Tranxending Vision

C2257 Poor clown

C2257 Poor clown

The World Champion Gladiator Competition unveiled in the Hero Arena. Twenty million black gold was packed into four large boxes and carried around by eight muscular men. This was the most highly rewarded Gladiator Competition in history, with a huge amount of rewards as well as the news that Hitojiu was going to participate. It was not only the spectators in the Hero Arena, even the streets were filled with people enjoying the show.    


Duke Galan made a brief opening speech and then announced the start of the battle. However, he only announced the name of a Gladiator, a Gladiator from the north who was nicknamed the Ice Origin Wolf.    


The direwolves were well-known even in the Doomsday City. There was even a saying that spread around the world of battles that the direwolf was one of the few strong practitioners who had the qualifications to challenge Hitojiu.    


After all, this was an opening battle, it was impossible for a nameless person to participate.    


After Count Galan left, the spectators were discussing amongst themselves.    


"I know who the direwolf is. He is a very powerful Gladiator, known as the King of the North. Why is there no introduction to the other Gladiator? It's so fucking weird that it doesn't even have a name! "    


"Mysterious. It's probably to pursue mystery. Everyone loves to play this game nowadays, but if you can't play it well, that would be a joke."    


"The opening matches will definitely be fought by the Gladiator from Unrivaled Gladiator Company, but after Hitojiu leaves, I can't think of Count Galan, who else would have the strength of a Gladiator."    


"It would truly be a shame to be defeated in the opening battle!"    


Such discussions appeared not only in the commoners' area, but also in the nobles' area.    


You Feng also came, because he knew who Duke Galan would send to represent the Unparalleled Horned Battle Company in the opening battle. In the past five days, he had done everything he could to investigate the background of that pervert, as well as what he called a 'supreme existence'.    


However, he still showed some tolerance. After all, not a single person sitting here was simple, and they all represented a clan or power on one side.    


In a short period of time, You Feng shifted his gaze to that high platform in the aristocrat's audience area. That was the Princess Young-ye's seat.    


"Looks like this time's Gladiator Competition's opening match is not enough to attract Princess Young-ye to watch. It's a pity that I did not come last time. Otherwise, I would have been able to see her." He felt a sense of loss in his heart.    


He had the same thoughts and feelings as the noble audience. Many men dreamed of being favored by the Princess Young-ye, and there were even some who fell into that beautiful dream, unable to extricate themselves. Finally, at the edge of the Lake of Death, some obsessed noble children folded the pieces of paper with love poems or love words into small boats, and then hoped that the boat they loved would float to the Soul Returning Island and be picked up by the Princess Young-ye s. However, most of those love boats were overturned by the waves. However, these children of the nobles still had dreams to dream about. What if they succeeded?    


Suddenly, a bloody figure appeared in the sky.    


"Caw ? ?" The hissing sound of undead flamingo's flames came from the sky.    


You Feng looked up and saw the Princess Young-ye riding on Burning Flame's back. Her eyes immediately lit up with excitement, "She's here! "She's finally here!"    


Princess Young-ye descended from the sky, landing on the stage exclusive to her as if he was weightless. The entire heroic arena cheered at her arrival. Many people looked at her, but she didn't even look at them. Faced with the tide of cheers and praises, her face remained expressionless.    


You Feng stood up from his seat and took a step towards Princess Young-ye, but at that moment, a loud drum sound came out, signalling the start of the opening match of the World Champion Gladiator Competition.    


"We invite the king from the north, the direwolf Conpas!" Someone shouted in a unique voice, and it was very imposing.    


Dong dong dong ?    


Muffled footsteps could be heard from a passageway. Following which, a giant nearly 4 meters tall walked out of the passageway with his back bent. He was not a night watcher, but a rare race, a half human. His four limbs were especially sturdy, and his entire body was covered with the fur that only a wild beast would have. His head had the characteristics of a wolf, making him look extremely ferocious. He was holding a huge axe in his right hand. The axe was about two meters tall and the axe looked like a small door. He stood there with the giant axe in his hand. His aura was like a towering mountain, giving others a feeling of invincibility.    


He then knelt down on one knee in the direction of the Princess Young-ye, and said with an impassioned voice, "I, Kampa, am willing to offer the honor of this battle to the honorable Princess Young-ye. I am proud of you!"    


Princess Young-ye only nodded slightly.    


Although it was just a nod, the direwolf Conpas was extremely excited. He stood up, beat his chest with his left hand, and roared amidst muffled thumping sounds, "AHH!"    


The entire heroic arena was in an uproar as tens of thousands of spectators were shouting out the name of the direwolf. Some of the more daring women even tore their chests open, and started swaying back and forth. The scene was not much worse than when Hitojiu was controlling this place.    


