Tranxending Vision

C2304 The Descent of the Sixth God

C2304 The Descent of the Sixth God

Creation City was as calm as ever. Different kinds of Ghost-man were active in different regions. The center of the city where the six regions converged also played the role of a market, where many different forms of Ghost-man were conducting business.    


There were slow but distant giants selling meat and meat products.    


There were silver metal men who were well-dressed and well-mannered. However, they were not robots made out of parts, but rather life forms with metal properties. They had souls and emotions. The metal that possessed life only existed in science fiction and science fiction. However, the metal men here already possessed souls and emotions. They sell metal products, weapons and tools for different purposes.    


There were Stone Golems whose stature was second only to that of Giant and who were extremely strong. Of course, they were not real rocks, but rather life forms that possessed the characteristics of rocks. They sell the materials for building houses and cities, and have become their unique construction craftsmanship.    


The ape-men, half human, half ape, were tall and strong, with thick limbs and hair, and they were good at climbing but not at walking. They sell forest-related products, fruits and wood products.    


There were wingmen with huge membranes, their bodies thin and gaunt, the wings on their backs very similar to the wings of bats. There was a tall pillar on the roof of the houses in the area they lived in, the pillar that was their home and the place where they worshipped the Six Gods. They sold all kinds of weavings, from clothes to exquisite armors.    


There was also the excavator. They were short and had the innate ability to dig earth, but such a "god bestowed" ability did not bring them the corresponding respect and status. Amongst the six different forms of Ghost-man, they were the most inconspicuous, and also the weakest group. They sell different kinds of ore collected from underground.    


This plaza was actually a simplified version of the Ghost-man's civilization. Different Creators had created different forms of Ghost-man and had bestowed different abilities to different forms of Ghost-man. This kind of cooperative development allowed the Creation City to be self-sufficient even though it was located in a secret sealed space, and steadily develop.    


Different forms of Ghost-man gathered in the plaza in front of the pyramid to conduct business. Without any money, their trade was the simplest yet also the most fair. Although the scale wasn't big, the scene was very lively.    


"Father Liu Tusheng, did you find anything good?" a metal man asked Liu Tusheng.    


It was as if Liu Tusheng didn't hear what the metal man said to him, he raised his head and looked towards the top of the Heaven Stairway, as if he was looking forward to something.    


The metal man was slightly displeased, "What's so special about a man digging in the ground? My three great swords speak to you because they think highly of you. Who do you think you are? "    


Only then did Liu Tusheng come back to his senses, as he hurriedly withdrew his gaze from the dark blue Heaven Stairway. He looked at the three swords with displeasure, his expression somewhat confused. "So it's Big Brother, what did you just say? I'm sorry, I didn't hear it. "    


"Humph!" The three swords coldly harrumphed. "What sort of personage are you playing? In the Creation City, other than us gold men, who would think highly of you? Oh, that's not right. I can't see inside, haha, you are too short! "    


Golden Man needed the excavator's ores, so he was rather polite to the excavator on the surface. However, once he pissed them off, the arrogant them would tend to look down on the excavator more than the other four forms of Ghost-man.    


The mockery of the three great swords immediately drew the laughter of a group of golden men who were trading on the market, while their laughter attracted other forms of Ghost-man to come over to watch the show. Some of the Ghost-man's people were laughing, while some others' eyes were filled with contempt. The plaza that was originally bustling with noise and excitement had now become even more boisterous.    


Liu Tusheng was a little confused, he never thought that the three great swords would get angry at him in such a way, and even use such sharp words. He was very angry in his heart, but he still suppressed his anger as he was used to enduring it.    


"What did you say?" A young excavator who was following behind Liu Tusheng said angrily: "Watch your words! The one standing in front of you is our clan leader! "    


The three swords' eyes were filled with disdain. "Patriarch? So what if it's the Patriarch? Everyone knows that the excavator in this city is unnecessary, you don't even need to exist. "    


"I warn you!" The young excavator pointed at the three swords and said, "From today onwards, you will not be able to buy another ore from our excavator!"    


"Haha!" You speak as if we Gold Man cannot leave you, without you we can mine ore. Also, the Stone Golems could mine ores as well. It's not that you can't replace him, but that's why we, the Golden Man, are making the deal with you. But you actually dared to threaten us, who gave you the courage? " The three great swords rebuked him, their words were still sharp and unkind.    


The young excavator pointed at the three great swords as her fingers trembled, "You ? Do you know that today, we ? "    


Liu Tusheng suddenly grabbed the young excavator's wrist and pressed his hand down, "Liu Hua'er, forget it, this isn't the first time this has happened.    


