Tranxending Vision

C2325 Father and Princess

C2325 Father and Princess

One after another of these still images flashed past his eyes, all of these still images were Xia Changhe's memories. Hundreds of years of memories, every memory was like a flowing river, and Xia Lei was like a small boat in the middle of the river of memories.    


Xia Lei saw the scene of his father training the members of the Zodiac Clan, as well as the memories of his father and the members of the Zodiac Clan fighting together.    


Finally, the related memories of the Ming dynasty appeared. Li self-rebellion, Zheng He going down to the West...    


The memories from hundreds of years of life could be said to be plentiful. Ordinary people were simply unable to compare with them. For the past few hundred years, his father had been suffering from the pain of losing someone he loved. It was not easy for him to survive until the modern era.    


Suddenly, a memory from the Yongle Dynasty entered Xia Lei's line of sight.    


The scene depicted a man in a flying fish suit and a woman in a gorgeous palace dress standing in a garden. Under the hazy moonlight, the man was heroic and the woman was dignified and beautiful. Behind the two of them was a magnificent palace, full of vigor and vitality.    


The heroic and upright man was his father, Xia Changhe. That woman, Xia Lei, was not unfamiliar to him. The two of them looked at each other in silence. Although they did not have the words to speak, their eyes seemed to be filled with thousands of sentences.    


Princess Young-mei's eyes were filled with tears, full of sorrow. Her father Xia Changhe's eyes were also faintly filled with tears, and also brimmed with sorrow.    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, "This should be the last time father and Princess Young-mei meet, and the two of them will be parting ways from now on. If I were to intercept Princess Young-mei at this point in time, it would be the best for both Father and Princess Young-mei. "    


After parting ways, they would meet again. The joy of a person couldn't be any better.    


Xia Lei reached into a hand and grabbed onto Princess Young-mei's hand, then forcefully pulled outwards.    


Crash! *    


The still image shattered as the Princess Young-mei was dragged out of the time node alive.    


Xia Lei brought Princess Young-mei and flew out of the time and space tunnel. A portion of his soul returned to his body and the Princess Young-mei was dragged into the energy shield he propped up. Her hand was also in his, and he held it tightly.    


With the sudden appearance of one more person among the energy shield, Xia Changhe was shocked for a moment before opening his eyes wide, "Profound ? "Xuan Yue!"    


Xia Lei released his hand. Zhu Xuanyue was her' stepmother ', and getting her hand pulled by his hand was never a good thing. However, when he released her, he injected a new power into Zhu Xuanyue's body. He wanted to help her wake up.    


Zhu Xuanyue's body softly fell towards the stone that was passed over.    


Xia Changhe hurriedly hugged Zhu Xuanyue, and said with incomparable excitement: "Xuan Yue? Xuan Yue? Is it really you? "    


Zhu Xuanyue opened her eyes and was stunned for a moment. In the blink of an eye, she was so overjoyed that she started crying. Long River... Is it really you? Am I in a dream? "    


Xia Changhe choked with sobs: "Xuan Yue, my Xuan Yue, you are not dreaming, this is real, we are reunited!"    


Zhu Xuanyue moaned all her life, then buried her head into Xia Changhe's embrace.    


They had been separated for hundreds of years, but the next time they met was not in the Great Ming Country, but in the Dark Death World. The world was unpredictable and ill-fated. How could the story of his father and Princess Young-mei be explained so easily?    


Xia Lei was also infected, and hot tears welled up in his eyes.    


A few minutes later, Princess Young-mei suddenly remembered something. She raised his head from Xia Changhe's embrace and his gaze shifted towards Xia Lei, "You ? "Who are you?"    


Xia Lei braced himself and said, "Mom."    


"Huh?" Princess Young-mei was stunned. She wasn't even married yet, so when did he have such a big son?    


Xia Changhe was also a little confused. He really never thought that there would come a day where Zhu Xuanyue and Xia Lei would meet again. It was true that Xia Lei was his son, but Zhu Xuanyue did not know what would happen in a few hundred years. Just thinking about it gave him a headache.    


At this time, Xia Lei laughed, "Mom, I am father's foster son, so you are naturally my foster mother. I treat my foster father like my own father, so you are naturally my biological mother. "    


This was the most reasonable and the closest explanation to the truth. He couldn't tell Princess Young-mei that Xia Changhe was his biological father, right? If that was the case, then wouldn't it mean that Xia Changhe had married before in order to give birth to a son as big as him? If that were the case, how miserable and heartbroken would Princess Young-mei would be?    


Hearing this, although Xia Changhe felt a little disappointed in his heart, he quickly understood. He was not Xia Lei's biological father at all, and he did not need that bit of blood relation. Did true father-son relationship need to be maintained through blood ties? No need.    


