Tranxending Vision

C2238 Six, think carefully and fear!

C2238 Six, think carefully and fear!

The dense forest was filled with towering trees, and some of them needed dozens of people to surround the tree trunk. Countless tendrils hung down from the treetops and branches that blotted out the sun. Some were thicker than a person's thigh, some were as thin as hair, some were lush with leaves, and some were already dead. The air was filled with the smell of dead branches, dead leaves, and moldy leaves. The smell of rotting animals made people frown.    


The forest seemed to be a cursed place, emitting a ghastly and terrifying aura everywhere.    


The colored wood stone flew through the forest, its aged and delicate body extremely agile. Xia Lei ran on the ground while observing his surroundings with his sharp eyes and hearing. Other than some wild beasts and flying birds, he did not find anything suspicious or valuable.    


"Old Patriarch, where are you bringing me?" After running for an unknown distance, Xia Lei couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.    


"We're almost there. Just a little further and we'll be there." He still didn't say what kind of place he was going to.    


Xia Lei stopped asking and increased his pace. Both of his feet moved faster on the rotten branches and fallen leaves, one step was dozens of meters, and the next step was dozens of meters, as fast as the wind.    


The colored rocks also increased their speed, leaving behind a trail of colorful shadows in the forest. But even so, it was still hard for him to maintain the distance between him and Xia Lei.    


In truth, Xia Lei had really let him go on purpose. Otherwise, his pair of small wings would not even be faster than his legs.    


After a while, the ten kilometers passed by.    


"Dragon King Majesty, we're here, right in front." "Yes," said the tinted wood stone.    


Xia Lei's gaze pierced through a row of trees that were tall enough to pierce the clouds, and he saw an empty space between the trees. The empty space didn't have the ship of spirit people as he had imagined, nor did it have any ancient buildings or stone statues. It was just an empty space filled with dead branches and fallen leaves.    


However, after entering the clearing, Xia Lei noticed that it was not an ordinary area. Below his feet, he sensed a very powerful energy field. This energy field was somewhat similar to the energy field produced in the northwest mining area of Ember City. It had the characteristics of nurturing life.    


Could it be that there was a blood-crystal ore s below this piece of land?    


Xia Lei could not resist this conjecture, but he quickly rejected this conjecture. Other than the life force released by the blood-crystal ore, he also sensed other energies, which were very mysterious.    


The stone dropped down from the sky and knelt on the ground. It used its hands to dig away the dead leaves on the ground.    


"Old Patriarch, let me do it." Xia Lei said.    


The Colored Wood Stone nodded once, then returned to the air.    


Xia Lei gathered a ball of Natural energy, spun it around, and then gently pushed it out. Once the Natural energy landed on the ground, it turned into a small tornado. It quickly spun around and moved, sweeping up the dead leaves on the ground.    


The dead branches and leaves were sucked into the tornado, and the tornado became bigger and bigger. The dead branches and fallen leaves became fewer and fewer, until the ground was revealed.    


The ground of the clearing was revealed, a huge rock. It was embedded in the ground, parallel to it, and looked very flat. There were several blood-crystal ore Stones embedded on the flat surface of the rock. They were all about the size of a fist and had different shapes.    


At the bottom of every blood-crystal ore Stone, there was a groove, inside the groove were carvings. The six grooves converged at the center of the rock, at the point where they converged into a semicircle pit. The inner walls of the crater were also filled with carvings of runes. It was not difficult to determine that these six blood-crystal ore Stones could actually slide into the semicircle pit in the middle of the rock. The six grooves on the rock surface were the trajectory for sliding.    


The tornado disappeared, and the dead branches and fallen leaves fell elsewhere.    


"This is the place." "We call it the God's Dinner," replied the colored wood stone.    


"Dinner of the Gods?" Xia Lei asked curiously: "Why such a strange name? How could this kind of place be your butterfly man Clan's forbidden area? "    


The colored wood stone said, "Respected Dragon King Majesty, if you were to push the six blood-crystal ore Stones into the pit in the middle of the rock, you would know the reason why."    


Xia Lei's gaze moved to one of the blood-crystal ore Stones. Only now did he realise that there were indistinct runes appearing within the stone. He then shifted his gaze onto the other five blood-crystal ore Stones. The situation was the same, the runes on the other five stones were also faintly visible, but because they were buried by the rotten branches and fallen leaves, their surface was covered in dust, and if one did not look carefully, it would be difficult to discover.    


Just as Xia Lei was observing, the colored wood stone descended from the sky and knelt beside one of the blood-crystal ore Stones. It crossed its arms and said with a pious voice: "Six Gods above, please forgive my offense and forgive my sin ?"    


