Tranxending Vision

C2253 The hammer of the windstorm

C2253 The hammer of the windstorm

One day later. The Netherworld Kingdom.    


"Father, I still haven't found him." You Feng frowned, his expression was terrifyingly gloomy, "I have already used all of the people I could use to look for my brother, but up until now, I do not even have a single clue."    


On the sofa in the hall, You Yuan stared at the big chest of black gold in front of him and slowly said: "You are one of the stewards of the Black Sun Camp, a person that even you cannot find. What do you think is the situation with your little brother?"    


You Feng remained silent.    


"Speak!" Quiet And Steadfast's voice was filled with rage.    


"If that happens, I'm afraid ?" After pausing for a moment, You Feng said, "There are two possibilities. The first is that he was kidnapped, and the second is that he was killed. The first case has been ruled out by me, because he's been there for days and we haven't received any news of a ransom claim. "    


"Then that's the second possibility. He was killed?"    


"Yes, Father. It is very likely that little brother has already been killed. None of the guards he had brought with him had returned, and their families and relatives had no idea where they had gone to. They were probably killed along with their brother. "    


"Humph!" With an angry snort, You Yuan slapped the black gold banknote with his palm. With a loud bang, the thick wooden banknote was immediately shattered. Wood chips and metal components were scattered everywhere, and large black coins also flew out and fell to the ground.    


This box of coins was the five million black gold that Count Galan had personally gifted him.    


"Father, don't be angry." You Feng said. He looked very sad too, but there was not a single trace of sadness in his voice.    


"Feng Er, you wish your brother would die, right?" These words suddenly came out from the Abyss.    


You Feng kneeled on the ground, "Father, why do you say that of me? I grew up with my brother, and we are blood brothers. We have always been very close. "    


"Your younger brother is a bastard. He has an unbridled and insatiable temperament. He didn't make a penny, but he spent a lot of money every day. He was useless to the family, just a burden. But even this burden is loved by your mother, and she will fight with you for it in the future. Isn't it a good thing for you that he is dead? " Quiet And Steadfast's voice was ice-cold, without the slightest hint of emotion. It was as if he was talking about someone else's family matters, and it had nothing to do with him.    


You Feng went silent again, but he had no choice but to admit that what his father said was true. In this family, Spirits were indeed a piece of trash. Not only did they not contribute the slightest bit to the family, they were even a burden. What was even more unbearable to him was that such a good-for-nothing was highly loved by his mother, and she wanted to take away his ordinary family property in the future! So, the death of the ghost was a good thing for him.    


"I don't care how you feel now. I just want to know if you did your best to investigate." Quiet And Steadfast coldly said.    


You Feng said: "Father, regardless of whether or not I benefit from my brother's disappearance or death, he is still my younger brother, a member of our You Family. Someone killed a member of the You Family. I won't let him go no matter what. How can I not do my best in this matter? "    


"Continue to investigate!" If he is alive, I want to see him, if he is dead, I want to see his corpse! "    


"Yes, Father." You Feng crawled up from the ground, turned around and left. After walking a few steps, he stopped and turned around to look at his father, "Father, there is one more thing that you should know."    


"What is it?"    


"Didn't you promise Duke Galan that after you gave him the money, our family would withdraw from the Unrivaled Horned Battle Company?"    


"Yes, I did, but I didn't think he'd give me the money." Quiet And Steadfast said.    


"Not only did the Unparalleled Horned Battle Company give us 5 million Black Gold, the other shareholders also gave 5 million Black Gold. The conditions are the same, Count Galan is now the sole controller of the Unparalleled Horned Battle Company." You Feng said.    


You Yuan frowned, "What do you want to say? You know how I hate your Black Sun Camp's style, beating around the bush when it comes to everything. "    


"Father, under normal circumstances, Count Galan would not be able to produce forty million Black Gold. Even if he were to sell all of her assets, she wouldn't be able to make this amount. However, not only did he not sell off his assets, she even initiated a new competition after having complete control over the Unrivaled Battlefield. "    




"The World Champion Duel. The whole city is talking about it right now. Count Galan gave us twenty million Black Gold coins for the Gladiator Competition, and now that the news has spread across the rest of the Empire, I can only guess that it will be a Gladiator Competition that will shake the entire Empire. " This was what You Feng wanted to say.    


The news from the Abyss was a little out of reach, but this was also the normal state of affairs for a part of the upper echelons of the Empire. They did not want to walk on the streets, and even more so, did not want to use blue moon man's communication device. They were all s of the old school, they had their own style and habits.    


"Where did he get so much money?" After a brief moment of silence, these words emerged from the Abyss.    


You Feng shook his head, "I don't know, I have analysed all sorts of possibilities, but none of them are true."    


"Go and personally investigate Blood and Sand Castle. Then, tell me everything that you've seen and heard. Do not leave out any details." Quiet And Steadfast said.    


"Yes, Father." You Feng turned and left, and this time he did not look back.    


The hall became silent, not a single sound could be heard.    


