Tranxending Vision

C2423 Wrath of the Great Emperor

C2423 Wrath of the Great Emperor

Weak fires danced in the ancient temple, but those fires could not dispel the darkness and the cold of the ancient temple. The indescribable coldness did not only freeze his body, but his soul as well.    


Yin Cao felt the same way. She was afraid to come to this shrine, and every time she did, it would be extremely painful for her.    


Yuan was kneeling beside the resurrection pit, on a black cushion. He had his back facing Yin Cao, but his kneeling figure was actually a head taller than Yin Cao. It was an incomparable majesty that gave people a strong sense of oppression.    


Yin Cao had already explained everything she had heard, from her first meeting with "Ye Kui", to her seduction and killing "Ye Kui", and her sudden attack by a dark wolf. Before coming here, she had already repeated herself several times, afraid that she would miss something or say something wrong. Now, she was waiting for Yuan to respond, but Yuan didn't even have the slightest reaction.    


Just like this, one was on his knees without any reaction, while the other was standing while enduring the cold. Not a single sound could be heard within this ancient shrine, as silent as a grave.    


It was unknown when this ancient shrine was built, and very few people knew where it was. However, to the followers of the Darkness Divine Religion, it was a supreme holy land. When the darkness returned, it would be eternal darkness. Everything would go down to nothingness, and only darkness would last forever. Only Miyas was a true god. This was the teachings of the Darkness Divine Religion, so the name of the shrine was taken from here.    


The Terminator Divine Hall wasn't on the ground, it was underground. It was located to the east of Doomsday City, the most eastern place of the Black Sun Empire. Behind it was an empty desert, the God Meteor Desert. It was said that the Darkness Master Miyas had fallen, and even the devils did not dare to enter that cursed area.    


In a moment, Deep Sword finally had movement. He slowly stood up, his huge body was twice as big as Yin Cao's. The delicate and exquisite Yin Cao looked like a baby that had just learned how to stand under Yuan Yuan's back.    


Abyss turned, his face invisible in the darkness beneath the black hood. His style was actually similar to Carcia Ruiz's, but the latter was obviously unable to compare with him, and was not just much weaker.    


Pure energy existed in the world, just like humans. Some people could fight against ten people, and they were very powerful, but some people were very weak, and could only be trampled on by others.    


Yin Cao lowered her head, not daring to look at Yuan Yuan directly.    


Yuan Yuan's voice came out from a face that couldn't be seen, "So you're saying, the Great Emperor Black Sun attacked us?"    


Yin Cao said with a trembling voice, "I don't dare to make a judgement on this, but... This is what the Palace's Yin Wolf said after he killed my sisters. He said his other mission is to kill us. "    


Yuan Yuan was silent for a moment before saying, "I know that person, it's a very sinister fellow. His strength is far above yours, so logically, he shouldn't have left anyone alive. But you guys actually came back."    


Yin Cao's heart was ice-cold.    


"However, no matter what the reason is, the reason why he attacked you is to attack the Darkness Divine Religion. His identity is very special, don't take any action, now is not the time to start a war with the Great Emperor Black Sun. There was no emotion in Yuan Yuan's voice, as if it came from the bottom of an abyss.    


Yin Cao replied solemnly, "Yes, His Holiness."    


Yuan Yuan's voice, "Are you dissatisfied in your heart? The Twelve Saintess are like sisters, and the Shadow Wolf killed your sisters. In your heart, you really want me to avenge you, but I told you not to act without authorization. "    


Yin Cao dropped to her knees, "His Holiness, I am not the least bit dissatisfied."    


Yuan Yuan said: "It is understandable that you are unhappy in your heart, but you must know, our goal is to replace the Black Sun Empire and not to kill a dark wolf. He killed a few of your sisters, so he is the enemy of our Darkness Divine Religion. None of the enemies in Darkness Divine Religion would live, it was just that the timing was wrong. When Great Emperor Black Sun attacks us, we will retreat and wait for him to fight the Dragon King to the death. At that time, I will personally avenge you and kill the Shadow Wolves. "    


Two black tears fell from the corner of Yin Cao's eyes, she was so moved that even her voice started to tremble, "The darkness returns, the darkness lasts forever, and everything belongs to death. Only the darkness lasts eternally, and Miyas is the only true god." Then she added, "The Pope is the only king."    


"Hahaha ?" "The scene that I want to see the most right now is the scene when the Dragon King Army arrived at the outskirts of the city. Yin Cao, tell me, who do you think will obtain the final victory in the battle between the Dragon King and Great Emperor Black Sun?"    


Yin Cao shook her head, "I don't know."    


Yuan Yuan turned around and knelt on the black prayer mat, "Go, remember my words. Right now, you only need to gather information on Doomsday City and Dragon King, do not take any action."    


"Yes, His Holiness." Yin Cao stood up and bowed as she retreated towards the entrance of the shrine.    


"When darkness returns, darkness will always remain, and all things will belong to death. Only darkness will last forever, and Miyas will be the true god. Great Miyas, the day of your revival is drawing closer and closer ? "    


At the same time.    


Doomsday City, Black Sun Palace.    


