Tranxending Vision

C2436 Nirvana Queen

C2436 Nirvana Queen

Watch your words. If you displease my beloved wife, I'll kill you. These were the words Xia Lei left behind before he left. When had the Empire's princes ever been threatened like this? He was the only one who dared to threaten others. No one had ever dared to threaten him before. However, what made the Empire's princes suffer the most wasn't the threat itself, but the feeling of grief and loneliness. The woman he loved was already married to someone else, but his father, whom he respected and idolized, had abandoned him and sent him to die for the sake of the stability of the imperial family. Compared to the pain of his loved ones betraying him, what was the pain of Xia Lei's threats?    


The fire phoenix also felt the pain on Di Kun's body, but it did not expose the sympathy it felt for him in her heart. Because a wolf is a wolf, no matter how good you are to it, it will still eat you when it is hungry. She and Di Kun had grown up together, so how could she not understand what kind of person Di Kun was?    


"Di Yin..." Di Kun broke the silence in the hall.    


The fire phoenix immediately frowned. "Di Yin is already dead, and standing in front of you is the fire phoenix, the patriarch of the undead flamingo race, and the wife of the Dragon King."    


Di Kun laughed bitterly, "Alright, although I am not willing to accept this fact, I still have to admit that it is. Fire Phoenix, by his side, how are you doing?"    


The fire phoenix revealed a smile. "I've been doing very well. The time I've spent with him is the happiest time of my life."    


"I hear he has six more wives."    


The Flamephoenix said, "I know what you're trying to say. I got along well with his other six wives. He was the most outstanding God in the world, so what if he married seven wives? I'm honored to marry him. "    


In her heart, Xia Lei was a god, and the most outstanding one at that.    


Di Kun laughed bitterly, "Then I can relax, I've always been worried that you would have a bad time by his side, but seeing the smile on your face when you mentioned him, I realized that all of my worries are unnecessary. I don't expect to have you now. I just want you to be happy. If you are happy, I am very happy. "    


Suddenly realizing that he was the person who had been abandoned, the Empire's first prince seemed to have a 'good' factor in him. This was very similar to the kindness of a man about to die.    


The Flamephoenix lightly said, "It's better not to talk about this. I don't want to hear it. What else do you have to tell me? If not, I'll go back. It's time for you to go back. This place is dangerous for you. "    


The smile on Di Kun's face became even wider, "I am already a person who has been abandoned. Father sent me here to deliver a letter, it was just a letter, but he clearly knew that the Dragon King would most likely kill me. "Say, it's time for me to go back. This world is so big, but where can I go?"    


"The Di Kun that I know is not like that. Are you giving up now?" The Flamephoenix said.    


A hint of hatred flashed past Di Kun's eyes, but it disappeared in a flash. He smirked, "I won't give up, so why would I do such a thing? Kill Di Jiuyou? Or the Emperor? Even if I have that kind of heart, I still don't have that ability. "    


"Then what are you going to do?"    


Di Kun stayed silent for a while before replying, "I don't know either."    


The Flamephoenix said, "How about I give you a suggestion?"    


"What?" Di Kun's eyes immediately lit up, "What suggestion is it?"    


"Surrender, surrender to my royal husband." The Flamephoenix said.    


Di Kun was stunned on the spot. Even if Xia Lei exposed his motive of borrowing a person's knife to kill someone, he understood that after being abandoned by the Great Emperor Black Sun, he had never thought of betraying the Black Sun Empire, and had never surrendered to the Dragon King. It was as if the identity of the Empire's Sky King was engraved on his body. He had always been proud of this identity, and this identity had given him everything he had in the past. It had brought glory and wealth, wine and beauties, as well as unparalleled glory. However, the moment he surrendered and submitted to the Dragon King, that would mean he had to give up on these! To him, this was a choice that was even harder than death!    


"You really can't bear to part with it." The Flamephoenix said.    


"What do you mean?"    


The fire phoenix said, "I know that you can't let go of your status as the Sky King, but if the empire doesn't exist anymore, how can there still be a Sky King? Do you think that my royal husband cannot defeat the Great Emperor Black Sun, or do you think that my several million strong army cannot defeat the Doomsday City? "    


Di Kun went silent, he was unwilling to admit it, he was even unwilling to think.    


The Flamephoenix continued, "The fires of revolution have already been ignited throughout the empire. The destruction of the empire is only a matter of time. I will definitely break through the gates of Doomsday City, and I will also take my husband's hand and walk into the Black Sun Palace, filling up the resurrection pit. If you surrender at that time, you have no value at all. If you surrender now and submit to the Dragon King, you will be able to establish a meritorious service to the new night watcher. I promise you, you will definitely become a king in the future. "    


Di Kun became silent again, his heart at war with the heavens. On the other hand, he was eager to give up his father's life. On the one hand, it was the promised benefits from the betrayal of his sister and the new king of foreign races. Should he believe it?    


