Tranxending Vision

C2175 Life in death, the underground world

C2175 Life in death, the underground world

The engineering robot quickly arrived at the hole that You Xue mentioned, it continued to walk, but before it had taken two steps, it suddenly sank down.    


Xia Lei looked at it in shock, watching it fall down quickly until he couldn't see it.    


"It fell." You Xue said, looking very nervous.    


Xia Lei suddenly reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist, leaping into the air with her. In the next second, without waiting for You Xue to make a sound of shock, they were already in the air, with that hole right under his feet.    


"Ya!" It was only then that You Xue let out a surprised cry, but it was not because Xia Lei had brought her into the air, but because of the hole below.    


In that short amount of time, Xia Lei had already completed his probing of the hole, and he could no longer see the engineering robot. All he could see were black sand, black soil, and rocks.    


The Chief Sovereign also did not receive the engineering robot's feedback. This was abnormal, because even if it was buried under mud, it could still transmit the information out.    


"You Xue, tell me, what did you see this time?" Xia Lei couldn't wait to know the answer. This was also the reason why he brought You Xue to the top of the hole.    


You Xue had already calmed down. She looked down at the hole, and only after a few seconds did she say: "Faint yellow..."    


"Faint yellow?" Xia Lei's heart was moved, "What's that?"    


You Xue said: "It seems to be the sky, but... This is impossible! "    


Xia Lei said: "This is not impossible, other than the sky, what else did you see?"    


You Xue shook her head, "I can't see anything else."    


Xia Lei brought You Xue back to the surface, then once again returned to the air above the hole.    


"Mr. One, what are you going to do? Be careful, don't fall down! " You Xue was still very nervous.    


At this time, Xia Lei punched at an invisible hole below him.    


A ball of rainbow colored energy struck the ground.    


There were no violent explosions, nor were there any heaven-overflowing waves of mudstones and rocks. The rocks, sand, and dirt on the ground were all instantly set ablaze, turning into pieces of ash. The black ashes were like ashes left over from burning paper.    


The flames continued to spread in all directions, spreading out into the ground. The scene was like a prairie fire.    


In the end, when the flames stopped spreading, Xia Lei himself saw the hole that You Xue saw, and the shock in his heart grew even more extreme.    


In front of him was a huge hole of at least a few dozen kilometers in diameter, the shape of a whirlpool, and the surrounding gravel, rock, and earth pouring down like a waterfall. However, on the surface, it was completely still, as if there were countless underground rivers forming this peculiar scene.    


Beneath the hole was a dark yellow space.    


Xia Lei thought of the "total solar eclipse" that he had destroyed. The space here was extremely similar to the dim yellow area inside the "total solar eclipse". He gathered his vision, trying to see further ahead. However, he was only able to make some different rays of light and did not see anything.    


He also did not see the first engineering robot, and even now, he still had not received any signal from it. It seemed to have fallen down, but it also seemed to have been devoured by something.    


After he finished observing, Xia Lei gave the second engineering robot an order.    


The second engineering robot activated it and went straight for the hole. This time, it didn't have to fall into the swamps; it directly fell down.    


Xia Lei's gaze was fixed on it, watching it fall rapidly and chase until it disappeared from his sight.    


The Chief Sovereign still hadn't received any messages.    


Xia Lei frowned, "What's below? A new space world similar to Middle-earth? Or something else? "    


If it was just a guess, he would never get the answer to such a question.    


Xia Lei shifted his gaze onto You Xue, "You Xue, you can go back. I'll come look for you when I need your help."    


"Mr. One, I can go back, but you have to think carefully. It might be dangerous down there, so don't go exploring." After all, You Xue was still a student of the Brain Amido, she was an extremely intelligent, dead lady who seemed to have seen through Xia Lei's thoughts.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Go back, I will be careful."    


Only then did You Xue turn around and leave, walking slowly down to the entrance of the city. After walking a few steps, she looked back again.    


Xia Lei did plan to jump down, but he was not going to do so himself.    


A rainbow-colored energy radiated from his body. Under the starry sky of death, he was like a resplendent star.    


If it was a star, it would heat up and shine, but this star only emitted a tiny bit of light. With his body as the center, it directly shot into the hole.    


This thread of seven-coloured energy was not from the Nai Yuanli, but Xia Lei's Desire Energy. A human's desires are limitless, his Desire Energy was evolved from a human's desires, so naturally it possessed the same nature. If it was on Earth, he could send this thread of Desire Energy instantly to the sun, or even to a planet even further away. Of course, to be able to achieve this degree of power, the Desire Energy was purely out of lust, and did not possess any offensive power.    


