Tranxending Vision

C2346 Visit to Princess Yongye

C2346 Visit to Princess Yongye

A cargo ship was sailing for the Guihun Island.    


Inside the cargo ship, Xia Lei looked at the approaching Returning Soul Island, both excited and nervous. He thought of that piece of debris, which was on the Soul Returning Island. This time on the island, he could not help but think about it. What if he had a chance to obtain it?    


"You'd better not have any bad thoughts." The undead flamingo moved closer to Xia Lei's ear and said in a small voice, "That piece of debris is in the hands of the Great Emperor Black Sun. If you want to obtain that piece, you only have one way, and that is to kill him. Don't even think about it until you are able to do it. "    


Xia Lei kept his thoughts, and nodded his head. He wanted to think that he wouldn't lose anything, but once he did, he would die here. Right now, he couldn't even beat the Great Emperor Black Sun, not to mention the fact that there were two princes on this island, as well as the core members of the royal family who came to attend the wedding ceremony. Once they started fighting, he had no hope of winning.    


The cargo ship approached the Guihun Island, the energy shield opened it up, and after entering the cargo ship, the energy shield returned to normal.    


The freighter stopped at the dock, and the crew began to unload it, piling it up on the dock.    


The mound walked in front of Xia Lei and the undead flamingo Burning Flame, "We are here. You can bring some goods and enter the Black Sun Palace from the dock to take a look. Do not wander around, and do not cause any trouble. Otherwise, you will all die here.    


"We understand." Xia Lei said.    


undead flamingo Fen Yan also said: "Don't worry, we won't cause trouble."    


Xia Lei and Fen Yan followed the pile of soil and left the freighter, climbing up the pier. There were a few palace guards from the Black Sun Palace on the pier. Their gazes moved towards Xia Lei and the undead flamingo, Fen Yan.    


"Captain of the mound, has the new man changed? Have you registered? " A guard commander asked.    


The mound welcomed them with a face full of smiles, "Of course there's a registration. How can we neglect something like this? Oh yeah, I brought a present for the big brothers. "    


"Oh? "What gift?" A smile appeared on the Guard Commander's face as well.    


"Of course it's the old rules." After handing over a purse and patting her hands, a dozen women walked out from the cargo ship. There were women with black wings and butterflies. These women were all female slaves. Every time the goods were delivered, they would follow the ship to the island, serving the palace guards who were in charge of supervising the cargo ships.    


Therefore, sometimes, even though they knew that Black Wind's cargo ships were in violation of the rules, the palace guards who took advantage of the situation would still turn a blind eye. After all, how could a small salary be enough? If he could earn some extra money, why not? Furthermore, they had been guarding this island for so many years that not even women could touch it. Every month, the boats would bring female slaves to help them vent their flames.    


More than ten female slaves came to the dock and winked at the palace guards.    


"Hahaha!" Then my brothers and I will take them away, and after that, you can take them back. " The captain of the palace guards took a group of female slaves and his men to have some fun.    


Rules are dead, but people are alive. Shenyue Ruyi was the highest evolved existence in the blue moon man, but even she was unable to infiltrate the Returning Soul Island, so Xia Lei only used money and small fries to solve the problem.    


"You guys go ahead, remember what I said." The mound said to Xia Lei and the undead flamingo Fen Yan.    


Xia Lei and undead flamingo Burning Flame nodded. Then, each of them brought something with them as they followed the workers who were carrying the goods to the Black Sun Palace.    


The thousand meter tall Black Sun Palace stood by the side of the Blazing Mountain, like a sharp sword that pierced the clouds. Black fog shrouded the top of the mountain like a poisonous snake, giving people a feeling of great evil. This was the center of power for the Black Sun Empire. It was also the largest, most majestic palace Xia Lei had ever seen, and the other palaces couldn't even compare to it. Even if he were to compare his Palace and Dragon Palace, Great Emperor Black Sun's Black Sun Palace would definitely not be considered as Dubai Hotel at all. On the other hand, his Palace and Dragon Palace could only be considered residential buildings.    


A fork had appeared in the road leading to the Black Sun Palace, a fork was leading to the Black Sun Palace, and a fork was leading to the Blazing Mountain.    


"Let's go." When they arrived at the fork in the road, undead flamingo s, which were at the back of the group, flashed and entered the fork in the road, and in a blink of an eye, they entered a forest.    


Xia Lei followed closely behind, and along with the goods on his body, he followed the undead flamingo and entered the forest.    


The forest was dense, and dark energy flowed through every inch of the air.    


"Are you sure she's on this hill now?" Xia Lei followed the undead flamingo and climbed up the Burning Flame Mountain as he asked.    


undead flamingo Fen Yan said: "There is a place to stay at Blazing Flame Mountain, she lives there. If not summoned, she rarely goes to the Black Sun Palace. I understand her, the place she doesn't want to stay the most right now is the Black Sun Palace, because those two princes live inside the Black Sun Palace. "    


"Hopefully." Xia Lei quickened his pace.    


