Tranxending Vision

C2481 Dark three giants

C2481 Dark three giants

The Glory and the Sacred Blue Moon landed. The black sand that filled the sky fell, falling even more densely than the drizzle.    


As cabin doors opened one after another, fully armed blue moon man Warriors and battle droid walked down the spiral stairs. There were also heavy war equipment. However, it was a lot worse than when the City of the Sun attacked the Doomsday City back then.    


This alliance with the Great Emperor Black Sun and the Pope of the Darkness Divine Religion was a rare opportunity for New Mas to revive the blue moon man's civilization.    


However, the opportunity often accompanied by risk, because the opponent this time was the Dragon King.    


Under the crowd of a large group of black robed warriors, New Mas walked down the spiral staircase that the bridge of the Honor had put down. He had the form of an old man from the blue moon man, with blue skin, big eyes, and a very small nose and mouth, no different from the blue moon man on the Star of Hope.    


The black-robed warriors protecting Newmas were not equipped with any energy arms, they were all equipped with swords, sticks, axes, and even cold weapons such as chains, balls, spears.    


The Lan Yue on the Star of Hope had a common term for this kind of black-robed warrior, which was Lunar-core Warrior. But in the Dark Death World, in the world city, they were collectively known as the Life Severing Warriors. They were the core and the strongest fighting force of the royal family led by Numa. Their intention was to put their lives on the line to survive.    


"My old friend, I can't remember how long it has been since we last saw each other, but I didn't expect to meet again on this occasion." As he stepped onto the last step of the bridge's spiral staircase, New Mas' figure flashed, and he was so fast that no one could clearly see him. By the time they could clearly see him, he was already on the sand dune where Great Emperor Black Sun was.    


Great Emperor Black Sun said, "You really haven't changed. You still like to put on airs. Who did you bring so many people to show to? Dragon King? Or me? "    


The Great Emperor Black Sun of the past practically controlled the fate of the entire Dark Death World. When he traveled, she needed tens of millions of soldiers to accompany him. But now, he was truly alone. He was only a subordinate, and that was the Diaro who suffered from "Alzheimer's disease". If that guy wasn't scolding him but asking him for food, what could she do?    


Great Emperor Black Sun was in the most difficult predicament in her life and was very sensitive.    


"Great Emperor, what do you mean by this? Do you not like that I have brought my men here for our common purpose? If so, I can go back now. "    


A ball of anger suddenly ignited in Great Emperor Black Sun's heart, but this time he suppressed it and did not vent it out.    


To Newmas, if it was before, he would not even dare to say a single disrespectful or doubtful word in front of Great Emperor Black Sun. During the time the Great Emperor Black Sun was in control of the Black Sun Empire, he didn't even dare to see his because he was worried that if he was unhappy, he would kill him and the blue moon man would be done for.    


Last time when Great Emperor Black Sun asked him to send troops to help them fight against Rebel Army, New Mas did not refuse. He asked for troops and asked for boats, but that army was swallowed up by Xia Lei's Rebel Army. When he thought about this matter, Newmas felt displeased. When he saw that not only did Great Emperor Black Sun not receive a single word of thanks, Great Emperor Black Sun actually showed him a greeting with a smile on her face.    


Actually, the alliance between the Three Great Leaders of the Dark Death World was not as strong as they had imagined. The Darkness Divine Religion's Pope had secretly participated in overthrowing the s of the Black Sun Dynasty, plotting to control the s to become the third extreme of Dark Death World s. How could Great Emperor Black Sun not know about this? And the blue moon man, how could the blue moon man forget about the hatred of her country that was suppressed by the Black Sun Empire? When the Black Sun Empire was still alive, Numa Si was still a little afraid. Now that the Black Sun Empire was dead, how could he let go of this opportunity to divide up the benefits?    


Therefore, the so-called alliance was just three communities of interests that each had their own agenda. In fact, if Xia Lei did not exist as a common enemy, based on what Newmas had said just now, the Great Emperor Black Sun would have been able to kill him!    


This was how the two emperors met. After each of them spoke a few words, there was no further interaction between them.    


A hatch in the sacred Blue Moon opened and a robotic vehicle came down the spiral staircase. There were more than a hundred Life Severing Warriors escorting it from both sides. All of them appeared to be on high alert and cautious. It was not because of anything else but because there was an energy cage inside the carriage of the robot, and in that energy cage was locked up a very special person ? ? Shenyue Ruyi.    


Before the prison cart reached the desert, the sky above the sand dune where Great Emperor Black Sun and Newmas were standing trembled, and an extremely tall and well-deserved figure appeared at that very moment. He was much taller than Great Emperor Black Sun and Newmas. The feeling he gave others when standing together with the two kings was that he was the king, while the Great Emperor Black Sun and Newmas were only his vassals.    


