Tranxending Vision

C2344 Sin City

C2344 Sin City

The place Cao Ji was talking about was a slum. At the foot of the Western District's city walls, although it wasn't very big, there were around half a million poor people gathered there. A good part of the 500,000 poor were outlaws, criminals, and killers from all over the empire. These fugitives, criminals and assassins don't care whether or not you are a member of the Black Sun's camp. As long as you can pay for it, those people would even dare kill their own parents, not to mention the spies of the Black Sun's camp.    


The slums of the western district were also called Sin City.    


Normal people wouldn't go to that kind of place, and people who go to that kind of place would always have their own ulterior motives.    


Two carriages drove into Sin City's territory. The carriage at the front of the carriage contained Xia Lei and the undead flamingo, Burning Flame, as well as Cao Ji, Qing Pei and the three Black Winged Clan members. In the car that followed were the slaves he had bought from the slave market.    


As the two carriages entered Sin City, two people in plain clothes appeared from a corner, their expressions cold as they stared at the two carriages.    


"Go back and report to your excellency, that Snakeskin man has actually entered Nefas City." One of them said.    


"Are we going to let them go just like this?" Another said.    


"Let the lord decide. If we enter this place, those fugitives and assassins will think that we are going to capture them. We will also be in danger."    


"Then let's go back. Master Black Bei also has a business in Nefas City. It would be easy for him to find that Snakeskin man."    


The two spies from the Black Sun Camp left after a short conversation.    


The two ghost carriages sped along the streets of Sin City. Both sides of the streets were filled with pairs of malicious eyes.    


Under Cao Ji's guidance, the two carriages reached a river. Along both sides of the river, there were simple shacks and plants that were taller than a person. This kind of grass was called reed grass, and information about it quickly surfaced in Xia Lei's mind. He had read about it in a book. It was just a weed, worthless.    


"My lord, this is the place. Qing Pi and I used to live here. It's very easy to hide here." Cao Ji said. He still wasn't clear about Xia Lei's identity, but he knew that his own life was in Xia Lei's hands, and thus, he didn't dare to neglect or conceal it in the slightest.    


Xia Lei said: "Then let's get off here."    


The two carriages left after the person was put down. They were afraid that they would be delayed by one more second.    


"Lead the way." Xia Lei said.    


"Master, please follow me." Cao Ji led the way, and after leaving the road, they entered a beach that was filled with reeds.    


There were no roads at all on the beaches, and occasionally there was a rotting, abandoned corpse, reeking with a stench that made one want to vomit.    


It was only after a long while that Cao Ji and Qing Pei finally stopped at a place. There was an extremely simple and crude hut there, and the material used was also the grey reed grass that could be seen everywhere.    


"You live in this kind of place?" Xia Lei asked. He scanned his surroundings but did not find anyone following him nor any suspicious targets.    


Cao Ji and Qing Pei suddenly knelt down on the ground.    


"My lord, may I ask a question?" Cao Ji carefully probed, "Who exactly are you? Why did you buy us? "    


Xia Lei changed his tone and said in his original voice: "Can you still hear me?"    


Cao Ji and Qing Pei were stunned for a moment, their eyes filled with shock and excitement.    


"Dragon King ?" Qing Pi couldn't help but cry out.    


Cao Ji covered Qing Pi's mouth as he scolded, "Idiot!"    


After all, he was an experienced veteran in the martial arts world. Cao Ji was very clear on the situation in front of him.    


Xia Lei slightly nodded his head, "There's no need to be so cautious here, but after leaving this place, you definitely can't make another mistake like this."    


"I was wrong, Master." The green-skinned man immediately changed his name.    


Xia Lei said: "Now is not the time to apologize and admit your wrongs. Tell me, how's the completion of the mission I gave you all?"    


Cao Ji glanced at the undead flamingo Burning Flame that was standing beside Xia Lei, then shifted his gaze onto the group of slaves that stood behind Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei understood his intentions, and said: "You guys wait at the back."    


The slaves from the slave market backed away, all obedient.    


The slaves had left, but Cao Ji had yet to speak.    


Xia Lei said: "It's one of us, speak."    


Only then did Cao Ji open his mouth and say, "Master, ever since you gave us that mission, we have been searching for a secret way to enter the Soul Returning Island. The funds you gave us were long gone, but we couldn't contact you, so ? We could only raise our own funds, and were captured by the Black Sun camp's spies. "    


"However, we did not divulge any secrets related to our master, and the spies in the Black Sun Camp only treated us as tomb robbers. They tried to kill us, but decided to sell us as slaves at the slave market. If it wasn't for Master buying us, we would still be executed. They wouldn't waste food for us. "    


"So you're making no progress?" Xia Lei said.    


"Not really." Cao Ji said: "We found out that on the first day of every Black Sun month, there would be a boat that would go to Soul Returning Island to deliver food and daily necessities."    


The first day of Black Sun?    


