Tranxending Vision

C2438 The Heart of the Empire

C2438 The Heart of the Empire

Great Emperor Black Sun and Diaro did not linger for more than another second after they left. Nirvana Sento was a very big place, it would not be an easy thing to find Xia Lei there. Therefore, the two brothers were in a hurry.    


The only ones left in the great hall were Di Kun and Di Jiuyou. As Di Kun laid on the ground, his seven orifices were no longer bleeding. But he was still weak, and he didn't even have the strength to get up. However, compared to the pain in his body, the pain in his heart was the most painful.    


If it was said that he still had a sliver of hope for his father and younger brother, then at this moment, even that sliver of hope had been shattered.    


His sorrow was greater than his heart's death. His heart had already died. After experiencing such pain, the corners of his mouth instead revealed a hint of a smile.    


Di Jiuyou looked at Di Kun coldly, his eyes filled with a savage light. He wanted to kill Di Kun right now, and this idea was very strong. This is the best chance to kill Di Kun, but every time he impulsively wanted to make a move, the words that Great Emperor Black Sun said before she left surfaced in his mind: Di Yin knows that he can't kill her brother, are you that anxious?    


He did not care about anyone's feelings, and did not care about the crime of murdering his brothers on his back, but he did not dare disobey Great Emperor Black Sun's words, nor did he dare to go against his will. Impulse was the devil, but Great Emperor Black Sun was an existence more terrifying than the devil. As a result, even though he really wanted to pounce on Di Kun and stab him in the head, or even punch him a few times to death, he was still able to control himself.    


However, not killing Di Kun did not mean that he could do anything else.    


Di Jiuyou walked towards Di Kun, squatted beside him, and then patted Di Kun's face with his hand. "My good big brother, didn't you want to kill me on Burning Flame Mountain? Would you have been sad for me if you had succeeded? "    


Di Kun had no reaction, his empty eyes looking at Di Jiuyou.    


Di Jiuyou's hands suddenly exerted force, and slapped Di Kun's face until it resounded: "Speak! Say something! Didn't you want to kill me? Don't you want to be the king? Why don't you kill me! Get up! "    


"Hahaha ?" Being insulted in such a manner, not only did Di Kun not get angry, he smiled instead.    


Di Jiuyou was startled, "You can't be... Did royal father take your memories, and turn you into a fool? "    


"Hahaha ?" Di Kun was still laughing.    


"Hahaha!" Di Jiuyou also laughed.    


The laughter of the two brothers echoed in the empty Black Sun Main Hall. Their laughter was like two little bunnies jumping around, running around, running around, chasing and being very happy.    


But amidst the laughter, Di Kun's gaze became clearer and clearer.    


Xia Lei had left something in his mind, and now that thing was "waking up".    


"I'll make you laugh!" Di Jiuyou suddenly punched Di Kun's lower abdomen.    


Puff! Di Kun slid across the stone while sticking to it, and he also spat out a mouthful of black blood. Even still, a smile could be seen on his face. Moreover, it was not a fake smile, but a smile that came from the bottom of his heart. It was very real.    


"Damn, you're crazy." Di Jiuyou stood up and walked towards Di Kun.    


Di Kun then said: "Enough, stop fighting. If you hit me again, I'll really die. If I die, how are you going to explain this to him? When he left, he made it very clear that he wouldn't let you kill me, at least not now. "    


Di Jiuyou stopped and said, "You're not crazy."    


Di Kun replied: "I'm not crazy, the world has gone mad."    


"Hehehe ?" Di Jiuyou could not hold back and laughed, "From what you said, I knew that even if you weren't crazy, you wouldn't be far from it. You are a loser, a poor bastard who has been abandoned, and you are no match for me. "    


Di Kun struggled to get up, trembling uncontrollably.    


Di Jiuyou replied, "Do you know why the Great Emperor chose me and not you?"    




Di Jiuyou said: "Because I am ruthless enough, I have the spirit of adventure, I am more like an emperor than you."    


Di Kun only looked at Di Jiuyou, and did not speak. Was Di Jiuyou more like a Great Emperor than him? He didn't care.    


Di Jiuyou continued, "After that day, I went to find the Great Emperor. I told him I'd brought a knife. I knelt in front of him and pressed the knife to my heart. I told the Emperor that we could not both live, and I let him choose one. If he chooses you, I will die. If he chooses me, you die. At that time, the Emperor was a little hesitant, I ? "    


He lifted up his black robe. Surprisingly, there was a shallow scar on his chest.    


Di Kun suddenly understood and laughed bitterly. "You are indeed more ruthless than me, more like a Great Emperor."    


Di Jiuyou laughed, "Don't you think that I am smarter than you?"    


Di Kun replied: "Yes, you're smarter than me. You won."    


"I suddenly feel very pitiful. The woman you like has become the wife of a human, and she is not the only wife. You want to become the Emperor, but I am the Emperor. You have nothing left. You are a total failure. " Di Jiuyou continued to rub salt into Di Kun's wound.    


