Tranxending Vision

C2204 Kill the Gongzi

C2204 Kill the Gongzi

The massacre had ended. The Lava City's two hundred thousand strong army had suffered a loss of two-thirds. As for the notorious Flame Legion, they were completely wiped out, and were completely removed from Black Sun Empire. It was worth mentioning that the Ember City had only lost more than a thousand people during the battle.    


It was a miracle that the Ember City turned the tables on this battle, but the warriors who were participating in the battle knew that this miracle did not belong to them. If it wasn't for this man called Long, let alone obtaining such a glorious victory, even their small lives would have been lost here.    


The name "Dragon" echoed in the mouths of every soldier from the Ember City. No one thought of him as a slave anymore, and no one dared to bring up her status as a slave anymore. Including the Mrs. Nightingale, in her heart, Xia Lei was no longer her slave. She did not even dare to imagine that she could own such a slave.    


Under the dim yellow sky, the blood-crystal ore area lit up with thousands of bonfires. Warriors from the Ember City surrounded the bonfire as they sang and drank wine. In the mining area, most of them were drunk people.    


"Give me some wine!" Young Master Xue Yue, who was tied to a wooden pillar beside a bonfire, cursed, "Damn it, did you not hear me?"    


No one paid any attention to him.    


"You don't dare to kill me! I am the young city lord of the Lava City, I am the baron of the Black Sun Empire, you cannot kill an aristocrat! Otherwise, there would be nine families involved! Let me go! Let me go! " Xue Yue was getting more and more arrogant.    


Killing aristocrats in Black Sun Empire was a serious crime, all the relatives would be implicated. In Black Sun Empire, during battles between cities, the victor would not usually kill the nobles. This rule, coupled with this unwritten rule that was similar to 'king doesn't kill king', had now become Young Master Xue Yue's lifeline. It had also become his capital to be arrogant.    


That's right, even after killing so many dragons but not killing him, the Mrs. Nightingale who had a complete victory still did not kill him, isn't this the same as not daring to kill him?    


This was the understanding of the young master, Xue Yue, who had 'survived a great disaster'.    


Beside the bonfire, there was a building. It was the blood-crystal ore's building. Within a room of this building, Xia Lei, who was looking at a pile of blood crystals together with Mrs. Nightingale, frowned. "You don't want to kill him?"    


Shenyue Ruyi gave the Blood Moon Gongzi to him. He disliked killing the dirty hands, so he gave the Blood Moon Gongzi to Mrs. Nightingale. However, he was definitely not like what Shenyue Ruyi had said. He used Young Noble Xue Yue to exchange for a chance to sleep with the Mrs. Nightingale, he also felt that it would be better to hand over Young Noble Xue Yue to the Mrs. Nightingale. After all, if he were to completely occupy the limelight, the Mrs. Nightingale's prestige in the hearts of the warriors of the Ember City would be damaged.    


However, the Mrs. Nightingale had tied the Blood Moon Young Master to a wooden pillar, which was how those noisy voices got to their ears.    


The Mrs. Nightingale stayed silent for a while before replying, "I want to kill him. I want to kill him more than anyone else, but ?"    


Xia Lei said: "Does the Black Sun Empire really have such a rule? "We can't kill nobles."    


Mrs. Nightingale nodded.    


Xia Lei looked at her almost transparent face, "But have you thought about what he would do to you if I didn't arrive in time and got caught?"    


Mrs. Nightingale was startled, but did not say a word. It was not hard to tell from her eyes that she really did have a deep scruple.    


"You are not a noble?" Xia Lei seemed to have seen through her thoughts, "So he can kill you, and even that Zhang Ye can kill you, but you can't kill them, right?"    


Mrs. Nightingale nodded her head, "I come from a remote place, my parents are just commoners."    


Xia Lei said: "You can't do this, I know the situation in the Master of Lonely-night City, he doesn't have much time left. Once he leaves this world, you will be in charge of everything in the Ember City, as well as the wishes of the Master of Lonely-night City. If you don't even dare to kill a noble like Young Noble Xue Yue, how can you be in charge of all this? "    


"I ?" Mrs. Nightingale wanted to say something but hesitated.    


She was stronger than most women, and she also had the quality of being upright, but she was a commoner after all, and a woman at that.    


Xia Lei said indifferently, "Lava City has already suffered a great loss in strength and you have also managed to control this blood-crystal ore. What awaits you and Ember City is an unprecedented opportunity for development. If you don't even have the courage and courage to kill a mere noble disciple, and if the nobles with higher titles in the future are to seize the Ember City's interest and hurt you, wouldn't you have even less courage to resist? "    


Mrs. Nightingale's gaze fell upon the curved sword on the table. She seemed to want to pick up the sword and take a step forward, but she seemed to be hesitating.    


A gentle smile surfaced on Xia Lei's lips, "Don't you still have me? "Kill them. If there's anything later on, I'll carry it for you."    


Mrs. Nightingale gave Xia Lei a deep look, then suddenly grabbed the curved longsword on the table and walked out of the building.    


Xia Lei followed her out. Killing the Blood Moon was as boring as stepping on an ant, but killing the Blood Moon was a completely different matter. He knew clearly the pressure she was facing. Therefore, he really wanted to see how this lowly woman would bravely take that step forward, and stab out a sword strike at the unfair laws of the Black Sun Empire!    


