Tranxending Vision

C2195 hypnotize Hei Ni

C2195 hypnotize Hei Ni

When he returned to the City Lord's Mansion, a guard was already waiting at the door.    


"Long, Mrs. Nightingale wants to see you." The guard politely replied.    


"I'll go with you." Xia Lei was not surprised at all. When he entered the library to read books, the people following him would definitely deliver the news to the Mrs. Nightingale.    


For a slave to go to the library was a very strange thing in itself.    


"Dragon, we ?" Hei Ni wanted to say something but hesitated.    


Xia Lei said: "All of you go back to your rooms and wait for me, I'll be back soon."    


"Oh, I know." Hei Ni replied as he brought Cai Ling into the room. What she wanted to ask was the question of where to return to just now. Since it was the dungeon and Xia Lei's room, she would naturally be more willing to stay in Xia Lei's room.    


After Hei Ni and Cai Ling entered the room, Xia Lei followed the guard upstairs, but she did not enter the room that the Master of Lonely-night City was in, but instead went to the door of another room.    


"Go in, Mrs. Nightingale is waiting for you inside." The guard opened the door.    


Xia Lei walked in and an enticing fragrance wafted into his nose. It was the body fragrance of the Mrs. Nightingale, mixed with the fragrance of some flowers. He saw Mrs. Nightingale standing by the window. He was dressed in a white cheongsam, his skin was almost transparent, and his bright red lips gave people a shocking sense of beauty.    


The guard closed the door, and the room immediately quieted down. The sound of a pin dropping could be heard.    


Xia Lei walked towards Mrs. Nightingale and stopped a few steps away. He bowed slightly and said, "Mrs. Nightingale, I'm here."    


This time, Mrs. Nightingale did not bother about Xia Lei's' impoliteness'. She turned around and looked at Xia Lei, her deep blue eyes flashing with a terrifying divine light.    


Xia Lei was slightly taken aback, "Mrs. Nightingale, what do you mean?"    


Mrs. Nightingale snorted, "Hmph! You must be hiding something from me. "Tell me, what are you doing in the library?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "So that's what happened, I ?. "Hehe, I'm ashamed to say that, but I just want to show off the authority I got from my wife in front of two female slaves. Hmm, I also want to pretend to be knowledgeable, you don't think that I'm going to the library to read books, do you?"    


At that time, there were still others in the library, and those people would obviously have been sent by the Mrs. Nightingale to monitor the situation. In fact, the Mrs. Nightingale knew what he had done in the library.    


Sure enough, a trace of a disdainful smile surfaced at the corner of Mrs. Nightingale's mouth, "I don't think you're someone with knowledge. You're touching bookshelves in the library ?" Well, that's all there is to it, but you can't go to that library anymore. What do the other nobles think of a slave like you bringing two female slaves to the library? This is against the rules. "    


Xia Lei replied: "I'm just pretending. The Madam won't let me go, so I won't go."    


He had already downloaded all the books that needed to be downloaded, even if Mrs. Nightingale invited him, he would not go.    


"I received an intelligence report. There is a large movement of military personnel in the Lava City. I estimate that ?" "Lava City will not give up on that blood-crystal ore. There's going to be a big battle going on soon."    


Xia Lei said: "Please rest assured Madam, I will always stand by your side and help you kill your enemies."    


"That's what I want. Go back and enjoy the two female slaves. We'll leave tomorrow morning." The Mrs. Nightingale said.    


"Alright." Xia Lei turned and left.    


"Those two female slaves, you're their first man." The Mrs. Nightingale said.    


Xia Lei's footsteps paused, he understood why the Mrs. Nightingale suddenly mentioned this to him, and it was to remind him, that the gift she gave him was extremely precious. She was trying to win him over. However, he was surprised that Hei Ni and Cai Ling had never served another man before.    


"Thank you Madam." Xia Lei thanked her and then left the Mrs. Nightingale's room.    


Actually, he didn't really care whether Hei Ni and Cai Ling had served other men or not. It wasn't like he wasn't taking a wife and insisted on his original attire. He just wanted to help them get their milk. After Mrs. Nightingale suddenly said this, he actually didn't feel as natural as before.    


Returning to his residence, this feeling was even more obvious to Xia Lei. There seemed to be some inexplicable change in the two women's minds. When he entered the room, they clearly became nervous, and didn't even dare to look at him.    


The atmosphere in the room immediately became awkward.    


Xia Lei laughed, "What are you doing? I am not a man-eating dead beast, why are you all so afraid? "    


"No no ?" It's not fear, it's a little... "Nervous." Hei Ni said, but whether she was nervous or not was obvious from listening to her voice.    


"What's there to be nervous about?" Xia Lei asked despite knowing the answer.    


"I ?" Hei Ni suddenly patted Cai Ling who was sitting on her shoulder, "Tell me."    


"That, dragon, will you ?" Cai Ling was in no better shape.    


Xia Lei laughed and asked, "What will happen to me tonight?"    


Cai Ling mustered her courage and spoke out, "Are you going to sleep with us tonight?!"    


