Tranxending Vision

C2338 Strange spy

C2338 Strange spy

The Life Cabin was sent to the City of the Sun, it was about the same size as the hibernation cabin on the ship. Xia Lei had Shenyue Ruyi's men carry it into the Dragon Palace. Before he could study it, his six wives came over to watch the commotion and chattered non-stop. However, he was not affected by it. He was able to calm his heart and observe and study it.    


Baldy You's custom-made life pods for Di Sha and Di Ma were very special. It was not in the shape of a normal capsule, but rather an elliptical shape that looked like a coconut, or perhaps a woman's womb. Upon opening it, one could see the complex energy structure within. Xia Lei was also surprised to realize that this was not a life pod for people to lie in, but a life pod for test tubes.    


Xia Lei thought, "It really is a life pod that can help Di Sha's tadpoles recover their vitality. I wonder what it can be used for me?" As he was thinking this in his heart, his gaze couldn't help but scan his six wives. They all wanted to give him children, but he couldn't get them pregnant. Although his ability in that aspect was perfect and unassailable, it was always shameful for a man to not allow his wife to conceive.    


Nightingale came closer, "Husband, what is this thing?"    


Xia Lei replied, "The life pod."    


"Life cabin?" Nightingale asked in a curious tone: "Why did you take it home?"    


Xia Lei was unsure if I should bring it back to study how to get you pregnant. After hesitating for a moment, he said: "Come with me, I have something that I need your help with."    


Nightingale followed Xia Lei and asked, "What do you want me to do?"    


"You'll know when you get there." Xia Lei said, then walked out of the Dragon Palace.    


The other five wives followed Xia Lei without any discussion.    


Xia Lei stopped walking, turned around, and said with a wry smile: "Beloved wives, you shouldn't come with me. There is a spy from Ember City who wants to see Nightingale, saying that she has something very important to tell her personally. You guys just wait here. We'll be back soon. "    


The other five wives did not follow.    


Walking out of the Dragon Palace, Xia Lei led Nightingale into a small forest. They entered the small forest and stopped in a clearing.    


Nightingale looked around, her face was confused, "Didn't you say you want to take me to see a spy from the Ember City? Where is he? "    


However, Xia Lei actually secretly took out a test tube from his life pod and handed it over to Nightingale, "My beloved wife, the spy you want to see is on me."    


Nightingale, "?"    


Xia Lei said seriously, "Only you have the ability to convince spies and make them speak the truth."    


Nightingale, however, still had a stupefied look on her face ?    


Ten minutes later, Nightingale followed Xia Lei and left the small forest. Her face was red as she muttered to herself while walking, "She's dead, she's dead."    


Xia Lei laughed and said, "Isn't this all for you to become a mother as soon as possible? That life cabin was personally customized by Baldy for Di Sha and Di Ma. As you know, Di Sha and Di Ma are both pure energy individual s, and pure energy individual s can both reproduce life, then we can too, so I want to give it a try. "    


Nightingale rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "If it wasn't for this reason, I wouldn't have convinced that spy of mine. I thought it was something important, but I didn't expect you to trick me into the woods. "    


Even though she said that, her face was full of smiles, and her eyebrows were full of joy. Xia Lei didn't look for anyone, he only looked for her for help, and even praised her how amazing she was. Furthermore, what she had just done could have made her a mother, so she was very willing to do this.    


Returning to the Dragon Palace, when the other five women were asking Nightingale what kind of spy she had seen and what she had said, Xia Lei quietly put the test tube back into the life pod. Until the moment when he had activated the life pod, the other five women were still asking Nightingale what kind of spy she had seen and what she had said. Women were born with the attribute of gossiping, and they could never find the main point.    


"Aiya, Sister Nightingale, what kind of spy are you talking about?" Cai Ling was getting impatient.    


Nightingale stammered, "About that ?" "He had a full beard and two tumours on his chin." Then she added, "Tall and big, with a big face. Terrible."    


"What the hell?" Cai Ling said with an exaggerated expression, "How ugly would it be if there were two tumours growing on his chin."    


Xiaoqiao came over with the translator, "Sister Nightingale, what did you and that spy talk about?"    


Nightingale had already eased the tension, her expression was natural, and her chatting had also become a lot more natural, "That, is inflation, a mere import and export business."    


"Inflation? Import and export business? " Xiaoqiao blinked his big, black eyes, "What do you mean?"    