You Yuan sat on the sofa and looked at the black gold scattered all over the ground. After a while, a strange smile appeared on his face, "Do I have to have a strong opponent to kill my son? "How many years has it been? Life without an opponent is so boring ?"    


If he had known that his father had said such words and had seen the faint smile on his father's face, who knew how he would have felt?    


On the main street, a servant of Duke Galan's family pasted a poster on one of the walls. Before he could leave, a large group of people surrounded him.    


The posters on the walls were the contents of the "Gladiator Tournament," sponsored by the Invincible Duel Company. The twenty million black gold prize money, the title of world champion, and the unparalleled glory all stimulated the nerves of everyone who looked at the posters.    


"I heard Count Galan had already lost Hitojiu, so he started this Gladiator Competition. Could it be to obtain a new world championship?" Someone said.    


"It has to be. He lost the Empire's championship, he wants to become a stronger world champion, that's no problem. If it was me, I would do the same!" Someone said.    


"Haha!" You? What are you dreaming about? Take out 20 million first and we'll talk about it later. "    


"Are you laughing at my lack of money? "Let me tell you, I have a dream. I will definitely succeed!"    


"I really wonder who Unparalleled Horned Battle Company will send out to compete after losing Hitojiu."    


"I understand all the Gladiator members of Unparalleled Arena Company, but other than Hitojiu, I really don't know who else will be able to stand up straight."    


"There are only five days left before the preliminaries, everyone can participate. Oh my god, I don't know how many powerhouses will come after hearing the news. We have something to watch!"    


Discussions like this appeared in every corner of Doomsday City. The "World Champion Gladiator Competition" that Count Galan had initiated had already become the hottest topic of discussion. Right now, she was in Doomsday City, and very soon, she would be in the entire Black Sun Empire.    


Blood and Sand Castle, indoor training ground.    


Xia Lei squatted on the ground, picked up a handful of black sand, and let the sand leak out from his hands. He suddenly thought of a movie he had seen. The name of the movie was Gladiator, and his current situation was similar to the main character in the movie. He wanted to meet Hitojiu so that he could become a Gladiator voluntarily, while the main character had become a Gladiator to avenge his wife and children.    


In fact, there was also a television series called "Blood and Sand," which was also the theme of the Gladiator. The name of the TV show was exactly the same as the name of the castle he was in. Back then, when he looked at it, he would never have thought that he would become a Gladiator in another world. At this moment, he felt as if he was in an absurd dream. This dream was nearing its end and he would wake up at any moment.    


Nightingale, who was standing behind Xia Lei, was holding onto a gigantic warhammer. The hammer was entirely black, with wavy forging patterns on its surface. Every forging pattern emitted a blue light, a lightning symbol, and the name of the "Hurricane Hammer" was carved in the night watcher language.    


It was the weapon that Xia Lei had chosen.    


It was said that it had a history of almost ten thousand years, and was the weapon of an extremely ferocious gladiator from ten thousand years ago. The gladiator collected the materials in the mountains and forged it with his blood and Darkness Death Power. He used it to kill countless enemies. His reputation was infamous. However, when Xia Lei asked him for the name of the Gladiator, he couldn't say. Xia Lei did not pursue the matter any further. The reason he chose this clumsy warhammer was because he saw its blue energy forging pattern. It was the ideal place for Shenyue Ruyi to hide.    


At this moment, Shenyue Ruyi was hiding inside the Hurricane Hammer.    


"Hey, why are you playing with the sand there?" Shenyue Ruyi's voice came out from the hammer, "How many times are you going to play with me? I have to get used to it, or else I'll expose my weak point."    


Only then did Xia Lei stand up from the sand, turned around and looked at Nightingale and the Hurricane Hammer in her hands, and said somewhat speechlessly: "I have to get used to my new identity, the poem that Hitojiu chanted when he appeared was very imposing, I was wondering if I also need to create a loud and clear name, an imposing poem or something like that, so that people can easily remember me."    


Nightingale smiled, "Husband, you should dye your hair or get a few fierce tattoos. There aren't many people willing to believe that you're a mixed blood child with your current appearance. You need a new image. I can get you a hairstyle and a tattoo. "    


"Well, that's a good idea." Xia Lei said with a smile.    


"Hey!" Will you think about those things later? " Shenyue Ruyi's voice came out from the hammer again, "Come and play with me."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Shenyue Ruyi's ability to express himself in words was really terrible, what was even worse, was that she did not know it yet.    


Nightingale threw the hammer of the storm to Xia Lei, "Husband, play with it ruthlessly."    


Xia Lei's head was getting bigger.    


The hammer of storm was 500 jin in weight, it was a true heavy weapon. He casually waved it a few times, creating strong gales. The energy contained in the hammer lifted up a bit of wind, as if it was going to form a storm.    


Just as Xia Lei was about to let go of everything to have fun with Shenyue Ruyi, Galan Ling Tian suddenly ran in, "Oh no, You family's eldest son, You Feng is here!"    


Xia Lei could not help but frown.    


People came looking for trouble just by playing with hammers!    


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