Xia Lei could not bear to tease the two cute female slaves any longer. He put away his smile and said seriously: "Relax, I am not that kind of man who disrespects women for the sake of venting his lust, I will not touch you, you guys can relax."    


Hei Ni and Cai Ling immediately heaved sighs of relief.    


Their reaction completely proved the secret that the Mrs. Nightingale had told him before. They had never served another man before, even though they had bought it specifically to serve the officials who came to the capital, officials rarely came to this remote place, so their bodies were still their original bodies.    


"You guys can sleep on the bed tonight. I'll just make a pallet on the floor. If anyone comes, just make some noise. " Xia Lei said.    


"Make some noise?" Cai Ling asked curiously.    


Xia Lei was a little embarrassed, "Erm, the sound of you doing that kind of thing, do you understand? If someone is to approach us, they must be monitoring us. If we don't do anything, it will arouse the Mrs. Nightingale's suspicions. "    


"Yeah, yeah ?" Is it that sound? " Cai Ling carried out a field simulation.    


How could it be so stimulating? Xia Lei tried his best to endure it, "Yes, you did learn quite well."    


Cai Ling's face was so red that it reached her ears. "Um, there's an old woman in the dungeon who can teach us some things, that's the sound she makes when she teaches us all those random things."    


Xia Lei's entire being was in a bad state. If this continued, he might lose control.    


"It's better if you sleep on the bed, we sleep on the floor." Hei Ni could not take it anymore and changed the topic.    


"No, no, no. You're all women, and I'm a man. How can a woman sleep on the floor, while a man sleep on the bed?" Xia Lei went to the closet and took a blanket, then casually laid it on the ground.    


"I've never seen you respect women so much. Men don't respect women in our world." Hei Ni said.    


"The same goes for our place. Men are very domineering, and sometimes they even sell women as goods." As if he had touched upon a broken heart, a tinge of sadness appeared in Cai Ling's eyes.    


Xia Lei only smiled, and then lied down on his bunk. Actually, he really wanted to hypnotize Hei Ni tonight, so that her body would enter the lactation period and give him milk, but he swallowed the words that were just about to come out of his mouth.    


If he were to speak now, he would be taking advantage of the situation. Furthermore, he didn't keep his promise.    


"Dragon, I ?" Hei Ni hesitated for a while, but still said it out loud, "I'm already prepared, you come."    


Women were born with an understanding of men, so it was easy for them to guess what men were thinking.    


Xia Lei crawled up from the bed, "Have you decided?"    


Hei Ni nodded.    


"You won't regret it?"    


Hei Ni nodded again, without any hesitation.    


"Alright, I'll hypnotize you now." Xia Lei walked towards Hei Ni.    


Hei Ni started to get nervous.    


Instead, it was Cai Ling who sat on her shoulder without a care in the world, smiling: "Long, what will you do?"    


Xia Lei said: "Get down from Hei Ni's shoulder. Hei Ni, go and lie on the bed. Don't worry, it'll be over soon.    


"Don't you need to take off your clothes?" Hei Ni's face did not have the slightest blush of shyness, but her voice was trembling from shyness.    


Xia Lei replied warmly: "No need, you just need to lie down, leave the rest to me."    


Cai Ling flew away from Hei Ni's shoulder and hovered in the air, looking at Xia Lei strangely, waiting for him to hypnotize his body. The reason she was so concerned was because it was something she needed to experience, and it wouldn't be for long.    


Xia Lei grabbed onto Hei Ni's hand, and said in a low voice, "Close your eyes, relax, relax..."    


Hei Ni closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep.    


A few minutes later, Xia Lei let go of Hei Ni's hand and covered him with a blanket.    


"It's done just like that?" Cai Ling said in shock.    


Xia Lei smiled at her, "It's done, it's that simple."    


"I thought ?" Cai Ling wanted to say something but hesitated.    


"Why do you think?" Xia Lei asked with a smile.    


Cai Ling opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she extended out a pair of small hands and made a grabbing motion.    


Xia Lei could not hold back his laughter, "Do you think it's like that?"    


Cai Ling nodded with a reddened face. This was also the reason why she kept hesitating and didn't agree to Xia Lei's condition.    


Xia Lei laughed, "It's not like that, go to sleep. I think we'll leave early tomorrow morning."    


"Yes." Cai Ling replied as she flew back to the bed, folded her wings, and laid down beside Hei Ni.    


A bed, two women with wings, this scene was so beautiful that it was hard to look at.    


Cai Ling quickly fell asleep. She, who was naturally lively and optimistic, did not seem to hide anything in her heart.    


Xia Lei also closed his eyes but he did not sleep. Instead, he was organizing and learning the knowledge that he had "downloaded" from the library into his brain.    


The process of learning was also one of waiting. He would soon drink the real Death World's milk.    


What would Hei Ni's milk give him?    


Would her milk give him the ability to see things normally in the Dark Death World?    


He didn't know any of this, but his heart was filled with anticipation.    


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