Tranxending Vision

C2198 Proud patriarch

C2198 Proud patriarch

Under the dim sky, a man was flying happily with one arm around a woman's waist and the other around her waist.    


This man was Xia Lei.    


Hei Ni's waist was slender, as though it was boneless.    


Cai Ling's waist was small and smooth, as if there were no bones within it.    


Xia Lei felt very good, but he had forgotten something very important.    


"Dragon ? that ?" Hei Ni had a strange expression, "I have wings."    


"Me too." Cai Ling said with a red face.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Hei Ni twisted her waist, and struggled out of Xia Lei's embrace. Its black wings flapped and it dove into the forest below. Her black wings were huge, and she had a slim waist and an upturned bottom. Her flying back made people's hearts beat with excitement, her sex appeal and wildness.    


Xia Lei watched in a daze.    


Cai Ling also twisted her waist, but was unable to break free from Xia Lei's grasp.    


Xia Lei was too embarrassed to grab her waist and let her go.    


Cai Ling also received the only thing left to him, which was to spread her colorful wings and chase after Hei Ni as she dove into the forest below. The gorgeous colors and patterns, the tiny waist and fart that she was holding, made her look as if she was flying into her very bones. Even if she was like this, she would still be a loli after fifty years.    


In the blink of an eye, the two women disappeared into the distance. Xia Lei also dove down to the ground. He hadn't flown out of the camp for long, but his speed allowed him to travel deep into the mountains. At this time, Hei Ni broke free from his embrace and swooped down. He was most likely already in her tribe.    


As the gray colored forest got closer, Hei Ni and Cai Ling dove into the forest head first.    


Xia Lei followed closely behind, and also dove head first into the forest below.    


Beneath the canopy of trees was a stretch of ruins, burned-out houses, and smashed utensils. Traces of killing could be seen everywhere in the tribe. Arrows that had stabbed into tree trunks, trees that had been split at the waist, and deep charred pits created by the dark energy.    


Hei Ni stood in front of the ruins of a house.    


Xia Lei walked to her side, "Is this your home?"    


Hei Ni nodded her head as two black tears rolled down her cheeks, "It was the only thing my father left to me. The Lava City's army attacked this place and many people died. If I didn't meet you, I don't know what my life would have been like. I probably would have died a miserable death under the bullying of a man. "    


"Lava City attacked this place? Then how did you become a slave of the Mrs. Nightingale? " Xia Lei was puzzled.    


Hei Ni's voice was filled with grief, "The army of the Lava City attacked this place, and then the army of the Ember City attacked the convoy of slaves that was sent to the Ember City, so I was brought to the Ember City. This place was located at the border between the Lava City and the Lava City, and both sides claimed this land as their own. If they did not find that blood-crystal ore, they would not have bothered to look at this place at all. It was all because of that blood-crystal ore ? If I could choose, I would rather that this place is barren, so that we wouldn't be harmed. "    


A man's wealth is his own fault.    


"Take me to the forbidden area you mentioned." Xia Lei said.    


"Come with me, I'll take you." Hei Ni walked towards a mountain peak.    


"Woosh, woosh, woosh ~ ~ ~"    


The sound of a sharp blade cutting through the air suddenly came from behind him. Xia Lei leaned forward and hugged Hei Ni and Cai Ling who was floating in mid air. At the same instant, a rainbow of energy rays burst out from his body, blocking the path behind him like a wall.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Arrows and javelins clashed against the energy shield that Xia Lei was holding up like a swarm of locusts, and then exploded.    


BOOM! Without waiting for Xia Lei to bring Hei Ni and Cai Ling to a safe place, a wave of energy ammunition crashed onto the energy shield. The seven-colored energy shield trembled, but it did not break.    


"Kill!" Someone shouted.    


The sound of chaotic footsteps came from different directions and even from the sky. Black figures flew over from the treetops one by one. In an instant, another rain of arrows, javelins, and the ear-splitting rumbling of energy arms s could be heard.    


Xia Lei did not fight back, because he had already seen that the one who ambushed him was the Black Winged Man. The black-winged person hiding here was most likely Hei Ni's clansman.    


Sure enough, when the attacker appeared, Hei Ni bellowed: It's me! Hei Ni! "    


"Halt!" An old man with black wings shouted.    


Dozens of Black Winged Warriors surrounded Xia Lei, Hei Ni and Cai Ling from the sky. The arrows were on the bowstrings, the javelins were in their hands and the energy arms was also aiming its muzzle at Xia Lei. Although they stopped their attacks, they didn't let down their guard. All the Black Winged Warriors looked at Xia Lei with hostility in their blood-red eyes.    


"Patriarch Aaron, it's me, Hei Ni!" Hei Ni saw the old man's face clearly, and said excitedly.    


The old man called Aaron descended from the sky and looked at Hei Ni carefully. After being stunned for a moment, he said: "Hei Ni, it really was you, how did you escape? Who are they? "    


"This is a dragon. He saved me. Furthermore, this butterfly man is called Cai Ling. She was a friend that I made in the dungeon of Ember City, the dragon also saved her. " Hei Ni made a simple introduction.    


