Tranxending Vision



A natural enemy?    


Two days later, Grate Sea's Doll.    


Xia Lei observed from atop the soft beach. The grayish-black sea water extended forward in his field of vision as raging waves churned. He could not see the end of it. Somehow, when he saw those rolling waves, he suddenly thought of the Mediterranean Sea and the absurd thing that happened with Yue Yexingzi in the Mediterranean Sea.    


If the one standing next to him was Yue Yexingzi, how good would it be if there were still four Female Knight.    


However, beside him stood a huge blood-red bird and Princess Yongye. Even now, he still could not believe that it was a mother and son. After all, Princess Yongyeheng looked up and down, and from a perspective, she was night watchman and not a Undead Firebird. However, the Undead Firebird Burning Flame had also said that the egg that hatched Princess Yongye appeared in its nest for no reason. From this perspective, it could actually be considered as Princess Yongye's foster mother and not mother.    


Then, who is Princess Yongye's biological son, mother?    


Thinking about this, Xia Lei shifted his gaze onto Princess Yongye. He thought to himself, "Could she be going to the Immortal Island because of this reason?"    


Princess Yongye's face was still covered by the black bandana. It was not an ordinary mask. Even a peek could not penetrate it. Standing on top of the beach, her long hair was floating, and her white clothes were floating in the wind.    


Princess Yongye suddenly looked over at Xia Lei. "Why are you so rude?" If you were to peek at me in the Apocalypse City, your eyes would be dug out! "    


Xia Lei smiled faintly, "You have to adapt to your current identity. You are no longer a princess. In the world of ordinary people, it is very normal for men to look at women and it is not against the law. "    


"Humph!" Princess Yongye snorted lightly and stopped talking to Xia Lei.    


Undead Firebird Fen Yan spoke, "I have already flown for two days, so I need a rest. This place can still be considered to be hidden. Let's rest here for the night, tomorrow morning I will take you all to the Immortal Island. "    


When they left the Apocalypse City, Xia Lei used his new energy to heal the Undead Firebird. During these two days, it had been acting as Xia Lei's and Princess Yongye's carriage.    


"Okay, we'll rest here tonight." Xia Lei agreed.    


Princess Yongye sat on the beach, staring blankly at the rising tides and falling tides of the sea.    


The Undead Firebird Burning Flame was also lying on top of the beach, quietly watching its "Huo Er".    


Xia Lei sat on the beach and started talking to them, "Huo Er, Di Yin, which of these two names should I call?"    


Princess Yongye ignored Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei smirked, "Then I'll call you Di Yin. After all, you must be used to this name. Hmm, did you wear that mask since you were a kid? I think you should welcome your new life with a new attitude now. Why don't you take off your mask? "    


He had wanted to see Di Yin's face from the first time he had seen her. This desire had never disappeared, and now it was even more intense.    


Di Yin said, "If you dig out your eyeballs, I'll take off my mask."    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "What's there to hide? Isn't it just two eyes, a Nose, and a mouth? "Pretending to be mysterious, I feel that you are not as beautiful as my Wife and Ye Ying. She is the most beautiful woman in night watchman."    


"Humph!" "Childish!" Di Yin's voice was full of disdain. "You want to use this to trick me? Dream on. "    


That was awkward.    


Xia Lei didn't talk to her anymore. He took out Sheng Wanglanling's metal sphere and opened it. From within, he took out a handful of seed and casually scattered them on the beach beside him.    


Di Yin looked at him curiously. "What are you doing?"    


Xia Lei still did not speak to her. He used his palm to gently caress the sand filled with seed. The sand grain rolled, and there was water vapor lingering around it. The seed began to take root in the sand and in the blink of an eye, they had turned into a piece of Cyan grass. The grass was filled with colorful flowers, it was extremely beautiful.    


Di Yin and the Undead Firebird's flames were instantly attracted, the mother and daughter pair's gaze both gathered on the grass beside Xia Lei. Cyan grass, this was an existence that was more rare than anything in the Dark world of death. The grass in this world were either black, gray or grayish-black, and they had never been green in the first place.    


Green represented life. Xia Lei's surroundings were filled with vitality. His seed was actually unable to take root and germinate on top of the Dark world of death's beach, because this world simply did not allow the existence of the opposing cosmos s. However, the solution to this problem was very simple, and that was to prop up an energy shield and block the weak life force of grass's Little Flower.    


After planting, Xia Lei laid down on the soft grass, his head resting on the arm and his mouth holding a blade of grass. He looked up at the dark sky, looking very comfortable.    


Di Yin moved closer and reached her hand out towards grass.    


Xia Lei said, "Take your small hand away."    


Di Yin said, "I just want to see what's going on with the grass and flowers. I've never seen them before."    


"The person with the mask won't show you." Xia Lei said.    


