Tranxending Vision

C2187 Treatment of Super Slave

C2187 Treatment of Super Slave

Xia Lei was not an obedient slave, he only looked at his fierce maid. She was young and pretty. He didn't sense any powerful dark energy from his body, only a tiny, very weak amount. In his eyes, she was just an ordinary night watcher, just like a cleaning woman in a human civilization. Waiters and the like, he was the lowest level night watcher in all of night watcher's civilizations. If she was outstanding, she definitely wouldn't have his current status as a maid.    


A maid of the lowest level in the night watcher's civilization, perhaps he could...    


"Why are you looking at me? Didn't you hear what I said? "Slaves!" The young maid was angry, and her tone became even more fierce.    


"Why are you so fierce? "If you want to take it off, take it off." Xia Lei untied the Beast Skin Dress on his waist. The leather skirt that Shenyue Ruyi made for him was almost untreated. It was extremely stinky and he did not want to wear it anymore.    


The beast skin dress slipped from Xia Lei's legs and landed soundlessly.    


The young maid's dark blue eyes widened, and her bright red cherry lips. Her expression was clearly one of shock after seeing something.    


Xia Lei crawled into the bath barrel. Inside the barrel was half a bucket of water. Lying in the water, he looked relaxed and comfortable.    


The young maid was still in a daze. She seemed to have thought of something and muttered to herself, "No wonder the lady at the slave market paid such a high price to buy him, and even gave him such a name ?"    


The maid's face flushed.    


Xia Lei was also stunned. He had seen all kinds of women shy before, but this was the first time he saw the shy young maid in front of him. The redness that appeared on her cheeks was as bright as the cherry red on her lips, giving off an extremely strange yet gorgeous feeling.    


Xia Lei's heart moved, his eyes jumped, and his eyes instantly went into perspective.    


Previously, in the battle coliseum, he had observed Nightingale's snowy neck from close range, but because he knew that Nightingale was an expert that hid her strength, he did not dare to use his perspective to see through her. Thus, he could only come to a conclusion that the skin and flesh of a night watcher was not transparent. This kind of judgement was not enough for him who was anxious to understand the night watcher, and now was an opportunity.    


The transparent line of sight instantly penetrated the maid's face, water seeping into her brain like gauze. In his mind, simulations were done to create the relevant images.    


Her flesh and blood cells were completely different from human cells. Each cell's nucleus was a tiny bit of dark energy. Not all dark energies were black, not the little one in the nucleus. It is the same eye as the sky of this world, is a kind of chaos of faint yellow, and has the characteristic of luminous.    


The reason why the night watcher was so transparent seemed to be because the cells in the night watcher contained such a mysterious dark energy. Like a cloth over a light bulb, the cloth presents a transparent illusion.    


Her brain capacity was similar to that of a human brain.    


As his gaze moved downwards, an enticing scene appeared in Xia Lei's mind. Even though her so-called 'transparency' was fake, the visual impact it gave to the eyes was very strong. It was an unprecedented feeling of being able to see something with both vision and sight.    


Her internal organs were also different from a human's. Her heart was bigger and her pumping capacity was stronger. She was beating at 150 beats per minute, sending black blood to all parts of her body. However, even though it was just black blood, the cells that made up the blood also had the same faint yellow dark energy. It also had the characteristics of glowing, to the point that when the blood flowed within the body, it also had a transparent illusion. However, once the night watcher was killed, the black colored blood would lose its transparent nature.    


Her intestines had a serrated structure, and when she wiggled it was like the wind blowing across the grass. Such an intestinal tract, the digestibility that the night watcher possessed was something that humans could not even compare to.    


If the intestines are like this, then ?    


The transparent line of sight continued to move. Two seconds later, Xia Lei was dumbstruck, and several black lines appeared on his forehead.    


At this time, the servant glared at Xia Lei, "What are you looking at? Be careful that I do not dig out your eyes! "    


Xia Lei laughed and spoke in Blue Moon language: "It's better for a woman to be gentle. Since you're so fierce, you might not be able to get married."    


"None of your business!" The servant walked towards Xia Lei in a huff. She picked up a ladle of water and poured it onto Xia Lei's head.    


There was no need for Xia Lei to get angry at a maid. He closed his eyes.    


The servant girl picked up a coarse cloth and started rubbing Xia Lei's tender skin. Her movements were not one of waiting on someone to bathe, but rather of polishing a board with sandpaper.    


"Can you be a bit more gentle?"    


"I won't!"    


"What's your name?"    


"Squeak, squeak ?" "Wait, why should I tell you?"    




After finishing the shower, Squeak brought Xia Lei a clean set of white robes. After changing into the white robe, Xia Lei had a bit of the air of a scholar. Although the little miss did not say anything, he looked at Xia Lei with a different gaze than before.    


A man was good-looking. Even if he was a slave, he would still attract the attention of the opposite sex.    


Before Zhizhi could leave, two more young women walked in. Not a female night watcher, one was a black-winged person with black wings, and the other was a petite butterfly man who was dancing in the air. Be it the Black Winged Man or the butterfly man, they were both young and beautiful, and their entire bodies emitted a seductive aura.    


The Black Winged Woman mumbled to herself.    


