Tranxending Vision

C2462 World Tree

C2462 World Tree

The peaceful spiral of the library, ten billion and one book collection. This was something that Xia Lei had known since a long time ago. In other words, besides the Brain Amido, there were ten billion books in the library. He had scanned a portion of the books before, but it was nothing compared to the ten billion books in the library.    


Now, he had to finish all the books here.    


At that time, his brain could not hold so many books, and at that time, he still hadn't entered the culminate evolution yet. Right now, he was using her culminate evolution to 'learn' again. Although he did not know the final result, he had the confidence to store away all the books!    


Golden light blossomed, and the sacred and sacred creation power power spread out from Xia Lei's body towards the entire library. The scene was like a golden soup surging forth, slowly flooding the library. As one book after another was drowned, and every book was completely drowned, all the words and pictures in the book were transferred into Xia Lei's mind. His superbrain was also processing the flood of information at a speed comparable to that of a supercomputer.    


and Yi Fang, the two super artificial intelligence were also drowned by the golden energy.    


"Master, you ?" Brain Amido completely could not understand Xia Lei's motive.    


Yi Fang drew the golden energy with a pair of short hands. His movements were like those of a playful child playing with water. The golden creation power power slipped past its fingertips, while the pure white and holy Energetic Rune moved about like sand in the water. There was also a portion of it that was still glowing.    


"Cluck, cluck ?" "Haha ?" Yi Fang laughed out loud. He looked very happy.    


Clearly, this golden energy made it feel happy. It was the first time in its life that it had reacted in a way that made it laugh like a child.    


In fact, the Brain Amido felt the same way, just that it was better at controlling its emotions and did not manage to simulate it. But this made it even more surprised, because it had never experienced such a magical 'feeling' of joy ever since it was born.    


At this time, Xia Lei opened his mouth and said: "I didn't call you two here to study, I called you two here to help you two level up."    


"Upgrade?" Brain Amido and Xie Fang cried out in surprise at almost the same time. Even Brain Amido was unable to hide her astonishment.    


Xia Lei replied, "I possess the ability to create life. Since I have created the Angel Clan, I can naturally make all of you stronger and more advanced. You two are my loyal servants. You two have done everything for me to take care of and protect my wife.    


The Six Creators had the Queen Peace, as well as the White Deer and the Origin City. He also had the Fang and the Brain Amido, he wanted to make them into artificial intelligence!    


"Hahaha!" Is laozi going to become super easy to deal with? " "My most beautiful master, please grant me a real chicken card!"    




A hard object flew over and smashed onto the square head. After being sent flying, it floated in the air.    


That's the Self-treasure.    


The Self-treasure suddenly opened its mouth, and all sorts of precious metals and power gems fell out.    


"Wow!" All sorts of precious metals and power gems had been used to inundate him.    


The Brain Amido was also submerged, but it did not have the exaggerated reaction of a good person, because it knew that Xia Lei was serious in trying to level it up with a good person. Those precious metals and power gems were all treasures from the Black Sun Palace. In the past, it couldn't even "eat" it wanted, but this time, Xia Lei used a treasure grade metal and energy gem to completely submerge it.    


The "Golden Soup" surged, and the precious metal and energy gems that had submerged the and Xie Fang started to wiggle. They were pieced together, overlapping one another, and finally forming two huge metal and energy gems that formed an egg. With a flash of golden light, the Energetic Rune began to move. All the cracks in the barrier disappeared quickly, as if they were all natural objects.    


Xia Lei not only wanted to upgrade Xie Fang and the Brain Amido's "hardware", he also wanted to upgrade Brain Amido and Xie Fang's "software". At this moment, not only was his creation power power decomposing and creating the materials needed to upgrade Shang Fang and Brain Amido's bodies, her creation power power was also injecting the knowledge that he had just absorbed into Shang Fang and Brain Amido!    


In the end, what would happen to Xie Fang and the Brain Amido that came out of the two "stone eggs"?    


No one knew.    


Xia Lei himself was not sure either, because no one had ever used the power of life creation and precious materials to level up artificial intelligence. Even the Six Creators did not do such a thing, so this matter was extremely unknown, and he was not sure what the final result would be. But, one could imagine, no matter what kind of change Yi Fang and the Brain Amido would have after their levels up, they would all be stronger than this!    


