Tranxending Vision

C2210 snake-tattooed man Cao Ji

C2210 snake-tattooed man Cao Ji

Leaving the Ember City, the young Snakeskin man walked towards a mountain on the north side. Xia Lei followed from afar, her two eyes always under the effect of telekinesis. The black-winged woman, Hei Ni's milk of death, not only bestowed him with a dark aura, it also allowed him to gain the ability to see normal things. Right now, he no longer needed Shenyue Ruyi's liquid energy to see normal things. This allowed him to keep his target at a distance of a few kilometers without losing it.    


Passing by the two night watcher's villages, the young Snakeskin man did not stop.    


There was a temple on the hillside of that mountain, but it was obviously deserted, part of the roof of the temple had collapsed, and the remaining roof was overgrown with gray weeds, a scene of desolation and desolation.    


As they climbed the mountain, the young Snakeskin man sped up on the deserted mountain paths. Not long after, they arrived in front of the dilapidated temple on the mountainside.    


The main entrance to the temple had long since disappeared. From the open doorway, one could see a statue carved from black stone. It looked like a diamond, but its body was made up of corpses, so its appearance was especially hideous and terrifying.    


This idol was the idol of the Defasisy.    


The young Snakeskin man looked behind him to make sure no one was following him before she entered the Sacred Palace.    


An older Snakeskin man walked out from behind the Defasisy's statue. It was the Snakeskin man who was kicked by the noble that day and then fell down with a Holy Maiden Fruit.    


"Uncle Cao Ji, I'm back." The young Snakeskin man laughed and said, "Let me tell you a piece of good news. I met a fool in Ember City today, and he gave me a thousand black gold and bought all of my goods. Haha, just thinking about it makes me happy."    


"Qingpi, those things of yours are worth at most five hundred black gold. Who would be so foolish as to pay you a thousand black gold to buy them?" You must be bragging. " The Snakeskin man called Cao Ji said.    


The young Snakeskin man with green skin waved the bag in her hand and said proudly: "Did you see that? One thousand black gold is in this bag, and the rest is wine and meat. I'm not boasting. If you take back your words, I can share my wine and meat with you. "    


"You ? I really regret bringing you out of your hometown. Alright, I'll take back what I said just now." Give me some of your wine and meat, I'm hungry. " Cao Ji said.    


The two Snakeskin man s sat opposite each other at the foot of the Defasisy's statue and started eating.    


"Hey, Uncle Cao Ji, are you still guarding your bag of fruits? No one bought it. I think you're wasting your time. "    


Cao Ji sighed and said: "What do you know, that is an extremely precious thing, just that no one knows what it is."    


The green-skinned man said: "Uncle Cao Ji, let's throw them away. Let's go explore the Abyss of Desire together."    


"The Abyss of Desire? That is the forbidden grounds of the Goddess of Desire Medelsa, none of the people who went in could come out alive. You actually want to go there, are you crazy? " Cao Ji said.    


"Uncle Cao Ji, have you become more timid with your age? I know the place is dangerous, and I know some legends about the Abyss of Desire. It was said that men who entered the abyss of desire would meet beautiful women and be able to have sex with them as they pleased. "Women will also meet handsome men, and they can also have a good time with them ?" The green skin of his eyes was full of longing.    


Cao Ji shook his head, "You actually took those lies and legends seriously? Keep your masturbation. Sooner or later, it will kill you. I don't know if there are any gods in the Abyss of Desire, nor do I know if there are beauties or handsome men, but what I do know is that the place is shrouded in darkness, it's extremely cold, and even the air there is a fissure in the ground and canyon filled with poison. "    


"Are there no treasures there?"    


"Legend has it that there is a river at the end of that crevasse, across which comes the world of the gods. The river is very wide, Medelsa's divine hall is located on a small island in the middle of the river, she likes to live alone. "    


"So, as long as we can enter the abyss of desire, and cross that river, we will be able to enter the world of the gods?"    


Cao Ji nodded his head, "Yes, this is exactly the legend I know of."    


"Hahaha ?" Qing Pi laughed out loud.    


Cao Ji was not at all pleased, he ate big mouthfuls of meat and drank big mouthfuls of wine.    


"What is the world of the gods like?" Qing Pi asked.    


Cao Ji replied: "Who knows, but it should be better than this world. It doesn't have that much killing intent and sin. You who like to look for treasures, you might be able to pick them up the moment you bend down. "    


"Hahaha ?" Qing Pi couldn't help but to laugh, "Uncle Cao Ji, you are the publicly acknowledged big encyclopedia of the Serpentine Tribe, but what you have told me is clearly not up to standard."    


Cao Ji said: "Then you can pretend that I didn't say anything, but uncle will give you a piece of advice, ordinary ruins and ancient tombs are okay to go to, but for a place like the Abyss of Desire, I suggest you not think about it. You only have one small life, and if it's lost, it's gone. "    


"Alright, alright. You sound like my father." Qing Pi looked a little impatient.    


