Tranxending Vision

C2440 Fubiaoyang

C2440 Fubiaoyang

This was the power of the City of the Sun's main cannon. Having lost the second layer's core energy shield, Soul Returning Island was basically unable to withstand a single blow from City of the Sun's main cannon.    


However, Xia Lei had ordered the City of the Sun's main cannons to attack the Guihun Island. His goal was not to save Di Kun, and in fact, he did not even notice the situation where the brothers in the Black Sun Palace were killing each other. The reason why he gave the order to attack Soul Island was because there were a large number of King's Army and Earth King's Army soldiers gathered outside the Black Sun Palace. These people were not commoners, nor were they slaves. They were the descendants of the ruling class of the Empire.    


The civilians and slaves were willing to follow him and make a revolution with him because there was no way out. But the noble disciples who had gathered outside the Black Sun Palace had vested interests in them. They oppressed and exploited the commoners and slaves. And now that he wanted to destroy everything they possessed as nobles and rulers, how could these people submit to him?    


When the Rebel Army attacked other cities, the majority of the defending troops were civilians and slaves. Therefore, once the city gates or walls were broken, the Rebel Army would attack and they would surrender, because they were eager for the city to be occupied and the world to be liberated. But the Doomsday City was different, the Empire's elites were all around. If Xia Lei wanted to destroy everything they had, they would definitely want to eat Xia Lei's flesh and drink his blood. How could they surrender so easily? Furthermore, this was under the condition that Great Emperor Black Sun was not dead yet!    


The war against the Doomsday City would not be like the other cities, it would be a hard battle! Therefore, upon discovering that the Sky King Army and the Earth King Army were gathered together with all of the noble children, how could Xia Lei miss this chance to heavily injure these two pure noble armies?    


With the bombardment, Blazing Flame Mountain became much shorter, and the forests on the island became bare scorched earth. More than half of the Heavenly King Army and Earth King Army soldiers who did not manage to squeeze into the Black Sun Palace were killed by the cannon. Those who had survived by luck were also frightened to death, and rushed towards the Black Sun Palace like madmen.    


In the sky, a blood colored figure flew out from the City of the Sun. The fire phoenix finally appeared on stage. She actually wanted to appear together with Xia Lei in the Doomsday City, but Xia Lei had to make her wait for a while, until he was sure that he was safe before coming out.    


When the Fire Phoenix appeared, this was the signal for the Rebel Army to officially attack.    


Without waiting for her to give any orders, the strongest enemy of the City of the Sun, the Vanguard Dragon and Medelsa swooped down.    


Those who were caught in the middle of the battle would have no chance of surviving. However, the ones who died would definitely not be the huge dragon who was a few hundred metres long and Medelsa who was as big as a mountain. The reason why these two people always rushed to the front of the city walls when attacking was because they were hungry.    


"Brave generals of the empire, take up your weapons and fight! "I have such a big goal, yet you all want to kill me ?" Medelsa's voice.    


"My target is even bigger. It's easy to hit, I promise I won't retaliate ?" The dragon's voice.    


These were the strongest warriors from the City of the Sun, the False Goddess and the Old Liar Dragon.    


The Fire Phoenix was a little speechless as she glanced at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei looked at his gently, "Let's begin."    


Streams of energy swooped down from the sky. On one end was the City of the Sun, and on the other end was the street of the Doomsday City. The warriors of the Rebel Army, who had gathered in the City of the Sun for a long time, charged out from the energy channels one after another.    


Dragon and Medelsa were the vanguard in the fray that could not wait to enter the battlefield.    


All kinds of warplanes and military ship s also went on stage, carrying the battle droid army into the Doomsday City. The scene was as dense as a swarm of hungry locusts.    


There were also the armies of the Ghost-man, giants that were tens of metres tall, invulnerable golden men, agile wingmen that looked like flying birds, stone men with tanks, ape-men with terrifying strength, and excavator s that were good at digging ?    


They were not Rebel Army, but rather, they were the "strategic resources" Six Creators had left for him to defeat him. They were already very strong, Xia Lei even gave them a perfect AE capsule to raise their fighting strength. They are the soldiers of the City of the Sun, and they represent the strongest fighting strength of the City of the Sun!    




Some military ship s and warplanes were shot down, and some Rebel Army warriors were blown away. Before their energy could even reach Doomsday City, they were turned into minced meat, and their blood stained the sky.    


This was war, a cursed demon. Once released, it would lose control and devour everything.    


"Attack!" "Kill!" The voice of the fire phoenix resounded in the sky. It was much more deafening and domineering than the sound of gunfire.    


City of the Sun's energy cannons and all the aerial combat units began to fire crazily at her command, clearing away the Doomsday City's anti-aircraft fire. The glaring energy ammunition s clashed back and forth in the sky. Explosions rang out unceasingly, and people were turned into minced meat. Fighter planes and flying ships fell, and the ground was flattened.    


Burning Flame also came.    


"Auntie Fen Yan, watch her a little, don't let her try to be brave and take the risk." Xia Lei said to Fen Yan. He should actually be calling her mother, but auntie said it smoothly, and Fen Yan and the fire phoenix had never felt unwell either, so even though Xia Lei's wife was pregnant with his child, the fire phoenix and Fen Yan did not correct the term he used to address her as aunt.    


