Tranxending Vision

C2246 The toxic smoke that was blown into the room

C2246 The toxic smoke that was blown into the room

Although they were in the same bed, they were still sleeping in the same clothes. The distance between Xia Lei and Nightingale was more than enough for one more person to squeeze in, and it was the kind with a slightly fat body.    


The room was silent. The air was filled with an awkward and ambiguous smell, as well as a secretly seductive fragrance. That fragrance came from Nightingale's body, just like the scent of a hundred flowers.    


The night wind blew the veil away, and under the faint yellow sky, the thousand meters tall Black Sun Palace could be seen clearly. The scene of a large transport airship flying above it was unforgettable.    


Xia Lei looked at the Black Sun Palace outside the window, and many faces appeared in his mind, one after another, as he thought about everything that had happened. Once Cai Jianren found out where Hitojiu lived, he would go and see him. Was that the last step on the mission path? He didn't know at all.    


After that, the image of the faceless Spirit Race and the six World's Box s in front of them appeared in his mind.    


There should be six other Runic Blood-crystal s, where would they be?    


"Husband." A gentle and pleasant voice broke the silence in the room.    


"Hmm?" Xia Lei retracted his gaze, and when he felt that the title of "husband" was not right, he had already agreed to it.    


"You said you needed my milk, why didn't you come over?" Nightingale said.    


Xia Lei was dumbstruck. Why would she bring up this matter at this time?    


"I talked to Cai Ling, she told me everything." Nightingale's voice was very small, "She said that the process was just like sleeping, I just can't sleep, you can do it."    


"Now?" On the other hand, Xia Lei was somewhat hesitant.    


Nightingale suddenly rolled over and lied on her side, staring at Xia Lei with his pair of deep blue eyes, "Is my expression not clear enough?"    


There was nothing unclear about her expression, and Xia Lei was very clear about her meaning as well. He was actually quite moved, but he didn't know why he kept having the feeling that things weren't as simple as they seemed on the surface. After hesitating for a moment, he probed, "You have nothing else ?" What do you mean? "    


You want to ask her if you have any other conditions?    


Nightingale shook her head, "No."    


Xia Lei got up from the bed and said gently: "Then lie down. I will hypnotize your body and let it enter its lactation period. You will sleep, and when you wake up, you will have milk. "    


"I am very clear about this process, Hei Ni has also talked to me before." Nightingale said.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


It seems that she was preparing to give birth to milk, and had even consulted Hei Ni and Cai Ling beforehand.    


Nightingale laid down on her back, and her full and firm chest slightly rose and fell. Her expression was calm and natural, but her breathing was clearly short, like that of a nervous person. After all, this was a matter of giving birth before marriage. As a woman who had never been touched by a man, how could she not be nervous when faced with such a thing?    


Xia Lei was actually also very nervous. He took a deep breath and then extended his hand to Nightingale. He wanted to grab her hand and make things easier and faster.    


"Wait." Nightingale suddenly called for him to stop.    


Xia Lei retracted his hand, "What's wrong? Do you want to think about it again? "    


"No, I've already thought about it for a long time and have already decided on it." Nightingale said.    


"Then why ?"    


"I suddenly remembered something." Nightingale said.    


"What is it?"    


"When the Master of Lonely-night City was about to die, she said a few words to you. I want to know what he said to you." Nightingale said.    


"This, he ?" Xia Lei's head once again entered the mode of a headache. Master of Lonely-night City's last words were to let him take over his role and take care of Nightingale for the rest of his life, but how could he say those words? With that said, the simple matter became complicated.    


"What did he say?" Nightingale urged.    


"Um, nothing, let me help you develop the Ember City." Xia Lei said, blushing a little guiltily.    


"Did you promise him?"    


"Master of Lonely-night City is a person worthy of respect. I agree." Xia Lei said.    


"Did you agree to everything he said?"    


"Yes, yes." Xia Lei casually replied, he wanted to quickly end this awkward conversation.    


"Mm, then I understand." Nightingale suddenly laughed.    


Xia Lei was startled, he did not know why but he suddenly felt like he had fallen into a trap!    


Sure enough, a sweet smile surfaced on Nightingale's beautiful face, along with the dark gray dizziness unique to night watcher. She said, "Husband, you missed a sentence, he allowed you to take his place and take care of me for the rest of your life. You didn't say it out loud. I thought you were shy. However, since you've agreed to it, you must do it. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


The Master of Lonely-night City did not marry Nightingale for her beauty, but in the future, after he died, she would inherit his title and become the City Lord of Ember City. He had never touched Nightingale, and he had never treated her as his wife. But Nightingale carried the identity of the City Lord's Lady on her shoulders, which was extremely unfair to a woman. He felt guilty in her heart. She wanted to find a good man to take care of her all her life, so how could he not tell her?    


"Darling, come." Nightingale had already said everything she wanted to say. She closed her eyes, but the smile didn't leave her face. In addition, she wanted to say more about her bashful feeling of dizziness. Not only did it not fade away, but it had become even stronger.    