"But ?" Patriarch! They are bullying us too much! " The young excavator who was called Liu Chi spoke in anger: "We are also the citizens of the Six Gods, what right do they have to look down on us and bully us?"    


"Shut up." Liu Tusheng berated.    


Six-Daos' mouth was closed, but his face was filled with stubbornness and humiliation. Who could bear such humiliation when they were young?    


"Let me be fair." A brown stone statue walked out from the crowd.    


Liu Tusheng replied politely: "So it's the Wuyan Family Patriarch. Thank you for presiding over the justice."    


The golem, who was called Wu Yan said: "I saw the entire process. Liu Tusheng, you were in the wrong regarding this matter, even though the three big swords were greeting you, but you did not ignore them, showing off your clan head's value. In my opinion, your excavator truly has nothing to show off. "    


These were the fair words of Wu Yan.    


The anger in Liu Tusheng's heart rose again, he did not feel that it was fair, it only felt that it was full of malice.    


"Legend has it that when the Six Gods created us, they used the best materials and wisdom on Giant, Winged Human, Golden Man, Stone Man, and Apeman. When the Six Gods got there, they did not have any good materials, and the remaining materials were also very little, so the Six Gods managed to create the excavator, which is why the excavator is so small."    


The surrounding Ghost-man roared with laughter.    


Racial discrimination existed everywhere. On Earth, white people discriminated against colored people such as black and yellow people. Cultural discrimination was uncultured. Rich discrimination was poor. Even people living in different places could discriminate against people from other places. It was obvious that this evil habit also existed in the Creation City. Because he was ugly and his ability was weak, the excavator naturally became the target of discrimination.    


"I think you should leave the Creation City and go live in your Abyss City. You shouldn't have returned back then." His voice was so loud that it could be heard from far away.    


"Why can't we live here? We are also the descendants of the Six Gods! " Liu Hua'er was unable to control his emotions, "This city was bestowed by the Six Gods, every race has their own territory! Moreover, our Sixth God has returned. You will pay for your arrogance and prejudice! "    


"Six sprouts!" "You ?" Liu Tusheng slapped Liu Hua'er on her face, and with a crisp smack, a few finger marks appeared on her face.    


Liu Hua'er suddenly thought of what Xia Lei had said, and his heart became anxious as he knelt in front of Liu Tusheng, "Clan leader, I was wrong, I was wrong. I forgot to tell you the sixth time, I ? Damn it! "    


Liu Tusheng raised his arm again, but he did not continue with the second slap. He only shouted angrily: "I will hand you over to the Sixth God for punishment!"    


Liu Zhu'er lowered her head, not daring to speak.    


"Hahaha!" Is this a performance? " Wu Yan mockingly said, "But I have to say, you guys did very well."    


"The excavator's ability is actually not digging, it's a performance." The three swords echoed.    


"I feel that their staying here is a blasphemy to the Creation City. We should chase them out of the Creation City and let them return to their city." said the giant.    


"But excavator's skin is as thick as their scalp, they won't move away, am I right? Liu Tusheng. " the winged man challenged.    


He did not even call him Patriarch, and in his eyes, the Patriarch of excavator was already like that, so what about ordinary excavator?    


This was the current state of life of the excavator created by the Sixth God.    


"Liu Tusheng, didn't you say the Sixth God? Where is he? I haven't seen him for a long time. Where is he? "Where is he?" The three great swords raised their heads to the sky as they talked, their silver heads swaying back and forth as though they were looking for the Sixth God.    


"Hahaha ?" Laughter filled the air.    




A loud sound suddenly came from the depths of the dark blue sky, sounding like a thunderclap from a clear sky.    


The noisy plaza instantly quietened down. One by one, all of the Ghost-man raised their heads and looked in the direction of the loud noise.    




A ball of rainbow colored energy burst out from the depths of the sky. That light spread out in all directions as if it was real. In the center of the ball of energy, a figure could be seen. The seven-colored energy wrapped around him slowly descended, becoming clearer and clearer. His skin was crystal clear and flawless. His face was blurry, and a faint blue light appeared. It was as if it were his eyes, or his lips.    


All the Ghost-man were stunned, they forgot to breathe, and they forgot about their heartbeats.    


To Creation City's Ghost-man, the six gods were actually something very far away from each other. No one had ever seen the true six gods before. However, everything about the Six Gods were preserved very well in the Creation City, including the story of the Six Gods who created this city and six forms of the Ghost-man, including their appearances and so on. Thus, when they saw the rainbow fog that descended from the sky, all the Ghost-man that they saw had a standard answer, and that was ? one of the Six Gods had descended!    


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