Tranxending Vision





Upon entering the Library, they met rows and rows of bookshelf s, as well as books filled with bookshelf s. Some of them were beast skins, some were paper, and some were even rock s. There were Books s that looked very ancient, and there were also Books s that didn't look very old. In short, there were many types of books here, and their quantity was astonishing.    


The night watchman was not a bookworm, yet Lord of Lone Night had collected so many books in the Library. It was evident how much he had spent on this city, as well as how much effort he had put in.    


"Wah!" "Many books, I have never seen so many books. In my hometown, I've only seen a few books in the clan leader's house." Cai Ling looked very surprised.    


Hei Ni was also very surprised. Her deep blue eyes widened slightly, not blinking even once for a while.    


Xia Lei's gaze quickly swept across the rows of bookshelf s. The names of every book he looked at entered his mind one by one, and then they were processed and categorized.    


Although his perspective couldn't be used normally here, he still had the means to quickly grasp the contents of the books.    


After scanning the area once, Xia Lei walked towards a bookshelf and pulled out a thick beast skin book from it.    


The Beast Skin Book was called the « Dark Era ». This was a book that introduced the history of the Dark world of death.    


Xia Lei did not open the « Chronicle of Darkness », but poured a sliver of Desire Energy into the book. This sliver of Desire Energy was like a thread. It connected all the words and illustrations in the book together and transmitted them back to his brain through message.    


This was how Xia Lei learned by reading books. No one could match him.    


"Long, didn't you want to study?" Cai Ling asked. Xia Lei was holding a book, but he didn't open it. Instead, he just stood there motionlessly, which made her feel weird.    


Xia Lei slightly smiled and did not say anything. He then put the « Dark Era » back onto the bookshelf. In such a short amount of time, he had already stored the entire book of "Age of Darkness" in his mind. Not to mention a word or an illustration, not even a punctuation mark was left behind.    


He was too lazy to go up and down on the bookshelf anymore, so he stuck both of his hands onto the bookshelf, then poured two streams of Desire Energy into it. The moment the two Desire Energy s left his palm, they quickly spread out like a tree root, separating into strand after strand, and then rushed into all the books on the bookshelf except for the 'Age of Darkness'. In that instant, the ancient Books, the non-ancient Books, the beast skin Books, the paper Books, the rock s, all the words and drawings of the connected Books rushed into his brain.    


Although he had not completely mastered the latter, it did not have much of an impact on his analysis and understanding. This was because he could associate the content that he could not understand with the content that he had before and after. As for the books written in the Blue Moon language, he was extremely familiar with it.    


In this way, the history of the Dark world of death quickly took shape in his mind. His brain compiled the history book of the Dark world of death based on the words and illustrations he had 'downloaded'.    


In this history book of the Dark world of death, Lanyue once ruled over the dark world when death occurred. However, when Lanyue's technological development stagnated, the night watchers came later, and after relying on their own evolution and master the technique of using the blood crystal's energy, the civilization that night watchman established had replaced Lanyue's technological civilization.    


The night watchers had created a powerful Empire in the dark world of death. Its name was "Black Sun" and its population was in the tens of billions. The imperial city was located in the center of Black Sun. Its name was very special — Apocalypse City.    


The Ashes City was located at the northwest border of the Black Sun. To the east was the direction to the Apocalypse City and to the west was the vast savagery.    


The civilization established by Lanyue was further east, a place known as the Abandoned Land of God. The Empire established by Lanyue was called the "Divine Kingdom". The most recent dynasty was over a million years old. However, Lanyue's quantity was only around ten million, it couldn't even compare to night watchman's.    


Other than these two Empire s, there were also known civilizations established by hundreds of different races. Some of them were Empire s, some of them were empires, some were federation, some were Tribal Alliance s, and some had an aura of a hundred flowers competing with each other. The "minority" tribes like Black Feathered Man and Butterfly Man were even more numerous, like the stars in the dead sky that were scattered all over the land.    


After mastering these, Xia Lei had a strange feeling. Compared to the opposing cosmos world, this should have been a dead world, a world where life did not exist, but the life forms here were even richer and more lush. Even the genes and evolution that make up the life here were of a much higher level!    


"This …" Xia Lei was shocked and had a strange feeling, "From the perspective of life, the opposing cosmos and the Dark world of death are completely opposite. The life forms and levels here are much more advanced than the opposing cosmos, how is this possible? What is the reason for this reversal? "    


It was indeed reversed, and a simple and clear illusion was that this was the place where life was truly born. The opposing cosmos world that he came from was just like an old man who was about to die from exhaustion, it was already unable to create a new life form, nor was it possible to create a more advanced life form.    


