Tranxending Vision

C2288 Mei Daisuo

C2288 Mei Daisuo

The river was the Styx, and the lake was the Styx. The island in the middle of the lake was like a grave that had just emerged from the lake. In front of him was a monolith shaped mountain peak that was a thousand meters tall. Behind it was a huge hill that was shaped like a steamed bun. Whether it was the monolith shaped mountain peaks or the steamed bun shaped hills, there was not a single tree. They were all bare black rocks.    


On top of the steamed bun shaped hill stood a huge stone pillar with a majestic dome. It looked somewhat like an ancient godly temple. Only, a portion of it had collapsed.    


These were all scenes that Xia Lei saw when he disembarked from the small boat and stepped onto the small island's pier. He did not know where Medelsa was imprisoned on this small island and he could not sense its existence. He looked at the Solitary Peak, then at the steamed bun shaped hill, and finally decided to go up to the temple.    


Xia Lei had to go around the monolith shaped lone peak to get to the temple. On the way, he had to be very careful, in case any dangers might appear. When he met the dragon, he was almost tricked into its mouth and eaten by it. How could he not be careful when it was in Medelsa's territory?    


On the surface of the lake, the black fog was surging. The boat sank to the bottom of the lake and disappeared in the blink of an eye.    


"An explorer from far away, look this way." Just as Xia Lei walked to the side of the lone peak and was about to walk towards the steamed bun like hill, a woman's voice suddenly sounded. The voice was coquettish and insidious. It was the voice he had heard by the lake.    


Xia Lei looked towards the source of the sound and immediately saw the existence of the voice.    


It was a woman. She was pressed down by this lonely peak, and only her head was revealed. Her entire body was still inside the mountain. She looked young, with long black hair and fine features. With such a beautiful head, who would associate her with a turtle?    


Xia Lei did not think of any turtles, but thought of another person that existed in the myths world, and that was the Great Saint Sun Wukong. The Great Sage was also suppressed like this back then, but this place was changed to Medelsa. He had imagined the scene of Medelsa being imprisoned, but he definitely hadn't expected it to be like this.    


"Explorers from afar, come here. I can sing you the best hymns of the time. Your bravery, your handsomeness, everything about you I admire and admire. "Come here, come here." Medelsa's voice had an additional strange magnetism.    


When this voice entered his ears, the vigilance and wariness in Xia Lei's heart completely vanished like smoke into thin air. He suddenly felt that he was a youngster who was immersed in a deep passion, and the one pressing down on him was not Medelsa, but his close girlfriend. She lay on the soft grass like a fresh fruit, waiting for him to taste it. With such a wonderful feeling and his beauty, he couldn't control his legs and walked towards Medelsa.    


"Come, come, I'm the lover you love so much. All of your desires will be satisfied, and you will become the happiest person in the universe ?" Medelsa's voice.    


Blurred energy suddenly flooded into his brain, and all feeling of emptiness and fantasy, of satisfaction with desire, vanished in an instant. Xia Lei stopped in his tracks, and looked straight at Medelsa who was not far away. At this time, his eyes were no longer blurred, and were as clear as a clear spring.    


Medelsa's eyes flashed with a trace of astonishment, but right after, she revealed a sweet smile, "An explorer from far away ?."    


"Stop it, it feels bad to hear it." Xia Lei interrupted her, "Goddess of love and desire from the legends, you are actually no different from that fellow upstream. You are both scammers. Do you really want to eat me that much? Aren't you afraid of provoking me and killing you? "    


"Hehe, good! Come, come! Quickly come and kill me! After all, it's better to die here than to be imprisoned here. If you kill me, I will be relieved." Medelsa's face was filled with excitement and joy.    


"You're really not afraid?"    


Medelsa blinked her charming big eyes, "Little big brother, do I look like I'm afraid?"    


However, Xia Lei did not go over. He just wanted to show off a little and give Medelsa a warning not to have any ideas on him. But he didn't expect that not only was Medelsa not afraid, he had instead let him kill him. How could he kill an ancient being imprisoned here?    


"You were able to survive that stupid reptile and come here. You are truly not a simple person." Medelsa said in a crisp voice, "Come over here, let Big Sis have a good look at you. You're the most good-looking man that Big Sis has ever seen."    


Xia Lei did not move, "Just give up, if I go any further, it'll be your mouth."    


"Not romantic at all." Medelsa said.    


The illusion in front of his eyes suddenly disappeared. There were no mountains at all, only a gigantic turtle that was trapped by a stone lock on the rocky ground. Its head was not the slightest bit smaller than the dragon's head, and its mouth was wide open, filled with sharp sawteeth. With such a mouth, not to mention eating people, even tanks would be chewed to pieces.    