Xia Lei calculated in his heart, and then, his eyebrows wrinkled. The first day of this month's Black Sun was already over. There were still ten days until the first day of the next month's Black Sun, but he only had five days left.    


Suddenly, Xia Lei remembered something, "Who is the owner of this boat?"    


"It's a merchant called Black Wind. He's the brother-in-law of Commander Black Bei of the Black Sun Camp." Cao Ji said: "He also took down this business because he had Black Bei as his master. Every month, he would send ingredients and daily necessities to the Guihun Island on the first day of the month of Black Sun. That guy is extremely greedy. Cao Ji and I risked our lives to earn money because we wanted to gather enough money to make his heart move.    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, "He can bring people to the island?"    


Cao Ji replied: "Of course, someone must be able to move all the supplies onto the ship. I heard that he had done this kind of business before, accepted money from others, disguised that person as one of his employees, and then entered the Black Sun Palace."    


"Can you get in touch with him?" Xia Lei asked.    


Cao Ji said: "Master, we know where he lives, but we still need ten days to get there on the first day of the next Black Sun month."    


"I know that boat. It is indeed the first day of every Black Sun's month to enter the Soul Island, but it is never in advance nor late. There are still ten days until the first day of the next Black Sun month, but we don't have that much time left. "    


Xia Lei said: "That is for normal times, but right now there is a special situation. Five days later, the two princes will fight at Flame Volcano, and the winner will marry the Princess Young-ye. With such a great occasion, the island cannot possibly not require supplies. I am sure that within the next two days, the ship will arrive on the island, and more than once. "    


The marriage of a prince to a princess was a huge matter for the Black Sun Empire's royal family, and even for the entire Black Sun Empire. If that were the case, what face would the royal family have?    


Xia Lei then said: "Qingpi, take these slaves and leave the Doomsday City. Cao Ji, bring me to the merchant's residence called Black Wind, but don't touch him for now. "    


Qing Pi and Cao Ji accepted the order together.    


After everyone left the beach, Xia Lei gave Cao Ji a sum of money and handed over all the slave contracts to the corresponding slaves.    


"From now on, you are all free people. I only have one request, leave Doomsday City, and walk as far away as possible. Don't tell anyone about what happened today. " Xia Lei said.    


The group of slaves were instantly dumbstruck. They never would have thought that Xia Lei would spend so much money to buy them, yet let them go just like that, and give them the indenture contract. This was equivalent to giving them back their freedom.    


"Destroy your indenture contract and leave this place." Xia Lei then said: "Qing Pi, I will give you some money. If you run into any trouble along the way, you will spend it to settle. After leaving the city, you will give the rest to them."    


"Yes, Master." Qing Pi replied.    


The group of slaves finally regained their senses, and kneeled in front of Xia Lei, thanking him profusely.    


"All of you, come with me." Qing Pi took the money Xia Lei gave him and told the slaves to follow him.    


The kneeling slave then stood up and followed after Qing Pi. Qing Pi did not leave the riverbank and walk on the street, but walked down along the riverbank instead.    


Cao Ji then brought Xia Lei and the undead flamingo Burning Flame and left the beach, passed a bridge, and from another direction, walked towards the center of Doomsday City.    


However, not long after crossing the bridge, a group of people swarmed out of the shack area and blocked the way. This group of people all held weapons, blades and swords, energy arms s, most of them being night watcher. There were also Black Winged Men and Beastmen.    


Sometimes, you don't want to cause trouble, but trouble comes for you.    


"Cao Ji, didn't you get caught? Why are you back? " A leading night watcher said, yet his eyes were sizing up Xia Lei and the undead flamingo's flames. Especially when he was looking at the undead flamingo's flames, his eyes revealed a greedy look.    


Some parts of the Snakeskin man women were cold, but some people liked that kind of cold feeling.    


"Big brother Landwyrm, I ?" Cao Ji braced himself to explain, and then revealed a fawning smile on his face, "That was a misunderstanding, I've already come out. I'll treat you guys to a drink some other day, please make way."    


"Damn it!" Did you really think you were someone special just because I gave you face? Make way? "You know the rules for making way!" night watcher, who was called Earth Dragon, changed her expression and pushed Cao Ji to the ground with one palm strike.    


Cao Ji was originally not that weak, but he had just emerged from the slave market and was wounded, so he had not eaten anything for almost two days. He simply did not have the strength to resist, thus he was pushed down to the ground with a single palm from the Earth Dragon.    


The flames of fury burned in the undead flamingo's eyes.    


Xia Lei grabbed its hand, and said: "Friend, what are the rules for leaving the way? The first time we came, we didn't know the rules. Cao Ji is my slave, so I hope that you can show mercy. "    


"Who are you?" Earth Dragon stared at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, "I am a member of the Divine Blue Moon. My name is Snake Skin. I have been paying attention to Cao Ji for a long time. He is a talent in this area, so I bought him and brought him back to the Sacred Blue Moon. " After a pause, he added, "Tell me, how much do you want?"    


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