"If you have a choice, then leave." The Flamephoenix said.    


"In the future ?" Di Kun hesitated for a moment before saying: "If I still have a future, I want to know whether it's you becoming king or him becoming king?"    


The Flamephoenix said, "I am the king, and my husband disdains being the king of the night watcher."    


"Then I ?" Di Kun hesitated a bit more before finally making a decision, "Then I'll submit to you, what do you want me to do?"    


The Flamephoenix said, "You will know, but I don't see your sincerity."    


Di Kun was startled for a moment, then suddenly lowered his head and kneeled down, "Di Kun pays his respect to my king."    


However, Di Kun was different. If he could not be the arrogant head of an imperial prince, then he would not truly submit. In the past, Di Kun was her big brother, suppressing her at every turn. Now, she had to let Di Kun understand that she was his king, her will could not be disobeyed!    


"Get up." When the fire phoenix saw this, it stopped.    


Di Kun stood up. After kneeling down, he seemed to have let go of the burden in his heart, and his expression became relaxed as well. "Fire Phoenix, what do you want me to do?"    


The fire phoenix lightly said, "You have to call me the Nirvana Queen."    


Di Kun seemed to realize that he had gotten ahead of himself and lowered his head, "Nirvana Queen."    


Nirvana Queen, this name was not suddenly picked by the Fire Phoenix herself, but was given to her by Xia Lei a few days ago. Even before the decisive battle had begun, her husband was already preparing her to claim the throne.    


The fire phoenix said, "You must remember, I am your queen, and the dragon king is my god. What he says is God's will, and you must follow it unconditionally. I gave you this way for the sake of the past, you must cherish it. If you have the slightest intention of betraying me, then don't blame me for being impolite. "    


Di Kun's head drooped even lower, he suddenly understood that the woman in front of him was not his sister, Di Yin, but his king!    


"Darling, what do you want him to do? You should tell him. " the Flamephoenix said into the corridor.    


Xia Lei walked out from the corridor with a faint smile on his face, "Di Kun, you made the right decision. Unlike your father, I have never treated anyone who followed me unfairly. Since you've pledged your allegiance to the fire phoenix, that is the same as submitting to me. If you help us deal with the Great Emperor Black Sun, overthrow the Black Sun Empire, then you will be the king of the northern territories. "    


Nothing is more convincing than the actual benefits. "Di Kun's eyes shone with excitement," Respected Dragon King, what do you want me to do? I do as I am told. "    


Xia Lei said: "I want you to do two things. The first is when the Rebel Army attacks the Doomsday City, you have to close down the energy shield at the heart of the city, and lead your army to coordinate with the Rebel Army to attack the city."    


Di Kun said: "No problem, I can do it. What's the second thing?"    


Xia Lei said: "The second thing I want you to do is..."    


Di Kun suddenly closed his eyes and fainted.    


The Flamephoenix was startled as she asked in surprise, "Husband, you ?"    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "This is what I want him to do."    


The Flamephoenix smirked and said unhappily, "Can't you just tell me directly? Why did you knock him out? If you want to kill him, I can kill him right now. "    


Xia Lei said: "If I wanted to kill him, why would I do so much? I can kill him as soon as he comes. Furthermore, you can't kill Di Kun either. If Di Kun dies in your hands, the Great Emperor Black Sun will successfully transfer the hatred between the Empire's royal families and nobles to you. Also, he was once your brother after all. You will soon become the new king of the night watcher and you can't carry the notoriety of being a murderer of your brothers on your back. The Great Emperor Black Sun wants you to kill Di Kun and discredit your image. How could you fall for his trap? "    


Flamephoenix thought for a moment. "But I still don't understand what you meant by knocking him out."    


Xia Lei moved closer to her ear, blew on the hot air, and said: "What I want Di Kun to do is very simple ?"    


As the Flamephoenix listened, her beautiful crystal clear face became redder and redder. The blood coloured phoenix's eyes also had a hint of amorous charm that would cause one's imagination to run wild. That's right, the woman's ears were so sensitive, how could he blow hot air like that? Wasn't his bragging a blatant provocation?    


After Xia Lei finished speaking, he said another personal matter, "Wife, I missed you so much, we haven't slept together for a long time, look ?"    


The Flamephoenix looked bashful and nervous. "I'm pregnant, so I'll go ask Tai Mei to accompany you."    


It was Yuan Taimei again, the great beauty who hated others.    


Xia Lei sighed, "I will look for her myself, there's no need for you to call me."    


The fire phoenix held onto Xia Lei's arm, and said with a gentle voice, "Husband, just bear with it, once our child is born, you can do whatever you want."    


"How long will that take?"    


"We'll have to wait as long as we can."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Where was the proper business?    


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