"Let me go! Let me go! "You lowly commoners, in my eyes, you are no different from slaves!" Young Master Xue Yue was still clamoring. "Let me tell you, my father, the Earl of Blood City, is related to the royal family in the Doomsday City. If you dare to kill me, I can assure you that the entire Ember City will be razed to the ground! You will die, and all your family and friends will die! "    


Mrs. Nightingale strode towards Young Master Xue Yue. Her eyes were ice-cold, and her steps were firm.    


When Blood Moon Young Master saw Mrs. Nightingale, he sneered, "If you don't dare to kill me, then let me go.    


Then, he suddenly saw Xia Lei, who had just walked out of the building. His face instantly paled and his legs couldn't help but to tremble.    


Mrs. Nightingale stopped in front of Young Master Xue Yue.    


"Let me go, I won't fight with you for this blood-crystal ore, I swear to you, I won't take revenge." Young master Xue Yue became obedient immediately, but he thought to himself, "Damn it, when I return, I will definitely borrow troops from other places and hire more mercenaries to destroy Ember City! I want to tie a lowly woman like you to the square and let ten thousand men line up to humiliate you! "    


Mrs. Nightingale turned around and glanced at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei nodded towards Mrs. Nightingale.    


Mrs. Nightingale suddenly raised her hand and stabbed her sword into Blood Moon Young Master's chest.    




Black blood splashed out. Blood Moon Young Master looked at the sword that had stabbed into his heart in terror, his mouth opened wide, "You ?" He actually dared to ? Kill ? "I ?"    


Mrs. Nightingale twisted her right wrist, causing Blood Moon Young Master's heart to shatter into pieces.    


Young Master Xue Yue's head drooped down, his eyes filled with unwillingness and anger. But all his emotions had lost their meaning. He was dead.    


Beside the bonfire, everyone's eyes were gathered at Mrs. Nightingale's side.    


"Mrs. Nightingale!" It was unknown who shouted.    


"Mrs. Nightingale! Mrs. Nightingale! Mrs. Nightingale! " The square was filled with shouts and cries of excitement.    


Mrs. Nightingale took out her long sword from Young Master Xue Yue's body. At this moment, she seemed to have put down a heavy burden, and her entire body felt relaxed and comfortable. She shifted his gaze towards Xia Lei, but Xia Lei, who was just there a moment ago, was already nowhere to be seen.    


"Dragon?" Mrs. Nightingale still looked around, but she still did not see Xia Lei's figure.    


"Mrs. Nightingale! Mrs. Nightingale! Mrs. Nightingale! " Cheers and roars filled the entire plaza. A hundred thousand soldiers were shouting her name, and her voice was as magnificent as the tides of the ocean.    


But Mrs. Nightingale didn't seem to hear any of these voices. Her heart was empty, and there was an additional trace of anxiety.    


The dragon was gone.    


Will he come back?    


She could not help thinking about it.    


In the corner of the plaza, Xia Lei shifted his gaze away from Mrs. Nightingale. He tossed up a piece of the top-grade blood-crystal ore Stone in his hand, caught it, and turned to leave.    


A blue figure silently appeared behind him and followed him.    


"Mystic Moon, how much do you know about blood crystals?" Xia Lei did not turn his head to look, but he knew that Shenyue Ruyi was right behind him.    


Shenyue Ruyi said: "Most of my time is spent on Blue Moon, so I don't really understand the blood-crystal ore Stones controlled by night watcher, but I know that the night watcher's civilization is built on it, just like how the Ahimis's civilization was developed based on spirit stones."    


Xia Lei looked at the top-grade blood crystal in his hand and said, "I do understand a bit, the energy it contains is a type of life energy."    


"The energy of life?" Shenyue Ruyi was a little surprised, "How is that possible?"    


"I have the ability to understand the composition of energy. This is the result of my analysis and also my understanding." Xia Lei slowly said, "I suspect that the reason the Dark Death World was able to give birth to such a rich and powerful life form was because of it. I also suspect that when the Ancient Spirit Race entered the Dark Death World, they were looking for the blood crystal. The mystery they were trying to solve was also the mystery of the blood crystal. "    


Shenyue Ruyi did not speak, as if he was thinking about what Xia Lei had said.    


"Oh yeah, I never asked you, now I'm going to ask you." Xia Lei stopped and turned around, looking at Shenyue Ruyi's pair of beautiful eyes that were a little exaggerated, "I have always thought that you have some understanding towards that mission, but what do you know about that fragment? Where is it? "    


Shenyue Ruyi did not avoid Xia Lei's gaze, and she did not hesitate in the slightest, "I don't know, maybe..."    


"Maybe what?"    


"Have you ever thought that there might not be any fragments at all?"    


Xia Lei was stunned on the spot.    


There was no fragment at all?    


He had never thought of this before.    


If it wasn't for that fragment, wouldn't everything he did, everything he experienced, everything he fought for lose its meaning?    


If he did not have that fragment, then why did the Origin City and the big hand behind the Origin City use the fate of two worlds to force him into the Death World to find that fragment?    


This was impossible!    


"I'm just assuming." Shenyue Ruyi said.    


Xia Lei finally regained his senses and smiled, "There's no such thing as a hypothesis. Forget it, pretend I didn't ask you.    


Although he said that, Shenyue Ruyi's hypothesis had already affected him.    


He didn't say a word on the way back.    


Shenyue Ruyi was silent the entire way, not uttering a single sound.    


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