Tranxending Vision

C2439 Night Assault Apocalypse City

C2439 Night Assault Apocalypse City

Doomsday City was at peace under the night sky.    


The energy shield that was propped up by the Heart of Empire was transparent, but it could be vaguely seen. In the past, it was the most reliable barrier on the city walls. But after seven days ago, it was blasted apart by the City of the Sun alive and hundreds of warplanes bombarded the Doomsday City, its position in the hearts of the defending army was no longer the same as before.    


Above the city gate, a soldier looked up at the sky. Ever since the surprise attack on the City of the Sun seven days ago, he and many of his comrades had gotten used to it. When they were standing guard and patrolling the night, they would occasionally look up at the sky, worried that the City of the Sun would appear again.    


The sky was completely silent. There were no stars in the sky, only dim yellow and dim light. The warrior who was looking at the sky silently breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't see that huge city that could fly.    


All of a sudden, the space around them shook, and a series of huge cracks suddenly appeared on the Doomsday City's energy shield.    


The warrior who was looking at the sky saw a crack streaking across the sky above his head. Subconsciously, he lowered his head in pursuit. In just that little bit of time, the entire energy shield disappeared. No shards fell off, it wasn't a real glass cover after all.    


"General--General--" The soldier shouted, "Not good! "Oh no!"    


Actually, he wasn't the only one who noticed it. There were quite a few people who noticed it in other places as well, and cries of surprise rose and fell one after another. Panic and fear spread through the defenders like the wind.    


Right at this moment, a golden light suddenly swooped down from the sky above, landing right above Doomsday City. The golden light was dazzling, and one could vaguely see the figure in the golden light.    


A new energy shield suddenly appeared and covered the entire city. Immediately after, the sky shook violently once again as a gigantic City of the Sky appeared in the sky above the golden figure. It was huge, with dazzling lights. It was filled with luxurious and grand palaces, a comprehensive community filled with science fiction, and terrifying energy cannons.    


A second passed.    


"The Dragon King is coming!"    


"Dragon King's Assault!"    


"City of the Sun! City of the Sun! "    


There was a roar of panic, and the silence of the night sky and the city was gone.    


When Xia Lei came, the Great Emperor Black Sun gave the life of a son as a price in order to lie to him for a month in order to battle with him in the Nirvana Sento. He didn't want to give up, so she decided to start the final battle tonight. Although seven days was a short period of time, the City of the Sun and the civilian Rebel Army had basically completed their integration, and the related war preparations were also more or less complete. If they could fight, then why wait until one month later?    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


Sou sou sou ?    


Right after Xia Lei and City of the Sun appeared, all the artillery positions in the Doomsday City began to open fire frantically. energy missile s, artillery shells, and even heavy energy cannon ammunition flew towards Xia Lei and City of the Sun with a blinding light. The scene was like a rain of light.    


Rumble rumble rumble! Rumble ?    


The sound of an intense explosion could be heard from far away. Unfortunately, the Great Emperor Black Sun and the Sixth God could not be heard. They were currently searching for Xia Lei in the pitch black abyss.    


When the Doomsday City's air defense firepower was unleashed, Di Jiuyou was in the middle of a bunch of girls, enjoying the pleasure the heavens had given to men. In his view, tonight was the best day of his life to celebrate. Great Emperor Black Sun and Azrael Diarro had gone to hunt down the enemy of the empire, the Dragon King, but his opponent had suffered a crushing defeat in front of him, losing even the most basic of dignity. What could be more celebratory than everything that had happened today?    


However, the ear-splitting sounds of energy cannon shots and energy ammunition's explosion suddenly rang out, shattering everything.    


"Fuck?" "What's the situation?" Di Jiuyou crawled up from the crowd of women and looked outside the window in surprise. He then saw the energy missile s and cannons flying towards the sky like raindrops and the entire sky was illuminated by the energy ammunition s.    


After being stunned for a second, Di Jiuyou dashed to the side of the window without even putting on his pants. Shifting his gaze to the sky, he was completely dumbfounded. He saw that golden figure, as though it was the descent of a god. He also saw the incomparably huge City of the Sky. The city's palaces, buildings, and pyramids were all clearly visible! He even saw a scene that the people on the ground could not see, and that was the gathering of soldiers at the city gate. It was densely packed, and it was simply a sea of people!    


"Report ?" A panicked voice came from outside the door.    


But Di Jiuyou did not hear the voice, he looked at the City of the Sun in shock, at the golden figure underneath the City of the Sun. Even though he couldn't see the golden figure's face, he knew who it was. That person was that damned dragon king!    


Shouldn't the Dragon King be in the Nirvana Sento?    


Why did he suddenly come here?    


These two questions were actually one problem, as well as a terrifying demon.    


"Report ?" The voice from outside the door sounded again, full of nervousness and fear.    


This time, the person outside finally summoned Di Jiuyou's soul back. He suddenly let out a furious roar, and rushed out without even wearing his clothes.    


In the main hall of the Black Sun, the gigantic Heart of Empire shattered one by one and fell to the ground. From a purely value point of view, the heart of the empire was even more precious than the Yin Yang Runic Blood-crystal on Xia Lei's body, and its value was also greater. It had to be known that it was, after all, the largest Runic Blood-crystal in the Dark Death World, and could provide two layers of energy shield. Among them, the energy shield s that the "pupils" provided were not even able to blast the City of the Sun's main cannon. One could imagine how tough and powerful they were.    