"Invite the Child of Darkness from the Invincible Horned Battle Company!" Someone shouted.    


The battle arena, which had been cheering, suddenly quietened down. Everyone's eyes were focused on the exit of another passageway.    


In the passageway.    


A few maids were helping Xia Lei straighten his clothes and hair, while a tall and mighty white ghost horse stood beside him. White ghost horses were extremely rare and valuable.    


Beside the white horse stood three night watcher s, Count Galan, Galan, Ling Tian and Nightingale. The three night watcher s all had strange expressions on their faces. Even though everyone was waiting for him to appear, he still had the mood to do his hair here!    


"That ?" Count Galan hesitated for a while but still braced herself and reminded, "There are two hundred thousand spectators waiting for you outside, honorable Child of Darkness."    


Galan interrupted, "If there are people watching the live broadcast, there are at least another hundred million spectators waiting for you, Great Child of Darkness."    


Father and son both used honorifics.    


Xia Lei slowly said: "What's the rush? This is the first time that I have entered the arena as a gladiator. The meaning of my image is far more important than the battle itself. "    


Count Galan and her son were speechless.    


"Alright, alright, let's do it like this. I'm going out." Xia Lei said.    


Several maids followed him out.    


Nightingale walked in front of Xia Lei, "Husband, be careful. I'll wait for your return."    


Xia Lei nodded his head, carried the hammer with him as he mounted the white horse and rode towards the exit of the passage.    


The fighting arena was already in an uproar.    


"What is the background of that Child of Darkness? It's actually such a big card! "    


"Her Highness the Princess Young-ye is waiting for him, he will definitely die a horrible death!"    


"An unknown nobody actually dares to play such a big card. He's asking for disgrace!"    


"Ice Origin Wolf, kill him!"    


"Dig out his heart!"    


"Open up his head, we want to see if it is filled with feces!"    


A group of cursing voices could be heard as a white ghost horse slowly came out of the passageway. In that instant, there were at least a hundred thousand dumbfounded faces in the Hero Arena. If you added in the dumbstruck audience watching the live broadcast, the number would be at least over a hundred million.    


The man who walked out of the passageway was dressed in gorgeous clothes. His white, slightly transparent hair was lifted back from his head and tied into a beautiful braid with a black rope. His skin was slightly transparent, making him look incomparably delicate. He didn't look like a gladiator at all, but he looked like an outsider of a noble family.    


When many people saw Xia Lei, they couldn't help but have a thought. Was this guy here to make fun of them?    


Princess Young-ye's gaze locked onto Xia Lei's face, and at that moment, her eyes flashed with a trace of astonishment. However, this was not because of Xia Lei's unique appearance, nor was it because of the mixed race's identity of the night watcher but was instead because she could not see through this person!    


You Feng's line of sight fell on Xia Lei's face as well and he coldly snorted, "A person who's about to die, yet still loves to stand out so much?"    


The gaze of the direwolf, Conpas, was also fixated on Xia Lei's handsome face. His eyes seemed to be looking at a dead man.    


Xia Lei coughed and then recited, "Eternal Night is about to arrive. From today onwards, I will keep watch until my death. I will not wear a crown, do not fight for honor. I am the sword of darkness, the guardian of the Empire. I am the shield against the cold fires, the light of dawn, the horn of the sleeper, the shield of the Empire. I offer my life and glory to the night watcher.    


If people here had seen Right and Game, they would have found out that this guy was a despicable plagiarist, but the person who knew the truth clearly didn't exist.    


Therefore, Xia Lei could continue with his performance. After saying the abridged version of the night watchman's oath, he shouted out with an excited voice: "I, Child of Darkness, I will defeat all my opponents and become the world's champion!"    


No one cheered, not even a woman holding her bosom and shaking her head. The gazes of the crowd were cold and contemptuous, as if they were looking at a clown who was trying his best to curry favor with the audience and make them laugh. However, his audience were all very picky. Not a single person laughed.    


It was probably the first time in Xia Lei's life that he was "embarrassed".    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Fine, then just pretend that I didn't say anything."    


Finally, there was a laugh, but it was filled with a sense of ridicule.    


A blood and sand castle guard ran out from the passageway. He first placed a cushion in his hand on the black sand, then ran to the side of the white ghost horse and knelt down to level his back.    


Xia Lei dismounted from his horse and walked over to the edge of the mat. He knelt on one knee facing the direction of the Princess Young-ye and said, "I have given the great Princess Young-ye the glory of this battle first."    


Princess Young-ye frowned, "Begin."    


The direwolf roared and walked towards Xia Lei in large strides. With both hands wielding the axe, his massive body was like a moving tank made of flesh and blood! He had long reached the point where he could no longer tolerate it, what he wanted to do the most right now was to use his axe to hack Xia Lei into pieces!    


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