Xia Lei didn't understand, and then he asked Squeak Squeak, "What did she say?"    


Zhi Zhi Zhi rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "These are the women that the Madam has bestowed upon you, you can do anything to them."    


Xia Lei was stunned on the spot.    


"I don't want to be tainted by three slaves in my eyes." After throwing down those words, Zhi Zhi turned around and left.    


The Black Winged Woman and butterfly man approached Xia Lei. One of his long legs moved a little, while the other fluttered his brightly colored wings, making a difference. If one were to say that she was not moved by this scene, Xia Lei would have thought that he was a hypocrite.    


However, even though his heart was moved and his reaction was reaction, he still maintained his proper restraint. He took two steps back and said with Lan Yue, "There is no one else here. You don't need to do this."    


The black-feathered woman stopped and the butterfly woman hovered in the air.    


"Can you speak the Blue Moon language?" Xia Lei tried to test the waters.    


If they understood, he wanted to talk to them. Perhaps he could get some valuable information from them. Even if it wasn't information related to the fragment, it was still good enough to help him understand this Dark Death World.    


The black-winged woman and the butterfly woman did not say anything, but the two women looked at each other.    


"Seems like he doesn't understand." Xia Lei was a little disappointed, "You guys stay here. After we leave, if anyone asks you, you all should say that we have already done it ? Heh, none of you understand, why am I saying this? "    


"No." The butterfly woman said, "I understand, she understands. There are many races that have dealings with the blue moon man, their products are very outstanding, thus many races understand their language."    


Xia Lei immediately revealed a smile, "That's good, can we chat?"    


The black-winged woman and the butterfly woman looked at each other again.    


Xia Lei said: "I have no enmity with you. Just like you all, I am also a recently bought slave. My former master was a blue moon man and she sold me to him for ten blood crystals. "    


"Ten blood crystals?" The black-winged woman opened her mouth for the first time. Her voice was a little hoarse, but it gave off a very pleasant feeling.    


"The total value of all of us is ?" The butterfly woman looked a little embarrassed, "It's only half a blood crystal."    


"What race are you? I've never seen it before. " The black-winged woman looked at Xia Lei strangely.    


"They say that I am the past-man. I've forgotten something, but I think I should be... Hell, I don't remember. " Xia Lei said.    


"You're going to die?" The butterfly woman also looked at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei replied: "No matter what race they are, they will all die. I'm not afraid of death at all."    


They started to chat like this, the two Dark Death World women gradually relaxed their guard. They told Xia Lei their names. The black feathered woman was called Hei Ni and the butterfly woman was called Cai Ling.    


The Black Winged Clan and the butterfly man Clan were both minorities within the Dark Death World. They were all tribal civilizations, and compared to the civilizations that the blue moon man and the night watcher had established, they were not even worth mentioning. As a result, the Black Winged Clan and the butterfly man Clan were both fish on the chopping block, bullied and enslaved. There were often armed assaults from the night watcher s on the Black Winged Tribes and the butterfly man Tribes, burning, killing and looting. The robust men and beautiful women had also become the goods of the slave market.    


Not only the Black Winged Clan and the butterfly man Clan, there were also many backward races.    


"Have you heard of the Spirit Race?" While chatting, Xia Lei guided the topic towards the direction that he wanted.    


"Spirit race?" The butterfly woman Cai Ling shook her head, "I have never heard of any spirit race."    


"Wait, I think ?" The black-winged woman Hei Ni replied, "I seem to have heard my clan leader mention it before."    


"Tell me, what did he say?" Xia Lei couldn't wait to know the answer. He had a feeling that what he had just encountered was a valuable clue.    


As long as the Spirit Race had come to the Dark Death World, there would be traces left behind in the Dark Death World. As long as there were traces, they could be found by searching diligently.    


The destruction of the spirit race civilization, the birth of that mission, as well as the strange signals sent out by the Queen Peace, these events that did not seem like they were prematurely were actually all inextricably linked!    


Hei Ni thought for a while, "I only mentioned it, I didn't say anything. But I do remember that there was a mountain in our tribe, we called it the Undead Mountain, there was a cave in that mountain, it was very big, but we were stopped and let in. When I was young, because I didn't know we couldn't go in, I sneaked in to play. I saw some amazing things ? Maybe it has something to do with the Spirit Race you mentioned. "    


"What kind of magic did you see?" Xia Lei urged.    


Hei Ni shook his head, "Why should I tell you? We just met. "    


"How can you tell me?" Xia Lei asked, he was already preparing to steal the information on Hei Ni's brain. However, he was not sure that he would succeed. After all, his understanding of the Black Winged People was limited to its appearance.    


"Mrs. Nightingale sent us to serve you. I know you are a servant, so I can confirm that you are very strong. My condition is very simple, save me and my people and go out. I will bring you to the Undead Mountain. Hei Ni said.    


Just as Xia Lei was about to say something, the door suddenly opened, and Squeak Squeak appeared at the door: "Beautiful chicken card, Mrs. Nightingale wants to see you, quickly follow me."    


Xia Lei walked towards the door, and when he brushed shoulders with Hei Ni, he said in a low voice: "Deal, I will come look for you again."    


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