Tranxending Vision



In the entire Hero's Arena's two hundred thousand spectators, Xia Lei was probably the only one who kept his cool. When this Hitojiu appeared, he was not excited at all, he even wanted to laugh. Although the civilization in the Earth was far behind here, the entertainment industry was extremely developed. What Hitojiu used was the routine for entertaining celebrities, he had long gotten used to it.    


"This guy, he's so high-profile, and he even provoked Nobility's nerves. Doesn't he know that he's going to die if this goes on?" Xia Lei thought in his heart.    


Rumble, rumble …    


The ground of Arena suddenly trembled.    


The cheering died away.    


A Steelworm walked out from another passage. On the back of the Steelworm sat a black-armored Knight. He wore the Helmet s and did not show his face. He was even taller and bigger than the strong Hitojiu. He gave off a feeling of superiority.    


"cold winter general!" "cold winter general!" The cheers rang out again, but this time it was Nobility's voice and their attendants.    


However, there were only a few thousand Nobility in the entire Hero's Arena.    


Yan Dong took off his Helmet, revealing a handsome set of Faces. His action immediately provoked the girls of Nobility and they screamed out loud.    


Xia Lei was also surprised. He did not expect cold winter general to be so young and actually be around the same age as Hitojiu.    


After taking off the Helmet, Chou Dong bowed towards Princess Yongye and said, "I am willing to offer this victory to my most respected Eternal Night Your Highness."    


Princess Yongye nodded slightly.    


The Hero's Arena's Nobility and the others cheered and shouted again.    


Tiger King put on his Helmet, raised his silver spear and pointed it at Hitojiu. The dark death energy emerged from his body and surged like clouds and mist. He even felt the Steelworm under his crotch become blurry, giving people the feeling as if they had suddenly entered a state of pure energy individual.    


Hitojiu also raised the longsword in his hand, but there was no high-grade dark energy being emitted from his body. Compared to the dark death energy's winter aura, he seemed very weak at this time, and his aura had also lost by a large amount.    


The entire Hero's Arena quieted down.    


Xia Lei looked at the two main characters of Arena and thought to himself: "This Hitojiu is not as simple as I thought. He is obviously very strong, but he has restrained his edge."    


Ye Ying suddenly whispered into Xia Lei's ear, "Husband, who do you think will win between the two?"    


Wu Tie called Husband more often. Naturally, Ye Ying called Xia Lei Husband more often. She was not embarrassed at all. That voice, that manner of expression, it was really like Wife had asked his husband about his feelings.    


Although she called him kindly, Xia Lei still felt a bit awkward. However, he still answered her question, "I think Hitojiu will win, but Han Dong won't die."    


Ye Ying was slightly taken aback. "Why? This is a duel between life and death. "    


Xia Lei smiled. "Why don't we make a bet?"    


"Betting on what?" Ye Ying seemed very interested, eager to give it a try.    


Xia Lei thought for a moment and said, "The loser sleeps on the sofa, the winner sleeps on the bed. What do you think?"    


"Alright, I bet cold winter general will win. After all, he has a Steelworm as a mount and his aura is obviously stronger." Ye Ying said.    


"Then I'll bet on Hitojiu winning. It's settled then." Xia Lei said.    


When his voice fell, Sharp Winter suddenly drove his Steelworm and charged towards Hitojiu. In that instant, it was as if he had merged with his Steelworm, and his speed was as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Hitojiu from the surprise attack. The long spear thrust out like a thunderbolt!    


Hitojiu swung his sword.    




The sound of metal clashing resounded throughout the arena.    


Hitojiu's body was bounced up into the air. At the same time, Chilling Winter's spear also pierced the ground where Hitojiu was standing just moments ago.    




In a thunderous voice, the entire Arena began to tremble. But that trembling was limited to the arena, a circular arena filled with black sand s. All the energy that was transmitted to the buildings of the Arena was absorbed, not a single fluctuation was left behind.    


Thus, the battle between the two protagonists began.    


Han Dong was the fighting style of the battlefield, his long spear striking loudly, his Steelworm charging forth.    


Hitojiu's fighting style was a nimble guerrilla hit technique and would never clash head on. No matter how fierce Han Dong's attack was, he would always be able to handle it. He looked miserable, but he was adept at it.    


In the blink of an eye, more than ten minutes passed.    




The spear struck nothing but air, hitting the ground.    


This time, Hitojiu was not bounced back like before. His body suddenly cut into the exploding black sand, the longsword in his hand pierced towards Han Dong's chest like a poisonous snake.    


Xia Lei's gaze suddenly locked onto the longsword in Hitojiu's hand. In that instant, he saw that the originally silver sword blade was suddenly enveloped by the black energy flame. It wasn't obvious, but it was precisely because it wasn't obvious that it was more sinister and scary!    


On the back of the Steelworm, Chilling Winter was shocked and hurriedly dodged to the side. However, Hitojiu seemed to have calculated all of his movements in advance and changed his direction while he was dodging!    


