Tranxending Vision

C2151 Dark Valley, guest of the past-man!

C2151 Dark Valley, guest of the past-man!

Actually, it was not really an entrance, but a gap between a mountain peak and a mountain peak. There were many such entrances in the dark gorge, and they could be entered from any direction. Xia Lei chose to enter one of them.    


Xia Lei did not rashly go in, but stood at the edge of the gap and raised his right hand. A sliver of the seven colored energy glow of the Nai Yuanli followed the direction of his right palm and entered the dark gorge, but in that instant, that sliver of the Nai Yuanli was engulfed, and no information was sent back.    


Xia Lei was not surprised at this outcome at all. He then threw a thread of Desire Energy that glowed with the same rainbow light into the dark canyon.    


But even if it was a Desire Energy, all the positive energy associated with it was instantly devoured, leaving behind only the negative Desire Energy, such as the fearful and furious Desire Energy. But that was enough. Even if there was only a fraction left, it could complete its mission of gathering information.    


Based on the feedback, Xia Lei's brain quickly constructed a holographic image. However, this holographic image was equal to nothing. All he could see was pitch-black darkness, a darkness even thicker than ink. He could not see anything other than black.    


Xia Lei tried his best to extend the last remaining negative Desire Energy forward. He needed more information to feed back to him.    


Little by little, the negative Desire Energy extended for about five kilometers.    


Suddenly, the projection mapping that was constructed in his brain changed. Xia Lei heard the sound of water splashing. It was the sound of a large area of water being moved by the wind.    


Following which, a pale green lake appeared within the projection mapping. This was not the light that appeared in the Dark Canyon, but the spring of death itself carried a dark green light. The lake that was formed from the spring of death would emit light that was different from the dark canyon's energy, which wasn't anything strange.    


Xia Lei's previous guess was completely correct. There was indeed a lake that was formed from the spring of death in this dark gorge. It was because of its existence that he was able to see the center of the dark canyon.    


The lake that was formed by the Spring of Death was not big. It was round in shape and only looked like a square kilometer. It was spinning slowly, like a dark green black hole.    


Xia Lei's attention was focused on the center of the whirlpool. He was surprised to discover that the dark green lake was actually not deep, it should be the deepest center that was at most a meter deep. That depth would not even be able to be submerged by a seven or eight year old child.    


In the center of the vortex was a black rock. It was extremely black and extremely pure. It was so black that it was glowing.    


It should be a stone of the past that he names, and it is clearly a stone of the past.    


The deathly green spring water contained a substance that could purify and strengthen the stone. It was located in the center of the lake, so its location was extremely special. Therefore, it was not strange for it to undergo some mysterious evolution.    


Xia Lei did not see the Defasisy, no matter where he could see or where he could not see it, he could not sense its existence.    


Xia Lei muttered in his heart: "The Defasisy isn't here, which means that this place isn't really built by him. If he built it, how could he not hide it? If I were to build a place like this, I would definitely live here, not in that valley that seems to be of a lower grade. "    


The sliver of negative Desire Energy continued to extend forward, and the information it sent back turned back into darkness, a darkness that was thicker than ink.    


In the end, that trace of negative Desire Energy was completely used up, and there were no longer any messages transmitted back. Xia Lei thought that it was actually close to the entrance of the canyon, if he continued, he was afraid that he would enter from the middle earth.    


After organizing the information he collected, Xia Lei pondered for a long time before he carefully reached into the darkness with a finger that was wrapped in a Yin-iron-coat. Nothing abnormal happened, and it felt like he just extended her finger to poke at the empty air.    


"There shouldn't be any danger. If there is, how can the past-man of Central Earth City enter the Middle Earth Realm unscathed?" Xia Lei thought in his heart, then he walked into the dark region.    


It was so dark that he couldn't even see his own fingers, much less the road beneath his feet. However, he didn't dare to rashly release the seven-colored light. After hesitating for a moment, he wanted to turn around and retreat. However, when he turned around, the dark energy of Corpse Four suddenly rushed towards him like a tidal wave, pushing him forward!    


In that instant, even the brazen Xia Lei was so frightened that he trembled in fear, and broke out in a cold sweat. However, he quickly calmed down because he discovered that the dark energy in the canyon was not aggressive. His entrance triggered their reactions, and pushing him towards the center of the earth was their reactions. It was like putting a bar on a clock. It would always move in one direction.    