The light in the temple suddenly dimmed a little.    


Cao Ji suddenly raised his head to look at the entrance of the divine hall, and his pupils had instantly shrunk into a line.    


At the entrance to the shrine stood a man wearing a bamboo hat. The bamboo hat covered his face, making it impossible to see his face. He just stood there, motionless. He didn't look strong, but he gave off a terrible feeling.    


Cao Ji suddenly pulled out a energy pistol from his waist and aimed at the man at the entrance with the muzzle of his gun.    


Qing Pi finally reacted. When he looked at the person standing at the door, he was stunned for a moment before blurting out: "It's you!"    


The person who was standing at the door was precisely Xia Lei who had spent a thousand black gold to buy all of his "treasures".    


Xia Lei had come early in the morning originally, but because he wanted to hear what the two Snakeskin man s in the divine hall were talking about, he didn't show himself. However, the conversation between the two Snakeskin man s were of no use to him, so he quickly lost his patience.    


"What are you doing here? I'm telling you, I won't give you back your money. " Qing Zi stood up and pulled out a dagger from his waist. The blade of the short knife was gleaming with a cold light. It looked very sharp.    


"It's him?" Cao Ji asked.    


"That's him, hmph, just a fool." After saying that, the green-skinned man roared at Xia Lei: "Scram, otherwise, I will kill you!"    


Xia Lei walked towards the shrine.    


"Stop!" I will shoot! " Cao Ji immediately became nervous.    


Xia Lei did not stop, and said while walking: "Don't be nervous, I just want to chat with you. I mean no harm, I can't keep up with you to return the money."    


"What do you want to talk to me about?" Cao Ji did not put down the energy pistol. He looked at Xia Lei warily.    


Xia Lei sat down in the space between the two of them, "Put the spear away, I don't like people pointing guns at me."    


Cao Ji did not put the energy pistol away. He coldly knew: "I do not know you, nor do I have the interest to know you. There is nothing between us to chat about.    


Xia Lei reached his hand into his pocket.    


"Don't move!" Cao Ji said anxiously: "Otherwise, I will fire!"    


Xia Lei pulled out his hand and a purse appeared in his hand. He placed the wallet on the ground and smiled, "This wallet still has around 10,000 black gold. Come and chat with me, the money in the wallet will all be yours."    


Cao Ji looked at the purse on the ground, then looked at Xia Lei, "What do you want to talk about with me?"    


Xia Lei took off his bamboo hat and revealed his face, "Do you still remember me?"    


Seeing Xia Lei's face, Cao Ji was momentarily stunned, and said in shock: "It's you ? "I was there when you killed Black Mountain Dragon. I saw you on the street that day. You ?" Are you following me? "    


Xia Lei said: "You are wrong, I am not following you, I am looking for you. That day you were kicked by that idiot, and I found a nut that fell out of your pocket. "I know what that nut is. It's a Saintess' Fruit, right?"    


"You actually know about the Holy Maiden Fruit?"    


"I know about the Holy Maiden Fruit, but I don't know where you picked these fruits. Can you tell me?"    


"Just this one question?" Cao Ji's eyes were still vigilant, he did not reach for the purse either.    


"Two questions." Xia Lei said: "First, answer the first question, and then I'll raise the second question."    


Cao Ji was hesitant.    


The green-skinned man blinked his eyes at Cao Ji, indicating his agreement.    


Ten thousand taels of black gold was not a small sum. This amount of money was enough for a family of three to live a full life for ten years. The reason why the green-skinned man risked his life to dig up an ancient tomb was because the value of the accompanying items he obtained was only a few hundred Black Gold Coins. If Xia Lei didn't intentionally make him pack up his stall, it would still be a question whether he could sell it or not.    


"Alright, I agree." Cao Ji reached out to grab the purse in his hand, "I didn't pick this bag of Holy Maiden Fruits, it had already become extinct. Those are the Saintess' Fruits I bought from an old man in Lava City, and it cost me twenty black gold. "    


"An old man?" Xia Lei's heart was moved, "What kind of old man?"    


"It's an ordinary night watcher. It looks like she's a farmer."    


"Didn't you ask him where he obtained these Holy Maiden Fruits?" Xia Lei asked.    


"I'm not that stupid. I know about those Holy Maiden Fruits, but he doesn't. If I were to ask him, would he still sell them to me?" Cao Ji said.    


Xia Lei did not question further, he was silent for a moment before asking his second question, "You have been to many places, and are an experienced and knowledgeable snake-tattooed explorer, I would like to ask you a question ?"    




"Have you heard any stories about a fragment?" Xia Lei stared straight into Cao Ji's eyes, and the Desire Energy that could not be seen with the naked eye entered Cao Ji's brain in that instant.    


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