The location had changed, people had changed, but the method was the same. Medelsa and Dragon both wanted to trick Xia Lei into their mouths.    


Just like this, a ferocious and terrifying turtle was actually imagined by the natives of Dark Death World to be a goddess representing love and desire. The terrifying power of faith could be seen from this. Also, under the beautiful outer garment, there was always a terrible truth.    


"That stupid reptile must have said a lot of bad things about me to you, right?" Medelsa said.    


Xia Lei replied: "No, I'm just reminding me to be careful of you."    


Medelsa's voice suddenly became overcast and scary, it was no longer the coquettish voice of a young girl, it sounded like the voice of a demon from the abyss, "It's actually going against me for an outsider like you! "Humph!"    


A cold snort sounded. Ripples immediately appeared on the surface of the lake surrounding the island. Countless small skeletal fish swam towards the island, the scene was extremely horrifying.    


Xia Lei was not intimidated, he indifferently said: "It will definitely remind me, because I have made a deal with it. It will help me extract a few past-man, and I will help him remove the shackles on her body."    


"What did you say?" Medelsa's voice instantly changed, turning back into that kind of pleasant voice.    


Xia Lei said: "I believe you heard it clearly."    


Medelsa stayed silent for a while, before saying: "Coming to me, what do you want from me?"    


Xia Lei said: "I have a few questions, and I'm also looking for a few special blood crystals. If you can provide me with this information, I can help you unshackle yourself."    


"What right do you have to make me believe you?"    


Xia Lei said: "If you don't believe me, I will go find clues myself." With that, he turned and walked towards the steamed bun shaped hill. Now that they were on this island, the temple on the hill must be there to take a look.    


"Wait!" Medelsa called out.    


Xia Lei stopped and turned to look at the ferocious Giant Turtle, "Have you changed your mind?"    


"Unlock the stone for me first, then I'll tell you." Medelsa said.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Since you and Long are both very good at lying, I have decided to first sell them and then earn money. You have to tell me some useful information before I can unlock your shackles. "    


"I don't believe you." Medelsa said.    


"You have no choice. Think about it before you talk to me." Xia Lei walked towards the godly temple on top of the hill.    


"I'll tell you if you unlock a stone lock!" Medelsa shouted.    


This time, Xia Lei did not stop. This was not like buying vegetables in the market, how could they bargain like this? He had already given the conditions, and only if Medelsa fulfilled his conditions, would he be able to reach an agreement with his.    


Medelsa suddenly said: "The six blood crystals that you are looking for are in the mountain peak's godly temple."    


Xia Lei was startled, and stopped in his tracks.    


Medelsa said: "This is what you said. I'm telling you this, and those few blood crystals will be enough for you to unseal the stone lock on my body. I've already told you this. "Come back here. If you want me to ask you any questions, just ask me. As long as I know, I will tell you anything."    


Xia Lei was a little fooled in his heart, because when he came to this island, he had already thought that the six Runic Blood-crystal s could be on this island. However, he had originally wanted to go to that temple, so even if Medelsa didn't tell him, he would still be able to find it.    


"What do you want to know?" Medelsa said anxiously.    


Xia Lei asked: "Is that godly temple of yours?"    


Medelsa replied: "Of course not, it's much older than me."    


"Whose temple is that?"    


"I don't know."    


"You don't know?"    


Medelsa said: "I've already said it, it is much older than me, there is no god worshiped inside, there is only a stone statue with no face, I don't think it is a god."    


A stone statue without a face?    


Xia Lei was stunned on the spot.    


"After I was imprisoned, something came to this island and left those few Runic Blood-crystal on the island. I let the dead man see it, so I know that the Runic Blood-crystal are what you're looking for. Unfortunately, he was unable to pry those few Runic Blood-crystal from his body, otherwise, he wouldn't even need you to retrieve them, I would personally offer them to you. " Medelsa's voice was crisp and pleasant, carrying a tone of flattery.    


Xia Lei said: "I'll go up first to take a look. I'll come over to talk to you after I'm sure."    


"Bastard!" You are a despicable liar! " Medelsa scolded angrily.    


Xia Lei did not bother about him, he increased his speed and rushed towards the top of the hill, leaving behind an afterimage on the black volcanic rock slope.    


On top of a hill near the temple, there was a paved road. It was not just any ordinary rock, every rock was a World's Stone. It ran up the slope to the interior of the temple.    


Only then did Xia Lei realize that not only the steps in front of him, even the stone pillars and the dome of the godly temple were all World's Stone s.    


Spirit Race's civilization was developed based on World's Stone, and only Spirit Race people would use World's Stone to build important buildings. When such a godly temple appeared in the Abyss of Desire, Xia Lei suddenly understood that he was already at the end of his mission.    


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