The other members of the audience also left the screening room.    


"Kid, speak. Who are you? What are you doing here? " The thousand man army threatened.    


But at this moment, all the lights in the projection room went out. An abnormal darkness suddenly enveloped the entire projection room. The darkness was as thick as ink and he could not see anything.    


The young man in the front row suddenly disappeared.    


Kyoko Tsukino stood up abruptly. Before she could get used to the strange darkness, a * Pa * sound came from her butt. She froze on the spot. A sense of fear rose up in her heart, but at the same time, there was a sense of familiarity. It was just that this feeling of familiarity was too small, it was concealed by her nervousness and fear. Even she herself did not notice it.    


Thousand Army also stood up, holding his gun with both hands and maintaining a shooting posture. However, his eyes were filled with darkness, as he was unable to reach his target in time.    


The darkness suddenly disappeared, and lights came back on in the screening hall.    


Where was that youth's figure in the projection hall?    


Qian Jun and Kyoko Tsukino could not help but look at each other, their eyes filled with shock.    


"That kid ?" The voice of the Thousand Army sounded like it was sleep talking.    


Kyoko Tsukino touched her butt that was hit, looking a little lost.    


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