Tranxending Vision

C2333 Mysterious Icefield City

C2333 Mysterious Icefield City

If you cut that out, you can enter the perfect state of finality? This was actually a matter of uncertainty. A very simple example is a patient with a gallstone who has had his gallbladder removed. Is his body healed? It seemed so, but he had lost his gall bladder, and his digestive system would be affected later on, not his true health.    


For the same reason, since one of his body's organs didn't evolve, if he cut it off, it would look perfect, but it wouldn't be. Therefore, he wouldn't do that even if he had to cut it off.    


In the evening, news came from the Brain Amido. The Ice Plains City from the northern border had arrived. Xia Lei left for the Bronze Finch Palace with his six wives and several core members gathered there once more, waiting for his arrival.    


On top of the ice plains stood a huge city. It was the Ice Plains City, the capital city of the northern region.    


The flags on the city walls flipped over, each flag bearing the image of a skeleton holding a saber and a shield. This was the symbol of the defense of the Royal City of the Northern Territory.    


The Brain Amido said, "According to the City of the Sun's scan, this city still has at least five hundred thousand guards, all well-equipped. The King's Earth Fiend from the north did not bring all of the troops with him. The troops stationed in the Yin Flower City were almost all drawn out from other cities.    


Ghastly Weeping said, "Saber and shield skeletons, that is the symbol of the Northern Territory's Wang Shi and Black Flame Legion. Half of them are alive, and the other half are corpses." A living person was not scary, but a dead person was. It was said that these zombies ran like the wind, not afraid of death at all. They are controlled by the spirit of the Ghost King Di Sha, and they have the special dark energy bestowed upon them by the Ghost King Di Sha, which is very powerful. "    


Medelsa suddenly interrupted, "Corpse man, oh my god, will you get diarrhea after eating?"    


Speechless faces appeared one after another.    


Shenyue Ruyi said, "Let Rebel Army and I fight. The number of civilians and slaves from the four cities has already reached six hundred thousand. The Black Flame Army only has five hundred thousand, I have the confidence to take over the Ice Plains City."    


Sobbing Ghost said, "Six hundred thousand is not enough. Let me and the True Night Army fight."    


Xie Fang said, "My most beautiful master, my robot army is already impatient. Let me and the robot army come out to fight!"    


The six leaders of Ghost-man all expressed their intentions.    


Xia Lei thought for a moment before replying, "I want to enter the Ice Plains City to take a look. After I enter, each of you can pick a group of elites to gather at the north gate."    


Medelsa said: "Master, let me go with Long Suo."    


However, Xia Lei shook his head, "The two of you are also wanted criminals in the Black Sun Empire, and your characteristics are also obvious. I have an important mission for you all, when I issue the attack orders, you will be in charge of destroying the north gate of Ice Plains City. "    


Medelsa and Dragon nodded respectively.    


Shenyue Ruyi said: "Isn't it easier to attack directly? Ghost King Di Sha is not here, so it's easy for us to take down the city. Although the Black Flame Army's Corpse Soldiers are difficult to deal with, that is not a problem either. "    


Xia Lei said, "Ghost King Di Sha is a cunning opponent, and you should not forget that he is also a pure energy individual like you. It would not take long for him to return from Yin Flower City. If he had the blue moon man's messenger in his hand and received the information here in time, he would very likely rush back before we can break through the city gates. "I will investigate it first and make sure that there are no traps before we make a move."    


Shenyue Ruyi also nodded.    


This was, after all, the northern kingdom, and Ghost King Di Sha was a cunning opponent. Why did the Spirit King leave his Black Flame Army here motionless? Could he have predicted that his side would ambush the Ice Plains City? Could there be a trap here? He had to figure out what was going on.    


Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy means you will be victorious!    


After a while, Xia Lei passed through the City of the Sun's energy shield and arrived in the ice plains. In the sky, the City of the Sun still maintained a state of one point five degrees and didn't act rashly. The several great armies were also making their preparations before the battle, waiting for Xia Lei's order to attack.    


Arriving at the ice plains, Xia Lei grabbed a handful of the snow on the ground. He felt an ice-cold feeling in his hand as the snow slowly melted. It was no different from the snow he was familiar with. But this was obviously not normal, because this was the Dark Death World. Black snow was normal, but here it was white.    


Xia Lei walked towards the north gate of Ice Plains City. He was wrapped in a long black robe, his face was covered in snake marks, and even his eyes were dyed blood-red. He looked like a wandering Snakeskin man.    


The warriors guarding the gate didn't make it too difficult for them, they just accepted the tax and let them pass.    