When these words landed in Xia Lei's ears, he had to endure with great difficulty in order to not laugh. He didn't think that Nightingale would be so good at talking, so good at deceiving people. He was also certain of one thing, and that was that every woman had the genes for gossip and corruption.    


did not dare to interrupt them. Instead, he calmed his mind and scanned his HP pods that were in working condition, observing the changes in the test tube.    


There were hundreds of millions of tadpoles in that tube, and they were dying. This was a normal situation, with hundreds of millions of small lives, only one or two could survive, it was impossible for them all to live, not to mention that it took him and Nightingale several minutes to get back from the woods, these few minutes were enough for many small lives to die.    


"There's no special use for it. Is this the life cabin that You Ba wants to bid 10 million Black Gold coins for? Can it really allow pure energy individual to reproduce? " Seeing countless small lives die, Xia Lei's heart was filled with suspicion.    


Suddenly, just as he was suspecting this in his heart, a trace of blood-red energy suddenly poured into the sarcophagus from the life pod. When the strand of blood energy entered the tube, the dying creature suddenly regained its vitality and began to jump around in a lively manner.    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with surprise, he then increased his vision, and started to laugh at something that was enlarged. He quickly saw that the small creatures had absorbed that sliver of blood-colored energy. Every small life had a sliver of blood-colored energy, and the blood-colored energy was imprinted into those small lives.    


A blood-red energy was engraved into this tiny life mark?    


Xia Lei's gaze followed the line of sight that led to the pipe that was infused with the blood colored energy, and finally came to a energy transformation device. He saw a top-grade blood crystal. The energy transformation equipment in the life pod was extracting energy from its body and injecting it into a test tube.    


In that instant, Xia Lei understood, he completely understood, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up into a smile.    


The blood crystal was the life at the end of the world. The energy it contained was the life energy of the Death World. In fact, in most parts of the Dark Death World, life cannot be allowed to exist, but places with blood crystals can give birth to life, allowing life to thrive in specific areas. A Runic Blood-crystal could not only make the lives of Dark Death World reproduce under its protection, it could also provide the energy shield for a city to protect those lives.    


The Blood Crystal had always played the role of the "Earth Mother" in the Dark Death World, and it was not just an energy crystal.    


From his point of view, he came from a different world. Although he had the aura of the Dark Death World on him, that was still a lie. Otherwise, his new energy would not have been able to restrain the dark energy. Then his definition should be a living man, and his wife, the wives of three countries in time and space, should not exist at all, so their characterization should be "dead woman" or "non-existent woman". Although he had changed their fate, he had only changed their lifespan and was unable to change their nature.    


Furthermore, the three native wives were also branded with the Dark Death World, bringing them to the opposite universe world. They couldn't live, so they could be classified as "dead women".    


Although such a comparison wasn't 100% accurate, the truth was as such.    


Therefore, no matter how strong he was in that area, he had no way of getting his wife pregnant. From a young age, this was his problem. From a larger perspective, this was a question of the nature of the two worlds. Just like light and darkness, could light and darkness exist side by side?    


Now, he had found a way to solve this problem. that was to use the blood crystal's energy to help his tadpole and brand his life into a Dark Death World. Only by branding his life into a Dark Death World would his life be able to receive a pass to start a life journey in his mother's body!    


He closed the pod. He only needed to understand the logic behind it and not the help of the pod. He was the only, godlike man. How could he use a machine to help his woman get pregnant? He wanted to do it himself. If the process of life creation was omitted, how could the life created be perfect?    


Furthermore, what he needed to use was not ordinary blood crystals, but rather, top-grade blood crystals. He needed to use the treasure that he had obtained in the Dark Death World, the Yin Yang Runic Blood-crystal! It had always been in him, and he wanted to use it to create the great life of this world!    


The women stopped chatting. The topic of the spy with two tumours on his chin had become meaningless after a long time.    


Nightingale had already reached Xia Lei's side, "Husband, why did you close it? "Didn't you say ?" The woman who convinced the spy felt a little cheated.    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "I have already found a way to solve this problem. Believe me, the next time I will let you be my mother."    


"Really?" Nightingale suddenly became excited.    


The other five women rushed up when they heard this, asking all sorts of questions.    


Xia Lei had a slight headache, he said in a voice louder than theirs: "I've already found a way to prevent you from getting pregnant, which one of you want to try it?"    


The six women raised their hands in unison.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "How about we go together?"    


The six women, "?"    


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