Xia Lei suddenly understood, "No wonder the past-man only knew how to go out of the valley behind the center of the city, it's because it wasn't their own choice, but rather the dark energy within this valley that pushed them over. Now, will I be sent to the Middle Kingdom? "    


In the blink of an eye, the dark energy had pushed Xia Lei above the dark green colored lake.    


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!    


A deafening sound suddenly came from the depths of the green vortex. The rotation speed of the green vortex suddenly sped up. At the same time, the gigantic black boulder in the middle of the whirlpool suddenly started to wiggle before collapsing. In the blink of an eye, it formed a whirlpool that extended downwards!    


The dark green vortex looked up, and the black vortex opened its mouth and descended. The two vortexes' central stores overlapped, and were extremely strange to behold!    


Without any warning, the dark energy that was pushing Xia Lei began to spin, circling around the entire dark green lake circle by circle.    


At this time, if Xia Lei wanted to break free from his restraints, flying into the sky and escaping was no problem at all. But in the end he spun around, letting the dark energy carry him, enveloping him, spinning round and round around the pale green lake.    


After the third revolution, the black whirlpool suddenly ejected something. Xia Lei stared fixedly at the scene, his expression in that instant could not be described with words - the black whirlpool was shot out by a man, a man dressed in ancient clothing!    


This was the reason why the Middle Land had past-man s. This Dark Ravine was the main culprit.    


Puff puff puff ?    


From within that bizarre voice, one dead person after another emerged from the black vortex, then began to spin with Xia Lei. The speed of the black whirlpool shooting towards past-man was comparable to thousands of heavy machine guns per minute. In the blink of an eye, there were countless of past-man by Xia Lei's side.    


There were also the supplies they had received in the instant they were intercepted. There were war horses, armoured weapons, food and other random things.    


Xia Lei's gaze quickly swept across all the faces of the past-man s that he said he could see. Some were screaming in shock, some were crying, and some had already fainted.    


This time, the black vortex only lasted for about a minute before coming to a halt. Some of them had already returned to normal. The black vortex at the bottom of the lake had turned back into a huge black rock. Even the pale green lake had stopped moving. Although it was still surging, it still belonged to the normal category.    


"Is it because of me that you stopped moving so quickly?" Xia Lei was astonished in his heart: "I barged in rashly and triggered the reaction of the energy field here, so it was activated before it was completely filled with energy and captured all the past-man s?"    


Perhaps, perhaps not, such a guess could not be confirmed.    


Without waiting for Xia Lei to understand, the darkness of the dark gorge had already pushed him and everyone else towards the center of the earth.    


Xia Lei's vision once again sunk into darkness, but this process was extremely short. In just a few seconds, a bright light appeared before his eyes.    


It really was the Middle Earth.    


Standing at the exit of the canyon, he could see the Central Earth City with a single glance.    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with complicated feelings. His goal was to investigate the Dark Canyon and find clues to the 'door'. He wasn't able to investigate the background of the past-man, or how he was intercepted in the past and sent to the Middle Land, but he didn't expect that he would be able to unravel the mystery behind the past-man's origins.    


This was how Daqiao and Xiaoqiao came to this world. I wonder what kind of feeling they had at that time?    


"Daddy, look!" There is a city there! " A woman's voice.    


"I saw it, there really is a city ?" "Hold on!" A man's voice rang out. "Aren't we inviting Grand Preceptor Dong to a banquet?" So suddenly ? So you came to this place? "    


The father and daughter that had just spoken was not too far away from Xia Lei, and it was only a few steps away. When his gaze shifted to the woman's face, it was as if his eyes had been attracted by a magnet and were unable to move away.    


It was a peerless beauty that could make the moon fall and make the flowers shimmer. If there was a limit to classical beauty, then she represented that extreme. If classical bewitching could be said to have an extreme, then she clearly represented that extreme.    


Daqiao and Xiaoqiao were also beauties that were rarely seen in a thousand years. Not only did she not lose out in terms of looks, she became even more enticing. As the saying goes, bewitching bones are born to bring calamity upon the people, so the description of this kind of woman should be something like her.    


Coincidentally, the woman just so happened to be looking in his direction, and saw Xia Lei with a glance.    


Four eyes met, and a second later...    


"Ghost!" The woman suddenly screamed, covering her ample chest with her hands.    


These past-man were originally still in a state of shock, but when they heard someone shout, they immediately exploded. Some fled while others screamed out in shock.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "I am only wearing black, is there a need to scream like that?"    


The woman's father, a well-dressed man in his early fifties suddenly pointed at Xia Lei and bellowed: "Capture him for me!"    


A group of soldiers rushed forward.    


He was actually a military officer!    


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