Tranxending Vision

C2243 Imperial Champion Hitojiu

C2243 Imperial Champion Hitojiu

The Hero Arena was packed full of seats and noise everywhere.    


Xia Lei and Nightingale had also found their seats, which were two seats in the front row near the arena. Next to him was the VIP seats, but that was a seat that not even money could buy.    


The VIP seats were also filled with nobles of the Doomsday City, all of them were dressed in luxurious clothing, with arrogant expressions.    


In the middle of the Phantom Soldier's Seat was a raised platform, on which were placed chairs and tables. The Princess Young-ye sat on the stage and placed a large group of nobles under her butt. Only someone like her was qualified to sit in such a position.    


Xia Lei and Nightingale's position was about fifty metres away from the stage. They were separated by a lot of seats.    


Xia Lei observed Princess Young-ye from the corner of his eyes. However, it was not because of his exquisite and alluring figure and beauty, but because she was a potential opponent. Unfortunately, Princess Young-ye's face was covered by a layer of black gauze the entire time, and he did not dare look through the other party's eyes, so she was unable to see her face. Moreover, that black veil seemed to be an extraordinary object. It emitted a faint amount of dark energy, causing her face to be shrouded in a thin layer of 'black fog'. Even the rough outline of her face could not be seen.    


Nightingale, on the other hand, simply looked up at the high platform in front of her, her eyes filled with admiration and reverence. Every girl had dreams of being a princess, and she was no exception.    


In fact, the battle had not even started, and almost everyone's eyes were focused on the stage where Princess Young-ye was. As the princess who was favored by the Great Emperor Black Sun the most, coupled with her powerful strength, she had become the biggest star in the battle arena.    


However, while almost everyone was looking at her, her head was still tilted in the direction of Xia Lei and Hei Ni.    


In that moment, Xia Lei felt as if all the clothes on his body had been stripped off, and a trace of dark energy entering his brain!    


He was not sure if the Princess Young-ye's energy was here to steal his brain's memory information, but he had to be on guard. She was only good at using energy to steal a certain target's brain's memory information.    


The dark energy that entered his brain left in an instant, and everything returned to normal. Xia Lei was sure that the Princess Young-ye did not steal any information from his brain, because if he had, he would know that he was the top expert in this field, and there was no one amongst them. Princess Young-ye's actions seemed to be a form of scouting. If he did not block the energy aura on his body, then he would have already been discovered by Princess Young-ye as a "big fish".    


Princess Young-ye shifted her gaze away and no longer looked at Xia Lei. A Snakeskin man was like an ant in her eyes, stepping on them lightly would cause his body to be smashed into smithereens.    


Xia Lei did not dare to observe the Princess Young-ye from the corner of his eyes anymore. Even a glance from the corner of his eyes would attract her attention.    


"Husband." Nightingale whispered into Xia Lei's ear, "She is exactly the same as in the legends, with a black veil covering her face. Legend has it that she has unparalleled beauty in this world, but no one has ever added her true face. "    


"She just glanced at me and scouted me out. Be careful, don't let her find me." Xia Lei's voice directly transmitted into Nightingale's ears.    


Nightingale nodded, and then fell silent.    


As the audience entered, all the seats were filled.    


Not long after, the entire Hero Arena started to boil. The reason for the excitement of the audience was that two black metal doors on both sides of the arena's east and west opened, revealing a passageway for Gladiator to enter the arena.    


"Hitojiu! Hitojiu! "    


"General Chilling Winter!" General Chilling Winter! "    


The commoners called out Hitojiu's name, because he represented a myth of the rise of commoners. Many of the commoners took him as their idol, and many dreamed of becoming the next "Hitojiu".    


The nobles called out the name of General Han Dong, because he represented the nobles. Of course they hoped that Han Dong would personally end Hitojiu who represented the common people's legends.    


A slave rising up in the battle coliseum, becoming a legendary figure and becoming the idol of millions of commoners, how could this be allowed?    


Of course he'd stomp him to death!    


Therefore, this was the beginning of winter!    


Amidst the deafening shouts, a group of black armored warriors brought a group of past-man slaves into the battle arena. On the other side, two night watcher Gladiators were also brought into the battle arena. The only difference was that the past-man was chained up, while the two Gladiators of the night watcher were not chained up at all.    


A few black armored warriors unshackled past-man and pointed to a weapon rack at the side of the passage, indicating for them to go get their weapons. The group of past-man hesitated for a moment and then went to get their weapons.    


Xia Lei's gaze fell on the past-man. The group of past-man were wearing thick fur. They were tall and big with blonde hair and blue eyes. They looked very much like the Northerners on Earth. They were in such an environment, but there was no fear in their eyes.    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat, "Could it be the Viking?"    


