Tranxending Vision

C2303 Magical City

C2303 Magical City

Just as Xia Lei was getting curious, a hundred Ghost-man suddenly spread out, forming a circle, and suddenly jumped, head first towards the hard ground. In that instant, Xia Lei saw a hard cuticle appear on excavator's head and their hands, but that was not the real cuticle.    


Crash! *    


The soil flew into the air and a huge crater was formed on the hard ground in the blink of an eye.    


The name excavator was not given to them for no reason. They really knew how to dig the soil, and they knew how to do so extremely well.    


The pit became a tunnel, and the tunnel descended.    


"How amazing." Medelsa's voice.    


Xia Lei said: "You said that you are their goddess of desire and love, do you understand them?"    


Medelsa shook her head in embarrassment, "They really know how to hide. I don't actually have much contact with them, sometimes I can release them and sometimes I can eat them. "Well, why should I?"    


That's right, why would it want to know about its food?    


As for the excavator, they treated Medelsa as the God of Calamity and Hunger.    


You treat a person well. Even if that person doesn't feel grateful, how can he repay you? If you're mean to a person, all you get is fear and hate. So is human affection, so is faith.    


In a few moments, a tunnel leading to the underground was born. The tunnel was dozens of meters deep, and it was pitch black below. However, Xia Lei still saw it. It was an arch built with a few star stones that were embedded inside a gigantic stone from the past. The Star Stone had a special kind of Star Stone energy, but in that huge Stone of the Past, the energy aura emitted by the small arch formed by the few pieces of Star Stone was completely concealed. Otherwise, he would have been able to sense the unique energy aura emitted by the Star Stone just now.    


Just a moment ago, he was still guessing that the other five forms of Ghost-man, including the excavator, lived in the underground area of Abyss City. Just like how humans were on top of Star of Hope, they were unable to bathe in the sunlight of Eternal Day due to the high pressure. This also meant that the Ghost-man lived in a different place. It could be a secret realm in a no-man's-land, or even a dimensional realm!    


However, after a brief moment of shock, he came to an understanding. The creators of the Ghost-man were, after all, the six supreme creators of the Spirit Race. Everything in the opposing universe was created by them, including the Ahimis. Then, how could they not understand the usage of starstones?    


It was obvious that the Abyss City that had been destroyed by the night watcher was only a part of the Ghost-man's civilization. It could even be a sacrificial pawn!    


His brain had also compiled the relevant memory information, but he had made a different decision. He did not allow that information to appear in his mind and allowed it to remain in his state of mind. If everything was clear, what was the difference between life and watching a movie script? He wanted to personally see the Ghost-man's civilization that was created in the Dark Death World and feel the shock brought about by that unknown object!    


"Noble Sixth God, please follow me." Liu Tusheng jumped down the tunnel.    


"Let's go down as well." Xia Lei said, and then he jumped down as well.    


There were still more than a dozen excavator left on the ground, and they did not jump down. Just as Xia Lei, Medelsa and Dragon Fang jumped down, horny layer of blue energy also appeared on their heads and hands. Although they did not do anything, Xia Lei knew what they were prepared to do, and that was to fill up the tunnel.    


At the bottom of the tunnel, Liu Tusheng placed both of his hands on top of a star stone. Blue energy flashed, and a blue energy channel appeared in the arch of the Star Stone embedded in the past. This was a passage to another place, but it was different from the one the Ahimis's Star Gate had created. It was slowly rotating in the Stone of the past, more like a wormhole, and not a Star Gate.    


The excavator who had dug out the tunnel walked into the blue colored energy whirlpool. There were no obvious energy fluctuations, making people feel as if they had walked into a space that was illuminated by a blue light, not a space tunnel.    


"Noble Sixth God, please enter." Liu Tusheng's voice was filled with reverence and reverence.    


Xia Lei only nodded once before walking into the blue colored energy whirlpool. Medelsa and Long followed closely behind Xia Lei as they entered.    


It was a very strange feeling, after entering the blue energy whirlpool, Xia Lei felt as if he had fallen into a whirlpool formed by water, he followed the flow and in the blink of an eye, he was spun into the whirlpool. After that, his body suddenly became light. The blue energy that filled his eyes also disappeared and was replaced with a strange space.    


He wasn't standing on the ground, but on a flight of steps floating in the air. Behind him was the vortex of blue energy that had transported him here. In front of him, piece after piece of World's Stone extended downwards, reaching the ground. His position allowed him to overlook the entirety of this space with a single glance.    


