Tranxending Vision

C2267 separation of life and death

C2267 separation of life and death

Early in the morning, the roads leading to the Hero Arena were packed. The plaza was also crowded, waiting to see the big live broadcast screen that blue moon man had built. The rich people all went into the fighting arena to watch the battle between Xia Lei and the beast.    


In a room, Nightingale was combing Xia Lei's hair and braiding his hair. In the mirror, Xia Lei was dressed in luxurious clothes, looking handsome and extraordinary.    


Shenyue Ruyi was also in the room. She used a cloth to wipe away the blood on the hammer. She didn't notice at all that she looked very feminine at the moment.    


Nightingale braided Xia Lei's hair, then said with a smile: "En, so beautiful."    


However, Xia Lei's heart was heavy, and very soon, he would have to face Hitojiu, to kill someone he didn't want to kill.    


Nightingale lightly patted Xia Lei's shoulder, "Husband, that was his decision, not yours."    


Xia Lei sighed, "If there's a choice, I really don't want to do that."    


Shenyue Ruyi said, "You have two weaknesses."    


Nightingale interrupted Shenyue Ruyi, "What did you say? My husband is an unparalleled hero, capable of anything, and has no weaknesses! "    


Shenyue Ruyi said indifferently, "The first weakness is a woman. The second weakness is kindness. "    


Nightingale was speechless.    


The path of evolution that Xia Lei walked on did not abandon his body nor his seven emotions and six desires. As his realm of evolution improved, not only did his seven emotions and six desires not weaken, they were even more sensitive and intense than ordinary people. That was why he had so many women, and why he was so sad, and couldn't bear to kill Hitojiu. As his sworn enemy, Shenyue Ruyi was right, his weakness was truly women and kindness.    


Shenyue Ruyi said: "Do you need my help? I can hide inside your hammer and kill him in your duel with Hitojiu. "In that case, you won't blame yourself so much, and you won't have any psychological trauma in the future."    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, then shook his head, "No, I'll do this myself. To die at my hand was the last step of his mission, and his wish was to die at my hand. If you were to make a move, it would be disrespecting him. We've only met once, but I saw my own reflection in him, and I took him for a confidant. So, no matter what, I can't lie to him. I can't let him down. If I kill him, he will gain glory, and if I can make him feel like his life is truly over, then no matter how difficult and painful it is, I will personally take action. "    


His promise to Hitojiu was a man's promise, and a man's promise had to be fulfilled.    


"Shen Yue, Nightingale, when I appear, you will leave this place, leave the Doomsday City, and head to Suspension City." Xia Lei said.    


"Why don't we go together?" Nightingale did not want to leave.    


Xia Lei said: "Hitojiu said that the Princess Young-ye may have already suspected him, that's why she was taken away from the Unparalleled Horned Battle Company. I cannot predict what will happen after my duel with Hitojiu, so leaving early is the safest option. "    


"Alright, I'll let Shen Yue leave the city together with you. You be careful." Nightingale reminded.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved towards Shenyue Ruyi, "Take care of my wife."    


Shenyue Ruyi was silent for a moment, before uttering, "I will take good care of her, no matter what happens, err ? You be careful too. "    


This was probably the first time she spoke out words of concern. After getting onto Xia Lei's body more and more, her situation was getting better and better, but she seemed to also be affected by Xia Lei. It wasn't only her energy body that was changing, even her emotions were also slowly changing.    


Galan's voice came from outside the door, "Boss, it's time to go up on stage."    


"He's coming." Xia Lei turned and walked toward the door.    


Nightingale suddenly caught up and hugged Xia Lei's waist from behind.    


Xia Lei stopped in his tracks, feeling the unwillingness to part from her body.    


"I'll wait for your return. You must return." Nightingale released Xia Lei.    


Shenyue Ruyi suddenly moved over and hugged Xia Lei from the front. After a moment, he let go of Xia Lei without saying anything.    


Xia Lei pushed the door open and walked out. He heard a voice coming from inside the house.    


"You actually hugged my husband."    


"He's not your husband alone."    




The sad and sad scene of parting suddenly disappeared.    




A loud drum sound rang out.    


Xia Lei stood at the entrance of the passage, and the sound of cheers came from outside.    


"Hitojiu! Hitojiu! "    


"The Empire's champion!"    


"The world's champion!"    


Hitojiu was already on stage.    




Another drum sound.    


Xia Lei took a deep breath. Carrying the hammer, he walked into the passageway, and then followed the passageway. His steps were heavy, and the faint yellow light that spilled into the tunnel from the arena pulled his body down. It swayed on the ground. It was so lonely.    


"Child of Darkness! "Child of Darkness!"    


"You are the world's champion!"    


"You are the Gladiator of our nobles!"    


It was also the sound of a tsunami.    


Xia Lei walked out of the passage, and a dim yellow light shone down from the sky, yet it could not dispel the sadness and desolation in his heart. Countless people were shouting out his name, and the voice was very excited. There were many women who opened their chests for him and showed him their proud chests. But it wasn't true for him, and he didn't care.    


He only cared about Hitojiu, Hitojiu stood right in front of him, but he wanted to kill him.    