"Stingy, hmph!" Di Yin fumingly retorted, "If you don't want to watch, then don't want to watch!"    


Undead Firebird Burning Flame sighed, "Can you not be noisy? Right now, we are not enemies, but Friends who shared hardships."    


Di Yin said, "He and I are not Friends."    


Xia Lei smiled. "I don't think it's Friends either."    


The Undead Firebird Burning Flame sighed again, "Dragon King, can you give me a stalk of grass? I'd like to see the kind that blooms. "    


"No problem." Xia Lei pulled out a blossoming grass, casually threw it to the side of the Undead Firebird, Fen Yan.    


Undead Firebird Burning Flame picked it up with his mouth, and then passed it to Di Yin. "Huo Er, take a look."    


Di Yin stretched out her hand to grab the blossoming grass. However, before she could take a closer look, the grass suddenly withered and turned into fine powder that slid down from her fingers.    


Di Yin looked at her empty palm with her mouth agape. She was stunned for quite a while before she regained her senses. Then, she shifted her sight onto Xia Lei. "What's going on?"    


Xia Lei ignored her.    




You're a princess, and I'm even a f * * king king king Ghost Country's monarch!    


Undead Firebird Fen Yan said: "He is the seventh Creator."    


"What?" Di Yin cried out in surprise. In her mind, Xia Lei was just a rebel leader, the so called Lord of Ghost Country. However, she did not recognize his identity, and she even thought it was funny. Creator, this was the first time she had heard of this identity. Furthermore, it came from the mouth of her mother Undead Firebird, how could she not be shocked!    


"He has the ability to create life. In his kingdom, Ghost People calls him seventh god." Undead Firebird Burning Flame said.    


"God?" The way Di Yin looked at Liu Tie was a little different, but she didn't want to believe that this sloppy and slightly lecherous Human Men was seventh god. It had to be known that with his identity as a human, he was only worth a dollar or two in the Black Sun. Yet, such a lowly human, worth one or two dollars, actually possessed the ability to create life and even became a god. Isn't this too heaven-defying?     


The Undead Firebird Burning Flame continued: "I saw him modifying those Ghost People with my own eyes, his energy is incomparably mystical."    


"Heh." Xia Lei said, "Fen Yan, I'm still here. Are you going to tell her all my secrets?"    


Undead Firebird Fen Yan said: "She is my daughter, of course I have to tell her. She is also going to the Sun city, so I want to let her understand the situation between you and your city first. "    


"mother, I'm not going to his city." Di Yin rejected immediately.    


The Undead Firebird Burning Flame said: "Huo Er, don't be impulsive. This world is controlled by The Great Emperor of the Black Sun, other than the Dragon King's Sun city, no matter where we hide, we will be discovered by him, and then fall into his hands again."    


Di Yin went silent. Even though she didn't say anything, she knew that the Undead Firebird Burning Flame was speaking the truth. Now, other than Xia Lei who took her in, there was no place for her in the Dark world of death although she was big!    


The Undead Firebird Burning Flame continued to speak: "My Huo Er, once we are captured by The Great Emperor of the Black Sun, he will kill me and you will become a sacrifice to Master of Darkness and Ming Yasi. No matter what, I do not wish to see you become a sacrifice."    


"But isn't that my mission?" Di Yin's voice was faint.    


"That's just a mission imposed on you." Xia Lei said, "I also have that mission on me, but I've been trying hard to fight for it. There is a saying in my hometown, my life is not up to the heavens. Your fate should be in your hands, not others' hands. If you don't even have the courage to struggle, how can you face mother who raised you and risked her life to save you? Yes, and me. You should fight with me. I believe there's always a way to solve our problems. "    


Di Yin was silent for a moment. "Alright then. After we go to the Immortal Island, I will follow you to the city of Sun."    


Xia Lei's mouth revealed a smile, "However, there are no people wearing scarves in the city."    


Di Yin snorted lightly. "Then I'll be the first one."    


"Why don't you take off your mask?" Xia Lei was depressed, "Why?"    


Di Yin said, "Of course I have my reasons. You don't need to care about them. And why do you want me to take the towel off? What do you want? "    


Xia Lei was speechless. His gaze suddenly shifted to the sky.    




A huge dead beast suddenly fell from the sky, smashing at the side of the Undead Firebird, Burning Flame's side. Sand flew, and the beach also had an additional large pit.    


"Little sister Fen Yan! You must be hungry, right? I brought you something to eat. " The dragon's voice.    


Undead Firebird Burning Flame had a painful expression on his face, and then buried his head into the beach.    


"Master, it must have been really hard on you to chase me." Mei Daisuo's voice.    


It must have had a "Yo" when it spoke.    


Xia Lei felt a headache coming on as he muttered in his heart, "Yo, your sister …"    


A towering youth and a bald woman descended from the sky. The following night was destined to not be quiet.    


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