Ka-cha! *    


The longsword that was burning with the black energy stabbed at Han Dong's chest, instantly melting a piece of his black armor. Han Dong's body was also sent flying from the impact, and heavily crashed onto the ground of the black sand. However, even though it was in the process, Hitojiu was still stuck to him like a piece of candy. He was unable to get rid of Hitojiu, and could only maintain the posture of stabbing his chest with his sword!    


This was Hitojiu, the champion of Empire did not rely on acting to become a legend, but on strength!    


Hitojiu had dodged and shown weakness dozens of times just for this opportunity!    




Jin Dong's body heavily crashed to the ground, while the Helmet also fell to the ground. He looked at Hitojiu, who was standing beside him and maintaining the posture of stabbing into his chest with his sword. His heart was filled with anger and unwillingness, but he also knew that he had lost. As long as Hitojiu stabbed a little more, his heart would break.    


Hitojiu looked around and said loudly, "You guys can decide his life and death! cold winter general is the most respected opponent I have ever met. I was lucky enough to win, but I felt like I didn't have the honor to execute him! "    


The entire Hero's Arena suddenly quieted down.    


If it was in the past, when Hitojiu's opponent was a certain gladiator, the commoners would have long yelled out "kill him" or similar words. But this time was different, Hitojiu's opponent was Empire's victorious General, Empire's Lord. If they shouted "Kill him" and were remembered by Black Sun's spies or spies, they would not have a good end!    


No one yelled "Kill him", and no one yelled "Let him go" either, because if they yelled "Let him go", it would also ruin Han Dong's face.    


At this moment, Princess Yongye suddenly said, "Since no one wants you to execute him, then let him go. He hasn't begged for mercy, and he doesn't look disgraceful either."    


Hitojiu took back his longsword and bowed in Princess Yongye's direction. "Eternal Night Your Highness, all the glory tonight belongs to you."    


Princess Yongye nodded slightly. "You also have your own honor and glory."    


"Thank you, Yongye, Your Highness." Hitojiu stood up straight and raised the longsword in his hands.    


"Hitojiu!" "Hitojiu!"    


"Hitojiu!" I want to marry you! "    


"Hitojiu!" Champion! Champion! "    


The entire Hero's Arena was instantly set on fire.    


A young woman beside Xia Lei suddenly stood up from her seat, she opened her chest and screamed: "Hitojiu! I want to give you a baby! "    


Xia Lei's line of sight could not help but see a piece of her transparent skin. Hitojiu's name was imprinted on the area where she was shaking. In that instant, he was stunned, not because of the size of her breasts, but because of the tattoo on them.    


Hitojiu, this is this woman's tattoo. Her tattoo is three Chinese characters.    


Until she opened her heart, Xia Lei still thought "Hitojiu" was a translation of the name, so did not think much about it. However, he did not expect Hitojiu's name to be Chinese characters!    


In the Dark world of death, Chinese characters were only used by the Han people of the past-man. The vast majority of them could not recognize Chinese characters because they did not need to understand a language that was equivalent to a chicken or duck. However, Imperial Champion, whose prestige was at its peak, used Chinese characters as his name. Why was that so?    


"Hitojiu!" "Hitojiu!"    


The Hero's Arena was full of shouting, it was quite rhythmic.    


"Hitojiu …" Xia Lei also said his name. Suddenly, a light flashed through his mind, "Hitojiu..." If one placed one above the other, and then one placed the other under, then that would be … Summer? "    


Calling it Xia was actually a bit forced, because in the Chinese characters Xia's last line was pulled out, while Xi character was missing a little bit of the stick out.    


But it was this that made Xia Lei connect the dots, "Isn't that what I came to this world for? This Hitojiu... He's the person I'm looking for! "    


snake-tattooed man Cao Ji said that the Holy Maiden Guo was given to him by an old farmer, which brought him trouble, so he always thought that the person he was looking for was an old man. But from the looks of it, changing his appearance and age was not a difficult thing for an existence like Hitojiu!    


"This guy!" Who the hell is he? " Xia Lei's gaze locked onto the "Hitojiu" tattoo on the woman's chest, and a smile also emerged from the corner of his mouth.    


Ye Ying suddenly reached over to pull Xia Lei up and down. With an unnatural expression, she said, "Husband, why are you staring at his chest all the time?"    


Xia Lei finally came back to his senses as he hurriedly looked at Hitojiu.    


At this moment, Hitojiu also looked over.    


Their gazes met, and Hitojiu's gaze paused for a moment.    


A crimson shadow suddenly appeared in the sky above Hero's Arena, causing the temperature in the entire Arena to rise, and the cheers to disappear.    


The Undead Firebird appeared.    


Princess Yongye stood up from the high platform and leaped up lightly, flying up as gracefully as a fairy.    


Xia Lei looked up, but he didn't see the bottom of the skirt.    


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