Tranxending Vision

C2143 The Elf dies

C2143 The Elf dies

Leaving the village, Xia Lei headed towards the werewolf territory. He had to say a few words to Forest Boa and Ivy so that they could get ready. In addition, he also needed to ask Forest Soul and Qing Teng to protect Daqiao while he is gone.    


Xia Lei had not even reached the territory of the werewolves when a funeral procession arrived from the direction of the city. Not just one coffin, but several. A large group of people were dressed in mourning attire as they sobbed and wept. He walked over and asked.    


A woman dressed in filial piety answered Xia Lei's question, "Dragon King, my husband was fine the day before yesterday, but he was not awake yesterday. Wu wu wu ? He left, leaving me and my child behind. How will we live in the future ?. "Sob, sob, sob ?"    


Xia Lei consoled them for a while, and then asked the families of the other dead bodies. The answer was the same, they were all fine, but died before they could wake up.    


"Lately, many people have died for no reason. This place is too strange." Someone said.    


"Could it be the plague?" Someone said.    


A voice of suspicion.    


Xia Lei did not answer their questions. Instead, he comforted them with a few words and left, continuing to walk towards the werewolf territory.    


He was very clear about what had happened. This was not a plague, but a set date for a portion of past-man s to arrive early. Even past-man from the Middle Land would die, no one would be spared. But he could not tell them the truth. This was not a lie, but a kind act of concealment. Telling them the truth was actually an extremely cruel action. They were afraid that before the appointed time of death arrived, they would collapse.    


"The one hundred days period for past-man from Changsha to die is soon, and if we let them die in peace, the Defasisy will obtain nothing. This also means that during this time, it will attack the Middle Earth and harvest all the food here. Xia Lei thought in his heart.    


Then, he thought of Daqiao, and his heart immediately filled with grief.    


"They're also past-man. Although there's still about two months, two months is too short. When the time comes, they will still die. I ?" Thinking of this, his heart felt like it was being pierced by needles.    


If they hadn't met each other, before becoming husband and wife, he wouldn't have cared about Daqiao's fate, because he knew that the lifespan of the past-man was extremely short, and he would have died in the end. However, he had already married Xiaoqiao, and Daqiao had also become the big sister. They had already become a family, how could he watch them die with indifference?    


After a long time of love, even though his days with Xiaoqiao weren't that long, he still had feelings for her. Especially after the fact that they were married last night, his feelings for her had grown even deeper. Although she was a past-man and didn't even exist in a sense, he still liked her so much and cared about her so much. How could he bear for her to die?    


"No!" I have to let them live, no matter what! " Xia Lei secretly thought.    


If the heavens wanted to kill them, then he would go against the heavens!    


Arriving at the werewolf's temporary territory, Xia Lei found Green Vine and Forest Soul.    


Ivy had originally wanted to follow him to the Soul Tranquil Land, but he refused. Passing through the black mountains and canyons was a very dangerous thing to do. The Defasisy had already taken all precautions, so he couldn't bring her along to take the risk anymore.    


After bidding farewell to the green vine and the Forest Boa, Xia Lei rushed into the sky, using the fastest speed possible for him to fly towards the Soul Calming Grounds.    


The black mountain rose and fell continuously for tens of thousands of meters. There was no end in sight. Black clouds shrouded the sky, and the mountain peak was shrouded in clouds and mist, making it difficult to see through.    


A figure flew through the gap between the black clouds and the mist at the top of the mountain.    




A black lightning bolt as thick as a bucket suddenly struck down from the black clouds, but its speed was not enough to threaten Xia Lei, before it could strike him, Xia Lei had already flown forward another thousand meters.    


It was moving horizontally, faster than the speed of sound. Even lightning could not catch up to it!    


"I'm hungry ? ?" A strange roar came from the valley shrouded in fog. It was the angry roar of a Defasisy.    


"Pui!" "You're hungry, go eat sh * t!" Xia Lei scolded, he did not stay any longer.    


"Just who are you?" The voice of the Defasisy, the ancient language of the blue moon.    


"I'm your grandpa." Xia Lei scolded again. After that, he had already left the Black Mountain Region.    


"Get out of here, don't come back, or I'll eat you!" The voice of the Defasisy.    


Xia Lei was too lazy to scold them either. He dove into the Calm Soul Grounds, then flew in the direction of the Suspension City.    


On the white Wasteland, Ghost Tribe was faintly discernable. Its color was one with the white Wasteland, a natural disguise.    