Xia Lei curiously looked at the colored wood stone, and he silently muttered in his heart: "Six gods? Could his so-called Six Gods be these six blood-crystal ore Stones? These six blood-crystal ore Stones seemed to be able to form a single entity, a semi-spherical entity. If it was a spherical blood-crystal ore Stone, then it would be missing half, where was the other half? If it's just a hemispherical shape, then who was the one who shattered it and embedded it onto this rock? "    


A whole bunch of questions popped up in his mind.    


After the colored wood stone finished its prayer, he suddenly pushed the blood-crystal ore stone in front of him into the half-spherical pit in the middle of the rock.    


Walla ?    


The blood-crystal ore Stone rubbed against the inner wall of the groove, and in the clear sound of rubbing, the runes on the inner wall of the groove actually started to glow. Blood-red energy emitted from the runes one after another. The entire groove was lit up, creating an incomparably magical scene.    


Xia Lei also pushed the nearest blood-crystal ore Stone King Rock into the pit at the center. The sliding groove in the blood-crystal ore Stone he pushed had also been lit up.    


One after another, blood-crystal ore Stones were pushed into the pit in the middle of the rock. was the one who pushed the sixth one. When he pushed the blood-crystal ore Stone into the pit, the hemisphere-shaped hole was filled up and a blood-red light was suddenly released from the assembled hemisphere-shaped blood-crystal ore Stone.    


"Dragon King Majesty, let's leave this place quickly!" As she spoke, he flapped her little wings and flew out of the region of the rocks.    


Xia Lei didn't know what would happen, but his reaction was very timely. Just as the colored wood stone flew out of the rock range, he also jumped out of the rock range.    




A very clear vibration of energy occurred within the semi-spherical blood-crystal ore stone, and was immediately followed by blood-red images being released one after another. Images of people, of tables, cutlery, wine utensils, food.    


Seeing the image that appeared in mid air, in that instant, Xia Lei's brain felt like it had been ruthlessly smashed by an iron hammer.    


There were six of them enjoying their dinner.    


It was dinner, not lunch or breakfast, because there were candlesticks on the table and candlesticks lit up like candles. Its existence gave the image of dinner a romantic aristocratic atmosphere.    


Six clansmen, three men and three women. The man sat on the left side of the table, on the right. Men left women right, the spirit race's society also seemed to have such a habit.    


The six clansmen were all very young, but that was based on their bodies and skin, not their facial features. In fact, the six clansmen did not have faces. It was just that the lines on the men's faces were more solid and the lines on the women's faces were more gentle and beautiful.    


He had no face, and the number "6" was the reason why Xia Lei's mind went blank.    


Without a face, Xia Lei almost uncontrollably thought about the image he saw in the Silent Desert. In that mirror-like pool of blood, he saw himself reflected. Inside the pool of blood, he had no face.    


There was also "six." He was very sensitive to that number.    


World's Box had six sides.    


He had married six wives on Earth, and he had married six wives on the Star of Hope. Although he had only married two wives in the Dark Death World now, but Diao Chan had already made a promise. In other words, he already had three wives.    


Extremely terrifying thought!    


"Who are they? I have never seen a faceless Spirit Race. Axis is a Royal Family of the Spirit Race, he is also known as the War God. He should be the strongest existence, but he also has a face. Just what were the identities of these six spirit race clansmen? Or... They aren't from the Spirit Race at all? " After a short period of blankness, Xia Lei's brain started to work, but even when using all of his brain power, he was still unable to figure out the identity of these six faceless people.    


Suddenly, someone's voice came from the blood colored image.    


"I have calculated it countless times, and the result is the same. We will be destroyed. Our civilization, all that we have created, and ourselves. " There was no face, and the voice came from the tissue of a man's body.    


With just that one sentence, Xia Lei confirmed that the six of them were of the spirit race, because the language he used was the standard language of the spirit race.    


A voice came from the body of a female spirit race cultivator. Her voice was soft and beautiful, "All living things in the universe have their ends. We have reached the end that belongs to us. This is fated. The ultimate law of the universe is destruction, unavoidable."    


The woman's words drew a flurry of discussion.    


"This is a road. We have reached the end of it. I have already seen the other side of the end. That is the eternal darkness, and darkness is the home of all living things in the universe. " Another male spirit clansman said.    


"It's a summary, and it's also the beginning." Another female spirit race member said.    


"New beginnings will certainly bring new races and civilizations that will dominate all things, but that's not us anymore." The male spirit race cultivator that was the first to speak said.    


"I'm not willing either, but we can't avoid the ultimate law of the universe coming to us." The third female spirit race member said.    


The discussion continued.    


Xia Lei's gaze suddenly fell on the male spirit warrior at the end of the table. His heart was filled with curiosity, "Why is he not saying anything?"    


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