Tranxending Vision

C2284 Deep in the abyss of desire, a true dream!

C2284 Deep in the abyss of desire, a true dream!

Xia Lei wanted to prop up the energy wing, but in his panic, he was unexpectedly absorbed by the energy shield created by the Yin Yang Runic Blood-crystal. In just this short amount of time, his body crashed onto the ground. What made him speechless was that the energy shield did not disappear and continued to protect him. When he fell onto the ground, it bounced around like an inflatable cushion for him to jump a few times before stopping.    


The surroundings were pitch black, and it would take her some time to adjust her eyes to such an environment. In the process, his eyes began to shine, a bit like a cat's eye in the night.    


The sound of water gurgling could be heard, his heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly remembered what Cao Ji had said before, "Could it be that there really is a river? Is the world of the gods at the end of the river? "    


His eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness, and he could clearly see his surroundings. He could clearly see the river that was gurgling. It wasn't really a river, just a stream that flowed past him, about the width of his palm, and the water was shallow.    


Only then did he realize that he actually didn't fall to the bottom of the abyss, but was instead on top of a cliff. He was at least a few hundred meters away from the bottom.    


Beside him, a small stream flowed down from the cliff, forming a miniature waterfall.    


At the end of the waterfall, there was a river. It was a very big river, and one could hear the faint sound of water flowing from the bottom of the abyss. He stood up and looked in the direction of the water flow. The thousand meters on the surface of the river was flowing in a zigzag manner. There was no end in sight.    


"According to the Princess Young-ye, and my previous experience, it is almost impossible for someone to enter this place. Then, how did the legend regarding the Abyss of Desire spread out? I thought what Cao Ji said was wrong, but the other side of the abyss is indeed a plain land, and there is indeed a river here. " The more Xia Lei thought about it, the more suspenseful he felt.    


The cliff face beneath the cliff was ninety degrees vertical, its walls smooth. There was not a single tree on the cliff, and a single plant grew. There was not a single living thing in this space, but what was strange was that there was a little bit of life here. It gave the impression that there might be a creature lurking in a dark corner, ready to rush out and bite.    


After finishing his observation of the environment, Xia Lei activated the energy seal within the ruler and contacted the Suspension City. In the past, this process could be ignored. With just a thought, he was able to establish a connection with the Suspension City, issue a command, and even control the Suspension City. But this time, it did not work. He tried several times in a row but failed to establish a connection with the Suspension City!    


This had never happened before.    


He clearly remembered when he was knocked into the energy barrier of the abyss by the Azrael Diarro, the Yin Yang Runic Blood-crystal tore open a huge hole. At that time, his connection with the Suspension City had not been broken, so he knew that the Brain Amido had controlled the Suspension City to fly into the abyss of desire. Now that the energy barrier of the Abyss of Desire was closed, he was no longer able to contact the Suspension City.    


This situation caused him to be filled with worry, and he was even afraid. If anything were to happen to the Suspension City, his six wives, and several tens of thousands of people should still be inside!    


However, he quickly calmed down and removed the energy shield that the Yin Yang Runic Blood-crystal was propping up for him. He had to give it a try. If nothing strange happened to the energy shield that the Yin Yang Runic Blood-crystal had helped him to remove, then he would be fine when the Suspension City came in. It was for no other reason but because the energy shield the Yin Yang Runic Blood-crystal had propped up for him was truly too strong. There was a special environment in which he was unable to truly understand the Abyss of Desire.    


The energy shield supported by the Yin Yang Runic Blood-crystal disappeared, and the cold air crowded over from all directions, instantly filling up the space left behind by the energy shield. In that moment, Xia Lei felt as if he had entered a tropical rain forest. The air was humid and hot, and the skin felt sticky to the touch. Toxins exist in the air, but the oxygen content is not low. He could also sense the flow of energy in the air. It was flowing in the same direction as the river at the bottom of the abyss.    


Apart from this abnormality, everything else was considered normal. This result made him heave a sigh of relief.    


At this time, the Brain Amido must be worried because it can't contact me. It said that it might not send robots to search for me, but if they do, then I can find the Suspension City. "" Okay. Xia Lei thought as he jumped off the cliff.    


A few seconds later, Xia Lei's feet were standing at the bottom of the abyss. He was not far from the river, and the tiny waterfall that had fallen from the cliff struck the surface, causing splashes. A sudden gust of wet, rotting air blew across the river and across his face.    


Just at that moment, a golden light suddenly shone in front of Xia Lei's eyes, and the dark scene in front of him disappeared, to be replaced by a beautiful scenery. The river beside him rippled, each wave golden and dazzling under the rays of the sun. The riverbanks on both sides of the river were covered with grass, and there were beautiful flowers that he had never seen before. Not far away, there was a villa with green bricks, gray tiles, and an ancient style. The walls of the villa were covered with roses. The red roses were very lush, and the walls became walls of flowers.    