Di Kun lowered his head. He looked like a complete failure, a pitiful guy who had been abandoned and lost everything.    


"Enjoy the feeling of failure. After all, it is a true feeling. You will soon lose the feeling of pain." After saying that, Di Jiuyou turned and left, with the attitude of a victor.    


"Tartarus." Di Kun said: "You said you've won, what did you win?"    


Di Jiuyou spread out his hands, looking up at the ceiling of the Black Sun Great Hall, his face full of smiles, "Everything."    


A trace of a smile also surfaced on Di Kun's lips, it was very strange.    


"After royal father and death kill Xia Lei, I will catch Di Yin, the slut that you like. I will take your place and love her properly. I will make her into a person who rides the Phoenix! Amidst her laughter, Di Jiuyou gradually disappeared into the distance.    


He did not notice that behind him, his brother was smiling like a flower.    


"Since you forced me to do this, don't blame me. Di Jiuyou, you are indeed smarter than me and fiercer than me. I will not use a blade to force him to choose me, but I will be stronger than you ? "Good luck." Di Kun laughed sinisterly, he leapt up to the dome and tore off the Empire's flag.    


The flag floated down.    


Behind the flag was a huge piece of Runic Blood-crystal, which was the Empire's Heart that provided the energy shield for the Doomsday City and the Guihun Island. Legend has it that it's the size of a house, and the legend is exaggerated, but it's really huge. It was several square meters in size, like a giant egg embedded in the dome of the Black Sun Main Hall. The blood was as thick as blood, but it was also flowing with the black Energetic Rune. It looked like thousands of ants trapped in amber.    


The strangest thing was that it was not a single piece. In the middle of it was a round, head-sized, dark blue area. If the Heart of the Empire was likened to an eye, then it was the pupil of that eye. Although it was much smaller than the blood-colored area, it was an existence that provided energy shield s to the Soul Returning Island. The energy shield it provided had the nature of an eye, so even if there was any unusual energy fluctuations, it would be detected by it. Back then, Shenyue Ruyi was unable to infiltrate precisely because of its existence.    


Seven days ago, the City of the Sun made a surprise attack and only the peripheral energy shield were blasted away with the strongest cannon, but they were unable to blast away the Gui Soul Island's energy shield.    


The big ones are often rough and simple.    


The small ones were often concentrated and refined.    


"You think you've won everything? "That's just because you think ?" Di Kun sneered as he reached out to grab at the "eyes" of the heart of the empire.    


An hour ago.    


The main hall of the Ghost King Castle.    


Xia Lei moved closer to Di Kun's ear, "What I want you to do is very simple ?"    


Di Kun listened very carefully, but he did not hear the details. What awaited him was only a dull thud, and he fell weakly on the ground.    


Di Kun did not know what happened next, but what should have happened was still happening, step by step. A ball of golden energy floated around him, and a portion of it entered his brain. Soon after, a simulated energy image appeared in the void. As he walked into the hall, his every move and even the sneer on the corner of his mouth was clearly constructed.    


This part of his memories disappeared very quickly as a new image appeared in the void. However, it was not the memories he had experienced, but rather the false images he had created. These images were dug out by the Great Emperor Black Sun and constructed in the main hall of Black Sun.    


Although this portion of the image was fake, it was the unique fake memory information that was completely true in this universe. Even the Fire Phoenix who saw the situation with her own eyes had a misconception that the Great Emperor Black Sun would be tricked, and thought that she had indeed said those words. She even believed that a winged Ghost-man had delivered that important information.    


At the same time, the fake memory image in the air entered Di Kun's brain. After that, Xia Lei really did erase this portion of his memories, but it wasn't completely done. He seemed to have predicted what the Great Emperor Black Sun would do, and he had prepared everything in advance.    


What is a god?    


To create and control everything is God.    


What you see, that's just what I want you to see!    


Even Angels could create Seventh God s, so how could it be difficult for them to create memories that did not exist? Compared to the creation of a true soul, this method was nothing but the light of a grain of rice!    


"Darling, you created all these and you erased all of them, why?" Fire Phoenix could not understand Xia Lei's motive.    


Xia Lei smiled indifferently, "Did he think I would believe that he would fight against me in the Nirvana Sento in a month? He sent Di Kun to me, using his son's life in exchange for the time he wanted. If I didn't guess wrongly, he probably planned to use the stones from Black Sun Palace and the water from the past to extract four emperors. Once he succeeds, he will not wait a month for the counterattack. "    


"What should we do?" The Flamephoenix tensed up.    


Xia Lei said: "Very simple. Tonight, we will attack Doomsday City and I will make you the real Queen!"    


Time came back to the present.    


Di Kun reached out and grabbed the "eyes" of the heart of the empire as he furiously roared, "I'll let you win everything! Destroy! This damned world! "    


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