In front of the Ghost Tribe was a mountainous pile of Soul Calming Stone, as well as a mountainous pile of Corpse Nurturing Earth, black normal soil and a golden King Stone. There were more than a thousand active engineering robot s and automatons in the field, they were busy moving the rocks and soil into the Ghost Tribe.    


On the mines, there were even cracks drilled out by skeletons. There were countless spider legged robot carriers crawling out of the cracks, some of them filled with Wang Shi, some filled with natural soil, and some of them were moving towards the Ghost Tribe.    


This scene was truly spectacular!    


This was the result of Xia Lei leaving Suspension City for more than a week. The Brain Amido had already used the resources stored within the Suspension City to build a huge army of engineering robot for him. Although the civilization of the Spirit Race had been destroyed for ten million years, the ability of the Suspension City to create a civilization still gave people a shocking feeling!    


"The spirit race people can even create their own species and civilizations. I have the Suspension City, the Imperial City of Axis, the King of War, and I am willing to find a way to extend Daqiao's life in the Suspension City!"    


At the entrance of the Ghost Tribe, Zhu Fang and the Brain Amido were present. One of them directed the white ghost and the other directed the engineering robot army.    


When Xia Lei arrived at the entrance of the Ghost Tribe, Xie Fang who was holding a whip immediately let out a loud and clear whistle, "Aha, my most beautiful master of the universe. Your radiance shines through the entire universe, and you are the kind father of all the species. "Well, including your faithful housekeeper, ah ?"    


It really did scream.    


Xia Lei looked at it speechlessly.    


At this moment, He Fang added, "Damn it, let's see how you can still flatter me. I've finished saying all the praises you can think of, ah ha-ha ha-ha!"    


These words were clearly directed at the Brain Amido.    


Xia Lei suddenly understood why Xie Fang was acting so abnormal today, as he said so many praises.    


At this time, the Brain Amido coughed, bowed towards Xia Lei, and said with an incomparably respectful tone: "Ah! My master, my supreme and omnipotent master! I'm so happy to see you. Your glory will cause even the giant star to lose its light, your handsomeness and elegance will make even the goddess of love open her arms for you! I admire you, I worship you, and I am proud to be your servant. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Brain Amido swept a glance at Xie Fang with his simulated eyes, "An uncultured machine, since when did you have ten billion books of knowledge stored up, and you want to compete with me again, weakling."    


"Idiot!" Fuck, what did you say? Say that again? "    


"That's how vulgar artificial intelligence is, country machine."    


Just as the two artificial intelligence were arguing, Xia Lei walked between them and entered the Ghost Tribe. Snowflakes danced in the air, and a thick layer of snow covered the ground and ceiling. The square in the middle of the tribe was filled with a large amount of rocks and soil. The dense mass of engineering robot and robotic vehicles were transporting the rocks and soil to different construction sites. Some of the construction sites are building houses, some of the construction sites are laying the soil, a busy scene.    


In a week's time, the Ghost Tribe had expanded several times!    


This was all thanks to the of the Spirit Race. They had impeccable working efficiency.    


Yi Fang and the Brain Amido followed in.    


Xia Lei said: "Brain Amido, tell me, is there any way to allow past-man to continue living?"    


Brain Amido said: "My master, are you referring to the two women that returned with you last time? I don't really understand the meaning of past-man, but I can't feel any life from their bodies. Yes, they look healthy from a biological point of view, but they're dying fast. "    


As expected of a cultured machine, the past-man had its own understanding and definition.    


"Then what can you do?" Xia Lei asked.    


Brain Amido was silent for a moment, before saying: "My apologies, Master. I just searched my database and analyzed the possibility, but... I didn't find any relevant records, and I can't provide an effective plan. "    


"Old computer, the cultures you speak of are quite backward, and yet they are still proud of themselves."    


This time, the Brain Amido did not argue with him.    


"I will think of a solution myself. You guys go and make some preparations so that all the engineering robot and robotic carriers can stop their mining and bring back the soil that you have already excavated." Pausing for a moment, Xia Lei then said: "Let's go to the Middle Land."    


Yi Fang and Brain Amido left, making a lot of noise along the way.    


A few hours later, the Suspension City rose into the air from the Land of Tranquil Soul, then headed towards the center of the earth. It was not a spaceship, but it moved faster than a spaceship. The reason was simple, because it used the gravity of the earth's core, and it was not influenced by any of the world's factors.    


Inside the library, Xia Lei sat on the ground as he quietly pondered.    


There were tens of billions of books here, and each book represented a race, the highest level of intelligence of a civilization, but there was not a single book that told him how to save Daqiao and her.    


What could he do to prolong Daqiao's life?    


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