Unafraid of death, with blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing thick fur, these characteristics really fit the image of a Viking.    


A tall blond man with blue eyes brandished a huge axe and roared, "For Odin! For the gods! "    


He spoke Icelandic, the ancient Viking language.    


"For Odin!" For the gods! " A dozen past-man s roared.    


Odin, the god of the Vikings.    


Bingdao, Odin and the gods. This was already very clear evidence that these past-man were Viking soldiers.    


In the Viking's world, death was not scary. On the contrary, they would long to die on the battlefield, because the warriors who died on the battlefield would be taken by Valkyrie to the Heroic Spirit Hall to drink with Odin and then participate in the war between gods and giants. Therefore, death was a completely different beginning for them.    


For some reason, Xia Lei felt a little sad when he saw the Viking people who were shouting so loudly.    


"Damn it!" We spent so much money to let us see this? " On the side, a night watcher scolded in dissatisfaction.    


"Kill those filthy past-man!"    


"We want to see a true battle, not kill past-man who is worthless!"    


"Damn it!" If I want to kill the past-man, I will go to the slave market and buy a few hundred beasts.    


A wave of discontented voices and angry emotions spread throughout the heroic battle coliseum.    


This was the situation in the past-man. A normal civilian of the night watcher could go to the slave market and buy hundreds of beasts to kill.    


The sadness in Xia Lei's heart grew heavier, and a wave of fury was silently burning. Although he didn't know those past-man s, and it didn't matter much, they weren't even in the same time and space, but those past-man s were all humans!    


Seeing his own kind being slaughtered like chickens and ducks by the night watcher in this world, if he was still unmoved, would he still be human?    


At this moment, a voice suddenly suppressed the entire city. "Quiet."    


Many people covered their ears, not even daring to breathe, let alone speak.    


The one who spoke out to calm everyone down was Princess Young-ye Di Yin.    


"Since it's a heated match, let them begin." Princess Young-ye said one more sentence. This time, her voice was much gentler, less oppressive.    


A loud drum sound rang out.    


The two Gladiator night watcher s rushed towards the Wiggin people. The dark energy seeped out of their bodies and the two night watcher s were like two evil spirits that wanted to choose their targets to devour.    


"Kill!" The leader of the Wiggin bellowed, raised his hatchet and charged forward.    


Behind him, a dozen or so Vikings also rushed forward ?    


Two minutes later, a night watcher Gladiator stabbed its sword into the Viking leader's chest and slowly pulled out its sword.    


Red blood gushed from the Viking leader's chest, staining the black sand beneath him red.    


All the Vikings were dead, and that was the inevitable result. They were very brave, and did not fear death, but they were no match for the night watcher Gladiator who possessed the power of darkness. To put it bluntly, this was a prebattle 'sacrifice' that used their lives and blood to ignite the atmosphere. It was like a fruit placed on a altar, or perhaps sugar.    


All the bodies were dragged down.    


The two night watcher Gladiators who had obtained victory but not praise also left the battle arena.    


The Hero Arena quieted down once again. Everyone was waiting for the two main characters to appear on stage.    


However, the image of the Viking leader still kept appearing in Xia Lei's mind. He howled like a lion holding an axe, for Odin, for the Gods! He couldn't help but think, at that time he probably didn't even know that this universe didn't even have a god he worshipped.    


Suddenly, a voice rang out from a passageway and resounded through the entire arena.    


"I come from the Abyss of Bones, I used blood as wine, I accompanied by the Undead. Now that I have walked out from the Abyss of Bones, I am destined to become the unparalleled hero of this world! I will first give my glory, my blood, my flesh and blood, everything to the great Darkness Master's Lord of the Gods ? Hades! And the almighty Great Emperor Black Sun! "    


Just as this incomparably passionate voice rang, a night watcher walked out from the passageway. He was tall and muscular, giving off a sense of oppressive power. However, she had a handsome face even though he was so strong. Even from a human's aesthetic point of view, she was still a very handsome man.    


night watcher's hair had the same transparent quality as their skin, but her hair was dyed red. As he moved, his long hair seemed to dance about like a ball of fire. His upper body was bare, and her transparent skin was covered in terrifying tattoos. The face of an angel, the body of a devil, the talent of a wandering poet. This was the Empire's champion, Gladiator ? ? Hitojiu.    


"Hitojiu! Hitojiu! "    


The heroic arena was filled with the sound of a tsunami of roars. Some of the women even opened their chests and became extremely crazy.    


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