However, with just a single glance, in that split-second, he was so stunned that he even forgot to breathe.    


This space had the sky, a dark blue sky, and dark blue rays of light that shone down, causing this space to always be at a dark and bright equilibrium. It was not the same darkness as the Dark Death World, nor was it as bright as the sun from Earth and the Star of Hope.    


In the depths of the dark blue sky floated six stars, looking very far away. They were in six different regions of this space, faintly emitting a dark blue radiance. Do they represent the six gods that the Ghost-man believes in? There was no way to know.    


Under the dark blue sky, a gray prairie extended across his field of vision. In the center of the prairie was a city, a strange city, composed of six parts, each with a different architectural style.    


Some of the buildings were noticeably taller than the others, and the doors and windows were especially large, giving a strong visual impact.    


Some of the other parts were much smaller, like the Hobbit's house in the Ring, with a strong fairy-tale feel.    


Some of the buildings were made of silver and metal, giving off a strong sci-fi feeling under the dim blue light.    


There was a part of it filled with towering trees, and the house was barely visible.    


Some of the buildings were purely made of rock. They were so simple that they didn't have any style. They looked like huge rocks piled up one after another in a specific one-sixth of the area.    


A portion of the buildings were normal, but there was a pillar on each one, which appeared to be quite out of place.    


It was obvious that the six cities corresponded to six forms of Ghost-man.    


The city situated on the gray prairie covered dozens of square kilometers. The whole city was a circular shape, and after it was divided into six different regions, it became more like a flower. The six different regions were all petals. In the center of the six converging points was a huge pyramid, black and suffused with blue energy.    


That pyramid was obviously the style of the Spirit Race, it did not need to be guessed to be related to the Six Creators. It was in the very center of the city, apparently playing the role of a temple.    


However, the existence of the pyramid was not just a matter of the temple. It was also the energy center of the city. It provided the city with a hemispherical energy barrier, enveloping the entire city as well as a large area of the gray plains around the city.    


Xia Lei's heart moved, and he thought to himself: "The Abyss City destroyed by the night watcher is only a chess piece of the Six Creators, this is the true civilization of the Ghost-man. But, the Six Creators created different forms of the Ghost-man here, and created a civilization for the Ghost-man. What does this have to do with their only mission? "    


He still could not understand this question.    


"Noble Sixth God, please follow me." Liu Tusheng replied humbly.    


Xia Lei stopped thinking, he thought for a moment, "No, you and your people go back first, don't tell them that I'm here."    


This time, he used the Ghost-man's language. He had taken the final step and was about to enter the ultimate state. Learning and mastering a language was as natural as breathing to him.    


Liu Tusheng did not understand, "Oh noble Sixth God, your people yearned to see you, why did they not tell you?"    


Xia Lei replied, "I have my own reasons."    


Without waiting for Liu Tusheng to speak, Medelsa said fiercely: "Old man, are you going to go against the Sixth God's wishes? God's way of thinking is not something that you can casually speculate about! "    


Liu Tusheng instantly shivered, and then kneeled down on the stairs.    


Xia Lei waved his hand, "Go, remember my words, don't tell anyone else."    


"Lord Sixth God, please forgive me for my offense. I will remember this. I will not tell anyone." After saying these words, Liu Tusheng brought a group of excavator s and walked down the stone stairs which was paved with World's Stone s and floated in midair.    


From Liu Tusheng's memories, this stone staircase called the "Sky Stairway".    


The name of the city on the gray plains was' Creation City '.    


The end of the Heaven Stairway could also be said to be located in the middle of the city, in the plaza in front of the giant pyramid. However, Xia Lei did not plan to go down the Heaven Stairway and enter the Creation City casually. This time, he came as the Sixth God. However, he didn't come on the sixth day, nor did he appear on the sixth day. From this, he wanted to find the motive and goal behind the creation of the Ghost-man and its civilization by the Six Gods. As for the clue of the final fragment, he needed to obtain the faith and worship of the Ghost-man!    


If he entered the city in an ordinary manner and used Liu Tusheng's mouth to convince the other five forms of Ghost-man that he was the Sixth God, putting aside how high of a reputation Liu Tusheng had in the Creation City, there would probably be a lot more people who would suspect him.    


Since he had to reveal his strength and "miracle" sooner or later, why not now?    


Deceiving had always been one of his strengths.    


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