She was like a crescent moon.    


Such a woman, she is willing to give you milk, also willing to follow you, a man has no reason not to be moved?    


Xia Lei stretched out his hand again, and a voice emerged from his heart. "6? I have to break this curse. If I can marry Daqiao and Diao Chan because of my milk, then I can marry the native wife of Dark Death World. Not only will I marry his, I can also marry four or five of them to break this curse! "    


Even an anxious rabbit would bite, let alone a wife?    


His hand took hers.    


Nightingale suddenly opened her eyes, her lying body fiercely jumped up, and immediately pounced on Xia Lei.    


"What are you doing?"    


"Don't you think it's funny for a man to ask that?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Nightingale suddenly bent her head and covered Xia Lei's mouth.    


The volcano had erupted, and not only Xia Lei, but also Nightingale. She had accumulated many years of fire and found a gap to release it, but he didn't want to release it.    


A chaotic entanglement.    


The firewood met the fire and poured oil over it.    


However, at this critical moment, the sound of footsteps came from outside the door. It was not the sound of normal footsteps. It was something that could be controlled. Xia Lei and Nightingale were not ordinary people, they knew very well what this kind of footsteps meant. Their movements were halted by the sudden approach of the footsteps, his hand in her dress, her hand in his trousers. This scene of him quieting down was extremely strange.    


The footsteps stopped at the door.    


The lock moved.    


Xia Lei retracted his dishonest hand, and Nightingale's impulsive hand retracted as well. Their eyes met, their clothes were disheveled, the man was embarrassed, the woman was embarrassed to death.    


In the end, Nightingale still couldn't match up to Xia Lei's eyes. She somewhat frantically got up from Xia Lei's body, and then fiercely stared in the direction of the door. Her eyes could kill.    


The door was slowly pushed open, but no one came in. Soon after, a thick black smoke entered the room through the crack in the door. Before the black smoke had even spread to the bed, Xia Lei was already showing signs of dizziness. It was just a split-second of reaction, but his body instantly activated its detoxification function, quickly detoxifying the toxins in the smoke.    


The other side's intention was very obvious, either to use the poisonous smoke to kill him and Nightingale, or to use the poisonous smoke to make him and Nightingale faint, and then take them away.    


"Yes ?" Nightingale was about to speak, but Xia Lei covered her mouth instead. Her eyes were closed, but Zhang He was slow.    


This poisonous smoke was clearly unusual, otherwise Nightingale would not have had such a reaction.    


Xia Lei embraced her in his embrace, and then poured a wave of Nai Yuanli into her body. His Nai Yuanli not only had the ability to revive the dead, it also had an extraordinary detoxification ability.    


Nightingale's toxic reaction was immediately reduced. She stared at Xia Lei, her eyes filled with admiration and love.    


Xia Lei pressed his lips against her ear and said softly, "Don't fight here. Wait for those fellows to come in and see what they want to do, then we can decide."    


Nightingale meekly nodded her head.    


Poisonous smoke quickly spread out, covering the entire room in the blink of an eye.    


Watching the poisonous smoke spread around her, but not having the slightest reaction from her body, and even though it was still lying in Xia Lei's embrace, being gently nurtured by him, Nightingale's heart did not have the least bit of nervousness. There was only warmth and sweetness, and she even hoped that the time would stop, and the poisonous smoke would never disperse.    


Just when she was moved and happy, she suddenly felt something strange press against her butt. At first, she was stunned, but then she suddenly understood something. She suddenly tensed up, and her face was covered with a dark grey dizziness.    


She knew exactly what it was, and why the man behind her reacted like that. She also knew what a man wanted when he reacted like that.    


"He really isn't a proper person." This was what she said in her heart.    


Just then, a few people walked in through the door. They were all wearing gas masks.    


"Damn, to actually hold her so tightly, how shameless." A person spat out. His tone was filled with disgust and disdain.    


"I really want to immediately kill this filthy Snakeskin man and then take turns with this girl." said one.    


The other four people couldn't help but laugh out loud. Their voices were filled with lust.    


"Take him away. The Ghost Baron said that this brat will personally chop off his head. He also wants to play with this woman first. After she is done, it'll be our turn." The first person to speak said.    


"Then let this brat live a bit longer, but for her to see his wife being toyed with by us one after the other, that must feel great, hahaha ?" Some people could not help but laugh.    


Two people came forward and wrapped Xia Lei and Nightingale in bedsheets, and then left the room while carrying the bedsheets that they had wrapped around the both of them.    


If it was any other time, Nightingale would have already tried to kill him. But this time, she had to endure it, because Xia Lei did not show any signs of taking action. What made her feel uncomfortable was not the rude way these few people said it, but Xia Lei. She and Xia Lei were both wrapped in a sheet, and were in an intimate embrace. And the thing she felt earlier was always pressing against her bottom, and was even rubbing against her side as they walked ?    


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