However, the heart of the Empire, which was known as the most precious treasure of the Empire, was shattered.    


The one who broke the Empire's heart was not the Empire's enemy, but the Empire's Prince, King Di Kun!    


He had shattered the empire's heart, causing the two layers of energy shield to disappear along with the appearance of the City of the Sun and Xia Lei. The continuous stimulation had awakened the hypnosis command left deep in his soul by Xia Lei, causing all the erased memories to return. He knew what he was doing and what the consequences of destroying the Empire's Heart were. However, he did not regret it, not even a little bit!    


"Boom!" "Boom!"    


The deafening sound of footsteps came from outside the Black Sun Palace, followed by a Di Jiuyou who was wearing a cape around his waist that rushed in. Behind him, all the well-equipped soldiers rushed into the Black Sun Main Hall like a tide. Not only were there warriors of Di Kun's Earth King Army, there were also warriors of Di Kun's Sky King Army. They were all the elite soldiers of the Empire, and they were all descendants of nobility. The commoners were not qualified to enter the King's army or the Earth King army.    


The sound of artillery was rumbling outside, and the entire city was trembling.    


Yet a strange silence reigned in the main hall of the Black Sun. All the soldiers of the King's Army and King's Army looked at Di Kun who was standing in front of the Throne, as well as the pieces of the Empire's Heart that fell to the ground. As for Di Kun, his gaze swept across the familiar and unfamiliar faces one after another, before finally stopping on Di Jiuyou's face. He did not hide the pleasure of revenge in his eyes, nor the smile that came from the bottom of his mouth.    


"Di Kun ? ?" Di Jiuyou suddenly erupted, and bellowed madly: "You bastard! What have you done! "    


Di Kun shrugged his shoulders, "Is there even a need to ask? "You are not blind. I believe you have already seen the Dragon King's city and the Dragon King. The Empire is finished."    


"You madman! "Traitor!" Di Jiu wished he could tear Di Kun apart.    


Di Kun laughed and said: "You said that you have won everything, but will you still say that now? Yes, I am a traitor, I have betrayed the dragon, I have pledged my allegiance to the dragon. Didn't the Emperor choose you? He sent me to send that written challenge for the Dragon King to kill me. The Emperor made a good choice, didn't he? "Hahahaha!"    


Di Jiuyou's eyes were about to spew fire.    


Di Kun laughed and said: "My good little brother, didn't you use a blade to kneel in front of the emperor and force him to choose you to abandon me? You got what you wanted, but so what? You said you were fiercer than me, smarter than me, more like the Great Emperor, so you won, but what did you win? Hahaha, why don't you tell me. "    


Earlier, in this very same Black Sun Palace, Di Jiuyou had used the attitude of a victor to humiliate his brother. In his eyes, his brother was just a complete and utter failure, he could easily beat him or ridicule him. Now that Di Kun had even given him back the ridicule, although he didn't hit him, he felt worse than death!    


"Kill him!" Di Jiuyou roared.    


The Earth King Army immediately responded, rushing towards Di Kun like a tide.    


Di Kun suddenly roared: Who dares? Stop them! "    


The Heavenly King Legion soldiers reacted instinctively, and they too rushed forward, blocking the path of the Earth King Legion soldiers.    


Di Jiuyou bellowed: What are you fellows trying to do? He is no longer your King of Heaven, he is a traitor! Didn't you hear what he just said? He has betrayed us, he has destroyed the heart of the Empire, he has drawn our enemies! Kill him! "    


The soldiers of the King's Legion hesitated. They did not know whether to listen to Di Jiuyou's orders or if they should listen to his commands. If nothing else happened in front of them, they would definitely listen to Di Kun's orders. But under the current situation, if he still listened to Di Kun's orders, it would be equivalent to betraying another enemy along with Di Kun! The Great Emperor Black Sun's might and deterrence was deeply rooted, who would dare to betray them?    


Di Kun also roared: "The empire has been destroyed! Follow me and follow the Dragon King, and you can live! Otherwise, all of you will die! "    


Di Jiuyou suddenly grabbed a blade, and jumped out from the crowd, slashing towards Di Kun. In the end, the Heavenly King Army was nurtured and raised by Di Kun, it was almost impossible for them to suddenly stand on his side. The Heavenly King Army had the responsibility to protect Di Kun, so it was normal for the soldiers of the Earth King Army to attack Di Kun. However, he did not have any qualms, the Earth King Army would not stop him, the Sky King Army did not even dare to stop him, and he wanted to kill Di Kun with all his might!    


"Boom ~ ~ ~"    


With a loud noise, the entire ghost island suddenly shook violently, and the Black Sun Palace also started to shake violently. Scorching hot energy shock wave s rushed in from the main hall's entrance, instantly overturning a large number of the Heavenly King and Earth King Legions.    


And Di Jiuyou, who had flown through the air and was caught by the energy shock wave, the cloak that covered her waist and waist was instantly shattered, flying everywhere. Like a kite with a broken string, his body flew past Di Kun's head and smashed into a wall.    


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