Tranxending Vision

C2211 farmer and Snake

C2211 farmer and Snake

Was the seed of the Holy Maiden Fruit bought by Cao Ji from a night watcher farmer for twenty black gold? Would he tell the truth? The answer to these two questions were extremely important to Xia Lei. He would not give the initiative to Cao Ji, no matter what Cao Ji said, he would still "download" the answer from Cao Ji's mind!    


A Desire Energy that could not be seen with the naked eye entered her brain, Cao Ji's expression became slightly sluggish for a bit, but it only lasted for an extremely short period of time before returning to normal.    


"Fragment?" A intriguing smile surfaced on Cao Ji's lips, "Legend about a piece of stone? Your question is really strange. "    


"Fragments of a box." Xia Lei said.    


"I'm sorry, but I haven't heard any legend about a box fragment." Cao Ji replied very quickly, almost without consideration.    


"It's okay, it's fine if you haven't heard it before." Xia Lei said, and he retracted his Desire Energy.    


The information downloaded from Cao Ji's brain was being organized quickly, and he started to frown. The information that Cao Ji had stored in his brain did not have anything related to the fragment, it was only the face of the farmer who sold him the Holy Maiden Fruit. Just as Cao Ji had described, the night watcher farmer looked like an ordinary farmer, with no special living quarters.    


However, just as he was feeling discouraged and disappointed, his brain filtered out a strange information. It was a mural, located on one of the walls of a temple. In the mural, there was a fierce three-headed, six-armed deity. He used his six arms to wield a huge divine axe to split open a box. The box was split into pieces, but another piece was embedded into one of his arms ?    


That box was World's Box.    


In Cao Ji's memories, the temple was located in the Doomsday City, the capital of the Black Sun Empire.    


In that instant, Xia Lei felt like he had stepped on iron shoes and found them easily. He had been bitterly searching for information regarding the last fragment. Now that he had obtained information on the last fragment, how could he not be excited?    


However, after a short period of excitement, he quickly calmed down, and a trace of doubt emerged in his heart. The information on this last fragment was too sudden. Wasn't it too easy to obtain? For some reason, he felt that something was wrong.    


"I won't pay you back." Cao Ji quickly slipped the purse into his sleeve.    


Xia Lei did not try to snatch the purse, money had no meaning to him. He stared straight at Cao Ji as he continued to ponder in his heart, "This Cao Ji went to the Black Sun Empire's royal family's temple and saw that mural before. But he intentionally hid it from me. Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart.    


He could download the memory information stored in his brain, but he could not download the human heart. This was because the human heart was fickle and he could not completely control it, let alone an outsider.    


"My friend, you can go back now." Cao Ji said: "You gave me the money, and I answered your question, we are even."    


However, Xia Lei did not get up and leave. He indifferently said, "Why aren't you telling me the truth?"    


Cao Ji's expression changed slightly, but he quickly calmed down, "What did you say? I don't understand what you mean. "    


Xia Lei said: "I have already explained it very clearly, you clearly know about the fragment. It is inside the Doomsday City's royal family's temple, and you are also taking my money, but you are not willing to tell me why?"    


"Ha, you are such a funny person. When did I tell you that I knew about that piece of information? "I didn't force you to give me money. You had to give it to me yourself." Cao Ji said, and when he spoke, he glanced at the green skin behind Xia Lei.    


The green-skinned man gently nodded his head.    


Xia Lei revealed a strange smile, "I naturally have my ways of knowing, if you don't tell me why, this matter will not end."    


The green skin suddenly and ruthlessly pierced the short blade in his hand towards the back of Xia Lei's head.    


Xia Lei seemed to not have noticed anything, and even with his back facing the green skin, he did not make any movements to defend or dodge.    




The sharp blade ruthlessly pierced the back of Xia Lei's head.    


The back of Xia Lei's head was unscathed, but the tip of the short blade in Qing Pei's hand had a cut.    


"You ?" The green-skinned man hurriedly retreated.    




Cao Ji also made his move. He had been holding that energy pistol all along, and did not put it away. As Qing Pi failed, his heart was filled with nervousness and fear. Then, he too, fired.    


If the short blade can't kill you, the energy pistol can at least kill you, right?    


This seemed to be the reason why Cao Ji suddenly shot.    


However, the energy warhead that was shot out by the energy pistol suddenly stopped right when it was about to pierce into Xia Lei's chest. It spun rapidly, but was unable to move even an inch further.    


In front of Xia Lei's chest, a multicolored energy light fluctuated slightly. Not only did it block the energy warhead, it was also decomposing and absorbing the energy of the energy warhead.    


In the blink of an eye, in the time of two or three breaths, the energy warhead that was suspended in front of Xia Lei's chest was disintegrated.    


There was already not a single trace of blood on Cao Ji's face, and his pair of green eyes were filled with fear.    


Qing Pi turned around and ran.    


With a wave of his hand, Qing Pei's body, like a pillow that had been thrown out, suddenly flew out of the ground, flying more than ten metres away before fiercely smashing into the wall of the godly temple, and then heavily smashing onto the ground. He wanted to get up, but just as he raised his upper body, he fell down again. A trickle of green blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.    