Xia Lei entered the city and walked towards the center of the city along a vertical street. When he entered the Ice Plains City, Xia Lei sensed the energy shield that the Runic Blood-crystal was providing for the Ice Plains City. He couldn't help but guess in his heart, could the existence of this snowy plain be related to the heart of Ice Plains City's city? If it was, then the heart of the city of Ice Plains City was also a top-grade Runic Blood-crystal!    


A blue moon man flying ship flew past their heads and headed towards the center of the city. Xia Lei raised his head to take a look and saw the symbol of the Blue Moon language: Divine Blue Moon.    


It was a huge spaceship, and it was the first time that Xia Lei had seen such a huge spaceship like this one. It was about the same size as the mother ship of the Mummy's Empire. There was also a very large cannon on the body of the ship. It was obviously a battleship, not a civilian cargo ship.    


"Could it be the army of the blue moon man?" Xia Lei was confused. If his guess was right, he couldn't understand why the blue moon man would join his fight against the Black Sun Empire.    


People came and went along the streets, peddling along the streets and buying goods from pedestrians. It was a scene of a prosperous city street without the slightest hint of war. Xia Lei continued walking towards the center of the city. After walking for a while, he rented a carriage and rode towards the center of the city.    


After a while, the ghost carriage stopped on a street near the central plaza. At the end of the street stood a row of Black Flame Army soldiers. Half of them were alive while the other half were corpses. They blocked the path to the square. The palace of the Ghost King Di Sha was at the other end of the square. It was a building the same style as the castle of blood and sand. There was a giant stone tower with the shape of a obelisk on the main body. When put together, it looked like a giant tomb.    


However, the most eye-catching thing wasn't the tomb of the King Mansion. It was a mountain of white bones that stood behind the King Mansion. It was a thousand meters tall, and was made entirely out of white bones. There were huge corpses of dead beasts and humans. The mountain of white bones was shrouded in black smoke, looking extremely eerie and eerie.    


The huge Sacred Blue Moon from before did not land, but floated in the air between the Duke Palaces and Mount White Bone Mountain. A small military ship was flying down from the open dock. Xia Lei wanted to release a new energy to detect the small sized military ship, but he gave up on this tempting idea in the end.    


His eyes swept the street, and a nut shop came into view. He walked over.    


"Sir, what do you want? We have everything here, fresh nuts from the Forest of Nine Stockades. The female boss of the nut shop said to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said: "If there's a dragon coming from afar, how are you going to entertain me?"    


The female butterfly man was startled for a moment and then lowered his voice, "Sir, please follow me to the warehouse to check the inventory."    


Xia Lei followed the through a narrow corridor and arrived in a dark room with no windows.    


Once inside, the butterfly man descended from the sky, knelt on the ground, and said respectfully: "Ice Plains City Station Leader Hua Die Yi greets Dragon King Majesty!"    


Xia Lei reached out to help her up, "There's no need to be so courteous, I need Ice Plains City's information."    


Hua Dian Yi said, "Reporting to the Dragon King Majesty, my sisters from the Palace sent me news. The Ghost King has used a large amount of money to hire the mercenary Sky Corps of the blue moon man. Their 'Sacred Blue Moon' is here."    


"Is there any information about the Sky Corps?" Xia Lei asked.    


Die Yi shook her head, "No, we don't have any intelligence network on Lan Yue's side. The armies of the blue moon man rarely enter the Black Sun Empire, so this time, the Ghost King hired mercenaries from the blue moon man as a special case. "    


"What other information do you have?" Tell me everything. "    


"I also received a message from the Doomsday City in the imperial city. The two princes will battle at the Blazing Mountain in ten days, and the winner will obtain the Princess Young-ye. Once the two princes have decided on the victor, the Princess Young-ye would become their wife in ten days. "    


Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart: "No wonder Great Emperor Black Sun didn't come personally, he was busy getting her daughter married, why does it have to be at this time, could it be that this matter is more important than the threat I pose to Black Sun Empire? If so, what is the reason behind this? "    


"When the Spirit King went to war, the one guarding the capital was his wife Di Ma. The two of them are actually siblings. Di Ma kept a low profile, but her strength was not inferior to the Spirit King Di Sha. That mountain of white bones behind the manor was her masterpiece, and the pile of bones there were all killed by her. " Then, she added, "Dragon King Majesty, that's all I know."    


No wonder he was so at ease. With such a wife guarding the Imperial City and the blue moon man's mercenaries, Ghost King Di Sha did not have much to worry about.    


Xia Lei asked again: "Is that plaza usually sealed?"    


Hua Dian Yi said, "That's not the case. It took two days before it was sealed. There's no reason for the news to leak out."    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment before saying: "Close the door, avoid the plaza, and find a place to hide."    


"Huh?" Die Yi was stunned on the spot.    


"In this chaotic battle, I can't guarantee your safety." Xia Lei turned and left.    


You don't have any worries?    


That's just what you think!    


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