Tranxending Vision

C2242 Princess Yongye

C2242 Princess Yongye

The hotel room was about ten kilometers away from the center of the lake island. To Xia Lei, this distance was like reading a book. Unsurprisingly, he could even see the grain of a leaf in the forest on the island.    


However, just as he was about to enter the island, his line of sight was blocked by an invisible energy shield. He could see behind the glass, but he couldn't see through them.    


However, this result was not out of Xia Lei's expectations.    


At this time, he suddenly felt the energy shield tremble slightly. He did not know what was the situation, but he quickly retracted his gaze. After that, a bloody shadow suddenly flew up from the peak of the mountain on the island.    


Not a human, but a bird.    


"That's ?" Xia Lei was dumbstruck, he was stunned for a moment before being able to spit out a word, "Phoenix?"    


The birds that rose from the summit of the island were not very large, and were considered small compared to most flying dead animals. However, it was definitely no ordinary flying dead beast. Its entire body was blood-red, and the energy and flames that it emitted from its body seemed like a burning flame. But what surprised Xia Lei the most was that it looked very much like the fire phoenix in the legends!    


The "Fire Phoenix" rose into the air and circled around the island, letting out sharp chirps from time to time.    


Xia Lei muttered in his heart: "Could it be because my perspective triggered something? The fire phoenix flew up, and scouted the situation? "    


Thinking of this, he immediately became somewhat nervous.    


Right now, he was only one step away from his mission. If he made a mistake and failed at this moment, it would truly be too late for regret.    


"That's ?" Nightingale also saw it and said in surprise, "That is Princess Di Yin's undead flamingo."    


Isn't the undead flamingo the Fire Phoenix? Xia Lei's heart was moved, "Who is Princess Young-ye?"    


"Princess Young-ye, of course it's the princess of Black Sun Empire. She was the publicly recognized top divine child of the Black Sun Empire, and the most beloved daughter of the Great Emperor Black Sun. Furthermore, she had two brothers, the Sky King, Di Kun, and the Earth King, Di Jiuyou. There is hope for all three of them to enter the culminate evolution and it represents the Black Sun Empire's tomorrow. " For some reason, when Nightingale told Xia Lei about the princess and prince of the Black Sun Empire royal family, his eyes were filled with excitement.    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "Why are you so excited?"    


Nightingale's expression immediately returned to normal, "That Princess Young-ye was once my idol, I have always wanted to be able to help her. Seeing her undead flamingo, I thought I could see her, but I still didn't see her. "    


They were all outstanding women, but Princess Young-ye was actually a woman standing at the top of the Empire's pyramid. Not only was her identity incomparably noble, he was also extremely talented, so it wasn't strange that he would have feelings of worship when he admired women like Nightingale who were struggling at the bottom level.    


"You ? Would you laugh at me? " Nightingale was more concerned with Xia Lei's feelings.    


Xia Lei smiled slightly, "Why should I laugh at you? This is very normal. When I was young, I also worshipped people. " He changed the topic, "Oh right, what is the name of the Great Emperor Black Sun?"    


"No name, Great Emperor Black Sun is his name. His surname is forbidden, no one dares to call it, and there are no records of it. Nightingale said.    


Xia Lei nodded. Just as he was familiar with Qin Shi Huang and Emperor Wu Han, their surnames were forbidden, and no one dared to call them by name, only the later generations dared to call them. But Great Emperor Black Sun was still alive, no one dared to call him by name, and there was no meaning to it either.    


"Will you blame me?" Nightingale suddenly said this sentence.    


Xia Lei was startled, "What do you mean?"    


"That ?" Nightingale looked somewhat embarrassed, "Just now, in the hotel lobby, I said that you are my husband."    


Xia Lei did not expect her to bring up this matter, and he became a little embarrassed: "No way, the situation is special."    


Nightingale stopped talking and avoided Xia Lei's line of sight, no one knew what she was thinking.    


Xia Lei's line of sight once again returned to the sky above the island. The undead flamingo had already returned to the summit. Although they were separated by ten kilometers, the undead flamingo still gave him a shock both visually and psychologically. He could not help but think, "If the undead flamingo appeared, then would there be a dragon in this world?"    


As a descendant of a dragon, he would definitely be very excited to see a real dragon.    


Right at this time, a white figure suddenly flew up from the top of the mountain. In a flash, it climbed up the back of the undead flamingo.    


The man had a black mask over his face, and his figure was slim and curvaceous. He was clearly a woman based on the characteristics of his body. She sat on the undead flamingo's neck as it flapped its wings. The wind blew against her clothes and her long hair. That scene really did seem like the descent of a goddess from the heavens.    


Although he was unable to see her face through the black veil, but at that moment, Xia Lei still had a breathtaking feeling.    


"That's ?" Nightingale suddenly exclaimed, and then said excitedly: "Princess Young-ye! She is Princess Young-ye! In this world, only she has the undead flamingo and she is the only one who can ride it.    


In the sky, undead flamingo flew across the surface of Death Lake in the blink of an eye and headed towards the Golden Coast Hotel.    