Xia Lei removed the energy shield. Actually, even if he didn't hold up energy shield, these Black Winged Warriors still wouldn't be able to injure him. The reason he had to hold up the energy shield was only to protect Hei Ni and Cai Ling.    


The Aaron Family Patriarch's gaze fell on Xia Lei's face, and his tone was not good, "past-man, where are you from?"    


It was not the first time Xia Lei was considered to be a past-man, but he was already used to it. The reason was actually very simple, because the Dark Death World did not even have the existence of a human. If there was a human, then that human would definitely be the past-man, a food that was intercepted and brought to this world.    


"Another world." Xia Lei used the language of the Black Winged People. His mind had basically stored almost all of the Ember City's library into it. Right now, he had mastered no less than ten different kinds of Dark Death World languages.    


"How long have you been in this world?" Chief Aaron asked.    


Xia Lei replied: "It's only been a few days."    


"Are you here for the blood-crystal ore as well?" The leader's eyes were sharp.    


Xia Lei said: "After such a thing happened, I understand your feelings, and I sympathize with your situation, but I am not your enemy, so aside from sending Hei Ni back, I also have a request, I want to go check out your forbidden area."    


"Yes, the dragon is not our enemy, he is our friend, he saved me." Hei Ni interrupted: "I promised him when I was in Ember City. If he can save me and the rest of my clansmen who were captured in Ember City, I'll bring him to our forbidden grounds to have a look. Clan leader, please promise me that you will let me bring the dragon ? "    


"Shut up!" Aaron shouted, "You have no right to talk here!"    


"I ?" Hei Ni wanted to argue, but she didn't dare say anything further. She glanced at Xia Lei, her eyes filled with a guilty light. The promise that Xia Lei had given her was fulfilled, but the promise that she had given Xia Lei was still not fulfilled.    


Aaron said in a cold voice: "past-man, take this butterfly man and leave. We do not welcome you here."    


Xia Lei frowned, "What happened to you? The one who hurt you was the night watcher, not me. I'm willing to help you guys even if I have to save your people. What do you mean by being hostile towards me? "    


"Leave this place! This is the last warning!" Aaron didn't appreciate it at all.    


At this moment, a voice came from the side of the forest. "Father, we're back!"    


A few black-winged men and a young butterfly man walked out of the forest.    


These black-winged men and the young butterfly man were the slaves that Shenyue Ruyi had saved from the prison in Ember City.    


Shenyue Ruyi had also appeared. She was walking at the back, wearing a black robe and a large bamboo hat. Looking at her from the front, all he could see was her chin and her small mouth. However, it was not hard to tell from her skin color and small mouth that she was a blue moon man.    


"Arthur, you guys..." Looking at the young man with black wings walking in the front, Aaron's clan leader became excited, and couldn't even say a word.    


"Father!" The black-winged youth called Arthur ran over and hugged Aaron.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved towards Shenyue Ruyi. Even though it had only been a few days, he could feel her body of energy weakening.    


Shenyue Ruyi walked over to Xia Lei's side. He did not say anything and only looked at him.    


"Father, it was this blue moon man who saved us." Arthur released Aaron, pointed at Shenyue Ruyi and said.    


"Thank you for saving my son."    


Shenyue Ruyi still did not have any reaction.    


Aaron kept his wings and stood up straight, his gaze moved towards Xia Lei, "past-man, didn't you say that you were the one who saved my son? You're lying! "    


Xia Lei shook his head and laughed bitterly. He couldn't understand why the Aaron Family Patriarch would have such a deep prejudice and hostility towards him. Is it because he thinks he is the past-man? Or was it because he was too handsome?    


"You can leave. This is already the second time I'm warning you, you are not welcome here." Aaron said in a cold tone.    


Xia Lei said lightly: "Shen Yue, I am too lazy to negotiate with them, come negotiate with them."    


Shenyue Ruyi nodded his head, then walked towards Aaron. A layer of black ice spread out from under her feet. In the blink of an eye, the ruins were covered by the black ice. Even the temperature had dropped by dozens of degrees!    


The coldest one was still Shenyue Ruyi's voice, "I'll also warn you one last time. If you continue to be rude to him, I don't mind killing you all."    


Aaron, Arthur and the dozens of black-winged men were stunned.    


"Old man, I saved your son. You owe me, so return it to me now." Shenyue Ruyi said: "Bring us to your forbidden grounds and then we will be even. If not, then I'll kill all of you and go by myself. "    


"You ?" Aaron's voice started to tremble.    


"I ? I'll take you guys there." Arthur said.    


Shenyue Ruyi retreated back to Xia Lei's side, and the black ice quickly disappeared from the rubble as well.    


Xia Lei laughed, "The negotiation is not bad."    


Shenyue Ruyi nodded at Xia Lei, with a very respectful manner.    


Dozens of black-winged men looked at Xia Lei with their mouths agape, because even a blind person would be able to tell that Shenyue Ruyi was this past-man's subordinate. Almost all the black-winged men were wondering in their hearts, just what kind of background did this past-man have!    


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