Hitojiu looked at Xia Lei, and the corner of his mouth revealed a smile.    


He smiled so calmly.    


Xia Lei bowed his head towards Hitojiu. This was his respect. He had killed many opponents in his life, but none of them were worthy of his respect. Although Hitojiu was an android, and could not even be considered as a real life form, he was more respectable than most real lives!    


In the VIP viewing gallery.    


"What's going on? Hitojiu has never smiled at his opponent, why is he smiling this time? "    


"I have never seen Hitojiu smile before, why is he laughing this time?"    


"Compared to Hitojiu's smile, the Child of Darkness is even stranger. He actually pays his respect to Hitojiu!"    


"Is this the so-called hero cherishing the hero?"    


"It's a pity that only one of them survived."    


"Isn't this the charm of a battle? "No matter how amazing a character is, there will always be a time when he falls."    


These discussions made the Princess Young-ye on the high platform frown. Her gaze locked onto the two people on the stage and a sense of doubt surfaced in her heart.    


What she saw was different from what others saw.    


Hitojiu turned around and faced the direction of the Princess Young-ye, kneeling down on one knee, "Respected Princess Young-ye, I offer my honor to you in this battle, regardless of life or death."    


Princess Young-ye nodded slightly.    


Xia Lei also turned around and faced the direction of the Princess Young-ye, kneeling down on one knee, "Respected Princess Young-ye, I shall offer my honor to you in this battle, as well as to all of the heroic spirits of the warriors who have fallen here."    


All of the brave warriors and heroic spirits that had fallen here were in fact the ones he wanted to sacrifice his honor to, not the Princess Young-ye.    


Princess Young-ye said lightly: "Let's begin."    


Just like all the battles that had begun and ended here, the two people on the arena, whether it was Xia Lei or Hitojiu, no matter who was alive or dead, she would always sit there, high above and watching coldly from the sidelines.    


Hitojiu stood up from the ground, both hands holding onto his sword.    


Xia Lei also stood up from the ground.    


"Fighting with you is the greatest honor and glory of my life." Hitojiu said.    


"Fighting with you is also the greatest glory of my life." Xia Lei said.    


"Then let's fight!" Hitojiu suddenly rushed forward, leaving behind an afterimage. The dark energy that was being released from his body was like a pair of gigantic black wings, rushing towards Xia Lei with an extremely ferocious aura. With the long sword in front of him, he had the power to pierce through the heavens!    


It was closing in on him in the blink of an eye!    


Xia Lei's hammer smashed onto the body of Hitojiu's sword.    


Boom ? ?    


The earth quaked and the mountains shook!    


energy shock wave shot out in all directions like a tsunami. Although there were energy shield absorbing the shock waves, the entire Hero Arena actually shook twice!    




Hitojiu's body flew backwards and he spat out a mouthful of black blood.    


Xia Lei's figure flashed, his right hand piercing towards Hitojiu's chest. The Chief Sovereign King slipped out and instantly stabbed into Hitojiu's chest.    


The surging dark energy in the sky disappeared.    


Hitojiu's body fell from the sky.    


Xia Lei reached out and wrapped his arms around his waist, bringing him back to the black sand.    


The entire audience was silent.    


This was the battle between Xia Lei and himself. It had ended the moment it had begun, and no one had expected it to end like this.    


"Cough, cough ?" Hitojiu's voice was extremely weak, "I never thought that ? You... With such power, I ? She's actually acting so arrogantly ? I want you to use your full strength. "    


"I'm going all out." Xia Lei said, his eyes moistened.    


Hitojiu wanted him to use his full strength, so he satisfied his request.    


"Thank you." Hitojiu said.    


"I thank you too." Xia Lei said.    


A smile emerged on the corner of Hitojiu's mouth, and he then closed his eyes.    


Two tears rolled down from Xia Lei's eyes. At the moment, he didn't care if his tears for Hitojiu would arouse Princess Young-ye's suspicions.    


If he wanted to cry, he would cry!    


"Child of Darkness! "Child of Darkness!"    


"The world's champion!"    


Only then did the spectators in the battle coliseum recover their wits as they let out earth-shaking cheers and roars.    


However, it was as if Xia Lei did not hear the cheers and roars that came for him. He gently laid Hitojiu's body on the black sand. Then, he placed the deformed longsword that Hitojiu had dropped onto his chest. Finally, he lifted up both of Hitojiu's hands and placed them on the sword hilt.    


Everyone looked at Xia Lei, watching him do all these weird things.    


Princess Young-ye stood up from the stage. She wanted to jump into the arena, but she didn't do it in the end.    


Everyone in the audience quietened down, and looked at Xia Lei and Hitojiu who was lying on the black sand.    


Xia Lei stood up with a long body and turned around to face the direction of the Princess Young-ye.    


This was the last time he would pay his respects to the Princess Young-ye because of Hitojiu. A Gladiator needed to pay its respects to the noblest person present after it won. It would only show the greatest respect to Hitojiu if it turned itself into a true Gladiator.    


Princess Young-ye stared at Xia Lei's back, no one could see, her face revealed a smile, it was a strange smile.    


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