On the summit of the Blazing Mountain, Princess Young-ye stood on the edge of the cliff, looking towards the north. Behind her was an elegant courtyard that looked like a Jiangnan residence on Earth. The yard was shaded by trees, and the walls were covered with flowering vines.    


Standing on the side of the cliff, Princess Young-ye's white clothes were fluttering. However, her face was still covered by the black mask, making it impossible to see her face.    


To Xia Lei, she had pretty much found out all the secrets on her body, leaving her face as the only secret. All men have a common disease, and the more you can't get it, the more you want it. Similarly, the more they couldn't see, the more they wanted to see.    


Suddenly, Princess Young-ye's gaze moved in the direction of the undead flamingo's flames and Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei suddenly remembered that the Princess Young-ye seemed to also have the ability to see through things, and the ability to use energyetic root s to steal the memories in her brain. It was obvious that she had already discovered that he and the undead flamingo were burning in flames.    


"She found us!" Xia Lei reminded as he stopped in his tracks. If Princess Young-ye let out a loud roar at this time, then everything would be over.    


Just as he finished speaking, the body of the undead flamingo, Fen Yan, emitted a ball of blood colored flame. That ball of energy flame and the energy aura on Princess Young-ye's body were identical.    


Princess Young-ye suddenly jumped down from the cliff. Without waiting for undead flamingo fire to come close to her, she had already come over himself.    


In the blink of an eye, the Princess Young-ye had arrived at the cliff where the undead flamingo's flames and Xia Lei were.    


Although undead flamingo Burning Flame's body had mechanical parts and his skin was also dyed blue, he could already see the beast form of the undead flamingo in Princess Young-ye's line of sight. At that moment, she was both surprised and happy. He excitedly said, "Burning Flame!"    


"It's me, my Little Flame." The voice of the undead flamingo Burning Flame was also filled with excitement and joy at their reunion.    


"Little Flame?" Princess Young-ye was stunned, "Who is Little Flame?"    


"I ?" undead flamingo Burning Flame wanted to explain, but the secret in its heart was not something that could be explained with just a few words.    


Princess Young-ye continued to speak: "Fen Yan, you were sent by the Great Emperor to chase down the Dragon King. I thought you were dead, but I didn't expect you to come back.    


Xia Lei felt a headache coming on. The Dragon King was the Dragon King, but the Princess Young-ye had even added a "Damn it" prefix to it. He wondered why she hated him so much.    


undead flamingo Burning Flame said: "He did not die, he ?"    


Without waiting for the undead flamingo to finish speaking, Princess Young-ye's gaze suddenly shifted towards Xia Lei. In that moment, Xia Lei felt that the mechanical parts, clothes and the special pigments on his body had all disappeared, exposing himself in front of Princess Young-ye.    


She truly had the ability to see through things!    


If Xia Lei wanted to stop her view of the world, it would be very simple, but he didn't do that. He was different from undead flamingo s and flames. Any energy fluctuations that came from here could be detected, and if he revealed a defensive posture, it was very possible that the Princess Young-ye would attack him!    


"It's you!" Princess Young-ye's aura immediately strengthened as blood-red flames emerged from her body.    


In the next second, she might attack Xia Lei, or shout, summon her Great Emperor Black Sun, or even summon her two Royal Brothers. Xia Lei had never been this nervous, nor had he ever experienced such a situation. Everything within the opponent's control, even his life!    


"No!" The undead flamingo Burning Flame grabbed the Princess Young-ye's hand, "He's not an enemy!"    


"Burning Flame!" Princess Young-ye was furious: "What are you doing? You actually brought the enemies of the Empire to the Soul Returning Island! "    


"If you make a move or call for someone, I will die too." undead flamingo Burning Flame said.    


Princess Young-ye was startled, she did not attack Xia Lei, nor did she call for anyone. But her silence was brief, and she added, "You'd better give me a reasonable explanation!"    


"I ?" The undead flamingo's flames wanted to say something but hesitated.    


Xia Lei continued, "Princess Young-ye, it is your mother."    


"What are you talking about?" Princess Young-ye had somewhat lost control of her emotions.    


Xia Lei said: "That year, you were an egg of a undead flamingo; Great Emperor Black Sun took you away, and Fen Yan also came to Soul Returning Island. As a condition, it had to protect this secret forever. What I am telling you now is, what is waiting for you is not a wedding between a prince and princess, but a conspiracy. "    


Princess Young-ye scolded him, "If you keep spouting nonsense, I won't be polite anymore!"    


Xia Lei braced himself and continued, "Don't be agitated, listen to what I have to say. You must know about the prophecy that was passed down in the Black Sun Empire's royal family regarding the riding of the phoenix and you are the riding of the phoenix and pregnant woman. In two days, once the two princes have decided on the man you are married to, they will be with you that night. One month's time is enough for you to become pregnant, and at that time, you will be offered as a sacrifice to the Darkness Master Miyas.    


"This... "Impossible!" Princess Young-ye was even more agitated now.    


undead flamingo Fen Yan said: "Huo'er, my Huo'er, what he said is true."    


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