Time passed bit by bit. The creation power power continued to move upwards like an impregnable thick soup, but eventually stopped at a height of fifty meters. However, this fifty meters of height contained at least millions of books that were downloaded into Xia Lei's brain. Placing them in his brain did not mean that he had completely absorbed and grasped the knowledge contained within those books.    


Over a million books. Not only were there books from the Spirit Race civilization, there were also books from other civilizations. Every civilization had their own side that they excelled in. These civilizations weren't all created by the spirit race. Many of them were civilizations that were on the same level as the spirit race, and there were even ancient and ancient civilizations before the spirit race. It was also impossible for the Spirit Race to be born as the masters of the opposing universes. They would also have a long period of development and growth. Before the civilization of the Elves, there was also a powerful civilization, but it was eventually destroyed. Some were destroyed by the spirit race, while others were eliminated by the evolution of the universe. The books here were the most precious treasures left behind by those civilizations. This time, Xia Lei was really like a fish swimming in a sea of knowledge. Every grain of sand and every drop of water contained a rich amount of knowledge, covering all areas.    


This stop lasted for several hours. In these few hours, all the contents of the millions of books were completely digested and absorbed by Xia Lei's super brain, not a single one was left out!    


For an ordinary person, even if they spent all their life's time and effort, they would still not be able to finish so many books, let alone write down everything that was written in the book. But Xia Lei had never been an ordinary person, never since he was born. From the moment he activated the super power in path of evolution to his current culminate evolution, the power in his brain could no longer be imagined.    


The moment he stopped, various periods, civilizations, and knowledge surged in his mind. Even a drop of seawater was the crystallization of the wisdom of countless people. With so much knowledge stored in his brain, even a super computer would find it hard to organize all of it. But in the past few hours, he had managed to organize all of the knowledge absorbed. They were all organized and organized.    


This system had a trunk, roots, and even branches. It was like an incomparably large tree that had taken root in his brain and stood tall in this world.    


Yes, this system was a tree of wisdom.    


Xia Lei gave it a name, World Tree. This tree also contains the crystal of human civilization, but its proportion is only a leaf, tiny as a speck of dust.    


With this World Tree, his future studies would be much faster and more effective. This was because the branches had already erected themselves. The absorption and learning of the future would only make the branches even thicker and the leaves more lush.    


With this World Tree, his energy had become even more powerful?    


No, his creation power power did not become stronger because of it, nor did his culminate evolution's flesh and blood become stronger because of it. On the surface, he who had erected the World Tree was no different from the him from before. He was even a little lacking in spirit compared to before he had entered the library, and he looked very tired.    


But there was a difference, and only he knew the difference.    


He could clearly see that his perception and understanding of things were different. This improvement was like a child in primary school who had, through hard work, become an authoritative professor. Knowledge can broaden a person's vision, the same thing, different knowledge reserves will have different views and understanding.    


What's the use of such a change?    


Although this kind of change would not make his creation power power stronger, it would still give him a boost in its mental and intellectual level!    


Knowledge was also a type of power, and it was even more powerful than physical strength!    


That was, before he had entered the library, he only knew that he was weaker than Six Creators, and also knew that it was impossible for him to win a battle of life and death with Great Emperor Black Sun. He did not know how long it would take him to defeat, and that it would take him several days and nights to do so.    


In reality, there was no possibility of it being realized, because if the Great Emperor Black Sun wanted to escape, there was no way he could catch up.    


But now that he knew where he was weaker, that was the absolute domain!    


Until now, he had yet to grasp the ability to use energy to create an absolute domain. If he grasps this kind of skill that can create absolute domains, he can imprison Great Emperor Black Sun within his absolute domain, making it impossible for me to escape, until he dies!    


Now, he not only knew how to deal with the weak, but also found a way to learn and master this skill. At this moment, he was using the massive amount of knowledge he had absorbed to create his own Absolute Domain skill! At the same time, the golden soup of creation power power continued to spread upwards, drowning all of the books.    


Absorb, learn, create!    


There was no limit to how much one could create!    


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