Tranxending Vision

C2453 God gifted king

C2453 God gifted king

The City of the Sun descended into the wilderness in the eastern suburbs of Doomsday City. However, waiting for them was not an arduous task of rebuilding their home. The new area that was initially expanded for night watcher to live in was also separated out, and it was the same as bringing their home and moving to the Wasteland. Xia Lei even gave them the Heart of Ice from the Ice Plains City s to help them solve the problem of energy shield and water source.    


Three days later, the Suspension City and the Creation City separated. One flew into the sky, while the other stayed in the wasteland.    


The night watcher did not complain about the overall move this time because they were, after all, the aboriginals of the Dark Death World, and the Suspension City's weather system was something that was difficult for them to accept. They did not like strong light and had more oxygen, but the Suspension City's weather was standard on Earth. It changed day and night, and there were times when the sun shone brightly every day. From time to time, it would rain, causing them to think that it was true night. Therefore, moving out would be more comfortable for them. Furthermore, the destruction of the Black Sun Empire and the establishment of the new Nirvana Empire would mean that there would be more opportunities to live near the Doomsday City.    


Compared to night watcher calmly accepting it, Ghost-man had her own opinions.    


"Oh Great Seventh God, why did you separate us? We are your most pious subjects. " Inside the Creation City's pyramid, the Golden Crow Clan's patriarch, San Nai Hua, said to Xia Lei.    


At the same time, there were five other clan leaders. They were the Apeman Clan's Fourth Forest Lord, the Winged Clan's Clan Chief Er Shuang Fei, the Giant Clan's Clan Chief Yi Da, the Stone Clan's Clan Chief Wu Yan and the excavator's Clan Chief Liu Tusheng. The patriarchs of the six Ghost-man s were all unable to understand Xia Lei's decision. Just at this moment, Suspension City rose into the air and left. When Xia Lei arrived at the Six God Pyramids to summon the six clan leaders, many Ghost-man s were kneeling on the plaza outside the pyramid. To them, this was equivalent to being abandoned by God.    


Xia Lei said: "I summoned you here to explain the situation to you. I am not leaving you, but for a short period of time."    


"Oh Great Seventh God, why did you want to separate from us?" The patriarch of excavator, Liu Tusheng asked with tears flowing down her face.    


If one were to say who amongst all the Ghost-man was closest to Xia Lei, and if one truly saw Xia Lei as the person who created their own god, then that would be Liu Tusheng, because he was indeed a creation of Xia Lei. To him, Xia Lei was equivalent to his father god.    


Xia Lei said: "This separation is to welcome the return of the six gods." He turned around to face the idol of the Six Creators standing tall in the middle of the pyramid. "All that I have done is to welcome the return of the Six Gods, and this day is coming. Believe me, I will return to the Creation City with the six gods. On that day, I will join the Six Gods and all of you to start a new era. "    


This was obviously not Xia Lei's real thoughts, this was just to comfort the Ghost-man. He definitely could not tell the Ghost-man created by the Six Creators that she was opposing your creator, so she definitely could not be together with you.    


"Since that's the case, we should follow the will of the great Seventh God, and follow her orders." Stone Men Tribe's Patriarch, Wu Yan said: "However, there cannot be a lack of leaders in Creation City. I hope that before Seventh God leaves, she will choose a leader for us."    


Just as he finished speaking, the head of the Giant Tribe, Big Mountain, said: "I, One Mountain have always been impartial and strict. I recommended myself to the great Seventh God as the leader of the Creation City."    


Wu Yan's eyes immediately filled with anger, "Yi Shan, if you are the leader and I am the first one who is unconvinced, then I, Wu Yan, will have a higher prestige than you in Creation City."    


The Winged Clan Chief, Second Twin Flying said, "Stop arguing. Why don't you all recommend me? I'm more suited to be the leader of the Creation City."    


Apeman Clan Head Fourth Forest Lord said: "Which one of you is more suitable to be Creation City's leader than my Fourth Forest Lord?"    


"Haha!" "What a joke!" "I'm more suitable than you," said the Golden Race's clan head, Sanne-Flower.    


Out of the six clan leaders, only excavator's clan head, Liu Tusheng, did not propose anything. The other five were all fighting to be the leaders of the Creation City.    


Xia Lei said: "All of you, stop fighting. Liu Tusheng, you can become the city lord of Creation City."    


"Me? "I ?" Liu Tusheng immediately became nervous.    


The head of the Stone People Clan, Wu Yan said: "Great Seventh God, you see he can't even speak clearly, how can he be the leader of the Creation City?"    


"Humph!" Xia Lei let out a cold snort, his voice sounded like lightning, "Are you questioning my decision?"    


With a heavy pressure on his body, his divine might was like a mountain!    


Wu Yan dropped to his knees, his face ashen. "I-I don't dare."    


Xia Lei's eyes shone with a gold light, he swept his gaze across the other four clan leaders, "Do you want to question my decision?"    


The other four clan leaders also knelt down, lowering their heads, praising Seventh God, but expressing that they did not dare.    


Xia Lei said: "Then it's decided, Liu Tusheng, from now on, you are the Creation City's City Lord, my orders will be directly sent to you."    