Fen Yan said: "No matter who wants to hurt my child, I won't let them succeed unless I die."    


The Flamephoenix frowned. "Husband, I am now the commander in chief of the entire army. The soldiers are fighting with their lives on the line, yet you want me to stay out of the battlefield?"    


Xia Lei said: "You are pregnant, so even if you do not consider your own safety, you still have to consider the child in your womb. You are the commander in chief, yes, but your greatest responsibility is to command the whole thing, not to charge like a soldier. "    


Upon hearing the word 'child', the Flamephoenix's heart softened. Protecting children was the nature of every mother. A mother would even be willing to die for their child in times of crisis, using their own life in exchange for their child's chance to live on. She was a mother now, too. How could she not think for her children?    


However, even though she knew that Xia Lei was concerned about his safety, the Fire Phoenix's heart was still warm. However, she did not let him off, "Aiya, quickly leave, you're even more long-winded than my mother, you're by my side, I don't even seem like a commander in chief anymore."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Fen Yan winked at Xia Lei.    


"Auntie, look after her well." Xia Lei couldn't help but exclaim.    


Fen Yan nodded.    


The Flamephoenix stared with her eyes wide open.    


Xia Lei's halo was really too strong; as long as Xia Lei was by her side, his light would cover her light. It didn't matter if she wasn't the new King of the night watcher, but she was a woman who was about to become the new King of the night watcher, so she had to walk out of the light of Xia Lei. She floated in the sky, illuminating the battlefield with his deathless wings. She wanted everyone to be able to see her. But when Xia Lei was beside her, he was like a divine Buddha descending to the world, easily overshadowing her radiance. If you don't want me to fight, then I can just shine in the sky, right? But you are brighter than me, how can you not leave?    


This was probably what the Flamephoenix was thinking.    


Xia Lei turned into a golden light and in a blink of an eye, he arrived on the Soul Returning Island.    


The fire phoenix was the main commander in charge of this attack against the Doomsday City. When the Brain Amido was in the sky, he helped her monitor the entire battlefield, so even if she was in the sky, he could still control the entire battlefield through the Brain Amido. Therefore, he didn't need to instruct them on how to fight. If she did, he would steal the spotlight from the Flamephoenix. But he also had his own things to do, which was to eliminate the strongest target in the Doomsday City.    


In front of the Black Sun Palace, the soldiers of the King's army and the King's army who could not squeeze in could only look on helplessly as the golden figure fell from the sky, followed by fear. There were at least tens of thousands of noble soldiers in the Black Sun Palace and outside, but none of them dared to charge towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei walked towards the Black Sun Palace step by step. The golden light surrounded his body and the sacred and mysterious Energetic Rune shone from the golden light.    


There was no god in the world, but there were miracles everywhere.    


Very quickly, Xia Lei arrived at the place where the noble warriors were gathered. It was not some battle formation, but a crowded scene where people wanted to hide from the Black Sun Palace but were unable to do so at the moment. Xia Lei closed in step by step, but they already had no way out. Therefore, every step Xia Lei got closer to them, caused their nervousness and fear to increase even more. The full score was ten, but before Xia Lei could do anything to them, their bodies were already filled with anxiety and fear.    


This was the Dragon King! In the entire empire, only the Great Emperor Black Sun could fight against him, who would be able to?    


In the end, there was no other way.    


Standing in front of Xia Lei was the commander of the Earth King Army, a noble who had the title of Count. Just before the appearance of the City of the Sun, he was still yearning for the many benefits Di Jiuyou could obtain after he ascended to the position of storage monarch. Just as Di Jiuyou was having fun, he had even informed his butler to prepare some good wine, delicacies and beauties in a private manor outside the city, preparing to invite some decent people to celebrate with him. But in the blink of an eye, he faced the most terrifying foe of his life.    


Xia Lei stopped walking, "Are Di Jiuyou's people, or are they Di Kun's people?"    


The Earth King Legion Commander was covered in sweat. He wanted to reply, but no words would come out of his mouth. No matter what, he was still the commander of the Earth King Legion, so his strength definitely wasn't low. But in front of Xia Lei, there was simply no comparison between mortals and divine Buddhas. Xia Lei didn't do anything, but the deterring force emitted from Xia Lei's body was like a huge mountain pressing on top of his head. He was not even breathing well, how could he have the guts to admit that he was Di Jiuyou's man?    


However, there was a god in his head. Although he didn't dare to admit it, but the thoughts and actions of his brain had exposed all the secrets in his body. Including that inhumane secret, he liked little boys.    


"Scum." Xia Lei suddenly extended his hand out.    


Xia Lei's speed was not fast at all, it was only normal for him to reach out to his, but the Earth King Legion's leader could only watch helplessly as his body seemed to be shackled by an unbreakable chain of energy. There was nothing he could do!    


Xia Lei grabbed the Earth King Army Leader's neck.    


All the nobles and officers watched on helplessly, but none of them dared to charge forward.    


But right at this moment, Di Jiuyou's voice suddenly came out from the Black Sun's Main Hall, "If you dare kill him, I'll kill Di Kun."    


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