Xia Lei shook his head with all his might, wanting to remove the illusion in front of him. However, even after shaking his head a few times, the illusion in front of him still persisted. Not only did it not disappear, it even added a few more details. He saw a school of fish swimming past in the river. It was an Asian carp that he was familiar with. It was colourful and extremely eye-catching. Then he saw a man standing in the front yard of the villa, a tall, burly man with a face that he could not see.    


A boat came up behind him. There were four people on it. When he saw their faces, he froze.    


He was completely unfamiliar with the four people on the boat. They were Korean Piao Taiyong, American Markus, British Amanda and Congo's black Baghu. These four people were all members of the dead Zodiac Clan, his comrade-in-arms who could give their lives to his family back when he was on Earth.    


Why would a dead person appear here?    


Even if it was just an illusion, it wasn't normal!    


Xia Lei shook his head vigorously, but the boat was still there. The four people on the boat were also there, not a single one of them would disappear while becoming blurry. Shaking his head was actually a habitual action. His brain had an extremely strong ability to protect itself and protect itself. Regardless of the nature of the hallucinations, a single conscious thought was enough to remove them. However, this time, it could not.    


"Hey!" "Boss!" Amanda waved towards Xia Lei who was standing by the river side. He looked very happy as he asked, "What are you doing here?"    


"I ?" Xia Lei wanted to answer her, but his consciousness clearly told him that she did not exist. She was just an illusion and if he were to talk to her, he would only sink deeper and deeper into the illusion. It was also during this time that he mobilized his blurry energy into his brain, helping it stay awake and dispelling the hallucinations. It had been a long time since he had done this. The illusion this time was so fierce that he had no choice but to use such a forceful method.    


However, nothing had changed.    


Piao Taiyong picked up a hemp rope. At one end of the hemp rope was a leash. He casually tossed it to the side and caught it on a rock by the river. The small boat glided along the current for a few meters before landing.    


"Hey!" "Boss, you've turned white." Piao Taiyong got off the boat and joked with Xia Lei, "You didn't go to my hometown to do beauty right?"    


Xia Lei still resisted the urge to talk to him.    


"Boss, what's wrong?" Why aren't you talking? " Baghu said with a look of concern.    


Markus habitually took out a cigar and lit it up with his Zippo Lighter. He took a puff on his cigar, then spat out a smoke ring towards Xia Lei's direction and laughed: "Boss, do you want a rare version of the Cuban cigar? "This is great stuff, I won't trade even if you give me a Brazilian girl."    


The smoke ring from the cigar fell onto Xia Lei's face. It was fragrant and had a hint of butter that Americans would usually have.    


If it was an illusion, would there be the smell of smoke, or even breath?    


In that moment, Xia Lei wavered, he even suspected that they were real.    


"What's wrong with you? You worry me. " Amanda walked up and opened her arms to hug Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei could clearly feel her warmth, as well as his soft and elastic chest. There was even the smell of her breath on his face, carrying a bit of chewing gum. Then, the line of defense he had built in his heart collapsed with a loud bang.    


"You all ? Why are we here? " Xia Lei asked. He began to suspect that the four of them were past-man s drawn here by some powerful existence in the darkness.    


"Us? "Haha!" Markus laughed and said, "We don't know either, but we like this place."    


Amanda said: "We can't contact you, did you come to find us?"    


"Don't talk anymore. Let's go back. Dad should have finished cooking already. We can talk while eating at the dining table." Piao Taiyong said.    


When the word "father" entered Xia Lei's ears, his entire body trembled for a moment, and his line of sight moved toward the villa. The tall, burly figure was slowly turning around, and his face came into view. The man standing in the front yard was his father, Xia Changhe.    


"Thunder!" "Come here!" Xia Changhe waved his hand and shouted loudly.    


As he said this, Xia Lei's remaining wariness in his heart disappeared, and tears began to flow from his eyes. Even though he and Xia Changhe were not blood related, in his heart, Xia Changhe was still his biological father. To an ordinary person, the greatest pain was the absence of a parent due to the desire to nurture a child. However, to him, it was the absence of a parent due to the desire to protect a child. Back then, he did not have the ability to protect Xia Changhe. Now, he has it, but Xia Changhe is no longer there.    


"Let's go, let's go, otherwise, I'm going to curse again." Baghu said.    


Xia Lei followed the four of them towards the villa.    


The great river still rippled with jade ripples. Sunlight shone on the surface of the river and golden spots of light floated about, as if it was a dream.    


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