"You, you, you ? Who exactly are you? " Cao Ji's voice trembled.    


"Long, didn't you recognize me?" Xia Lei looked at Cao Ji, his voice turning cold, "You actually already have the heart to kill me, then I don't have to be polite with you guys, just tell me the truth, and you guys will be able to leave this place alive. If you really want to hide this from me, sorry, you guys will be like that idiot."    


With that said, Xia Lei jumped up from the ground, and smashed his fist onto the Defasisy's idol.    


The rock-like statue that was as hard as steel exploded with a loud bang, but it did not shatter into pieces. Instead, it was blasted into smithereens, slowly falling to the ground like quicksand!    


The Defasisy that was worshipped as a god by others had already died in Xia Lei's hands. In his eyes, the Defasisy was indeed a fool, a fool who ate feces.    


"Gulp ?" Cao Ji couldn't help but gulp, but his forehead did not have cold sweat.    


Snakeskin man was not well-received in this world, because this race's characteristics were similar to poisonous snakes. They were cold and heartless, liked to backstab, and their blood was cold. Therefore, even under such anxious and fearful circumstances, Cao Ji's forehead did not break out in cold sweat.    


"Speak!" "Why did you hide it from me?" Xia Lei stretched out his hand and the green skin on the ground slid over in an instant. There was also a line of green blood on the ground, giving people a shocking feeling.    


As the green skin spoke, he arrived in front of Cao Ji and used his leg to stomp on the green skin's head. However, he did not use any strength nor did the green skin's head explode.    


"Uncle Cao Ji, save me ? "Save me ?" Qing Pi wailed at the bottom of Xia Lei's feet, "My mother asked you to take good care of me. You like her, and she likes you too ? "Save me ?"    


What kind of messy relationship was this?    


"Let him go, I said. I'll tell you everything." Cao Ji compromised.    


Xia Lei lifted his leg, and coldly reminded: "Don't be so full of luck, I'll be able to tell at a glance if you lied."    


Cao Ji had a bitter expression, "Since it's like this, how could I dare lie to you?"    




"I'll say, I'll say ?" After tidying up his thoughts for a bit, Cao Ji opened his mouth and said: "Actually, I have never been to any kind of royal sect temple ?"    


"Humph!" Xia Lei snorted, the entire temple trembled for a moment.    


"What I'm saying is the truth. If you want to kill me, there's nothing I can do." Cao Ji was very scared, but he could still look into Xia Lei's eyes, trying his best to appear calm and fearless.    


Xia Lei did not make a move.    


Cao Ji took a deep breath and continued, "Think about it, with our statuses, how could I possibly enter the clan temple of the Black Sun Empire Royal Family? Even the Counts of the night watcher aren't qualified to enter that place, let alone a Snakeskin man like me?"    


"Then why is there a memory in your mind of having gone to the royal family's temple and seen that mural?" Xia Lei asked.    


"That was a dream that I often had. Recently, I often had this dream that I would enter the ancestral hall of the night watcher's royal family and see a three-headed, six-armed god splitting open that box with his axe. Every time I woke up, I couldn't help but wonder why I had such a strange dream, what kind of god was that god, what kind of box was that ? The reason why I'm hiding this from you is because I feel that this dream must be guiding me in something. It might be an opportunity to change my fate. "    


This answer surprised Xia Lei.    


Cao Ji continued: "Really, I didn't lie to you. I have been to many places, and have also been to many ancient ruins explorations, I can be considered an explorer with a lot of knowledge in the Snakeskin man. But I have never heard of any box's legend, nor have I heard of some three-headed six-armed god. This dream is very mysterious to me, it came as a strange and unfathomable dream. I was thinking of going to the Black Sun Empire to look for a way to enter the clan temple of the night watcher royal family once I had collected enough money, to look at that mural. "    


Xia Lei suddenly thought of something, "How long have you had this dream? Before or after we met that night watcher farmer? "    


Cao Ji was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It was after that."    


After obtaining this answer, Xia Lei had pretty much found the truth. A mysterious old man intentionally made contact with Cao Ji, and then planted a dream about the World's Box into Cao Ji's brain, which he then passed over to his hands through Cao Ji.    


The night watcher farmer's target was not Cao Ji, but Xia Lei!    


In that short amount of time, a bunch of questions popped up in Xia Lei's mind.    


Why did the night watcher farmer send him such a message?    


What was the identity of that night watcher farmer?    


Was there also no painting inside the Doomsday City's royal family temple?    


"I told you everything I know, you... You won't kill us, right? " Cao Ji said carefully, looking very nervous.    


Xia Lei stopped thinking, "Didn't you guys want to go to Doomsday City? Even if you all were to wander around like this, you wouldn't be able to earn much money. Do something for me, I'll hire you all. "    


Cao Ji was stunned on the spot.    


Xia Lei turned around and walked towards the entrance of the shrine, "A chance to change one's fate is not something that can be found every single day, it is something that one can only see once in their entire life."    


"I... I promise you! " Cao Ji propped Qing Pei up and chased after Xia Lei's back.    


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