"Bastard!" A bunch of trash! " Sky King Di Kun angrily smashed the wine cup in his hand. He thought that he would get some good news, but what he got instead was the bad news about the occupied White Hair City.    


"Big brother, although we lost the city and hundreds of thousands of soldiers, our goal has been reached." The King of Earth, Di Jiuyou, said indifferently: "At least, we killed Ye Kui."    


Sky King Di Kun snorted, "Hmph! Is it useful? The common Rebel Army did not have any internal strife, and a few core generals did not fight for power. What is the difference between paying such a huge price to kill Ye Kui and killing an ordinary senior officer of the Rebel Army? "    


Earth King Di Jiuyou said coldly, "Big Brother, are you questioning the Emperor's strategy?"    


Sky King Di Kun bellowed: What are you saying? When have I ever questioned the Emperor's strategy? "    


"Don't fight anymore, you two brothers. There are no internal conflicts in the, so why are you two fighting? Isn't this going to hit the spot of the Dragon King?"    


Sky King Di Kun and Earth King Di Jiuyou snorted coldly, but did not continue the fight.    


Di Sha said, "The Dragon King's strategy is very clear. He is waiting for the civilian Rebel Army to fight to the Doomsday City and then meet up with the civilian Rebel Army to take over the Doomsday City in one fell swoop. Right now, he was hiding in the City of the Sun, recuperating and accumulating his energy. Di Yin betrayed us. The Eastern Region King Di Xie is dead, the Southern Region King Di Prison is dead, and the Western Region King Diaro is also dead. Of the four emperors, only I am left. The situation is moving in a bad direction, and my heart is full of worry. "    


When Di Kun and Di Jiuyou heard the name "Di Yin", their eyes revealed very obvious hatred. The most noble princess of the empire, the most beautiful woman of the empire. She should have been the wife of one of them, then became the great "Phoenix Rider and Pregnant", but now she had become the wife of the Dragon King, that damned lowly human!    


"You seem to have overlooked a person." Di Ma who had not spoken up until now suddenly spoke up.    


The three men's gazes gathered on Di Ma.    


Di Ma said: "As the person who killed Ye Kui, the Palace's Yin Wolf, he still hasn't returned yet. Under normal circumstances, he should have returned long ago and personally told us about this information. "    


"That's right, why hasn't that Shadow Wolf come back yet?" It was only then that Di Sha remembered such a character.    


Di Kun and Di Jiuyou could not help but look at each other, their eyes filled with confusion. That's right, why hasn't the yin wolf that killed Ye Kui returned yet? Not only did he not come back, there was no news at all!    


Just at this time, a sinister voice came from above the main hall of Black Sun, "The Dark Wolf is probably already dead."    


The air trembled as Great Emperor Black Sun appeared on the dark throne. Her eyes were like lightning and she had an incomparably mighty and domineering aura.    


The two princes, Di Sha and Di Ma both knelt down.    


"Great Emperor." Di Sha said, "Your words make me feel nervous. If the Dark Wolf is already dead, then the one who made a move must be the Dragon King. Is he in Rebel Army?"    


Great Emperor Black Sun's voice sounded, "I'm not sure. I was waiting for him to appear, but I couldn't sense his aura."    


"If the wolf really did die, then he must be somewhere nearby." Di Kun said, "Great Emperor, let me go. I want to kill him and bring Di Yin back."    


Great Emperor Black Sun said indifferently: "You want to see Di Yin, right? Do you think I don't know what you're thinking? "    


Di Kun lowered his head, he did not dare admit it, much less deny it.    


Di Jiuyou said coldly: "Big Brother, that woman has already forced us to become her. She has even become the woman of that lowly and lowly human.    


Di Kun glared at Di Jiuyou, "Di Yin has always been the medium to revive the Darkness Master Miyas, so no matter what, we have to find her and bring his back. Our feelings are not important, the important thing is to ride the phoenix and conceive! "    


"Enough!" The Great Emperor Black Sun scolded them, "With your performance, are you still hoping to become the new King?"    


Di Kun and Di Jiuyou both shut their mouths, not even daring to breathe loudly.    


The Great Emperor Black Sun said, "That guy's strategy is getting more and more obvious. Does he think that I can't tell that he is using the power of the common Rebel Army to lure important figures of the empire? Well, I'll satisfy him. The King of the Northern Territories, and Di Ma, you guys go back to the Northern Region to conscript a million troops, then go to Styx City and guard it. "    


Di Sha raised his head, looking at the Great Emperor Black Sun sitting on the throne, "Great Emperor, you clearly know that he's luring us to our deaths, but you still want Di Ma and I to go?"    


There was dissatisfaction in his voice.    


Great Emperor Black Sun suddenly stood up, her voice overflowing with anger and dignity, "Are you going to defy my will?"    


Di Sha lowered his head, "I don't dare, let's go back to the north now and recruit more troops."    


The Great Emperor Black Sun's voice softened a little, "Go, the blue moon man will help you. I have already reached an agreement with their King. The Dragon King wants to lure you all to death, but I want to kill him! "    


Had the final battle happened before?    


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