The Darkness Divine Religion's Pope also went up on stage. Different from Newmas, he actually brought less people this time than the Great Emperor Black Sun, because he came alone.    


"Numa, you brought so many people ?" The Pope had not even finished speaking when he noticed the displeasure on Newmas' face. He also laughed and said, "You truly care. With you joining us, we have no reason not to succeed."    


Newmas calmly said, "The Pope is too courteous. I've already accomplished what I should do. Now it's up to you guys to do what needs to be done."    


The Pope's line of sight shifted to the robot carriage. At this moment, the carriage had just descended the spiral staircase and entered the desert. Through the flickering energy cage, he could vaguely see a woman that was shackled with energy. Although it was his first time seeing the blue moon lady from the pure energy individual s, he knew that she was Shenyue Ruyi.    


Inside the energy cage, Shenyue Ruyi also saw the three big shots of Dark Death World standing on top of the sand dune. She seemed to have realized something and his emotions went out of control, "Kill me! If you have the guts, then kill me! "Bastards!"    


The Pope wrinkled his brow, "Can't you just let her be a bit more quiet?" The Dragon King is probably going to arrive soon. If the Dragon King were to hear such a voice, it would be unfavorable for us. She's the only card in our hand. "    


"Give her a taste."    


"Yes sir!" The commander of one of the Suicide Warriors then responded to Numa's order.    


The death warriors on both sides of the robot carriage simultaneously swung their weapons towards the energy cage. In that instant, almost two hundred dark energy spears plunged into the energy cage.    


"Ah ? ?" Shenyue Ruyi let out a miserable cry.    


This energy cage was designed for pure energy individual s. It was the highest technology of the blue moon man, but it was also not only a technology, it could also be used for energy. Those Suicide Warriors were the same as the Lunar-core Warriors on the Star of Hope. One was not strong, but they could receive the energy from Glory.    


This was also the reason why Numa had brought his account with him. This was because only his account would be able to enter the most powerful state in his Suicide Warrior Legion.    


This kind of punishment caused Shenyue Ruyi to become unstable. However, she seemed to be in extreme pain and he was no longer able to speak.    


On the dune, Newmas smiled. "Isn't that fine? Everything is under my control. "    


The Pope said, "Since the two of you have come, then I will get down to proper business." My Holy Maiden sent a very important piece of news from Doomsday City, Di Yin is about to be born. "    


Great Emperor Black Sun was moved, "Is this for real?"    


The Pope said, "Of course it's true. At that time, Di Yin and the Dragon King were both in the temporary palace. She saw it with her own eyes."    


"So you're saying that Di Yin is not able to come?" There was a strange expression on Numa's face. When she spoke, he seemed to be pondering over something.    


"Hahaha ?" The Great Emperor Black Sun suddenly laughed. Her laughter came from the bottom of her heart, as if the Pope had brought him this news.    


Newmas and Pope Yuan Yuan all looked at Great Emperor Black Sun, but did not ask him why she was laughing. The corners of the Pope's mouth also held a hint of a smile, a feeling that was very mysterious.    


The Great Emperor Black Sun muttered to herself, "Life is good, life is good, the things that are destined to happen will happen no matter what, it's just that the method is different. Did he think he'd won everything? "Haha, her nightmare is just beginning."    


"Great Emperor, there are some things that cannot be said." The Pope said in a low voice.    


Great Emperor Black Sun's mood improved as he replied, "Alright, I won't say anymore. We'll wait here for the kid and kill him. I've fought with him before, and his strength is on par with mine. Neither of us can kill the other. However, if you two are included, then he's dead for sure. "    


Numa said, "The Dragon King is a very smart man. I think he can see that this is a trap. If he knew this was a trap, would he still come? "    


The Pope laughed and said, "He is indeed an intelligent enemy, but he has a fatal weakness, and that is a woman. If it were you and me, would we have negotiated for a woman? He clearly doesn't need to agree to the peace talks, but he agreed instead, just because we have his woman in our hands, which means she's Shenyue Ruyi in her cage. From what I know, he even pursued the name of Seaside City's previous City Master, Yuan Taimei. "    


"He really is an emotional person. Although he is our common enemy, I still admire him when it comes to chasing women, hahaha!" Numa couldn't help but laugh.    


The Great Emperor Black Sun said in a deep voice, "No matter what, this is our last chance. Once he comes, we cannot let him escape. We'll join hands and kill him right here and now! "    


"It's not hard for the three of us to kill him together, but what happens after we kill him?" Numa said something.    


The Pope Yuan Yuan also stared at the Great Emperor Black Sun, waiting for his reply.    


Before the prey had fallen into the trap, the three hunters had already started to plan out the distribution of the prey.    


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