There are people in the world who would rather treat their own father than their own dog. Although some people are not the biological son, but can serve under the knee, endowment send to the end, have feelings and loyalty. Therefore, whether or not they were related by blood, wasn't important. What was important was that the relationship between him and Xia Lei's father was real.    


Princess Young-mei's gaze moved to Xia Changhe's face, "Is Zhang He for real?"    


Xia Changhe regained his senses, he nodded, "En, it's true."    


"When did this happen? How come I didn't know about it?" Princess Young-mei asked curiously.    


Xia Changhe said, "About that ? After parting with you, I wandered around for a while and then adopted this child. I treated him as my own son and we were very close. "    


Xia Lei could not hold back his laughter. This was the best result.    


"Oh right, this child has followed my surname, I named him Xia Lei." Xia Changhe said. His tone became more and more natural as he also entered a state of meditation.    


Xia Lei knelt down beside Xia Changhe and Princess Young-mei and kowtowed lightly, "Your son pays his respects to Master Father, Master Mother."    


"Your son, please get up, quickly get up." Princess Young-mei then helped Xia Lei up. This was the first time she called Xia Lei his child, which meant that she had already accepted Xia Lei as her only son, who looked a little older than her.    


However, Xia Lei knew that if he wanted Princess Young-mei to completely accept him as a son, she would definitely need a period of time to get used to it.    


Princess Young-mei's gaze moved to Xia Changhe's face again as she discovered some more details, "Zhang He, how long has it been since we last met? You look a lot older. "    


"This ?" Xia Changhe said: "Xuan Yue, it's been almost ten years since we last met."    


"Ten years? I'm actually unconscious for ten years? " Princess Young-mei looked very surprised.    


Xia Changhe replied, "Yes, this disease of yours has lasted for ten years. For the past ten years, Lei Zi and I have been searching for a way to cure you. This is great, our family is reunited again. "    


Xia Lei sighed in his heart, "The older the spicier!"    


"My royal father ?" The Princess Young-mei wanted to say something but stopped in his tracks as she thought of other people and other matters.    


Xia Changhe said, "Let's talk about your royal father when we get back. You just woke up so your body is very weak. After pausing for a moment, he said, "Lei Zi, lead the way, I will bring your mother home to rest."    


"Alright, father and mother, come with me." Xia Lei said with a smile.    


A set of stairs made from Natural energy s formed in the blink of an eye. Xia Lei walked forward along the stairs while supporting Princess Young-mei behind him. Just like that, the family of three slowly walked down the City of the Sun. In that direction, the lower city of Suspension City was brightly lit, like a paradise on earth. The Upper City floating in the air could be vaguely seen. It was ethereal, but it was also very real. It also seemed like the home of a deity.    


Not only was Princess Young-mei dumbstruck, even Xia Changhe was dumbstruck. Actually, this was his first time seeing the City of the Sun that was made up of both Suspension City and Suspension City, so the shock in his heart could be imagined.    


"What is this place?" The Princess Young-mei asked in surprise.    


"This is ?" Xia Changhe wanted to say something but couldn't, what kind of place was this? So mysterious!    


Xia Lei turned around, "Mother, this is the City of the Sun, the capital of the Ghost Empire. I am the ruler of the Ghost Empire, the Dragon King. My father has been out all year looking for a cure for my mother's illness, and he rarely comes back to stay. "    


"So that's how it is." Princess Young-mei looked like she had suddenly come to a realization, and then looked at Xia Changhe lovingly once more.    


Xia Changhe smiled towards the Princess Young-mei.    


This Jiang was indeed more experienced.    


As he walked, Xia Lei ordered the Chief Sovereign, "Kindred, immediately prepare a room for me. When you see the man beside me, you must address him as Supreme Emperor."    


"Okay, my most beautiful master, but who's your father?" A pleasant voice.    


"You don't need to be clear about this. Do as I say." Xia Lei said.    


"Okay, no problem. However, do you want me to notify a few matriarchs? " Kenzo asked.    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, "For the time being, you don't need to notify them. I'll go back and personally tell them." With that, he cut off the communication.    


If he told Daqiao and the rest of the six, they would definitely come to visit his father and mother. The Princess Young-mei would also definitely know who Daqiao and Diao Chan were, which would then become another source of trouble. She did not want to focus on settling these trivial matters tonight. It took a lot of effort for her father and Princess Young-mei to finally meet up with him, so he wanted to give them a private room.    


On the stairs made from Natural energy, Xia Changhe and Princess Young-mei walked together.    


"Chang He, this staircase is so strange. Also, why is it pitch black all around?" Princess Young-mei looked around curiously.    


Xia Changhe said: "It's probably night now... "Don't think about it anymore. You are still so young and beautiful, but I have experienced a lot."    


"Who said that? I think you're more of a man now. " Princess Young-mei said gently, "My Chang He has matured."    


Xia Changhe sighed, "Really? "I don't feel anything. All these years, I've been wandering around, and the only person I can't let go of in my heart is you."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


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