"Could it be …" A thought suddenly flashed through Xia Lei's mind, "Could this be the reason why I came to the Dark world of death? Was the mission to correct what had been reversed? That box, World Box, was it the key to correcting this mistake so she wanted me to find that piece of Fragment? Even the destruction of the spirit race's civilization is related to this reversal? "    


This was undoubtedly a wild guess. There was no evidence to prove it, but wasn't the truth sometimes hidden within these seemingly unrealistic guesses?    


Xia Lei walked towards another bookshelf. That bookshelf was carrying the dead beast and the plant type Books. He also wanted to know more about the Dark world of death's dead beasts and the myriad of strange plants.    


This time, Hei Ni and Cai Lingbi did not follow, but stayed where they were and talked to each other.    


"I don't think the dragon came here to read. He seems to be looking for something." Cai Ling said.    


Hei Ni said, "I feel that Long isn't here to study, but I don't think he's here to look for something. He probably wants us to prove that he's literate and knowledgeable."    


"Why would he do that?" Cai Ling had a confused expression on her face.    


Hei Ni shook her head. "I don't know about that..." By the way, what are your considerations? "    




"Milk, give him milk." Hei Ni said.    


Cai Ling's little face instantly turned red. "I …" I was still thinking, but you, are you really going to give him milk? "    


Hei Ni nodded, "We, Black Feathered Man, clearly know our grievances. He gave me freedom, and he even gave my people freedom. I am willing to do anything for him, including giving birth to milk."    


"But …" Right now, we are still Slave, your clansmen and my brother are still imprisoned in the dungeon. " Cai Ling said she seemed to be reminding Hei Ni that Xia Lei had not fulfilled his promise.    


Hei Ni smiled. "He's very special. I don't know why I trusted him the first time I saw him, but I'm willing to trust him."    


"Okay, we, Butterfly Man, are not ungrateful people. If he saves me, then he will leave. He will also save my brother, allowing us to obtain our freedom. Then, I …" After a moment of hesitation, Cai Ling said, "I'm also willing to give him milk."    


Hei Ni smiled, "I knew that was your plan. We are Friends. I understand you."    


While the two women were whispering to each other, Xia Lei had 'turned' the bookshelf over. His brain was like a bottomless black hole, no matter how much knowledge was filled up.    


Putting his hands away, Xia Lei's brain quickly completed the compilation of the Animal and Plant Books. After tidying up a little, a black seed suddenly appeared in his brain, and he immediately froze.    


The black seed that was sorted out by his brain was the black nut that snake-tattooed man lost. Its name was Holy Maidenguo. Of course, it was not a small tomato sold in the Supermarket. It was recorded in a very ancient book called the rock, and its history was even older than the rock.    


Holy Maidenguo was equivalent to a dinosaur in the Earth. It was confirmed that it was extinct, but he did not expect snake-tattooed man to get a sack of Holy Maidenguo. If night watchman and Nobility knew what Holy Maidenguo was, he probably would have killed Holy Maidenguo without any hesitation and taken away Holy Maidenguo, the bag.    


Holy Maiden Guo did not have much energy in her body, and the taste was also very bad. However, in the records of the ancient rock, she was the "gene fruit" that created life. Its fruit contained materials to help it perfect and purify its genes. However, with its existence, the gene chain that made up its life would be improved and be more stable.    


Do not underestimate the role of perfection and stability, because the reason why people die of old age is because gene chain become unstable during the life cycle, and then make mistakes, which ultimately lead to the appearance of aging and death. However, once this problem was solved, one's lifespan would be calculated over the course of thousands or even tens of thousands of years!    


In other words, if he could extract the essence of this Holy Maiden Guo and extract the gene, bringing it back to the Earth, then humans would have a very long life. A thousand years old, thousands of years old, and even ten thousand years old people would appear!    


However, what made Xia Lei the most excited was not this, but that he finally found a way to prevent past-man from dying suddenly! He could even use Holy Maidenguo as the base to make white ghost from the Floating City become a real living person!    


The spirit race possessed the ability to create life and create civilization. It was a similar ability, but impossible to accomplish. Now, he had opened the door!    


The key to this door was Holy Maidenge.    


"Hahaha …" Xia Lei couldn't help but laugh excitedly, "He really picked up a treasure when walking. If I meet that snake-tattooed man again, I will give him wealth. Only by doing this will I be able to show my gratitude!"    


"Long, what are you laughing at?" Hei Ni's voice.    


"Who do you want to thank?" Cai Ling's voice.    


Xia Lei smiled, "It's nothing. You guys go ahead and chat. I'll read a few more books."    


Hei Ni and Cai Ling couldn't help but look at each other.    


"He's really pretending to read. But isn't this too fake? He barely touches those books." Cai Ling said.    


Hei Ni didn't say anything as she stared blankly at Xia Lei's back.    


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