Had she discovered it?    


Xia Lei tensed up, he then suppressed all the energy aura on his body, not daring to let out a single breath.    


undead flamingo flew above the Golden Coast Hotel, not stopping at all.    


Powerful energy flames blew across the hotel like a strong wind, causing the windows and doors to tremble.    


The Golden Coast Hotel was filled with cheers and cheers. To them, it was a great honor for the Princess Young-ye to fly above their heads.    


Nightingale went to the window on the other side of the wall and opened it to take a look.    


The blood colored undead flamingo was like a ball of burning flames, carrying the woman in white flying towards a gigantic circular building.    


The first impression Xia Lei got from the building was that it was a soccer field, but he rejected it and changed it to a battle stadium. If the culture of a battle was so prevalent in places like the Ember City s, then what about the imperial city's Doomsday City s?    


The undead flamingo descended and then rose into the air, flying towards the Soul Returning Island at the center of the lake. The Princess Young-ye was no longer on its back.    


Nightingale pointed to the round building and said, "That is the Empire's biggest arena, the Hero Arena. Princess Young-ye must have gone to watch the arena." Then she added, "I wonder what rank of Gladiator it is, to actually be able to attract spectators of Princess Young-ye's level."    


Xia Lei's gaze fell on Nightingale's face, "Do you want to see it?"    


"Yes!" "However ?" Nightingale shook her head, "I think it's better if I don't go. That place has a lot of spies from the Black Sun, and since the Princess Young-ye is so powerful, it would be bad if they find out."    


Xia Lei laughed, "It should be fine if we are a bit more careful. Besides, we won't be able to find him if we stay in the hotel. Let's go and have a look. You can also see your idol with your own eyes. "    


Nightingale's voice became smaller, "That was in the past, but now my idol has someone else."    


"Who is it?"    


"You." Nightingale said, and then stared straight at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei avoided her line of sight.    


There was a huge plaza in front of the Hero Arena. By the time Xia Lei and Nightingale arrived, it was already filled to the brim with people.    


Nightingale went to the window that sold tickets to buy tickets, but was told that they had already sold out. She returned to Xia Lei's side with a face full of disappointment, "We were really unlucky, we came too late. We sold out all two hundred thousand tickets."    


"All 200,000 tickets have been sold?" Xia Lei was also shocked, but it was not because the tickets were sold out, but because of the number of people in the Hero Arena. On Earth, Barcelona's Rokamp Stadium could only hold one hundred thousand spectators. However, this seemingly ancient Arena could only hold one hundred thousand spectators. It was truly ridiculous!    


"Let's go back." Nightingale's look of dejection.    


"Wait a little longer." Xia Lei said, his ears started to listen around for any sounds.    


He had sold 200,000 tickets in a battle of attrition. Based on his experience, he would have died if there were no Yellow Ox here.    


Voices entered his ears, and his brain quickly sifted through valuable information.    


"The Princess Young-ye is here! "My God, I bet there are more people watching her than watching the fight!"    


"What do you know? The two protagonists of this battle is the duel between the Empire's victor, Lord Winter of the Thousand Swords, and the Empire's champion, Hitojiu. This duel concerns the prestige of the Empire's military, and whether Hitojiu's undefeated legend will end or end. I believe that the majority of the people were there for this battle, not for the beauty of the Princess Young-ye. "    


"Hitojiu, that guy, a mere slave, was able to create such a transformation. Even if he died under General Han Dong's sword, he wouldn't have any regrets."    


"Hitojiu, haha, even though he is only a slave, I respect him. Do you know? The girls there all like him and dream of marrying him. He's known as the strongest and prettiest man in the Empire, but there are many women who like him! "    


"Do you want a vote? Two thousand black gold. "    


"Why don't you go steal it? Two thousand black gold, so expensive! "    


When these two lines of conversation were screened out by his brain, Xia Lei had already locked onto that direction, and then pulled Nightingale and squeezed over.    


"Dragon ?" Husband, where are we going now? " Nightingale almost shouted 'Dragon King' out loud, and then changed to 'Husband'.    


This form of address made Xia Lei feel awkward, but he still gave a reply, "Buy a ticket."    


"I don't have any tickets. I've already asked." Nightingale said. She could feel the warmth from Xia Lei's hands, which made her inexplicably nervous. A hint of gray surfaced on her transparent cheeks.    


Xia Lei squeezed to the side of the Yellow Ox and said, "Give me two tickets."    


"Three thousand black gold, can you afford it?" Yellow Ox was a night watcher, it looked at Xia Lei with disdain.    


"I'll give you five thousand pieces. Give me the best spot." Xia Lei said.    


Yellow Ox's jaw dropped to the ground.    


Had he met a fake Snakeskin man?    


"Fuck, are you selling it? If you don't want to sell it, then I'll look for someone else. " Xia Lei said.    


Only then did Yellow Ox regain his wits. He said resolutely and decisively, "Sell it!" "You are so magnanimous, even if you want to buy my wife, I will sell it to you."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


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