Right now, this sliver of Desire Energy was acting as the "probing stick", it would help Xia Lei gather information on the bottom of the hole. engineering robot was unable to send the message back, but this tiny bit of Desire Energy was not restricted.    


Very quickly, the information collected by the Desire Energy was transmitted back. Xia Lei's super brain was quickly processing the information. A second later, a virtual image appeared in his mind.    


The bottom of the hole was a yellowish area, where all the black gravel, rocks, and dirt disappeared.    


His brain also came up with an exact value based on the information collected by the Desire Energy. The vertical height of the "waterfall" formed by the black sand, rocks and soil was 17.23 kilometers, which was almost identical to the thickness of the Earth's crust.    


"Could it be the Death World's underground world?" An idea suddenly emerged in Xia Lei's heart.    


Just as he thought that, that sliver of Desire Energy had already pierced into the dim yellow area and was heading straight down.    


A new virtual image appeared in Xia Lei's mind. There was a cotton-shaped gray cloud, a black and grey earth, and a surging ink-like ocean!    


That thread of Desire Energy pierced into the dark gray ground, and that land was actually covered in trees and grass!    


Just beside that thread of Desire Energy, a black scorpion climbed out of a clump of gray grass.    


In the same area, there were two craters in the gray grass. Metal parts were scattered all over the bottom of the crater. Those metal parts were the parts of the two engineering robot s from before. They had already been smashed into pieces.    


New environmental data appeared.    


The thickness of the atmosphere is 923 kilometers, which is about the same as the thickness of the Earth's atmosphere. 20% oxygen, 50% nitrogen, and 30% carbon dioxide. There are several other unknown molecules of gas, none of which exist in the Earth's atmosphere.    


Xia Lei took back that sliver of Desire Energy, and fell into a new state of thought. "The world opposing the Death World gave birth to many lives, but there was also death. The blooming of vegetation, the birth and death of people were all the deaths of the living world. No matter whether it was matter or life, it could not exist alone. Once there was light, there would be darkness, and if there was life, there would also be death. There was death in the world of life, and no one could avoid it. In that case, the Death World should also have a living existence, otherwise, it would not exist. Could the world of space below be the living existence of the Death World? "    


The question had already been answered, and the black scorpion that he had just seen was a piece of evidence. The gray trees and weeds were also evidence of this conjecture.    


"By the way, didn't the mare say so? Pure-blooded blue moon man came from the Death World, and the ones on Lan Yue were only those who were born later in the living world. However, those blue moon man, including the mother Ma, could not be considered as true blue moon man. Would I find the blue moon man down there? If I can find the blue moon man, or the intelligent life form of the Death World, I can hope to find clues regarding that fragment. I have to go down, even if it's hell. " Xia Lei had already made a decision in his heart.    


Xia Lei returned to the surface and walked towards the entrance of the city. You Xue had already gone back, with dozens of engineering robot still there gathering rock and soil samples, and some of them analysing them at the scene. He gave the order and all the engineering robot followed him back to the lower city.    


Behind the entrance to the lower city was the Ghost Tribe. Once they entered, they would see a snow-white scene with a thick layer of snow piled up on top of the roof and the ground. The past-man rarely came here, so no one liked the frozen dead tribe.    


"Unique sir, you've returned. I'm very worried about you." You Xue stood at the city gate and waited for Xia Lei.    


"Thank you, You Xue. You have helped me a lot." Xia Lei said. Until now, he only had time to thank You Xue.    


You Xue smiled bashfully, "Mister, no need to be polite, it is my honor to be able to do something for you."    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "Follow me, I will bring you to see your teacher. You will have to personally explain the situation to him."    


"Yes, yes. Mr. One, I also want to meet my teacher. I haven't seen him for a long time." You Xue replied happily.    


Xia Lei led You Xue towards the altar.    


Dozens of engineering robot s had already started constructing an elevator beside the altar. It looks like Diao Chan had already passed his words to Brain Amido.    


"Mister, I ?" As they walked, You Xue hesitated for a moment, but still said it out loud, "Why can't you see what is happening, why can't I see it?"    


Xia Lei was slightly taken aback, "Mn ? It was probably because of their race. Different races all had their own specialties. I think it's like this. You can also ask your teacher. It might be able to give you a different answer. "    


This was not the real answer, and the Brain Amido would not give her the real answer, because the answer was extremely cruel to her ? she was a dead person.    


"Oh." You Xue did not ask anymore as she walked with her head down.    


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