Liu Tusheng kneeled down, "Great Seventh God, I will strictly carry out all of your orders."    


Xia Lei nodded his head, and said: "All five of you, remember this clearly, Liu Tusheng's orders from now on are to follow my orders, you must follow them, you cannot go against them, or else you will go against my wishes!"    


"Yes, Great Seventh God." The other five Patriarchs hurriedly responded.    


To question Liu Tusheng's orders was to question his orders, who would dare to go against the orders from the Seventh God, who was with the six gods?    


The reason why Xia Lei wanted Liu Tusheng to become the Creation City's Mayor and lead the Ghost-man was not because of a casual decision, but a decision that he made after thinking about it. Liu Tusheng was created by him, and from a certain sense, it had already escaped the control of the six gods, or it could be said to be a mechanism. Letting such a Ghost-man lead the group of Creation City was the best for him because he could control them using the remote control.    


Xia Lei took out a black stone, which was the treasure that he had obtained from the treasury of the Black Sun Palace. He released the True King's Crown from the Self-treasure and placed it on Liu Tusheng's head.    


Liu Tusheng said in fear: "Great Seventh God, this is the crown of the True Kings, I am not worthy of this crown."    


The other five clan leaders of the Ghost-man looked at the crown on Liu Tusheng's head enviously, because they knew that the crown was meant to be used to control the Creation City. If Liu Tusheng was wearing the crown, then it would not be as simple as being the leader appointed by the Seventh God, but it would be a true control of the Creation City!    


Xia Lei said: "The Ghost-man has built its own country, so a nation requires a king. I now bestow upon you the title of King of Ghost-man, from now on you shall be the King of Divine Gift. "    


The King of Divine Gift, the Innate King!    


Xia Lei brought the Western medieval style from Earth over.    


At the same time, Xia Lei's voice came out from the Creation City and was heard by all of the Ghost-man outside. Thus, the Ghost-man's King of Divine Gift was born. Liu Tusheng's authority was bestowed upon him by the gods, hence there was no room for doubt.    


"Liu Tusheng, go. Face all the Ghost-man with your identity as the King bestowed by God." Xia Lei said.    


"Yes, Great Seventh God." Liu Tusheng got up and left.    


The other five patriarchs of the Ghost-man stood up and followed Liu Tusheng. Although the other five Patriarchs felt resentment in their hearts, they did not dare to show it.    


After the six Patriarchs left, the inside of the pyramid was completely silent without a single sound.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved to the six deities that stood within the space within the pyramid, and looked at them. Only after a good while did he manage to utter a single sentence, "My life is not up to the heavens, nor is it yours. If you must destroy this universe, even if you create me, I will stand against you. "    


There was no response from the six deities, nor would there be any response.    


Cheers came from outside the pyramid, the loudest was naturally excavator. Their Clan Chief, Liu Tusheng, had become the King of Divine Gift, which meant that they were no longer the excavator who suffered greatly from humiliation and discrimination, but were now a "Royal Family".    


Xia Lei left the godly temple, releasing a golden light that shot into the sky and disappeared in the sky in the blink of an eye.    


All the Ghost-man s kowtowed and praised Seventh God loudly.    


Not long after Xia Lei left, the Seven Colored Pond in the lower city of Creation City suddenly became active again. One after another, bubbles that were bigger than the head of a human rose up from the pool and then burst apart. The mysterious energy field also continued to grow stronger.    


In the Creation City, a giant suddenly stopped his worship of the Seventh God, stood up, and then left the plaza.    


"Hey, Big Brother, where are you going?" a giant asked.    


The giant that was called 'the biggest' turned his head and looked back. His eyes did not look normal. His fist-sized eyes were filled with rainbow-colored divine light.    


"Big Brother, what happened to your eyes?" the giant asked with concern.    


Big Brother did not answer, but turned his head and left the square.    


The giant looked confused. "Strange, what's wrong with him? "It was fine just now."    


After leaving the plaza, they directly entered the lower city through the entrance. Then, they arrived in front of the Seven Colored Pond in the forest.    


Blisters were bubbling out of the Seven Colored Pond, and the rhythm seemed to have some sort of magic.    


He quietly watched the bubbles for a while, then suddenly jumped into the Rainbow Pond. Time slowly passed, but he did not emerge from the pool again.    


A little later, a winged person also appeared in the forest. He arrived beside the pool and silently stood there for a while before jumping into the pool. He did not get up again.    


A little later, Golden Man also arrived at the pond ?    


Xia Lei returned to the Suspension City.    


"Amido, has Creation City made any unusual movements?" Bronze Finch Palace, Xia Lei went straight to the point.    


Brain Amido said, "I have been monitoring Creation City, but ?"    


"But what?"    


"It's strange, a lot of information is not accurate anymore. Even the monitoring images are blurry. Especially the forest, the surveillance cameras I left in the forest have almost lost their function." The Brain Amido said.    


Xia Lei said: "It doesn't matter, I will have Liu Tusheng lead the Ghost-man, in a while I will have him give me a detailed report."    


"Where are we going now?" Brain Amido asked.    


Xia Lei replied: "Return to Doomsday City."    


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